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Since it's been unshelved again today seen http://torrentfreak...._medium=twitter <--There

I thought to share a really good post explaining the REAL reason behind SOPA/PIPA. This post was made by The CynicalBrit AKA TotalBiscuit on his facebook, seen here http://www.facebook....150472748921053

I'm not advertising for either of these sites, just citing my information, anyways, here is the post.

Let's be honest, the people behind SOPA/PIPA are smart, very smart. They know without a doubt the bill will not put a dent in piracy. The kind of people who pirate and run piracy services are far too smart to be brought to heel by mere legislation and have continued to elude the best efforts of the US and it's lackeys. SOPA/PIPA exists for one reason, to protect an aging and crooked business model, dominated by large corporations who are slowly but surely being eroded by people like you and me. These corporations want to stifle the internet because the internet is the biggest threat to their dominance that has ever existed. For decades, through control of radio stations and television channels, corporations have made bank, but now, all the money in the world can't save them from guys in their bedrooms and home-made studios creating content that is more relevant to the current generation. The variety the big media corporations refused to provide because it "wasn't profitable", is now being provided by hundreds of thousands of amateur, semi-pro and professional independent creators and directors and we're all competing for the most important currency of all, time. The time you spend watching our material is time you don't spend watching theirs. It's money directly out of their pocket that they could have been earning before the internet came along and that's the hilarious thing about this whole deal. Piracy is not what's killing their profits, completely legitimate competition from the internet is. They use the cause of "fighting piracy" as a trojan horse to force through bought and paid for legislation to kill independent content creation for good because they can see the end is nigh for their aging and increasingly irrelevant business model. They know they cannot win legitimately, so they do what they've always done, exploit a corrupt political system to bully and extort their way to what they want.

This is what SOPA/PIPA are really about and that is why you should oppose them. You are standing up for what your generation represents, just as previous generations have done the same on a slew of different issues. As much as those in power would like us to believe we are the apathetic, lazy generation. The truth is we are anything but and that scares the shit out of them.

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Obama himself has saud that he has his red veto pen ready for this bill if it does indeed pass congress. He said in an article about this in the paper that this oversteps the bounds of the rights of this country. I'm not all too worried, but It still means that real assholes exist, and will try anything, in anyway possible to get what they want.

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Thing is that it shouldn't even get to him. It's clearly a violation of our rights. Not only that but if it passes, he vetos it, it goes back to congress. Guess what happens if they pass it again with a 3/4 vote? it's gets passed into legislation.

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Any Senator/Congressman that votes for this is telling the American people that they don't want to be re-elected. This act is a direct violation of our rights. However, I'm surprised that people are in such an uproar over SOPA. As opposed to the NDAA bill that was recently signed into law.

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Depends on how well their pockets are being lined, Cyrus.

Slim, basically first it has to pass congress with a...2/3's vote I think? Either that or half, at which point the president can pass or veto the bill. If he veto's it it goes back to congress which can override the veto with a 3/4's vote.

The internet allows us to stay connected. If unconstitutional things happen via NDAA it'll be easy to get peoples attention if we still have our internet free speech right, Erick.

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