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3L1T3 H4X0RS (A Pokemon Rejuvenation Ground-type Intense Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Update #18: Breaking the Item Clause

Well, Ren was a little easier than he was in my Fire/Fairy run, but that might be because I had more fully-evolved Pokemon. I led with Maxine, and he led with Sableye. Sableye set up a mean look, but Maxine managed to burn it with a lava plume. It then tried to recover, but Maxine did massive damage to it with an earth power. Ren tried healing it with a hyper potion, but Maxine just took out half of its health with an earth power. Unfortunately, Sableye managed to confuse her with a confuse ray and she injured herself twice, giving Sableye time to heal itself with a recover. Luckily, after taking a critical-hit shadow claw to the head, she managed to snap out of it and land a critical-hit earth power, leaving the Sableye weak enough to get taken out by burn damage! Up next came Ren's ace, his Frogadier. I sent out Terraria, and the two began trading razor leaves and water pulses. Unfortunately, Terraria got confused by a water pulse and injured himself, so I had to heal him with a moomoo milk.. only for him to injure himself again, forcing me to heal him with another moomoo milk. Luckily, Frogadier (probably going for a stylish KO) used a comparatively weaker gunk shot, allowing Terraria to tank one last water pulse and end the Frogadier with a razor leaf! Up next came Ren's Scraggy, so I sent out Savage; sadly, he only did a little bit of damage with a stacking shot before fainting to a high jump kick. Giovanni came out next, and he did better, doing some damage with a rock smash and poisoning it from poison damage before fainting to a headbutt and a high jump kick. Fortunately, Kermit was able to outspeed it and end it with a muddy water! Ren's Houndour came out next, and I kept Kermit on the field. Houndour set up a work up and unleashed a flame burst, but Kermit tanked it and ended it with two muddy waters. All that remained was Ren's most problematic Pokemon for me: Murkrow. I sent out Jack, but he took serious damage from a dark pulse and flinched, so I switched him out for Terraria, who took a dark pulse meant for Jack and fainted. Kermit came back out, and managed to survive a dark pulse with 3 hit points left and paralyzed the Murkrow with a bounce before fainting. This allowed Jack to swoop in and end the Murkrow with a rollout! Thus, I earn the right to enter Goldenleaf Town... or not, since Ren throws a hissy fit, pulls a fence out of hammerspace, and locks up the entrance gate to Goldenleaf Town. Yay. Time to go get Venam to melt it down!

The team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 33

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 32

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 32

536.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 33

076.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 32

323.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 33

Edited by supermario79411
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I thought intense mode Ren should have Houndoom instead of Houndour by then, guess i was wrong >.< The team is pretty balanced, you've got that water-fire-grass triad going~

Hey, thanks! I'm trying to use as many differently-typed Pokemon as I can in this run (well, as many different types as I can in a monotype run), so I guess it got pretty naturally balanced. Anyway...

Update #19: I Have No Strings To Hold Me Down

Well, Marianette was a little easier than Keta, although that might be because I had more fully-evolved Pokemon than I did with Keta. Anyway, I led with Terraria, and she led with Heliolisk. It got off a flash, but Terraria managed to one-shot it with an earthquake! Up next came the most problematic Pokemon on Marianette's team: Cinccino. I sent out Giovanni, and he fainted pretty fast to a tail slap and a rock blast, although he was able to get off a rock smash. I sent Terraria back out, and he managed to tank a bullet seed and get off an earthquake, then spam earthquake, making Marianette use up two of her hyper potions. Sadly, Terraria fainted from a tail slap the next turn, causing me to slightly panic. Then miracle #1 happened: Cinccino missed a rock blast, allowing Maxine to unleash a lava plume, ending it! Up next came Marianette's Chatot, and I switched out to Jack. Jack tanked a heat wave and did massive damage with a rock blast, clipping the bird's wings. Up next came Marianette's Pyroar, and it got off a flamethrower while Jack did massive damage to a bulldoze. Marianette tried using her last hyper potion on it, but Jack managed to end it with a critical-hit bulldoze! Marianette's Porygon2 then came out, and Jack did some damage to it with a rock blast before fainting to a... hyper beam? Overkill much, Marianette? Anyway, Savage took the reins from the KO'd Jack and set up an agility while the Porygon2 recharged, then tanked a psyshock and took down Porygon2 with two stacking shots! Then came Marianette's ace and most fearsome Pokemon: Slaking. I kept Savage on the field, and he did serious damage with a stacking shot, but fainted immediately afterwards from an earthquake. Kermit, now a fully-evolved Seismitoad, stalled the Slaking for a little bit with two bounces, but I eventually gave up on bouncing over all of its attacks since it kept healing back most of the damage thanks to leftovers. Instead, I had Kermit land a mud shot and a muddy water, seriously weakening it before it blew him away with a giga impact. All I had left was Maxine, but she failed to KO Slaking with a lava plume. Just when I had given up all hope, miracle #2 happened: thanks to the accuracy drop from Kermit's muddy water, Slaking missed an earthquake! This gave Maxine enough time to end the Slaking with a critical-hit lava plume! And so, all of our friends get freed, and Marianette's mansion is revealed to be a timey-wimey oddity that doesn't actually exist... I guess... Anyway, on the Goldenleaf Town!

The team so far:

389.pngTerraria (Male) - Lv. 35

660.pngSavage (Female) - Lv. 36

033.pngGiovanni - Lv. 34

537.pngKermit (Male) - Lv. 35

076.pngJack (Male) - Lv. 36

323.pngMaxine (Female) - Lv. 35

Edited by supermario79411
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