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Team suggestion


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Hello guys,

This is my first time playing Reborn and I'm suffering a lot with the balance mindset to it, since I always just leveled up my starter and wrecked face in the other games with it. This is my team and I'm currently in the bug gym with it:


I'm not familiar with the use of stat moves, so they all have offensive moves (Onyx has Stealth Rock), and I never use Shuppet for anything, actually.

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If you did the aqua gang sidequest, you can get murkrow which is a strong and fast flying type on windy days in aqua hideout. You can also get numel in front of the train station during the rain. a slow but good fire type that can set fire to the forest. doing massive damage to her team each turn.

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If you're on Shelly, I'd suggest getting a strong Fire type or a Flying type. If you haven't already, build the Growlithe from the Police Quest or a Numel next to Peridot Station in the Rain. I wouldn't use Onix, since I'm pretty sure one (or more) of her mons have Giga Drain (maybe Yanmega) and her Masquerain has Bubblebeam. The Pachirisu could be good, especially against the Yanmega (with speed boost, and can quickly get out of control).

I used a Skuntank, who evolves at 34 and gets Flamethrower when evolving. It's only weakness is Ground, so it could be a secure way to beat her.

However, most important of all is to have a team of mons generally at the level cap, so you actually have a chance to 6v6, instead of dying instantly. If you're having trouble grinding, I suggest going to under the Grand Staircase and train against Unowns.

Edit: Male Meowstic is generally more support, so set up Light Screen and Reflect (if possible) and then bring out your hard hitters.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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Most of us have more than 6 mons in ready for rotation, best if you can come up with varying types, as of now, as wytch_doctr stated, camerupt is a good mon and Shelly's field can be burnt and used to your advantage and for grinding, there are some trainers that are on the same level as yours at the Hall where you get the starters~Onyx's Stealth Rock is entry hazard, which means when switch in it will hurt the switch-in mons, pretty useful in Shelly's gym, it also factors in the weakness, means that the likes of Masquerain has already got reduced to quarter of its HP before you even move, considering most bugs have 4xweakness to rock, i suggest you lead with stealth rock (is its ability sturdy?It needs to survive on 1 HP taking SE water or grass damage in oder to set up Stealth Rock) Onyx~For further knowledge, status moves are quite handy in handling the OP gym leaders(Toxic Spikes twice may severely poison the switch-ins, Spikes hurts also), other enhancing moves like light screen, reflect or acid armor are extremely helpful in clutches~

Edited by TimTim
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well first and for most welcome to the forums and i hope you enjoy your journey in Reborn.

EVs and IVs are not that important in this game imho but yeah just get a good IV ditto and you should be ok when breeding. Breeding guide is HERE and EV training locations in game is HERE. HERE is a guide to help you with you game if you do not want to get spoiled or just wanna play the game casually dont click. you can trade HERE for after you have 10 badges and HERE at any point of the game.hmm other thing you might need hmm ah a pokemon location guide HERE and item location guide HERE

Ok now for some stuff you can consider doing with your team.

Meowstic M is a good support pokemon. he can learn light screen/Reflect and misty terrain. Misty terrain can be useful if you want to change the field to your advantage. Light screen and Reflect are awesome and can help you in most battles. The reason why meowstick M is such an awesome support pokemon is his ability prankster which give +1 priority to non atking moves i.e Light screen. Meowstick M can set up screen fast and well before any attacks it due to the prankster ability. Damage wise meowstick M is not that great in the later parts of the game because there other better psychic pokemons like Gardevoir/Alakazam/Rueniclus.

For boss battles i would breed a Prankster Murkrow with perish song this kills off most bosses easily.

you need a fire and a grass type in your team. i would add Roselia/Roserade in and Camerupt/Rk9/growlithe for early fire types and Darmanitan as a late game fire type. I would replace shuppet and Onix for the fire and grass type. Also in reborn it is good to have a back up/sub team you can run with just a 6 mon team but it be hard if cause all teams have weakness and there is no harm in having subs as they are easy to train up with the unlimited battle you can do at grand hall after shade i think. also there are unlimited trainers at agate circus in the later parts of the game.

Pachirisu is a good electric type but Ampharos/Eelektross would be a better late game electric type. you might also want to replace the Kricketune at some point of the game with a fighting type like Scraggy/Hariyama/Heracross/Machamp/lucario.

hmm that all i think well good luck and hope you enjoy you game play of reborn.

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Light screen and reflect can go a long way to helping your team survive, especially when you have the light clay being held.

Also friend, make sure you learn those field effects! Unlike the main pokemon games Reborn's field system drastically affects the effectiveness of moves and pokemon and it's a good idea to have at least one pokemon with a field-altering move(misty terrain, mist, electric terrain, grassy terrain, blizzard etc) so that you aren't constantly at a disadvantage against an opponent who abuses their field(example being Charlotte)

For example shadow ball has 80 BP. In a short circuit field, it's power is boosted by x1.3 meaning that it's BP goes up to 104.Applying STAB which brings the original BP up to 120(so with the field bonus it becomes 156 BP), you're now essentially getting hit by a ghost type hyper beam without recharge every turn. Obviously this is no bueno for your team and can cause serious hurts.

However, using your Mewostic's Misty terrain move, the terrain becomes a misty field, which reduces the power of shadow ball by half(0.5x). So instead of 80BP it's nerfed down to 40BP, or if a ghost type is using it would be as if the ghost type lost its STAB completely(so 80 BP), meaning even with a weakness to ghost a pokemon should be able to tank the hit.

Another thing about fields is that unlike stat boosts/screens, critical hits are affected by them as well. I.E a critical shadow ball in a misty field will still suffer the damage penalty while one in the short circuit field will still get the damage boost.

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I really liked the new field effects, but I never did the math behind them, nice to get a grasp on how much they affect stuff.

Also, I'm having a really hard time adapting to the use of stat altering moves, since I never used them in any of the original games and I still fail to see their effectiveness. I put reflect on my Meowstic after reading these answers, but I think it's way more underwhelming than just using psyshock and 2HKO almost everyone, but I'll learn sometime hahaha

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I really liked the new field effects, but I never did the math behind them, nice to get a grasp on how much they affect stuff.

Also, I'm having a really hard time adapting to the use of stat altering moves, since I never used them in any of the original games and I still fail to see their effectiveness. I put reflect on my Meowstic after reading these answers, but I think it's way more underwhelming than just using psyshock and 2HKO almost everyone, but I'll learn sometime hahaha

That's because you're still relatively early in the game. Around Noel and after, Prankster Meowstic with Light Clay using dual screens is vital to allowing your pokemon to set up without getting 1 or 2 hit killed. In general, you'll want to carry a status inflictor (Thunder Wave, Nuzzle, Stun Spore are good options as they cut opponent speed in half). A good fighting type like Hariyama can stay with you and kick ass for a very, very long time because of Thick Fat late game, and Sheer Force early game. Toxicroak is also popular, and can be acquired once you get rock smash and return to Beryl Ward (see pokemon location guide for details).

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Some mons like Hariyama, Mamoswine and Blaziken (and others) do very well without stat moves. Thats because their kits suit them being 1HKOers. Others, like M-Meowstic are support. M-Meowstic gets very little attacking moves but has a wide variety of stat moves which, in the long run, benefit your team more than a pure damage dealer.

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Reflect/light screen don't just increase defense for the pokemon using it, but the entire team as well. So even if Meowstic gets Ko'd or you switch to another mon, you still have the screen up helping. you. With light clay the screen lasts 8 turns which is enough to dramatically alter the tide of battle and give your otherwise frail hard hitters(i.e Alakazam) extra staying power to deliver more hurts.

Also some fields give stat bonuses on certain boosting moves which makes you(or the opponent) much more deadly. On the ashn beach or Chess Field field calm mind's boost is doubled which increases your special attack AND defense up greatly.Also some fields add secondary types to attack, which most of the time isn't usually in your favorite so be careful with those.

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