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3L1T3 H4X0RS (A Pokemon Rejuvenation Ground-type Intense Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Hello, and welcome to my third mono-type run of Pokemon Rejuvenation, after my Water-type mono-type run and the aborted effort that was my Fire/Fairy duo-type run. This time around, we'll be playing as Cepras, a young, nerdy boy who's cousins with Terra, but fled the Reborn Region with his mother when Terra joined Team Meteor to avoid getting ensnared in Team Meteor's affairs.

Anyway, here's the team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 35

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 36

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 34

537.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 35

076.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 36

323.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 35

Here's the Pokemon I have on the PC:

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 26

074.pngShadowhunter (Female) - Lv. 13

027.pngAmy (Female) - Lv. 20

Here's this run's mascot courtesy of SLO-MO-TION on DeviantArt:


Here's the major foes I have to beat so far:

130-m.pngDimensional Rift Gyrados (Defeated!)

336.pngVenam (Defeated!)

448.pngKeta (Body) (Defeated!)

150.pngShadow Mewtwo (Defeated!)

701.pngKeta (Soul) (Defeated!)

289.pngMarianette (Defeated!)

Spr_3r_000.pngNarcissa (undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngMadame X's Yveltal (undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngValerie (udefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngCrawli (undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngAngie (undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngAmber (undefeated)

And finally, this run's theme song!

Oh, and don't worry, this won't interfere with Hardcore Punk Rock. When one run gets too stressful, I'll switch to the other.

Wish me luck! ('_')7

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I hope it's not that Whipped Dream that ruined the Fire/Fairy run, the only options for ground starters are Mudkip and Turtwig~

Oh, don't worry, the Whipped Dream didn't kill the Fire/Fairy run; it was mainly lack of a solid counter to Valerie. Once she gets nerfed, I'll go after her again.


Update #1: Also Try Minecraft

Well, the rival fights were actually kind of difficult. The first fight with Amaria ended with Terraria the Turtwig (my starter) barely hanging on with one hit point to finish off Amaria's Fennekin with a mighty tackle (even though the rest of the fight was an uneventful tacklefest). The Ren battle was significantly easier, though; Terraria was able to outspeed Ren's Froakie, and took it down with three tackles while tanking two pounds! Time to get more team members!

The team so far:

387.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 7

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Oh, a ground type run will be interesting, I can't wait to see how this goes, Angie isn't going to like you, Valerie may be a problem as well, good luck to you sir!

Hey, thanks! I'm not too too worried about those battles; I mean, I'll have Camerupt and Seismitoad for Angie and Valerie (respectively), so I think I'll be fine.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates; I had a little trouble finding a Nidoran Male and a Nidoran Female. Turns out I was looking in the wrong spot. :P Regardless, let's welcome Giovanni the Nidoran Male, Not Giovanni the Nidoran Female, and Savage the Bunnelby onto the team! Without further ado...

Update #2: Night of the Living Trash

Well, the Gabodor Gang wasn't too bad. I led with Savage, Ren led with Murkrow, and the gang led with two Trubbish. Savage got poisoned and Murkrow got poisoned and hit with a pound, but Savage and Murkrow managed to pull through and took down Trubbish with two astonishes and three quick attacks (one of which was a critical hit), and out came the Garbodor. Poor Savage fainted from two pounds from both the Garbodor and the Trubbish, but Murkrow was able to do some damage with an astonish and a pursuit. Unfortunately, it fainted from two pounds, but Terraria did some damage to Trubbish with a tackle. Ren's Froakie came out next, and while Garbodor set up toxic spikes and Trubbish posioned both of our Pokemon with a posion gas, Terraria and Froakie ended the Trubbish with a tackle and a bubble. All that remained was the Garbodor. Froakie paralyzed it with two licks, and got off a bubble; Terraria, meanwhile, began spamming tackle, taking advantage of the defense drop caused by Garbodor's weak armor. Froakie then stole the kill with a bubble and a lick, ending the fight! Time to head out to the Goldenwood Forest!

The team so far:

387.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 14

659.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 13

032.pngGiovanni - Lv. 12

029.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 12

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Update #3: One-Course Melia

Well, Melia was tricky, but I think I handled her pretty well. The funny thing is, I actually had to fight her twice, because the first time I beat her my team was too weak to defeat the Team Xen Grunt waiting for me outside. Anyway, on my second attempt, I led with our newest team member- Jack the Geodude- and Melia led with her Doduo. Jack tanked two rages, a peck, and a fury attack; he then set up three rock polishes, prepared a defense curl, and unleashed a rollout, one-shotting the Doduo. However, just as I was preparing for an easy sweep of Melia's team, her newly-sent out Minccino managed to dodge a rollout and land an aqua tail, almost knocking out Jack! Luckily, Jack was able to land one last magnitude-8 bulldoze before fainting, but not being able to sweep Melia's team made this considerably harder. Anyway, with Jack down, I sent out Giovanni, and while Melia healed Minccino, I had Giovanni set up a focus energy, then tank a flail and end the Minccino with a mighty critical-hit boosted double kick! Up next came Melia's Eevee, and Giovanni managed to tank a mud-slap and finish off Eevee with two double kicks and a peck, making Melia use up her second potion! Melia sent out her Teddiursa, and Giovanni managed to take it out with (again) two double kicks (three, actually; he missed one) and a peck, as well as making Melia use up her last Potion! However, Giovanni was pretty wounded by then (Teddiursa had gotten off a feint attack and two licks, so he was only on 5 hit points), so I switched him out for Not Giovanni while Melia sent out her ace- Happiness the Togepi. Not Giovanni managed to poison Happiness with a poison sting but got her attack lowered quite a bit by two charms, so I switched out to Terraria. Togepi used metronome, which turned into shadow force, of all things, so Terraria was kind of just standing there for a turn until Togepi came back out. Luckily, Terraria was able to end it the next turn with a razor leaf, ending the fight! And now, for a leisurely walk back to the train... or at least, that's what would have happened, but Team Xen has other plans...

The team so far:

387.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 14

659.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 14

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 16

029.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 15

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 14

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Update #4: Hey I'm Farst, I'm Not So Farst

Well, Eli and Sharon were... kind of underwhelming. I led with Terraria, and Eli and Sharon led with Lunatone. Lunatone got off a confusion, but Terraria unleashed two mighty razor leaves, making Eli and Sharon waste their only potion and leaving Lunatone with only a sliver of health. Eli and Sharon decided to switch Lunatone out for Solrock, but Terraria managed to get of an absorb while they switched, then tanked a psywave and ended the sun-shaped chunk of rock with two more razor leaves. Sadly, he had been left rather weak by the psywave, so Lunatone was able to finish him off with a confusion; fortunately, Lunatone had only a sliver of health left, so Savage was able to finish it off with a quick attack! Time to confront Geara and the Dimensional Rift Gyrados... I'm so not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

387.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 16

659.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 16

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 16

029.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 15

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 15

535.pngShadow Tympole (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #5: Rift Tracks

Well, normally, Zetta would have been easy... however, considering I still have to fight the Dimensional Rift Gyrados without healing, he was surprisingly tricky. I led with Jack, and he led with Murkrow. Murkrow got off a peck and an astonish, but Jack shrugged it off, set up a defense curl, and unleashed a rollout, OHKOing the Murkrow! Unfortunately, when Zetta's Sneasel came out, Jack flinched from a bite, so I switched him out for Giovanni. Giovanni managed to tank two ice shards and took the Sneasel down with a double kick, leading to Zetta sending out his shadow Duskull. I sent out Savage, and although he missed a take down, he was able to both lower it to yellow health with a quick attack (plus hyper mode damage) and survive two shadow waves, allowing me to catch the Duskull (y'know, for completion's sake; it's not like I could use it)! All that remained was arguably Zetta's toughest Pokemon: Weezing. I sent out Terraria, and while he was able to do some damage with a tackle, Weezing took off half of his health with a smog, so I swapped him out for Not Giovanni. Not Giovanni set up two tail whips and got off two scratches while dodging two smogs and tanking two assurances and a smog; however, at this point, she only had 2 hit points left, so I swapped her out for my Shadow Tympole, which managed to do some serious damage with a shadow wave. Sadly, it was also almost out of health by this point thanks to two tackles, so I switched it out for Jack, who managed to finish the job with a rollout, ending the fight! And now, the true difficulty is about to reveal itself... wish me luck...

The team so far:

387.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 17

659.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 16

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 16

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 16

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 16

535.pngShadow Tympole (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #6: Gyra-D'OH-s

I DID IT! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D BE ABLE TO PULL IT OFF, BUT I BEAT THE DIMENSIONAL RIFT GYRADOS! (cough) Um, anyway, on TEH URN I led with the Shadow Tympole, and his quick claw managed to activate, allowing him to get off a shadow wave before fainting to an ice fang. Not Giovanni came out next, and her bulk allowed her to survive a fire fang and set up a tail whip before fainting. I then sent out Giovanni, but he fainted from a fire fang before getting to do anything. Savage went out afterwards, and he got off a quick attack before fainting. Then, the stars aligned and when Jack came out, the Gyrados missed an ice fang, allowing Jack to get off a rollout; then, Jack managed to tank an ice fang thanks to sturdy, and unleashed one last rollout, ending the Gyrados' scaly rump! With the forest debacle cleared and Melia on the run, it's time to get our first badge so we can follow after her!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 18

659.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 16

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 16

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 16

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 19

535.pngShadow Tympole (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #7: Judy Was A Punk Rocker That was a weird song...

Well, Venam was a close battle, but I think it could have gone a lot worse. I led with Jack, and she led with her newly-caught Trubbish. Jack unleashed a magnitude, which not only became a 9, but also got a critical hit, one-shotting the Trubbish! Next up came the potential run-ender: Tentacool. I switched to Terraria, but he fainted from a venoshock before he could do anything. Undeterred, I sent out Savage, and he OHKO'ed it with a take down! Up next came another potential run-ender, Ivysaur. Savage managed to tank a venoshock (why didn't it just use razor leaf or something like that?) and did massive damage with a take down, but Ivysaur managed to survive and got healed with a potion from Venam. Despite this, it still went down from two quick attacks, leading to Venam sending out her Stunky. Sadly, at this point Savage got overleveled, and he failed to land a single hit for about four turns before fainting to Stunky's unrelenting barrage of Venam's kisses. I sent out Jack again, and he tanked a shadow claw and fired off a magnitude... that turned into a level 4. (sigh) Jack the Gyrados-slayer, everyone. Anyway, the next turn Venam managed to set up a torment and fire off a flame burst, causing Jack to fail a magnitude; luckily, this gave him an opportunity to set up a rock polish, and fire off a magnitude, taking down the Stunky! Then came out Haunter. For about five seconds, I panicked... then it used a physical move. Twice. Despite mainly being a specially-attacking Pokemon. Um, Jan? Why? Anyway, it was actually able to do quite a bit of damage to Jack, and it whittled him down to 6 hit points before he was able to take it down with every-other-turn rollouts. Finally, it fell, and Venam sent out her ace: Seviper. Jack managed to survive a Venam's kiss with just one hit point left, and did massive damage with a magnitude, leaving (after the sitrus berry) Seviper with roughly half health. I then sent out Not Giovanni, and although she got paralyzed from a swagger and injured herself in confusion, she did manage to snap out immediately afterwards and do significant damage with three scratches before fainting to a venoshock. All that remained on my team was Giovanni, and he tanked a Venam's Kiss to end the Seviper with two mighty pecks, ending the fight! Now to save Melia!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 19

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 21

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 20

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 19

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 20

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Update #8: Gang Bangers

Well, mistakes were made on the Karrina battle, but ultimately, I think it could have gone worse. I led with Not Giovanni, and she led with her Vullaby. Not Giovanni only got off two poison sweeps before the Vullaby's barrage of air slashes and gusts lowered her HP to only eight hit points, forcing me to switch out to Jack. Even Jack the Gyrados-slayer had a tough time with it, losing about half of his health before taking it down with a critical-hit boosted rollout. I kept him on the field when Karrina's Grovyle came out... and he promptly fainted from an energy ball. -_- Smooth going, me. I sent out Giovanni next, but he was only able to get off a single poison sweep before fainting to two energy balls. Undeterred, I sent out Savage, and he actually managed to take it down with a mighty quick attack! Up next came Karrina's Venonat, and I sent out Terraria, of all Pokemon. As expected, he took massive damage from a bug bite, so I switched him out for Not Giovanni, who fainted before she could do anything. Savage came back out, and did massive damage with a take down, ending the Venonat. All that remained was Karrina's ace: Audino. I sent Terraria back out, and he tanked two doubleslaps and fired off three razor leaves. Unfortunately, by this point, Terraria was down to seven hit points, so I switched him out for Savage, and even though he missed a take down hit managed to survive three doubleslaps and ended the Audino with two quick attacks! And so, Cepras acquired the TM for rock smash! Time to continue onward to Route 2!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 20

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 23

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 20

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 20

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 21

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Update #9: Psych(ic)ed Out

Well, Nim was... kind of easy. I led with Terraria and the Shadow Tympole (whom I had purified and nicknamed Kermit), and Nim led with her Solrock and Lunatone. Solrock and Lunatone ganged up on Kermit with a fire spin and a confusion, but Kermit survived and unleashed a bubblebeam onto Solrock, leaving it to be KO'd by a razor leaf from Terraria! Nim sent out her Inkay next, but the next turn she swapped her weakened Lunatone out for her Espurr. The poor Espurr got pummeled by Kermit and Terraria with a razor leaf and a bubblebeam; the Inkay, meanwhile, got off a psywave that did considerable damage to Terraria. The next turn Espurr almost KO'd Terraria with a psybeam while Inkay smacked Kermit with a feint attack, but they held on and unleashed a razor leaf/bubblebeam combo that demolished both Inkay and Espurr. All that remained was Nim's Lunatone, but it went down fast to a bubblebeam from Kermit, ending the fight! Now time to take on Zetta!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 22

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 23

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 22

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 21

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 22

535.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 23

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Update #10: Arachnophobia

Well, Zetta wasn't too bad. I led with Giovanni, Venam led with Whirlipede, and Zetta led with Sneasel and Croagunk. Sneasel got off a night slash on Whirlipede, but it went down fast to a Venam's kiss and a double kick from Giovanni. Croagunk, meanwhile, did massive damage to Giovanni with a mud bomb, but he survived and hit Zetta's newly-sent-out Absol with a posion sweep while Absol taunted it. Whiripede smacked Absol with a Venam's kiss, and Croagunk, even though it could have easily taken Giovanni out with another mud bomb, unleashed a revenge on Giovanni, which only did chip damage. The next turn, Giovanni ended the Absol with a second poison sweep, and Whirlipede unleashed a bug bite onto Croagunk while it smacked Giovanni with a revenge. Up next came Zetta's Quilladin, and it took massive damage from a poison sweep and a Venam's kiss, but held on and took Giovanni down with a mega drain while Croagunk hit Whirlipede with a mud bomb. Fortunately, Not Giovanni came out and did massive damage with a posion sweep, ending the Quilladin! All that remained was Zetta's Croagunk, and it actually put up a pretty good fight. It managed to take out Not Giovanni with two mud bombs, but not before she got off a poison sweep and a bite. Whirlipede, meanwhile, got off two Venam's kisses (although it did miss one), and I sent out Savage, who ended the fight with a quick attack!

The Dimensional Rift, meanwhile, was actually a lot easier than I remember it being. I led with Giovanni, Venam led with Whirlipede, and the Dimensional Rift sicced two of its Joltik at us. The first Joltik suppressed Giovanni's ability with a gastro acid, and the second one did chip damage on Whirlipede with a fury cutter; our side, meanwhile, almost knocked out the stronger of the two Joltik with a Venam's kiss and a horn attack. The next turn, the Joltik took a dent out of Giovanni and Whirlipede's health with an electroweb and suppressed Whirlipede's ability, but Giovanni knocked out the stronger of the two with a horn attack and Venam seriously weakened the weaker one with a horn attack. The newly-sent-out, even stronger Joltik did serious damage to Giovanni with a slash, but Giovanni actually managed to dodge an electroweb (that unfortunately hit Whirlipede) and retaliated with a poison sweep while Whirlipede ended the Joltik with a Venam's Kiss. Giovanni finally fainted from a bug bite and an electroweb, but he was able to unleash a posion sweep before fainting, and Whirlipede avenged him with two Venam's kisses, ending the Joltik that slew Giovanni! Then out came the Dimensional Rift. I sent out Jack the Rift-slayer, and he set up a defense curl while the Galvantula set up an agility and Whirlipede tanked an electroweb to seriously injure Joltik. The Galvantula took poor Whirlipede down with a parental bond electroweb, but Jack avenged it by 2HKOing the Galvantula with a rollout, and Venam's Weezing managed to badly poison the remaining Joltik, taking it out! So, with the rift defeated and Melia seemingly dead (spoilers: she's not), let's go get our second badge!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 23

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 23

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 24

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 23

074.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 24

535.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 23

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Wow this is turning out pretty well. Rejuvenation seems a lot friendlier to ground monoruns than Reborn does. Keep it up!

Um, funny you should say that, because...

(Epic music to listen to while I describe my struggle here)

Update #11: Able-Bodied

I'm going to be blunt: Keta was HELL. Seriously, it took me at least fifteen tries to defeat him! If I struggled against him this much, I quake in fear at Valerie... um, anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Giovanni, and Keta led with his Hawlucha. Giovanni tanked two brick breaks, set up a focus energy, and began spamming poison sweep, tanking aerial aces, brick breaks, and gale strikes left and right, with occasional healing from soda pops and fresh waters. Luckily, Hawlucha managed to get poisoned from poison point pretty fast, and after five poison sweeps and a horn attack (minus turns spent healing) Hawlucha fell, taking with it all of Keta's super potions. Up next came Keta's Hariyama. Since Giovanni managed to take Hawlucha out immediately after being healed and before the Hawlucha could attack, I kept him on the field and had him unleash two poison sweeps and a horn attack, all of which were critical hits. After missing a gale strike, Hariyama retaliated with a knock off that ended up poisoning itself, prompting it to unleash a facade that knocked Giovanni out; fortunately, it fainted from poison damage immediately afterwards (RIP Exp. ;_; ). I then sent out Jack, and Keta unleashed his ace: a shiny Lucario! Jack weakened it with a bulldoze before fainting to two aura spheres, and Kermit managed to weaken it further with a mud shot before fainting to a 4x effective gale strike. Luckily, at this point Lucario was so slow that Savage was able to swoop in and take him down with a double kick! Up next came Keta's Gurdurr. I sent out Terraria, and he tanked a drain punch and a gale strike to set up two curses, then was healed by a soda pop, tanked another drain punch and a low kick, and ended the Gurdurr with a single drain punch! Keta's Meinshao came out afterwards, but it quickly pivoted out with a u-turn while I healed Terraria. After Medicham pivoted in and got off a gale strike, Terraria managed to take it down with a razor leaf, leaving only the cowardly Meinshao. Even with nowhere to run, it tried to pivot out with two u-turns, but Terraria was able to survive and end it with one last razor leaf! And so, Cepras gets the Diamond Fist badge... or not, because Keta runs off after the battle. Time to follow him!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 28

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 27

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 27

030.pngNot Giovanni (Female) - Lv. 26

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 26

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 26

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Update #12: Sha-D'OH

Well, Shadow Mewtwo was actually kind of easy. I led with Shadowhunter the Geodude (who I caught exclusively for this battle) and after she tanked a shadow bolt and got off a magnitude (which hit a nine on the Richter Scale), I healed her up to full health 6 times with a Chinese food, two fresh waters, two super potions, and one soda pop. Eventually, I gave up trying to heal her and let Mewtwo take her down, but luckily that same turn Mewtwo entered hyper mode, injuring itself! I sent out Jack next, and he tanked a shadow fire and did massive damage with a bulldoze before fainting to a shadow chill. I sent out Terraria next, and he served as a sacrificial lamb, getting taken out instantly but weakening it further from hyper mode damage. By this point, Mewtwo was so weak that Savage was able to swing in and take down Mewtwo with a mighty quick attack! With Mewtwo weakened enough for Keta to hold it off, it's time to confront the generator!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 30

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 30

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 29

074.pngShadowhunter (Female) - Lv. 13

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 30

322.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 29

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Update #13: Mercy Kill

Well, the Volcanion went pretty well, but i get the feeling it could have been pretty difficult. I led with Maxine the Numel, but she went down from a single water pulse before she could attack. I sent out Jack, and although he got confused from a water pulse, he was still able to get off a bulldoze before fainting. I sent out Giovanni, and he (despite also getting confused... seriously, does this thing have serene grace?) managed to take it down with two poison sweeps! With the Xen Lab going down in flames, it's time to get our second badge for real this time!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 30

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 30

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 30

074.pngShadowhunter (Female) - Lv. 13

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 30

322.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 29

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Update #14: Your Soul Is Mine

Well, Soul Keta was almost as hard as Body Keta. Seriously, I fear what Valerie's going to be like if this is how hard he is... Anyway, after many, many tries, I led with Terraria, and Keta led with his Primeape. Terraria patiently bid his time, tanking cross chops and thrashes and set up six curses. He then unleashed a mighty razor leaf, one-shotting the angry monkey! Keta got smart and decided to send out his ace- Hawlucha- next, and it bounced over a razor leaf and did some damage, but got smacked on the way back down. It then further chipped into Terraria's health with a gale strike, but Terraria survived with 19 hit points and did massive damage with a critical-hit razor leaf, ending the Hawlucha! Keta's Hitmontop came out next, and I quickly healed Terraria while it failed a counter. Unfortunately, Terraria just failed to KO it with a razor leaf, and got OHKO'd by a counter; it was probably just as well, though, as he got overleveled after defeating Hawlucha. Anyway, I sent out Savage next, and while Keta used up his two super potions, she did massive damage with two take downs, then tanked an ice punch and went for he kill with one last take down! Up next came Keta's Pangoro. I kept Savage on the field, but she fainted from a single cross chop (although she was able to get off one last take down). I then sent out Maxine, and she tanked a field-weakened night slash and actually managed to burn the Pangoro with a lava plume! She then survived another, even weaker night slash and ended the Pangoro with an earth power. Up next came Keta's Scrafty, and I switched out to Giovanni. He set up a focus energy and got off three rock smashes, but ultimately fainted from a knock off, a counter, and a high jump kick. I sent out Jack, and he bulldozed it into oblivion, leaving only Keta's Sawk. I kept him on the field, and thanks to his quick claw he managed to get off a bulldoze before fainting from two brick breaks. Maxine came back out, but she fainted from a brick break before she could do anything. Finally, I sent out Kermit, and he landed a bounce and barely survived a brick break with seven hit points to end the Sawk with one last bounce! With Keta's Soul finally put to rest, Cepras earns the Diamond Punch badge! Time to head on out to Goldenleaf Town!

The team so far:

388.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 31

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 30

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 30

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 30

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 30

322.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 30

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Update #15: Scouting Ahead

Well, for a mono-fire user going against a mono-ground user, Amaria was actually put up a pretty good fight. I led with Jack, and she led with Ninetails. Jack instantly got confused and smacked himself in the face, but managed to snap out of it the next turn and set up stealth rocks while Ninetails set up a nasty plot. Ninetails then let loose an incinerate, which did a surprising amount of damage to Jack, but he managed to hold on long enough to get off one last bulldoze before fainting. I then sent out Kermit, and while Amaria used her super potion to heal Ninetails, Kermit wailed on it with two muddy waters, ending it! Up next came Amaria's Ponyta, so I switched out for Maxine. Maxine tanked a headbutt and OHKO'd the Ponyta with a earth power, prompting Amaria to send out her Magmar. Maxine got confused, but managed to get off an earth power. Sadly, the next turn she hurt herself, allowing Amaria to heal Magmar for free. It then ended Maxine with a flame burst, and took Giovanni out with two more flame bursts when I sent him out. Starting to run out of options, I sent out Savage, and although she got confused by a confuse ray, she still managed to land a take down and a quick attack, ending the Magmar! Up next came Amaria's Braixen, and I sent out Terraria, now a mighty Torterra! He took massive damage from a flamethrower, but did massive damage in return with an earthquake, ending the fight! Onward to Route 3!

The team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 32

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 31

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 30

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 31

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 30

322.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 30

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #16: Kingdra Come

Well, the Kingdra statue battle was actually kind of easy, but I think it was just because Jan didn't anticipate a simple trick that I used to defeat it. I led with Jack, but he quickly fainted to two surfs after getting off one bulldoze. Then Kermit came out, and this is where the trick began: I had swapped his ability to water absorb, and thanks to that ability and his typing he was pretty much immune to anything the Kingdra could have thrown at him. Because of this, I had him take his sweet time, paralyzing the Kingdra with a bounce and then chipping away at it with several mud shots. Eventually, it fell, earning me the right to enter the settlement in the forest! Time to stock up on moomoo milk!

The team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 32

027.pngAmy (Female) - Lv. 20

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 31

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 33

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 31

322.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 31

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #17: Llaw eht no, rrrrom rirrom

Well, Rirrom B. was actually pretty close, but I think it was mostly because of that dang shadow Vivillon. I led with Jack, and Rirrom B. led with his Yanmega. Yanmega did some damage with an ancientpower, but Jack tanked it and took it down with two rollouts thanks to his quick claw! Up next came Rirrom B.'s Wormadam, which actually managed to outspeed Jack and finish him with a single razor leaf. Luckily, Maxine (who came out next) managed to tank one razor leaf and dodge another, then finish off the Wormadam with two lava plumes! Up next came Rirrom B.'s most difficuly Pokemon to deal with: his shadow Vivillon. I switched out to Terraria, and he did massive damage to it with an earthquake before fainting two two shadow rushes. Savage came out next, and further weakened it with a quick attack before fainting to a shadow rush. Up next came Giovanni, but amazingly, it knocked itself out from hyper mode damage before Giovanni could get an attack off! All that remained was Rirrom B.'s Accelgor, so I sent out Kermit. He fainted from two mega drains, but he did manage to get off a bounce before fainting. I sent out Maxine, and she tanked a swift with 14 hit points to spare and unleashed a mighty lava plume, ending the fight! In addition, she ended up evolving! Yay!

The team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 33

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 32

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 32

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 33

075.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 32

323.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 33

Edited by supermario79411
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