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Places or Settings that gives you a state of piece in mind or serenity


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So, as title indicates, what places or settings can give you a state of piece in mind or serenity (some might call it blowing off or cool down) when you are feeling angry, distraught, depressed or anxious(before exam for example)?

It can be a library, a cafeteria, beach, jungle trek, or for not so outdoorsy individuals, living room? For me, it's beach, strolling on the beach is soothing~

My apologies if this doesnt belong here or has been done before~

Edited by TimTim
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Anytime it's raining or storming can be anywhere. I jsut love the rain... it's for me at least... weirdly relaxing. Like I can;t count the times I've sat outside in the rain and just did really nothing but think and lose myself for awhile lol. I just love it so much for a reason I don't think I can really explain to people.

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^Rain is always great. It's soothing and calms me down very quickly. Whether I'm in the rain or watching from a window, it's a nice feeling.

My favourite places are forests. Any forest, but especially conifer forests. I guess I like that feeling of being alone, except not really being alone. There's no people around, but forests are full of life and honestly, I love listening to the birds.

The smell is also very nice.

I could wander around for ages, just listening to my surroundings and enjoying the view. There's so much to see, too!

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Places with a huge view of the sky at night always makes me beyond relaxed, especially when it's dark.

It makes me feel as if I can just dance in that darkness while seeing the moon.

Other than that, rainy places in general make me very happy, mostly when I'm just sitting in my room, sleeping and doing nothing.

Weirdly, the only place that I generally like is my room. It just got so attached to me that I see it as my own world and paradise.

Also, more weirdly, it's not really a place, but I like that feeling when you're travelling in a vehicle, it's night time, you see the orange street lights, windows are open, and you feel the wind.. Ahh, it makes me very tingly.

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I'd also have to say forests. My friends think I'm weird because whenever we're on a trip (Like camping or something) and come across a big forest, I always just want to explore it. They get bored pretty quickly, so I tell them to leave me behind. (Or sometimes I just leave them behind because I go off of trails and whatnot.) Anyway, I find forests to be really relaxing. Ama pretty much summed it up already.

The other thing that I find super comforting is the idea of being in a log cabin out in the wilderness during a blizzard. Just being inside watching the snow, sitting by a fire where it's warm and sipping some hot chocolate sounds awesome to me for whatever reason. Unfortunately I've never gotten to do that in a log cabin in the wilderness, so my house is the best I've got. I think that situation might be the most relaxing for me of all though.

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The other thing that I find super comforting is the idea of being in a log cabin out in the wilderness during a blizzard. Just being inside watching the snow, sitting by a fire where it's warm and sipping some hot chocolate sounds awesome to me for whatever reason. Unfortunately I've never gotten to do that in a log cabin in the wilderness, so my house is the best I've got. I think that situation might be the most relaxing for me of all though.

Until Cabin Feeeeeeeever sets in.

Anyway... stupid jokes aside lol, Other than as above... I suppose I find most wilderness pretty comfortable and relaxing. Serene in that way only nature is. There's something just refreshing about being out in the wilderness away from the sound of machination, cities, cars, etc etc. Just something so... primal about it. It jsut invokes those simpler feelings. I've never really felt scared or out of place in the wild. It feels... like there is life all around you like you can hear the "heartbeat" of the world. Birds chirping, sometimes the noises of other animals, the rustling of leaves in the wind. The life of the world is just so... fascinating an interesting. I guess one who enjoys hiking ((Me!!!)) would be one who would say these things since on a hike as I walked I would enjoy the nature around me. Talking to those on the trip along with me was pretty interesting to, but not as much as the sounds of nature.

Forests are interesting one of few sights I know due to where I live. Pennsylvania has a lot of woodland around still and very beautiful ones at that. After all, one of the longer Mountain Range in the U.S. the Appalachian Range runs through here along with the Appalachian Trail. It spans from Georgia all the way to Maine ((basically more than half the length of America on the vertical sense.)) I've definitely hiked parts of it... and it would be awesome to one day maybe walk the whole thing... but I doubt I will ever get around to that. ((it would be an interesting time though if I did get to do it lol.)) Anyway... the mountainous terrain and the beautiful forests around Pa really do invoke those feelings of awe and wonder when out in them. Perhaps it's because of what I know but they are definitely interesting.

For funsies really. I do occasionally use this for background noise when I don't feel like listening to music while reading etc...


I still prefer actual rain though... feeling it hit my skin. The coldness of it... the mist in the air. There's just something about it that makes it feel so right to me that I can't describe it lol.

I think that partly why I like rain, but like it even more so than anything else. The rain beats on the world like a rhythmic drum, the pulse or heartbeat of the world as it clashes so gently against everything. Whether a downpour or a light drizzle the tapping on the surface of the planet... is so beautiful. The struggle of the droplets as they fall from the sky. Their only destiny to fall to the world. And in their short existence they leave behind a single note in a cascade of notes. Together they make a song, a heartbeat, a tale that they weave. As they softly or violently bash against everything in a chorus of short brilliant notes. One single drop... would never be heard, people would pass it by, pay it no notice. However... the Orchestra of Water can be heard heck it could make it miserable for people driving as they slicked the world with a film of water. But, we could easily hear them. They band together into something so beautiful and yet so fleeting. There for a moment, gone the next. A testament to how fleeting things are the most beautiful... that the things one can't always see and hear or have in their grasp were the things that stirred the deepest and most powerful emotion. The rain itself... very much like human emotion. it ebbs and flows. One moment a powerful feeling of sorrow or any for that matter, it would wash away to be replaced by the next and so one.

Maybe that's just how I feel about it lol. And why I find the rain so compelling, so beautiful, such... a soul calming experience.,

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the basement of my college's engineering building or the building on campus where like everyone studies. i like the basement of the engineering building because it's rly easy to get work done there idk why. i like the other building bc it has a lot of windows and gets really cold so you can just take a nap in the sun without sweating like a pig

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For me, it's just about anywhere that's isolated that gives me peace of mind. I think it's mostly because of the lack of noise. Living with an autistic sister in a house with no soundproof rooms gives you an incredible appreciation for peace and quiet.

Too bad I never have the chance to be far away from other people.

Edited by aquawaffle
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In a car while its raining.

I know that sounds weird but something about being inside my own bubble of dry while the entire world around me is soaked has always mystified me, also gotta love the sounds of it pitter pattering on the roof.

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I'm probably going to sound really lame, but my basement at home. (Yes, I do live in it, it's like an apartment rather than a basement) Just being in a place that's completely my own lets me really feel at peace and think clearly if I'm having a rough time.

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i know everyone knows this by now but anywhere when it's raining is really nice and cozy.

i like unwinding in cafes, sipping a cup of tea, or munching on some pastry, while it's raining, watching those lil droplets fall~

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Snow. As much as possible. Back when it used to snow properly here, sometimes, when I really needed to just cool down (metaphorically), I'd just throw myself in a pile of snow in my backyard and relax...and sometimes fall asleep...

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Libraries are really nice and quiet place just to get lost in thought or picking out a random book and relaxing. Rain and Snow also have a relaxing feel to them, but I don't necessarily want to be outside when it is raining or snowing >:I

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This might sound odd.

I actually really like noisy places. the "Headphones" answer seems to be pretty generic though, so I'll go with my universities' Student Union Building cafeteria.

There's a section where there are 5 televisions with different sporting events being broadcast, and it's great for studying in my opinion because it allows me to multi-task, which for some reason is more effective than peace and quiet doing one thing at a time.

The thing that causes me NOT peace and quiet isn't noise. It's the eyes of others. if I feel I'm too crowded - that's when I have issues.

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This might sound odd.

I actually really like noisy places. the "Headphones" answer seems to be pretty generic though, so I'll go with my universities' Student Union Building cafeteria.

There's a section where there are 5 televisions with different sporting events being broadcast, and it's great for studying in my opinion because it allows me to multi-task, which for some reason is more effective than peace and quiet doing one thing at a time.

The thing that causes me NOT peace and quiet isn't noise. It's the eyes of others. if I feel I'm too crowded - that's when I have issues.

As a male, it seems I am destined to be good at focusing on one thing but terrible at multitasking.

If I'm driving and talking with someone at the same time, I'm not likely to make turns when I'm supposed to because I usually end up focusing on the conversation.

But yes, there's something about the rain that is calming. Rain is life returning to the desert that I live in. The plants give off a smell wonderful and unlike any other after a rain, but I've experienced it all across the US in the places I have been. I've traveled more than most by plane and by car, and that has been to more places than I have traveled with the military (and I jumped out of planes for them too). The rain makes a steady, soothing beat that is wonderful for all manner of free thought or no thought at all. You just.... listen.

The other place I enjoy is in the water itself, in the pool. If you understand it, motion is fluid, motion is liberating. It's like flying but instead of the air, you're in the water. You have so much control, if you know how, and there isn't much noise to interfere. In the water, you are far freer of gravity's oppression- it's like being weightless. You might not get the speed of the shark, but you have far better directional control and sometimes you just want to drift away...

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Noise bothers me easily, so I definitely prefer quiet places. 95% of the time, that means my room. Also lately when I've been really stressed out I've gotten really OCD, so cleaning helps me calm down and refocus. My room used to be a cluttered mess, but lately that just makes me anxious itself.

If my room doesn't count, I'm at a loss. There's a reason I don't go out much. In school, I would always look for spots as isolated as possible. That usually meant taking lunch breaks in tree tops, on parts of the roof not normally accessible, and ledges above stairwells that aren't entirely safe to get to. The more out of sight it was, the better for me.

Also when people's reactions when they finally did notice the person casually hanging out on some random tree or ledge, were pretty entertaining.

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