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Skuntank, Nidorina guide - locations of, how-to guide to get to them - please help me to get them.




I am having trouble locating Corey's Nidorina and Corey's Skuntank in my Episode 15 version of Pokémon Reborn. Any information that anyone could provide to me, and for me, would be most gratefully appreciated. I have Corey's Croagunk and I am aware that Corey's Crobat is currently inaccessible at the moment and might be accessible in a future version of Pokémon Reborn. I have gone to the spot in Citrine Mountain where Corey's Nidorina is supposed to be, but Corey's Nidorina is not there and I don't know if it will respawn there or elsewhere. I am trying to collect all of Corey's Pokémon as soon as each of Corey's Pokémon become available to me.


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There you go~is in the spoiler lock, i use this video for my event mon hunt~I found the Nidorina at the cave next to his gym in the cage, take a flash HM slave, its dark inside~

Edited by TimTim
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There you go~is in the spoiler lock, i use this video for my event mon hunt~I found the Nidorina at the cave next to his gym in the cage, take a flash HM slave, its dark inside~

In 14:44-14:46, the person that had posted this spoiler-hidden video seems to teleport to Citrine Mountain 1F's entrance. How do I get to Citrine Mountain 1F? I realise that the person who had posted the video might have been playing a different version of Pokemon Reborn than my Pokemon Reborn Episode 15 version, and so, maybe Skuntank's location has been changed since that point in time. Sorry to be a pain - I just want to get Corey's Skuntank, as well as Corey's Nidorina, which I am looking for at the moment, also.


Thankyou very much for your assistance, TimTim. I will go in-game now and locate, then catch, Corey's Nidorina, and for good measure, Solosis, Misdreavus, Rotom and other Event Pokémon that I have not captured yet. :)

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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Latest Nidorina's location is not in the video, its the cave next to Corey's gym~No worries, good luck to you on event mon hunting~I will try to find the latest location of Skuntank, i will let you know if i have found it, i havent gotten to get all the event mons yet~

Edited by TimTim
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Latest Nidorina's location is not in the video, its the cave next to Corey's gym~No worries, good luck to you on event mon hunting~I will try to find the latest location of Skuntank, i will let you know if i have found it, i havent gotten to get all the event mons yet~

Thankyou. I wish you luck in your event Pokemon hunting. Please let me know if and when you find the latest location of Corey's Skuntank. :)

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I found it, it is still same location, what's differ from video is that you need surf, waterfall, and strength in order to reach that, and the video completion was in earlier episode when those HMs were still unavailable, thus they use an alternative which was the glitches~You need at least 12 badges in order to do that, which is past T3RR4~Hold it for a sec~ I will try screencap it to guide you to the location~

Edited by TimTim
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I found it, it is still same location, what's differ from video is that you need surf, waterfall, and strength in order to reach that, and the video completion was in earlier episode when those HMs were still unavailable, thus they use an alternative which was the glitches~You need at least 12 badges in order to do that, which is past T3RR4~Hold it for a sec~ I will try screencap it to guide you to the location~

Thankyou for your continued assistance. 12 Badges? I have 7 Badges at the moment, and I won't be getting any more until I get all the event Pokemon that I can get before I pass through the Agate City Checkpoint, because from that point on, I won't be able to return to Reborn City for quite awhile.

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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Yeah, rounding up the remaining event mons pre Agate is quite time consuming considering factors that influence include weather, NPC chats, puzzles and HM required~This is the location of Skuntank i found, Citrine Mt part that it is seated is past agate, and is accesible via south of Route 2, people might go north, which is Ametrine and they happen to be connected, i hope you dont run the wrong direction when you get there(i hope you dont mind spoiling a little details)

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Yeah, rounding up the remaining event mons pre Agate is quite time consuming considering factors that influence include weather, NPC chats, puzzles and HM required~This is the location of Skuntank i found, Citrine Mt part that it is seated is past agate, and is accesible via south of Route 2, people might go north, which is Ametrine and they happen to be connected, i hope you dont run the wrong direction when you get there(i hope you dont mind spoiling a little details)

Thankyou so much! I will go to Route 2 and that part of Citrine Mountain eventually, just as soon as I grab the remaining event Pokemon that I need to get before I go to Agate City and its Circus. Ametrine Mountain contains another event Pokemon, I believe, via another stone boulder access. I will make sure that I run South from Route 2 to get to Citrine Mountain's entrance via Route 2. I don't mind the spoilers in the video that you have included in your post.

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I found it, it is still same location, what's differ from video is that you need surf, waterfall, and strength in order to reach that, and the video completion was in earlier episode when those HMs were still unavailable, thus they use an alternative which was the glitches~You need at least 12 badges in order to do that, which is past T3RR4~Hold it for a sec~ I will try screencap it to guide you to the location~

Yeah, rounding up the remaining event mons pre Agate is quite time consuming considering factors that influence include weather, NPC chats, puzzles and HM required~This is the location of Skuntank i found, Citrine Mt part that it is seated is past agate, and is accesible via south of Route 2, people might go north, which is Ametrine and they happen to be connected, i hope you dont run the wrong direction when you get there(i hope you dont mind spoiling a little details)

Funny because I did same glitch to check out the Skuntank a couple days back to find out it was Corey's which I then proceeded to ignore as it's of no interest to me... however, the item behind it is

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Latest Nidorina's location is not in the video, its the cave next to Corey's gym~No worries, good luck to you on event mon hunting~I will try to find the latest location of Skuntank, i will let you know if i have found it, i havent gotten to get all the event mons yet~

I have found a Skuntank in Citrine cave, however it doesn't want to interact with me. :(


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