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Flying monotype run


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Yeah your team looks pretty solid although if it were to learn a fairy move I'd say draining kiss would be best since then you would have recovery offense and stab. Maybe not till E16 but how exactly do you plan on touching Hardy and Saphira. I'm thinking that Hawlucha idea Vlad passed might not be a bad one.

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yup togekiss does not need a strong fairy move and the only fairy move. togetic learn is fairy wind which is not very strong. all togekiss needs is hax move moves which have additional effects. ie flamethrower,air slash. and smack on kings rock to make the hax real. and togekiss can handle bandersnatch with a good old aura sphere. yes it is not stab but with proper set up and screens early togekiss can live and destroy bandersnatch. more of a reason to evolve togepi fast.

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luna is already beaten though, but I would've preferred having a fairy move so I can deal with Garchomp/sapphira later on.

Drain kiss would be perfect for him actually since it recovers health too but it doesn't learn it for some idiotic reason. I mean Kiss is even in its name <_< I mean it can learn drain punch despite having no arms to punch with yet can't learn draining kiss? smh

I do plan on getting Hawlucha, and Gligar. Probably Staraptor too. Seattle is sticking around for a while longer.

Right now I'm doing route 2...in the rain. Lol gonna take a while, Lag here I come!


Alright, route 2 took less time than I thought. Also I really wish Indra's team black would get a nerf. Freakin Snorlax locked me in a struggle match D: I'm about to take on Samson now, shouldn't be too hard. Bringing Togekiss, Hyperflight, Nazca,Gotham, Goyle, and Drifter to this fight.

The victory is over 9000!!!

Easiest gym match yet. Nazca takes out Hariyama with two psychics(while surviving a knockoff to boot), Gotham solos Lucario/Mienshao/Hawlucha/Blaziken and Drifter destiny KOs Conbkledurr. I didn't even need to use Jt this fight.

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That's true and what I'm hoping for.

I'm having trouble finding Hawlucha though, does he only show up during the day? I'm considering skipping him as I'm losing patience lol.

I found a level 64 Staraptor WITH Close combat and freakin knocked it out on a nuzzle with a good roll. Sooo mad because it's been like 40 minutes and I still haven't seen another one.

Also the level spike between Samson and Charlotte really blows, I always feel underleveled against her.


Falco(Staraptor)lvl 61



-brave bird

-final gambit

-take down

-final gambit

Staraptor is one of my favorite pokemon, and with a set of great IVs Falco is sure to be a heavy hitter to succeed Masque and Chase as the token vanilla bird of the crew. I'll probably use him after Charlotte and hopefully I can get a heart scale for close combat.

Anyway, on to Charlotte's gym. Oh man this one is going to be tough.

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I Will Burn My Dread

Okay so one was kind of tough, it took me at least 3 failed attempts but 4th time I finally got her. At least this went way better than my psychic/ice run against Charlotte...she took me an hour then.

I decided to pull out and grind an old friend who never really saw any action, and boy did he shine this match.

Vega(Swanna) lvl 65

Gotham(Crobat) lvl 65

Seattle(Pelipper) lvl 65

Goyle(Noivern) lvl 66

Togekiss lvl 66

Drifter(Drifblim) lvl 62

I open with Vega and Gotham, with Gotham setting up a rain dance and Vega a tailwind. Typhlosion tries solarbeam(lol) and Darminatan goes for a flare blitz which Gotham survives. Now Typhlosion can't do much this turn so I have Vega use dive(his only offensive move...yeah) on Darminitan's spot thinking that acrobatics will finish him and thus get a solid shot on Rotom who's surely to replace him, but Darm survives and manages to take out Gotham. I'm slightly miffed I lost Gotham so early but he did set up rain so that's good. Goyle takes his spot and uses hurricane on Typhlosion which does a good amount but doesn't kill him. Darminitan gets KO'd by Vega and I forgot what Typhlosion did at this point(hidden power I think) but it doesn't KO him .right now it's 5-5, one loss each.

Rotom, kept messing me up previous attempts and this time was no different, the guy simply hits my team way too hard for comfort. I had Vega use dive again, which cause both Typhlosion AND Rotom's attacks to miss! Goyle finishes off Typhlosion bringing the score to 5-4.

Right here i kind of get fuzzy on details, I do remember rotom coming out and getting switched out to Delphox who gets KO'd by either Vega or Togekiss. Volcarona gets KO'd too.. Vega and Goyle eventually both get KO'd as well, along with my Rain ending and the field catching on fire. 3-2

Her last two are ninetales and Rotom, and I have Togekiss and Drifter out. Drifter soaks a hit from Ninetales and destiny Kills Rotom(YES) and Togekiss uses ancient power which deals a good amount. I have Seattle make a late appearance to cancel out the burning field with Togekiss finishing her off.

One of the tougher gyms for sure, although not as bad as Serra <_<

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Okay wait time out, WTF @ Aster.

It's like this dude's team is tailor made to screw over flying runs. This guy is stupidly powerful.

Literally all but one of his pokemon have something SE against flying types. Two of those are past your current level cap each holding a life orb. Then the last pokemon that doesn't have anything SE against flying is Milotic of all things :[

I managed to beat him after like 4-5 tries, but it was mainly due to Togekiss getting REALLY lucky off pretty much every move. Only thing is now it's overlevelled lol.


Holy crap, Blake got WRECKED.

Gotham sets up sunny day, Jt goes to town with heat wave. One-shot everybody but Frosslass who avoided the first heat wave but got demolished by the second. Only Gotham got Ko'd.


You know, the dialogue that never fails to get a chuckle out of me in Terra's gym is the statue one. "Press the switch? Who wouldn't? Someone who doesn't have a millennium badge, that's who!" Also the sign in Lavender town:"Why are you reading me? Gross."

I beat Mewtwo with just 2 attempts, and without Drifter too. I managed a pretty sweet strategy, first using Nazca to trick an iron ball Mewtwo and take away his leftovers, followed by a psychic. Then I had Gotham set up sunny, with Jt hitting him with heat wave and a flamethrower to finish him off. Terra kind of has me worried though since a lot of her pokemon have stone edge.

Anyway, the team I used for Terra was:

Jt - lvl 69

Hops - lvl 61

Seattle - lvl 65

Nazca - lvl 66

Drifter - lvl 63

Gotham - lvl 70

Terra was definitely one of the hardest leaders so far, I'd say she was probably 3rd hardest(though Aster and Archer were harder so probably 5th hardest actual fight). She has stone edge or blizzard on ALL her pokemon except Claydol, who gets a field boosted psychic instead. Really CLAYDOLLBUNNY exploding is the best case scenerio because the thing is a massive headache to take down otherwise and willw ear your team out hard. HIPHOPOTAMUS and the infamous SWAGSIRE were giving me a lot of problems too especially since Hops' bullet seed would just miss the kill and screw us over. I was able to beat Garchomp only because it decided to use draco meteor on Drifter and suffered a destiny kill because of it. Some people say Terra's easy but I think she's one of the tougher leaders of Reborn.

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Luchadora(Hawlucha) lvl 67

lax nature


-high jump kick

-sky attack

-swords dance

-brick break

I saw it on the way to the water treatment plant and decided to make it a last minute addition. Luchadora will probably be the last member to join our team as we approach the endgame. She's already caught up on levels and I plan on taking her with me to the Water plant and Solaris.

About to do the big showdown with Team Meteor. I'm using Luchadora, Gotham, Jt, Nazca, Hyperflight, and Togekiss. Have to bring my big guns.

Also Fern is so cool in scene where he gets off the helicopter

Sirius: Now will be the moment to prove yourself boy

Fern:Please I don't need to prove anything. And don't call me boy. The name's fern.

Blake:We'll remember it after you do something worth remembering.

Fern: I guess that means we should forget you after what happened in Amertrine

Blake:Hah! Nevermind I like this kid!

Fern: Damn right, you do.

Blue has got NOTHING on Fern man. That dialogue exchange right there embodies why we love Fern so much.


Oh no no no no no wait up why the am I teamed up with Julia against Solaris!? This is NOT what happened last time! My team isn't built for the boom <_<

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And now for our grand finale!!!

First of all, Julia was a terrible partner jezz. Twice she KO'd my pokemon with discharge and she kept using ineffective moves, like there's a gyrados on the field, why are you NOT using electric attacks against it? I was able to snatch the win anyway thanks to Jt.

Anyway onto Ciel, I brought

Togekiss lvl 72

Jt lvl 73

Drifter lvl 64

Gotham lvl 73

Nazca lvl 71

Seattle lvl 65

This is it. The final showdown. The battle to see who truly rules the skies. Here we ascend to heaven, and become gods...okay so not really, we just get a shiny badge, but also the ability to use fly and lay claim to our domain of the endless sky.

I open up with Togekiss, mirror match!. Hers is faster so she use...aura sphere? lol does about as much as you'd think, though I still got slah flinched twice this match up. Eventually I managed to set up two nasty plots and a couple of wishes before taking her out with ancient power which I got the boost off of.

From then on, it rained blood.

Togekiss was UNSTOPPABLE. Archeops? nope. Noivern? GTFO. Gliscor? el OH el. Talonflame? Who?

Then her ace came out, Megaltaria, level 78 and ready to rock.

One air slash was all it took. Show's over honey.

Man what a sweep. I love Togekiss, and I love Vlad for giving me this awesome little guy. Cleanest gym match yet.

So for now the run has come to an end. I'll give individual notes on each member of the team later on tonight(well midnight pacific to be exact),. Gotta say, it was one of the funnest(although admittedly easiest minus "vengeful" Aster, Serra/Charlotte and 1st Archer). playthroughs I've had. Greatly enjoyed this run, and I got to hand it to Charizard, he's not half bad in Reborn and dominates the early game especially.

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Individual notes and rankings

Jt - Charizard

Starting level: 5, Final Level: 73

Viability Rank: A+

Guy was fantastic, and quite possibly the strongest starter early game due to how insanely broken dragon rage is. With solar powered he hits quite hard and has decent enough speed to lay waste on enemy teams. I suggest teaching heat wave via heart scale, as its field burning effects makes several battles much easier.

Free - Butterfree

Starting level 6, FL: 29

Viability Rank: C

Starts off terrible as caterpie, than starts to get pretty solid as Butterfree. That said, Butterfree is a very typical earlymon, and Free's career ended quite early as she quickly fell behind post Corey. She is good for Corey's gym due to psybeam and sleep powder but you're honestly better off choosing woobat.

Seattle - Pelipper

SL: 10, FL: 65

Viability Rank: B

I'm actually pleasantly surprised with Seattle, as I figured he wouldn't last as long on my team as he did. While he does falter late game, early-mid-game he's a pretty awesome supporter and provides an offensive option against the dreadful rock types who are one of flying's worst enemies. His defense is good enough to where he can take some early physical hits, although later game stuff will make his earkymon stats apparent. Having mist early on is extremely useful against the first few gym leaders, and it even came in handy later game too. Truly an underrated pokemon that should be considered for any water/flying monorun.

Masque - Tranquil

SL: 12, FL: 30

Rank: C

Our resident ghettobird from the slums, Masque was the first in our team's line of vanilla birds. Now early on he was actually pretty solid, being able to learn roost naturally and early which looking back makes him great for breeding early game. Since I didn't take advantage of that though he ended up being overshadowed once the team started evolving, and was replaced by Chase who was better in his role. I do wonder what potential Masque could've had had I decided to keep him a while longer.

Hops - Jumpluiff

SL: 12, FL: 62

Rank: B

Another surprisingly useful member who stuck around longer than I thought he would. Leech seed is always a winner, he's very fast, he gets sleep powder and stun spore, gets U-turn...this little dude has some pretty cool tricks. Bullet seed is kind of meh but does its job when it needs to, although late game his lack of offensive power really hampers him down. I think he's better as a supporter anyway but with ice attacks becoming increasingly common post Samson he does lose some usefulness late game.

Drifter - Driftblim

SL:20, FL: 64

Rank: A

People sleep on this dude sooo much...but this guy made my playthrough 10x easier than it should've been Drifloon in Reborn has a chance of starting with destiny bond, which is one of the best moves in the game as it can effectively take down any opponent. Many enemies like Rotom for example which would be very difficult for a flying team to face become a matter of enduring a hit and letting them KO next turn, neutralizing massive enemy threats that otherwise would destroy your team.Admittedly without destiny bond Driftblim is less impressive, just being a pretty okayish ghost type(but fairly decent support with stockpile/baton pass/minimize) but the dude was a total lifesaver who found his way into almost every major gym battle. One thing though, his levelling rate is erratic and suicide kills get you no exp, which means he can fall behind VERY quickly as seen by his relatively low final level.

Gotham - Crobat

SL: 33, FL: 73

Rank: A+

One of my favorite pokemon in Reborn period. Where to start? Amazing speed, solid attack, hits very hard with acrobatics, can set rain or sunshine. I feel he's a MUST on a flying type run at some point as he's just too good to pass up otherwise.

Chase - Dodrio

SL:22, FL: 46

Rank: B

Probably the strongest vanilla bird you can get early game in Reborn, Chase ended up tearing apart Kiki's team with little trouble and with his high speed made him good at dealing heavy damage to more frail enemies. He doesn't have the best health but Dodrio isn't half bad at all, although he does get outclassed pretty quickly after Kiki so his stay is a bit brief.

Ecclair - Emolga

SL: 20, FL: 63

Rank: B+

Emolga emolga emolga, another favorite of mine. With motor drive Emolga removes a crippling weakness to fliers and with solid speed + nuzzleball and acrobatics, can dish out a lot of pain early-mid game.She comes with light screen too, which is useful. Late game her frailty holds her back a lot to where she won't see as much action(this is the main reason she's not an A or A-) and simply lacks the muscle to compete with the big dogs, but she's fantastic for not only mono runs, but Reborn playthroughs period.

Hyperflight - Yanmega

SL: 1, FL: 69

Rank: A

No flying bug is close on Yanmega's level IMO, although supposedly Vespiquen is pretty good. Yanmega's movepool kind of stinks at first, but with bug buzz, U turn, and air slash the guy hits hard, can hit fast with speed boost and is quite a powerhouse against Luna and Radomus. Hyperflight definitely lived up to Yanmega's hype and one of my star members.

Vega - Swanna

SL: 38, FL: 66

Rank: C+

This guy really straddles between B- and C+. I think the lack of good water Tms in Reborn until late game really hampers Swanna as it doesn't learn a whole lot of strong water attacks.Dive was pretty much my only thing i had against her lol. He has have nice support in tailwind and rain dance, and can roost too, so in a way he feels like Peilpper 2.0, but not really since it seems more slightly fragile although stronger and quicker, but more flying oriented. I can't say I was overly impressed with Swanna as none of his abilities are that great, his stats are rather plain, and his moveset while useful doesn't offer as much as I thought it would for a flying team. If only scald were a TM in Reborn.

Goyle - Noivern

SL: 40, FL: 67

Rank: B

I gotta say, Goyle was somewhat disappointing to me as this site makes Noivern out to be really good when he's just sort of good. Tailwind with his speed is a great set up, and roost is pretty cool sometimes. But thing about noivern is that his speed is really his only claim to fame and that he lacks offensive power for a dragon pokemon. He's pretty good against Charlotte save for ice type hidden powers and takes neutral from electric which is great for fliers but oftentimes just can't deal enough damage back, also he doesn't have U-turn in Reborn which I think hampers him. Considering all the work you have to do to raise noibat's pitiful ass, the payout doesn't quite match up IMHO. Noivern is by no means a bad pokemon, but I feel he isn't as great as he's made out to be either.

Nazca - Sigilyph

SL:44, FL: 71

Rank: B

I really wish I had enough heart scales or bred this guy, but I was pressed for the former and too lazy for the latter. Having screens and roost is what I planned for sigilyph but unfortunately I had to make due with a more offense oriented one...meh that's fine because he still ended up being pretty good in a different way. What I like about sigilyph is that he's pretty versatile in how he can be used offensively or defensively, although due to Reborn's Tms being less than stellar it'd take some breeding work on your part and you won't get to use the psycho shift/burn orb combo. Still he was a pretty solid special attacker and was quite good in the glitch field.


SL: 1, FL: 75

Rank: A

Amazing. Serene grace is great for cheap hits and actually got me using ancient power to great effect which is a move I tend to ignore.due to the low power and PP. With nasty plot and wish, Togekiss would turn into an absolute monster that swept one of the most difficult flying monorun fights(final Aster) and creamed Ciel. My only gripe with Togekiss is its lack of strong fairy moves, which just feels wrong. Draining kiss would be prefect for it but for some reason GF forgot kiss was in its name or something.

Falco - Starptor

SL: 60, FL: 61

Rank: ???

Didn't use him at all, sadly. Without close combat I wasn't interested and the heart scale never happened so he just sat there keeping the bench warm.

Luchadora - Hawlucha

SL: 54, FL: 71

Rank: A

The last minute addition to my team who was caught in the middle of ep 15, I'm glad I did because she ended up extremely powerful despite her short time spent. Brutal attack power to lay the beat down on those annoying rock pokemon flying runs tend to have trouble answering for makes her an all star and she 's fantastic against Solaris and Blake.

In terms of gym difficulty, from easiest to hardest it went: Julia > Kiki > Ciel > Samson >> Florinia > Corey > Shelly > Radomus > Luna >> Aya > Shade > Terra > Charlotte > Serra.

Cal and Blake, while not leaders anymore, I still sort of count. Cal is between Corey and Shelly, Blake is between Ciel and Samson.

Final Aster, Archer, Serra, Charlotte and Terra were the hardest.

And that's it! Thanks for following and the advice! ^_^

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Individual notes and rankings

Jt - Charizard

Starting level: 5, Final Level: 73

Viability Rank: A+

Guy was fantastic, and quite possibly the strongest starter early game due to how insanely broken dragon rage is. With solar powered he hits quite hard and has decent enough speed to lay waste on enemy teams. I suggest teaching heat wave via heart scale, as its field burning effects makes several battles much easier.

Free - Butterfree

Starting level 6, FL: 29

Viability Rank: C

Starts off terrible as caterpie, than starts to get pretty solid as Butterfree. That said, Butterfree is a very typical earlymon, and Free's career ended quite early as she quickly fell behind post Corey. She is good for Corey's gym due to psybeam and sleep powder but you're honestly better off choosing woobat.

Seattle - Pelipper

SL: 10, FL: 65

Viability Rank: B

I'm actually pleasantly surprised with Seattle, as I figured he wouldn't last as long on my team as he did. While he does falter late game, early-mid-game he's a pretty awesome supporter and provides an offensive option against the dreadful rock types who are one of flying's worst enemies. His defense is good enough to where he can take some early physical hits, although later game stuff will make his earkymon stats apparent. Having mist early on is extremely useful against the first few gym leaders, and it even came in handy later game too. Truly an underrated pokemon that should be considered for any water/flying monorun.

Masque - Tranquil

SL: 12, FL: 30

Rank: C

Our resident ghettobird from the slums, Masque was the first in our team's line of vanilla birds. Now early on he was actually pretty solid, being able to learn roost naturally and early which looking back makes him great for breeding early game. Since I didn't take advantage of that though he ended up being overshadowed once the team started evolving, and was replaced by Chase who was better in his role. I do wonder what potential Masque could've had had I decided to keep him a while longer.

Hops - Jumpluiff

SL: 12, FL: 62

Rank: B

Another surprisingly useful member who stuck around longer than I thought he would. Leech seed is always a winner, he's very fast, he gets sleep powder and stun spore, gets U-turn...this little dude has some pretty cool tricks. Bullet seed is kind of meh but does its job when it needs to, although late game his lack of offensive power really hampers him down. I think he's better as a supporter anyway but with ice attacks becoming increasingly common post Samson he does lose some usefulness late game.

Drifter - Driftblim

SL:20, FL: 64

Rank: A

People sleep on this dude sooo much...but this guy made my playthrough 10x easier than it should've been Drifloon in Reborn has a chance of starting with destiny bond, which is one of the best moves in the game as it can effectively take down any opponent. Many enemies like Rotom for example which would be very difficult for a flying team to face become a matter of enduring a hit and letting them KO next turn, neutralizing massive enemy threats that otherwise would destroy your team.Admittedly without destiny bond Driftblim is less impressive, just being a pretty okayish ghost type(but fairly decent support with stockpile/baton pass/minimize) but the dude was a total lifesaver who found his way into almost every major gym battle. One thing though, his levelling rate is erratic and suicide kills get you no exp, which means he can fall behind VERY quickly as seen by his relatively low final level.

Gotham - Crobat

SL: 33, FL: 73

Rank: A+

One of my favorite pokemon in Reborn period. Where to start? Amazing speed, solid attack, hits very hard with acrobatics, can set rain or sunshine. I feel he's a MUST on a flying type run at some point as he's just too good to pass up otherwise.

Chase - Dodrio

SL:22, FL: 46

Rank: B

Probably the strongest vanilla bird you can get early game in Reborn, Chase ended up tearing apart Kiki's team with little trouble and with his high speed made him good at dealing heavy damage to more frail enemies. He doesn't have the best health but Dodrio isn't half bad at all, although he does get outclassed pretty quickly after Kiki so his stay is a bit brief.

Ecclair - Emolga

SL: 20, FL: 63

Rank: B+

Emolga emolga emolga, another favorite of mine. With motor drive Emolga removes a crippling weakness to fliers and with solid speed + nuzzleball and acrobatics, can dish out a lot of pain early-mid game.She comes with light screen too, which is useful. Late game her frailty holds her back a lot to where she won't see as much action(this is the main reason she's not an A or A-) and simply lacks the muscle to compete with the big dogs, but she's fantastic for not only mono runs, but Reborn playthroughs period.

Hyperflight - Yanmega

SL: 1, FL: 69

Rank: A

No flying bug is close on Yanmega's level IMO, although supposedly Vespiquen is pretty good. Yanmega's movepool kind of stinks at first, but with bug buzz, U turn, and air slash the guy hits hard, can hit fast with speed boost and is quite a powerhouse against Luna and Radomus. Hyperflight definitely lived up to Yanmega's hype and one of my star members.

Vega - Swanna

SL: 38, FL: 66

Rank: C+

This guy really straddles between B- and C+. I think the lack of good water Tms in Reborn until late game really hampers Swanna as it doesn't learn a whole lot of strong water attacks.Dive was pretty much my only thing i had against her lol. He has have nice support in tailwind and rain dance, and can roost too, so in a way he feels like Peilpper 2.0, but not really since it seems more slightly fragile although stronger and quicker, but more flying oriented. I can't say I was overly impressed with Swanna as none of his abilities are that great, his stats are rather plain, and his moveset while useful doesn't offer as much as I thought it would for a flying team. If only scald were a TM in Reborn.

Goyle - Noivern

SL: 40, FL: 67

Rank: B

I gotta say, Goyle was somewhat disappointing to me as this site makes Noivern out to be really good when he's just sort of good. Tailwind with his speed is a great set up, and roost is pretty cool sometimes. But thing about noivern is that his speed is really his only claim to fame and that he lacks offensive power for a dragon pokemon. He's pretty good against Charlotte save for ice type hidden powers and takes neutral from electric which is great for fliers but oftentimes just can't deal enough damage back, also he doesn't have U-turn in Reborn which I think hampers him. Considering all the work you have to do to raise noibat's pitiful ass, the payout doesn't quite match up IMHO. Noivern is by no means a bad pokemon, but I feel he isn't as great as he's made out to be either.

Nazca - Sigilyph

SL:44, FL: 71

Rank: B

I really wish I had enough heart scales or bred this guy, but I was pressed for the former and too lazy for the latter. Having screens and roost is what I planned for sigilyph but unfortunately I had to make due with a more offense oriented one...meh that's fine because he still ended up being pretty good in a different way. What I like about sigilyph is that he's pretty versatile in how he can be used offensively or defensively, although due to Reborn's Tms being less than stellar it'd take some breeding work on your part and you won't get to use the psycho shift/burn orb combo. Still he was a pretty solid special attacker and was quite good in the glitch field.


SL: 1, FL: 75

Rank: A

Amazing. Serene grace is great for cheap hits and actually got me using ancient power to great effect which is a move I tend to ignore.due to the low power and PP. With nasty plot and wish, Togekiss would turn into an absolute monster that swept one of the most difficult flying monorun fights(final Aster) and creamed Ciel. My only gripe with Togekiss is its lack of strong fairy moves, which just feels wrong. Draining kiss would be prefect for it but for some reason GF forgot kiss was in its name or something.

Falco - Starptor

SL: 60, FL: 61

Rank: ???

Didn't use him at all, sadly. Without close combat I wasn't interested and the heart scale never happened so he just sat there keeping the bench warm.

Luchadora - Hawlucha

SL: 54, FL: 71

Rank: A

The last minute addition to my team who was caught in the middle of ep 15, I'm glad I did because she ended up extremely powerful despite her short time spent. Brutal attack power to lay the beat down on those annoying rock pokemon flying runs tend to have trouble answering for makes her an all star and she 's fantastic against Solaris and Blake.

In terms of gym difficulty, from easiest to hardest it went: Julia > Kiki > Ciel > Samson >> Florinia > Corey > Shelly > Radomus > Luna >> Aya > Shade > Terra > Charlotte > Serra.

Cal and Blake, while not leaders anymore, I still sort of count. Cal is between Corey and Shelly, Blake is between Ciel and Samson.

Final Aster, Archer, Serra, Charlotte and Terra were the hardest.

And that's it! Thanks for following and the advice! ^_^

Very succinct and good analysis, probably can be used as standard reference material for those who are intended to run flying mono~

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