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Flying monotype run


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Mirror mirror on the wall, who shall rise and who shall fall?

Well here it goes! Serra opens up with Cryogonal, and I figure that Gotham should be strong enough to shatter it with acrobatics, which it does. Off to a solid start.

Next is Jynx...ugh not sure where to go from here. On one hand her poor defense makes her fodder for Gotham's acrobatics, but at the same time she might be banded or something. I give Hyperflight the chance to shine although I worry she might outspeed him. Well I'll try detect first to get a speed boost, worst case scenario she puts up a screen.or I miss bug buzz.

WTF? Even with a speed boost she still manages to outspeed Hyperflight 0_0? Ugh one frost breath one shots her...yikes, this is going to be tougher than I thought. Well no way she's outspeeding Gotham...got her. Should've just did that in the first place, so far it's 5-4 with me at the advantage.

So now it's Glaceon...Jt man YOU GOT THIS. Roasted on arrival, that one was free. 5-3, she's halfway down!

Okay so now Vanilluxe...okay correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Vanilluxe have mirror coat? I don't want Jt getting oneshotted to it as I need him for frosslass. I'll have ecclair set up a light screen here first...which doesn't matter because she used frost breath -_- Well Jt BETTER one shot him....GAH no he survived! Just barely, which means potion spam up the whazoo. Better her than Frosslass though right? Ah well she heals vanilluxe, but the next hit takes her out. Jt is kicking ass this fight. 4-2 as it stands.

Okay here comes the DINOGODDESS Aurorus, and the one I was most afraid of. I still have my light screen up luckily. I'm going to send in the ace killer early, do your thing Drifter! And...wow even with a frost breath Drifter survived, but a second destiny bond takes her out. Your valiant sacrifice once again paves the way to victory! 3-1, only Frosslass is left, but it is hailing.

Okay, I know Froslass relies on hax, so I have a little plan. Gotham goes out, and I have him haze away those annoying evasion boost. She uses frost breath...AND IT MISSES!? LET'S DO THIS. ACROBATI-MISSES WTF? Ugh and I get hurt? But I thought...w/e, she now has him confused with confuse ray. Ugh screw this noise, I'm sending out Seattle. He eats a frost breath which takes him down to yellow...yeah dude's a goner lol. ALRIGHT Gotham let's try this again! Acrobatics...IT HITS! CRITICAL! Takes her down to like 1 HP? But alas, our purple prince falls to a frost breath. It's just one on one now.

It all comes down to this. One frost breath will finish Jt since he's at half health, but so will one flamethrower. The last hit will win. It's hailing, and Frosslass just needs an evasion hax to pull this upset off. But all Jt needs to do is outspeed, and land this freakin hit. Holy crap this is tense. It's down to the wire.

The next hit decides it all...



SERRA USED ULTRA POTION...wow you ice hearted bitch. Jt HOWEVER DOES NOT GIVE AN OUNCE OF A @%$# BECAUSE YOUR ASS JUST GOT ROASTED. 1-0, and Serra is DEFEATED. That match was mega hype though, screw snow cloak though lol.


did serra just get stuck against the wall?


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- 1 hour later-

Man Ame and crew REALLY need to fix that Serra glitch. She owes me an hour of my day back. Must have taken me like 10 tries to beat her a SECOND time because hur dur serra can't deal with walls. All of sorts of things can go wrong for that fight, from Jynx becoming Jesus and dodging everything, to bad rolls screwing up my destiny bond trick, Glaceon surviving a flamethrower because why not, Froslass outspeeding my entire team sans Gotham...ugh. Though taking Ecclair was a mistake in hindsight, should've stuck with Vega. Screens are useless this fight.

Time to get a Noivern.

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And Noivern joins the team! Goyle as I named him will be lending his leathery wings to our cause. Let's take a look at our comrade shall we?

Goyle(noivern)lvl 51

frisk ability

Modest nature



-dragon pulse

-super fang

Admittedly I'm a bit unsure how I want to run this guy. My issue with Noivern is that he's fast, but then what? I guess his special attack is servicable enough but neither dragon pulse or ai slash is really strong, and boomburst doesn't get a stab. Hurricane misses WAY too much but I guess with Vega it'd be alright? Idk we'll see, TBH I feel like he'll only be useful in certain occasions.

I'm about to do the Tanzan Mountain arc right now.

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Against Noellers though? Idk that's who I'm afraid of, although Goyle was pretty awesome at Tazan. I beat PULSE abra and Megasteelix(drifter FTW) with little trouble so now it's just dealing with Noel. I think he's going to be my toughest fight yet.

Hmmm thinking about it, not sure if Hyperflight is good for this match. The rock weakness is too much and bug buzz gets resisted by half Noel's team, although he's sure to demolish Girafarig. I cannot let wiggs set up stealth rock though, that mess will wreck me. I swear Noel's entire team sans Girafarig is scary.

I plan on using

Jt(Charizard) lvl 54, might reteach him heat wave to induce field effect

Gotham(Crobat) lvl 52

Goyle(Noivern) lvl 54

Ecclair(Emolga) lvl 51

Drifter(driflblim)lvl 49

Seattle(pelipper)lvl 49

Wish me luck.



This team though...man they are BEASTS. Jt is a hero among mortals, guy was total MVP.

>Opened with Jt, used heat wave, it one shots Wiggs and sets the field ablaze. I knew from here on this was going to be a good run. 6-5, good start

>Next was Cinccino. UGH. I used Seattle to try and pull off a tailwind, but got flinchhaxed(he didn't use rock blast oddly enough) and he got KO'd. I decide to sent out Gotham who hits hard with an acrobatics, and takes a tail slap in return, which combined with the field brings CC to a sliver of health. 2 ultra potions later she's out. Good riddance. 5-4 so far, i'm leading.

>Porygon Z, that digital dastard we all know and love. I have Ecclair paralyze him with nuzzle, he counters with tri attack which she BARELY survives. Next I set up a light screen for insurance later on, and he's stiff so I get to fire off an electro ball which deals a good chunk before losing Ecclair. I have Gotham finish him off after Noel burns his last ultra potion. 4-3, halfway there!

>Girafarig, lol. Jt uses heat wave which takes him down to half. Now see the downside about flying types is that they lose out on field boost so burning flames wasn't powering up any of my stuff. Girafarig hits with thunderbolt, but Jt laughs it off as light screen is still in play.Another heat wave keeps him down for good. 4-2, almost there!

>SWOLELLOW shows up and I have Gotham come out for a last hurrah. He outspeeds Swellow and takes him down to red with acrobatics. Swellow uses brave bird and sends Gotham to sleep. Sleep well sweet prince. 3-2 now, and Swellow is burned due to his flame orb.

>I figure Goyle should be able to finish off Swellow, but Swellow outspeeds him and oneshots Goyle with a critical facade. wtf. Thankfully Swellow sealed his own fate and fell to burn damage. 2-1, just one left.

>Clefable comes out laughing in the fire's fury, since flames don't hurt him none. I send out ACEKILLER Drifter and after a moonblast takes him to yellow, set up a destiny bond which takes him down next turn. 1-0, game.

Feels good when you get a victory that goes just right. That's 9 leaders so far, with 7 badges. This team is awesome, flying type love I understand now..On another note, I keep wrongly referring Drifter as a driftloon, it's a drifblim.

Also, it appears that my mystery egg Tentacool is being requested by another user which I just learned like 10 minutes ago. I'm not familiar with trading in Reborn, but Togepi is one of his offers and well...how can I resist a lovable togepi? I'm going to see if I can take him on his offer...

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hmm maybe seattle is going out but yeah i wont do that until after charlotte at least XD. Also i don't think anyone is going out seattle is most probably going to be a sub. no archen yet ? hmm by noel you should be able to get archen via the spinel museum event. well good luck with ditto arceus.

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Ditto arceus I have zero concerns with. I feel as though if you can beat Garchomp, ditto arceus is even easier. Also how do you get the spinel event to occur? I tried last night but nothing happened.

Bah I'll wait for archeops later. I did catch a mantyke, it had a neutral nature but solid special defense IVs. Maybe he'll replace Seattle later on after evolving. For now I'm going on to route 1.


Fern is such a pushover with this team lol. Guy couldn't land a single hit.

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go in the museum and talk to the fella i circled after the grunt have left. than head to Tarzan mountain and vs meteor grunts in 2v2 battle.After you win go back to the museum and talk to the same fella he will offer you the cover or plume fossil. i m sure you know which is archen( plume fossil if you dont know).


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The grunts never showed up though, that's the thing. The guy just says you're always welcomed here.

I wonder if the grunts are the same ones from the igglybuff quest? I missed that one so that could be it. I can always get him at the circus later anyway.

El defeated! okay first I missed up since he kept outspeeding me and oneshotting Drifter with shadow ball before I could do anything, so I put Seattle back in the field and he was able to take a shadowball and set up a tailwind, letting Drifter pull of a destiny kill. But better news is that another addition to the team has arrived, and a personal favorite of mine:

Nazca(Sigilyph)lvl 44

Jolly(ew) nature

Tinted Lens



-air slash

-mirror move

Can't wait to train this guy up, his IVs are pretty good too and I can always change his nature later, quite soon actually. Sigilyph is one of my favorite pokemon so I definitely plan on keeping him. I can run him offensive or defensiv too, maybe the latter.

Also Seattle is sticking around, guy has been a mad useful support all run. He's usually one of my rotation pokemon.

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hmm yeah they might be the same once from igglybuff/daycare maybe. sigilyph nice addition but horrible nature XD well it can be fixed soon at 7th street. at agate well sad part is you cant revive the fossil the agate circus gives cause you cant go back to spinel town until you complete the game. so i would certainly do the museum side quest before getting trapped at agate. meh idk how i activated it but i did all side quest which have meteor grunts prior to the museum side quest. also archen would certainly be useful vs the all mighty Charlotte.

EDIT: you cant get the side quest any more cause well you beat the pulse abra according to the item guide the meteor grunts will disappear after you beat the pulse abra. sigh guess you can get archen.

EDIT EDIT: well according to some people the grunt appear at night at the museum. but idk what starts the event chain. hmm i dont trust the item guide i still think you can get archen after you complete the igglybuff side quest.

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Radomus is down and another badge is added to the collection! Just one attempt was needed and Hyperflight WRECKED this match even with the kryptonite every member of radomus' team possessed. My lineup was

Hyperflight(Yanmega), level 56

Drifter(Drifblim), level 54

Jt(Charizard), level 56

Ecclair(Emolga) level 56

Nazca(sigilyph) level 56

Gotham(Crobat) level 57

Now I know, at first glance this team is actually kind of bad to use because two of them are dual weak to rock while Gotham's weakness to psychic makes Radomus' field boosted psychics a one-hit KO(indeed it was), but I was basically going high risk high reward and using sheer firepower to wipe out Radomus' pieces before they can gain any momentum or strike.

>I lead with Hyperflight and Gotham. Gotham one shots Gallade easily, and Reuniclus falls to bug buzz. 6-4, those two were free.

>Metagross and Malamar come out. I have Gotham soften up Malamar with acrobatics which brings him to about little over half and Hyperflight U-turns him, Koing him. I switch in Drifter who unfortunately falls instantly to Metagross' critical ice punch, dumb metal jerk, currently 5-3.

>Slowking comes out and I replace Drifter with Jt. Now here is where I messed up, I used heat wave instead of flamethrower on Metagross which was bad since heat wave's power gets spread out in doubles a bit like most multi target moves. Metagross barely survives and Slowking gets down to yellow off acrobatics. Slowking and Metagross double team Jt, Koing him. 4-3 now.

>I send out Ecclair who nuzzles Metagross, but gets one-shotted by ice punch. Radomus heals up Slowking before it eats a fatal acrobatics, but now it's just wounded again anyway. Kind of dumb for him to do that, personally I would've let the king fall. But actually that's kind of brilliant, because you see the King is the most important piece in Chess, so it makes sense he'd try to protect Slowking by healing him. 3-3!

>I have Hyperflight come out again, and this time Slowking falls to acrobatics from Gotham. Radomus heals up metagross(weird how he waited until now) and Hyperflight hits him with a bug buzz, taking him down to half health, would be yellow but leftovers <_< 3-2, radomus is on his last mons now.

> The gossip Gardevoir makes her long awaited appearance, tracing speed boost which can spell trouble. Gotham takes her down to 1/4 of her health, and a U-turn from Hyperflight finishes her off, with Nazca sent in his place. Ouch, she didn't get to do much at all. Metagross at this point takes the opportunity to KO Gotham, who has had one hell of a performance this battle. 2-1, this is it!

>Hyperflight and Nazca together are just too much for a paralyzed Metagross at half health, and he falls to the duo's onslaught. 2-0, checkmate.

That was a pretty interesting battle considering how we both were at a disadvantage type wise, but the speed and power of the flying type just overwhelms Radomus' team. If things go according to plan, expect Togepi either tomorrow or the day after.

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@Luna I dont know how Obybld'd react to that 'i dont trust item guide' remark XD

It is great that you are not replacing Seattle with Mantyke, Mantyke's movepools are crap, no hurricane and huge special defense doesnt mean much when you are 4x weak to electric, at least Seattle can tank off some rock slides~

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I haven't used Mantine since like Crystal version so I was kind of curious into how he was, but apparently I'm not missing out on much LOL. I was planning on using him more for support anyway, like I think he can get reflect, no? And Tailwind?

Looking on bulbapedia, no it does not. Oh nevermind then, thanks timtim for the heads up. That would've been a big waste of time.

Also, I'd like to announce another retirement

Chase(dodrio lvl 46)

He's starting to fall behind, and really it's kind of hard to have him find a niche on the team. Gotham has effectively made him obsolete and as the team grows he's become increasingly overshadowed. That said Chase's crowning moments of glory against Shade and Kiki shall never be forgotten.

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@timtim i dont trust the item guide because it is not detailed enough in telling how to activate the archen fossil event at spinel museum.

anyway if you want a tanky flying with reflect and high sp def. noctowl is the best. also sigilyph can set up light screen and reflect when needed.

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Introducing our newest member: Togepi!!!

Thanks to Vlado Vladimir and DBan, togepi has now made it's way into our flock, boasting some very impressive IVs and a sinister mind ready to crush our foes and bring heavenly glory to our crew!

Togepi, lvl 1


Serene Grace


-nasty plot


This dude is going to rock. Off to get haircuts, snax, and vitamins!


Wooohooo! level 5 Togetic FTW. Just got to figure a good time to evolve...ah ugh i just remembered I have no shiny stones. Oi that means I have to do the bxbysion wasteland part 2.

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bah i would just buy round 50 pokesnax from poke mart and spam it on the togepi. saves time and you can always farm from grand hall. well anytime is a good time to evolve unless u want baton pass which is round lvl 41 i wont do that cause too much stats are wasted just for measly baton pass. the faster you evolve the better imho. plus when togepi evolves to togekiss it learns after you, air slash,aura sphere,Extreme speed and sky attack. no point keeping it a togetic unless you are planning to breed another 1 with wish or something if not just evolve as soon as possible.

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Even without Archeops this team already feels quite powerful.

I managed to scoop up some more scales, although that's mostly due to thinking the shiny stone is in the BB wasteland when it's not...spent like an hour and a half there too. Togekiss has a modest nature now, pretty much swept Bennet singlehandedly. Now it's time for Luna. who is usually pretty easy but Bandersnatch could potentially wreck us. I plan on using

Togekiss - lvl 58

Jt(charizard) - lvl 60

Seattle(pelipper) lvl 57

Drifter(driftblim) lvl 57

Hyperflight(Yanmega) lvl 60

Gotham(Crobat) lvl 59

One thing though, why did they change Togepi's type to fairy and then give it only one fairy type offensive move to be learned naturally, that one being the weakest one? It's mind boggling and slightly disappointing. Aside from that though he's fantastic. I think his moveset could use updating though, play rough is more fitting than double edge and dazzling gleam at the very least would've nice.


Guess what just happened.

Bandersnatch wrecked my entire team. Stone edge one shots nearly ALL of them. Ugh.

Thankfully take 2 went MUCH better. I used detect + U-turn to spend up stone edge's PP. Also this field is supposed to transform in sunlight isn't it? Yeah that doesn't work and another reason Luna is my least favorite gym battle. Well her or Samson since Big Top field is ughghhghgh.

Togekiss didn't really shine this match, it was mostly hyperflight and Jt pulling all the labor. Also it just occured to me, yeah I can get the plume fossil, but I have no way to revive it until episode 15's over...lol.

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Togekiss doesn't need a fairy type move IMO, with that ability; Air Slash+Aura Sphere and/or Flamethrower should be enough; and since it has access to supportive and set up moves such as Roost, NastyPlot, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell, etc. I don''t think a fairy type move such as Moonblast would be better. Is kinda like having Air Slash on a Charizard Mega Y.

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Since you are closing in on Agate, are you gonna add Starly/Staravia or Rufflet/Braviary to your roster?Seems like Seattle's tenure is coming to an end, you have a tough decision to make(that water typing is actually quite handy for handling rock type and ground type)~and music to my ears that you whooped Bennett's asses, that creep(leave my waifu alone)~

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