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Flying monotype run


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Starting a flying monotype run, and awesomely enough, my first attempt charmander had a 31 in special attack with a timid nature and solar power, I figured yeah that's going to rock. I try to name it Jet but Reborn's naming is laggy and it just ends up Jt. I guess that sounds good enough.

.Cain's Nidoran nearly defeats me with me having only 1 HP left and him missing a tackle to nidoran's ability. Like jeez the luck. Thankfully Pignite didn't give too much trouble.

I white out on a cassanova, the one with the level 8 purrloin by the center. It just had to be raining lol plus I only had 10 HP left.

I catch a caterpie with shield dust, but it has good IVs and nature so I'm keeping it. level 6, named Free.

But man screw the rain SERIOUSLY, I ended up whiting out again against the doxy with a ducklett, totally sucked.

I know Noibat is available but LOL screw that noise. I used woobat last playthrough so I'll skip him this time.

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Alright so Free has fully evolved and Jt evolved into Charmeleon during the Fern team up against Meteor.

Okay, first of all, Charmeleon is COMPLETELY BROKEN at least up till the first gym badge. Dragon rage just obliterates everything in 1-2 shots. I tried using Free against Julia but she got demolished by a super charged self- destruct via Voltorb. I didn't even need her apparently since Jt managed to take out 4 of her pokemon in one shot. Electrode got taken out in two and it tried to use rollout which didn't do much at all. Never before have I had such an easy time with Julia as she usually takes me 2-3 attempts. Currently I'm at

Jt(Charmeleon) level 20

Solar Power



-Dragon rage


I'm running him special for sure since timid lowers his attack and it's already showing with that miserable scratch of his.

Free(Butterfree) Level 17

Compound Eyes(yes!)

-sleep powder




I kind of wanted to get the wingull tripping out in the complex, but because of the FREAKIN RAIN pokesnax dude isn't showing up and I can't get its attention. I'm thinking about picking up Pidove in the slums too as he was pretty solid in Rejuvenation, though he's not going to be permanent.

^Actually where do you get Yanma? I never saw him in any of my playthroughs, though TBH shelly kind of made me not want to use him lol.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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Flying monotype, I approve. As stated, Noibat will be good to have early on (with support moves such as Screech and Tailwind).

For further team members in the later game, try looking at Staraptor, Honchkrow, and Archeops.

Have fun, and I hope it works out well.

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So today was a nice, windy day which created some opportunities for more flying types ^_^ Got 3 new additions to the teams and Free is at level 19 now.

Seattle(Wingull) lvl 17

Jolly nature

Rain Dish


-Wing Attack


-water Pulse

Notes: Finally got that wingull, jolly nature is meh but I get annoyed restarting too many times and have to go to work soon anyway.Mist however is what gets my eye as it's a great move for removing most enemy terrain advnatges for a bit as I learned from my psychic/ice run, Plus he's pretty fast and water pulse is a great early game move. I'm not seeing this guy lasting till the end, but for early game he seems like he'd be useful.

Hops(Hoppip) lvl 16

Jolly nature


-stun spore

-fairy wind



Notes:I'm not a big fan of hoppip's line TBH although I don't dislike it either. I just want to see how it'll fare, although I know that nature is going to hold it back later on.

Masque(Pidove) lvl 12

Quiet Nature





-Quick attack

Definitely replacing this guy later on, although I think he has some slight potential for the time being. We'll see as i've yet to use him.

I'm going to try to make it to Beryl ward today so I can get drifloon.

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Nice run so far!

I have never used Wingull, but it seems it will be useful as a supporter. For Pidove... it has some good special moves but the stats are geared towards physical attack (GF messed up big time).

That Jumpluff though... I used it in my own Reborn run and it was just great (pulling off a sweep against Kiki and doing a great job with Shelly). The Jolly nature is actually rather good because it doesn't make Acrobatics weaker, and improves Jumpluff's already high speed. This way, Jumpluff will most likely go first: with it you can put to sleep everyone (Sleep Powder) and then attack with Acrobatics (110 BP at level 34; very nice).

shameless advertising: I did a Flying monotype too! (on Platinum though). Check the Monotype thread in the Pokemon fan club at page 5.

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I finished mine so let me give you some advice

butterfree is great early, as noctowl

I HIGHLY suggest getting an early Combee, I let myself train a bidoof to learn headbutt for that purpose.

You'll see that overall this mono is fairly easy, except for Sigmund (rip), blake will not be an issue with Charizard and Hawlucha and Serra is kinda underwhelming

I reached a point where I only need to use 4 pokemons, Hawlucha Crobat Charizard and Archeops so yeah, fairly easy

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Totally forgot about Mothim, but who doesn't? He's one of the most forgettable pokemon EVER.

Okay so I got through the ghetto without much trouble and even got to evolve Hops to skiploom! He's still pretty weak so far but if the advice above is true he'll turn out decent enough later on. Masque is up to level and has been doing alright so far, roost at like level 17 is awesome.

Alas, I made the mistake of challenging the "Daycare Couple" and sadly lost due to aron walling my team .To be fair a critical rock tomb is what ruined me(seriously crits in pokemon are like one of the worst mechanics EVER) but it sucks I lost to what are essentially a duo of goons.

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Nice run so far!

I have never used Wingull, but it seems it will be useful as a supporter. For Pidove... it has some good special moves but the stats are geared towards physical attack (GF messed up big time).

That Jumpluff though... I used it in my own Reborn run and it was just great (pulling off a sweep against Kiki and doing a great job with Shelly). The Jolly nature is actually rather good because it doesn't make Acrobatics weaker, and improves Jumpluff's already high speed. This way, Jumpluff will most likely go first: with it you can put to sleep everyone (Sleep Powder) and then attack with Acrobatics (110 BP at level 34; very nice).

shameless advertising: I did a Flying monotype too! (on Platinum though). Check the Monotype thread in the Pokemon fan club at page 5.

Haha In think Rejuvenation taught us Jumpluff's worth. Yeah, Jumpluff is a great support Pokemon w/ Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. Acrobatics is a great move as well and Bullet Seed can hit surprisingly hard at times~

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Yeah he just got bullet seed and I'm already feeling the improvement. Though I messed up on sleep powder <_<

I got revenge on the couple and slaughtered the PULSEGrowth with dragon rage. Also got Masque to evolve into Tranquil, so now i'm soaring over to the trainers school. Wish me luck, although I doubt it'll be too hard since Flobot's only real threat is cradily.

Actually, does misty field nerf dragon rage at all? I'd imagine it would.

UPDATE: well Fern was a pushover as expected, but he doesn't really start getting challenging until the Grand Hall match anyway so w/e. I'm a bit disappointed Seattle hasn't evolved yet but it should be coming soon. With 4 flying types and 1 fire I really shouldn't be losing to the Flobot but there's always the chance cradily smacks my team down silly and I lose horribly to crits or something.


Well the Flobot is out of commission! She was about as easy as I thought she would be, although Cradily wasn't so much the problem as Cacnea who managed to KO Free...somehow. Pin missile hits kind of hard on her field I guess? For Cradily i had Hops whittle him down with bullet seed to about little over half health then had Jt finish him with two dragon rages. Really smack down wasn't even strong enough to one shot either of them so there was little danger this fight. Right now the current team is

Jt(Charmeleon) lvl 24

Hops(Skiploom) lvl 22

Seattle)Wingull) lvl 23

Masque(Tranquil) lvl 23

Free(Butterfree) lvl 23

Seattle needs to get his butt in gear and evolve already <_< Everybody else in high school and this dude is still learning times tables lol

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^I've used him on my last run and once before that and yeah he's amazing up till after Kiki where his fragility really starts to hamper him.

I added drifloon(named Drifter) to my team and Seattle has evolved into Pelipper. I actually thought Pelipper's special defense was higher than his defense but apparently not. Oops Taka wasn't too bad except for Chatot and massively annoying chatter but with some strategy and priority from Masque I was able to handle him pretty well. I did reset once though midway first attempt since I goofed up and was confuse hitting myself all over the place and kept forgetting lileep had storm drain.

Let's see from the mystery egg I have a chance at either Togepi or Vullaby. Either would be amazing, hopefully I get lucky and get one or the other.


UPDATE: Added two new members to the team, Ecclair the Emolga and Chase the doduo. It took several resets to get the nature right for Ecclair and I went through at least 3 doduos before finding Chase who has a def -/speed+ nature along with 31 IVs in attack which is awesome. Both are up to level and Ecclair has acrobatics, so I'm expecting Corey to go down pretty easily especially since he has the gas field. Then again I said on my last playthrough with a team full of psychics and his crobat swept it singlehandedly lol. The team I plan to use on him is:

Ecclair(Emolga) lvl 30

Jt(Charmeleon)lvl 29

Seattle(Pelipper)lvl 29

Chase(doduo)lvl 27

Drifter(drifloon)lvl 27

Free(butterfree)lvl 27


Success! First attempt Corey goes down! Free was MVP as she took out 4 of his team out alone with the sleep powder/psybeam combo. Skuntank was still a problem though and was meaty enough to tank two dragon rages, although I got massively unlucky as Jt's fire fang "missed" after the first one which meant that Drfiter would need to finish him off with destiny bond to ensure none of my other team would have to face him. Crobat didn't do much since nuzzleball shuts him down really quick. Overall the battle went pretty well. So far this flying team has had an easier time with gyms than any other team I've used. Flying is always sort of an early game monster type though, it's usually later on where it kind of falters and its weaknesses show up more.

Also, all hail Emolga. The little guy is incredible.


UPDATE: The site was down earlier, no? I got my cocoon badge and made some HUGE progress as I just rescued Heather. Shelly has never been easier, although I reset once since my first attempt I didn't plan right. She's usually one of the hardest gym leaders for me so I'm glad I had so much success this match.I got Drifter, Hops, Jt, and Chase fully evolved now. I think I'm going to retire Masque as Chase is better suited as a flying/normal attacker with stats better tailored to it. Idk how much longer Free will be around as she's still useful but is starting to fall behind. Sleep powder is great and all but she's too slow to make full use of it.

Total badges: 3(4 leaders defeated)

Jt(Charizard) - level 38

Hops(Jumpluff) - level 33

Seattle(Pelipper) - level 32

Drifter(Driftloon) - level 34

Ecclair(Emolga) - level 35

Chase(Dodrio) - level 35



Ugh this dude right here...12 freakin attempts to beat him, his sharpedo was ripping my team apart, one-shotting like everybody. I held off and grinded a bit but even with levels 34-39 he was still a monster. Eventually I got lucky to where he didn't use ice fang against Hops, who was able to paralyze him and allow Ecclair + Jt to finish him off. Hardest fight by far so far.

Then I fought Shade 0_0

Not that he was as bad as Archer, seeing as I beat him first battle, but it was one of the most intense matches I've had in Reborn ever. I barely won. I used the same team as Shelly.

>I send out Ecclair against "Corey" nuzzleball defeats him although he takes her down to yellow with shadow claw

>Banette(who seriously is one of his hardest mons now, I disagree that it needs to be replaced) comes out next and gets nuzzled, but manages to KO Ecclair.

>Hops is up to bat now. I use leech seed on banette, who wounds Hops pretty bad into yellow. I think at this point i switched to Seattle to set up a mist and then alternate between brine and protect. Seattle falls but Jt is able to finish banette with flame burst.

>Rotom shows up pretty early, guess Shade is getting serious now. UGH rotom. Misty field is still up which is perfect because I'm not dealing with rotom's bull tonight. I send out Drifter who gets brought down to yellow off a critical shadow ball(like wtf he ALWAYS crits off that somehow) and use destiny bond, which quickly removes rotom out of play next turn when mist wears off. Good because he was going to tear my guys up otherwise.

>At this point I have to guess who he sends out next, but Jt is my best bet so I pick him. I always forget Shade has doublade which is probably due to doublade being his weakest member of his team. If anyone should be replaced it's him I think. He gets burnt to a crisp by Jt

>Trevenant is next, and I use Chase since I want Jt at full for Chandelure. Two plucks make easy work of Trevenant(who tried leech seed but it didn't do much).

>Last but not least is Chandelure and definitely the one that gave me the most trouble. I only have Hops(who is half dead), Jt and Chase left. I send out Hops who uses leech seed then gets KO'd immediately, which is fine. I then send out Jt who pulls off two dragon rages before getting KO'd, bringing Chandelure down to red who unfortunately heals with his berry. Last up is Chase who uses pursuit that doesn't quite KO, leaving Chandelure with barely any health left while Chandelure uses flame burst(thankfully it wasn't hidden power because that would've been it) that takes Chase down to 5 Hp. Of course, chekhov's gun comes into play and Chandelure falls to seed damage, narrowly getting me the win.

So far this playthrough is a blast, thanks for the tips and info guys ^_^


UPDATE: Beat Kiki, though I must admit she pulled off a rare moment of AI brilliance this battle. See I opened with Seattle to set up mist so she wouldn't get a field boost but as my Pelipper went to perform a second brine on machamp(it was raining BTW) she switched him out to Toxicroak to absorb the attack. That was pretty nice. Too bad the rest of her team fell to Chase and her Lucarioto Ecclair via nuzzle + acrobatics.

Also to replace Free I caught and bred(after like 8 eggs) a Yanmega(currently level 40) who is now a member of my team. With EV training she's currently the strongest special attacker I have alongside Jt. I'm about to do Azurine Island now.

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You got the poison, I got the remedy

Aya is DOWN and what a battle it was! I decided to sit take Fern's much unneeded advice and sit Hops out of this fight in exchange for newcomer Hyperflight, who while still at a disadvantage was at least able to weaken Aya's special attackers enough with struggle bug. Oh but before that, Yes I did beat Solaris' Garchomp although it took about 3 resets until I could pull off a Destiny bomb(dragon rush/stone edge has gotta miss sometime lol). Drifter has certainly earned his seat as a Kamikaze ace killer with destiny bond and against Aya he was simply the last one standing in what was a pretty big rollercoaster of a gym match. Stealth rocks HURT in Aya's match and Nidoqueen took down two of my pokemon alone. Jt really pulled his weight this battle, taking out Gengar, Drapion, Venusaur, and finishing off a wounded Dralgage. I had Tenacruel paralyzed early and left him around until the end of the match, where Drifter was able to finish him. Match would've ended sooner had Drifter not been confused...must of hit himself like 4 times straight, thankfully he's quite the healthy balloon.

Teaming up with Cain, I first took this thread's advice and fought Sirius, but jeez Cain really really sucks against him. Hitmontop was sucker KOing all over the place and then Probopass showed up who I really had no answer for so I took that L and against better instinct went against Sigmund instead. I figure with Cain I would do better against Sigmund than I would fighting him later on alone, and I turned out to be right as I beat him first attempt, although it wasn't easy. Thankfully I had Hops with me and he was able to beat down Lanturn(who was sigmund's last pokemon) pretty easily. Once again Drifter's D-kill came in handy as it got rid of that dreadful rotom and Seattle was able to finish off eelektross with brine. I think the first half of this battle is the most difficult as Sigmund typically sends out his faster pokemon first and they always abuse the field.

Current team is

Jt(Charizard) lvl 45: shadow claw, strength, flame burst, dragon rage

-Jt's my ace, and has been a wrecking ball who often turns the tide of battle. Fast, solid special attack, and not as fragile as I initially thought, I haven't even used solar power yet so it's like he's been holding back this entire time yet STILL manages to kick ass.

Ecclair(Emolga) lvl 47: light screen, nuzzle, electro ball, acrobatics

-No surprises here, I know she was going to be a beast by virtue of Emolga being a badass alone. Nice speed, nuzzleball and acrobatics for offense, and with a light screen to boot. She can hardly take a hit but more often than not does what she's to supposed to do well.

Drifter(Driftloon) lvl 45: Destiny Bond, shadow ball, payback, stockpile

-I'm never walking into a gym match again without this guy, as he's my ace killer and crucial for taking out opponents who otherwise would destory me. The fat bod helps soak up otherwise lethal hits and even without D-Bond is decent at softening up opponents. I need some better moves on him though, not sure what however...

Seattle(Pelipper)lvl 46: mist, brine, air cutter, tailwind

-I think I messed up by removing protect but how can I deny tailwind? Seattle is the most surprising member of my team as I would've expected to be done with him by now, yet here he is. He's great support and being my only water type ATM lets me have some actual options against rockys.

Hops(Jumpluff)lvl 43: leech seed, bullet seed, stun spore, acrobatics

-Whew! This little guy has proven to be quite the lifesaver(see my Shade story last post) and provides some nice cover for my team. He's pretty much the only reason Sigmund didn't demolish me towards the end. Thing is with Serra coming up I'm afraid he's going to fall behind...

Hyperflight(Yanmega)lvl 43: struggle bug, ancient power, detect, double team

-Pretty nifty and useful pokemon , even being the newest kid on the block she's already made a good impression. Still, some better moves would be nice as I feel it's the main thing holding her back.

Chase(Dodrio) lvl 44:drill peck, acupressure, pursuit, double hit

-When I need to hit physical fast and hard, Chase is usually my guy. I don't expect him to stay on too much longer as we make our way into heavy midgame, but I'm sure he'll be awesome against Bennet. Too bad Dodrio doesn't learn brave bird <_<


Free(Butterfree) lvl 28 - after Corey she started to fall behind, and I don't want another bug/flying type unless it's Megapinsir. You played a good game girl, but your careeer came to an early end

Masque(Tranquil)lvl 30 - I feel like Chase fills the niche Masque did but does a better job at it, meaning I have no more use for this guy. Not to say he was bad, just outclassed.

I was going to catch zubat but didn't really feel like it last night as I was getting sleepy lol. Maybe later on or something. Noibat will come soon, but only after Serra since he's pretty useless against her I would think.

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It really is underrated. I think he's the only Destiny bond user you could possibly have early game as well(though if I'm not mistaken it's up to chance whether he has it or not) but it goes suuuuuuch a long way. Not a powerhouse offensively but he doesn't need to be.

New wings have joined our flock! Gotham the crobat is all trained up and ready to fly with the big boys! I love how easy it is to happiness evolve in this game BTW, getting full enough happiness in a 15 minute period FTW. He's level 36 with a jolly nature and 31 IV in attack, although his only other good IV is HP(29) while his special defense is a pitiful 6, defense 11 and special attack of 0, which is unneeded anyway at least. Speed is only 16 but I fully EV'd his speed to make up for it + crobat is fast regardless. His attacks are cross poison, swift(lol), mean look and acrobatics. Eventually we'll get better moves on the guy but I think he'll do for now.

I still want to get a swanna before I take on serra. I caught a ducklett but it's IVs were so bad I had to release him lol.


Alright I got a Swanna! Vega is the newest addition to our team although I'm disappointed he doesn't get many good water moves <_<. Rain support is still good I guess but admittedly...well let's just say Seattle isn't getting replaced just yet lol. I think my levels are good enough to take on Serra now, I plan to use Vega, Seattle, Jt, Gotham, Hyperflight, and of course Drifter. My biggest concern is her Aurorus since only Seattle and Hyperflight can deal SE damage against her. Oh and Frosslass too but that goes without saying.

Actually, I've decided to replace Vega with Ecclair, as her light screen can come in handy. If i have trouble I'll replace Hyperflight back with Vega. Wish me luck!

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