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WoW reborn (sort of..)


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I've had an idea for a while now but i'm powerless to make it real. So i am just going to make a post here and ramble on about it.

My idea is for World of Warcraft's story line (raids,dungeons,quest lines) to be remade into a new game where you go through all of wow's story in a single player game.

I like this concept because it would make an epic story a lot easier to experience then the standard 'play wow for 5 months to get good enough and fat enough to do the end boss raids procedure.'

Since it would be single player and not MMO the combat and graphics could be improved to make things more epic because lets be honest the same macro's and spell rotations is not fun all you do is click on something once then use hotkeys and clicks till it dies.. oh wait that's just about every game... But still it could be so awesome if it was done right a lot of people get into wow for the story then they get to a certain level before they realize the storytelling is kinda weak and the game is just repetitive until you get something new which is either useless or becomes something you spam till its "meh" at best.

Anyway i was thinking the game play could be similar to any open world RPG game and just follow wows story, i think it would be cool. Of course this would be a large scale project that would rival any triple A game and would require the same amount of time,money and effort to accomplish, so i wont go around demanding it be made. I would love to hear from you guys if any of you think this would be cool or at least mildly interesting.

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Warcraft's story is already a single player game; It's called Warcraft 3.

For tons of stories from WoW, there are lots of downloadable single-player campaigns made by fans to play with WC3. That is the closest thing there is to your idea, so you should check it out.

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BRUH BRUH BRUH i kno bout war3 i played it finished k. lol wtf is with me im just kidding man. anyway i meant the story past warcraft 3 like vanilla wow all the way through to wow legion

That's where the user-made campaigns work very well. They cover lots of story, before and after WC3.

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A bit unrelated but if you want an MMO with a good (imo) single-player story you should totally try the Star Wars MMO

Its done by Bioware and largely free-to-play (you loose out on some perks of being a member but not too many that its impossible to play).

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