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Sleepless Nights -OU-


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Hi , as most of you know. I am Sawkur/Narcotic. I have been a member here for ages now, and everyone knows how I like to battle just to make rate my teams. Its pretty much the only fun I have with Pokemon Online. I love helping people out by giving away the teams I worked hard on. I recently quit PO and I come on like a few times a few. And since I quit, this is the team that I created and honestly, it fucking rocks. I have some special sets on here that I love to use and they work effectively. So if you wish to take this team and use it, go for it! Thats what this rate my team is for :) I hope you enjoy this team as much as I did making it. Good Luck :)



Team Building Process


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I started out with using this new breloom set that I discovered from a friend of mine and I really wanted to test this thing out.


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For this Breloom set to work out , I needed Rain to help him out. You will find out why when I explain more about him.


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Dragonite was added to the team because again, I have a really cool set for him that just owns people in rain.


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Starmie was added because I needed a rapid spinner for Dragonite to use his ability.

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Last but not lest , Skarmory and Blissey were added to add to my stalling core. I also needed a SR user and Spikes user to make Dragonite more effective.

The Team


Blissey @ Leftovers

~Natural Cure

~252 DEF | 252 SPDEF | 4 SPEED

~Bold Nature [+Defense , - Attack]

~Moveset : Stealth Rock | Thunder Wave | Seismic Toss | Softboiled

~Why This Pokemon:

For some reason I have always used Blissey over Chansey. Its just a preferance I guess, I prefer having Leftovers over Evolite. I chose Blissey to be my lead because I wanted to set up Stealth Rocks ASAP. Pretty much the only reason, also because I don't really have any other lead for this team. I have Thunder Wave over toxic because I have it for predicting. If I switch into his special sweeper and then predict he will switch out to something Physical and then cripple him with Twave, it makes things 10 times easier. Stoss and Softboiled are just standard !


Dragonite @ Leftovers


~252 HP | 108 SPATK | 148 SPDEF

~Calm Nature [+Special Defence , - Attack]

~Moveset : Hurricane | Thunder | Roost | Dragon Tail

~Why This Pokemon :

This is a special Dragonite ! Seriously , its special defense and can take tons of hits, with mutliscale up he can live STAB'd Ice attacks no problem. I gave him this unique moveset because it is very uncommon so nobody expects it, and it works amazingly. Hurricane as stab, takes out Breloom/Celebi/Virizon, and stuff like that and Thunder for things like Skarmory and what not. But the reason I run Dragon Tail is because I have hazzards on my team and that can make Dragonite extremely annoying.


Starmie @ Life Orb

~Natural Cure

~16 HP | 240 SPATK | 252 SPEED

~Timid Nature [+Speed , - Attack]

~Moveset : Hydro Pump | Thunder | Recover | Rapid Spin

~Why This Pokemon :

Starmie is my standard Rapid Spinner. Hes the only non-bulky offense pokemon. And really he can do a shit load of damage with LO+Rain up. With rapid spin and recover I can keep him alive for a long time and help support my team because hazzards would destory this team.


Breloom @ Toxic Orb

~Posion Heal

~236 HP | 216 SPDEF | 56 SPEED

~Careful Nature [+Special Defense , - Special Attack]

~Moveset : Spore | Bulk Up | Seed Bomb | Drain Punch

~Why This Pokemon :

Now this is the best god damn Breloom set ever. Hes specially defensive and with Bulk up set up he can live through almost anything. He recovers very easily with Toxic Orb/Posion Heal and Drain Punch. He also can absorb status's because he will have Toxic Orb Activated which can be VERY useful. This set is very uncommon and very good. With Rain supporting him he can live none Stab'd Fire attacks no problem.


Politoed @ Leftovers


~252 HP | 216 DEF | 40 SPATK

~Bold Nature [+Defense , - Attack]

~Moveset : Scald | Ice Beam | Encore | Perish Song

~Why This Pokemon :

Politoed is here for the Rain. Honestly , that and the fact he can somewhat help me deal with Reuniclus. With Encore I can predict when he will Calm Mind and get him stuck in that and move to an appropriate pokemon. Also helps me deal with things like Dragonite. Assuming I have SR up I can 1 hit KO Dnite with Ice Beam no problem. Perish Song is to force switchs making the opponents team get hurt by my hazzards.


Skarmory @ Leftovers


~252 HP | 252 DEF | 4 SPDEF

~Impish Nature [+Defense , - Special Attack]

~Moveset : Spikes | Whirlwind | Roost | Brave Bird

~Why This Pokemon :

My main defensive wall, I use him to stop pretty much any Physical sweeper. He also is very good with this team because he will set up my hazzards for the later game which is very useful and wins me games most of the time. Also with Whirlwind he can force switchs which causes teams to get hurt by hazzards and allow them not to set up.

Last Glance


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I love this team.

Like, honestly. 100%.

Skarmbliss was only typically broken by Infernape in 4th gen, who would run mixed attacks just for that purpose; this is an indication of how powerful a combo it is. By adding in Rain, you've eliminated a weakness (arguably the more common one) of an already-strong combo, as well as a weakness of your Breloom, which, from experience I can say is an amazing sweeper. Just the looks of it; it seems to work together very nicely in that I can't find one thing that doesn't work with something else somehow- and I'm a sucker for non-standard sets.

If I didn't love my existing team already, I would totally steal this.

...Although now I might post my own RMT... Hm.

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OMG, someone else is using Bulk Up Breloom besides me <3

That things beast dude, I know the pleasure in obtaiing 3 Bulk Ups with ease.

Dragonite seems fairly solid, but wanted to let you know Volcarona + Breloom have nice vulk synergy with Quiver Dance + Bulk UP upping defenses. VOlcarona has access to Hurricane, making it a potential rain abuser. Just thought I would mention XD

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I'm not sure Volcarona's hurricane is worth the loss of its stab moves.

Don't you mean dragonite? :P

Hmm, as for the team itself, how does it deal with whimsicott? Prankster-backed Taunt would wreck havoc with the large number of non-damaging moves, though I suppose your wide type coverage would offset that somewhat. In fact, I'm thinking that whimsicott behind a substitute could possibly be the bane of this team's function XD

Breloom may be able to counter whimsicott, but if the whimsicott's user also has Magic Bounce on them (oh look, it's Ame's team!), breloom could be compromised.

Otherwise, definitely a solid team if someone with your experience is fielding it (though really, all teams can be horrible if handled by inexperienced players). Having less ability in building mixed-type teams (I'm more partial to monotype teams), I can't really offer any more comments, alas.

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No, Volcarona. I was responding to Freak's comment.

The biggest check to my team on here is actually Dragonite, and if it's bulky, it's not even that much of a problem... But it depends on how well this breloom is played. Espeon and Whimsicott on my team CAN shut it down, which is why it relies on Skarmbliis to take out its counters. But I personally don't have much difficulty with either of those, for most players. If it was Sleepless I might be worried, but this team wouldn't scare me personally on the average player.

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Well, Volcarona would be a problem for Whismicott and Espeon since it seems Bug Buss was not counted since Hurricane is the only thing I mentioned. Volcarona has physical bulk, like Breloom special bulk, so they work so well together, as their corrosponding attacks boost their defensive stats. Volcarona could cause problems to your team, as once Whisimi and Espeon are down from Volcaron, SkarmBliss can handle everything else.

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No, Volcarona. I was responding to Freak's comment.

The biggest check to my team on here is actually Dragonite, and if it's bulky, it's not even that much of a problem... But it depends on how well this breloom is played. Espeon and Whimsicott on my team CAN shut it down, which is why it relies on Skarmbliis to take out its counters. But I personally don't have much difficulty with either of those, for most players. If it was Sleepless I might be worried, but this team wouldn't scare me personally on the average player.

Ah, got your meaning, then :)

And like I said - on the average player, I'd not be intimidated by this particular team. But on someone like Sleepless, then I might get edgy.

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I personally never run Volcarona just because SR takes 50% of its HP away. Plus in a Rain team it doesn't get much advantage in my opinion. For example. Volcarona is weak to water. Water is boosted in rain. There I can get fucked up easier. Also his main STAB is weakened in Rain. Which is shitty if you ask me.Also I dont really have anything that I can take out and replace for it :/ As for Whisscott or w/e that lil afro guys name is. I never have a problem with him to be honest. Just takes alil prediction. I normally have breloom to counter him but I play it save aswell because I do have rain set up and I dont want them to hit me with Hurricane. So normally what I will do is send in breloom to take the leechseed and then switch to Dnite to take the Hurricane. If it has Hurricane Dnite can KO it with Hurricane aswell. If not then Breloom can easily handle it.

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