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I hate 4Chan/Reddit. How about you?

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Like jeez, these sites are just...ugh I feel like whatever aim they originally had has lost any value in comparison to the amount of vileness, misanthropy, bigotry and overall scumminess that's regularly encouraged in these places. 4Chan is a bit more minor these days but Reddit my god, what a freakin disgrace to humanity.

The reddit heads say they frown on all the REPULSIVE BS that gets put there(but a forum dedicated to hating black people is apparently A-OKAY!), but because of hur dur FREEDOMZ don't want to take any responsibility for it and frankly are satisfied with letting it fester and grow. Thing is it doesn't get contained like they claim, it just leaks out elsewhere and contaminates the entire site if not elsewhere. Even on this site you look back on threads to the time where 4Chan was worse/more popular and you can see some of that same ugliness to the point there was even a thread complaining about it and how it made them want to leave the community.

The idea of completely unmoderated speech sounds nice on paper, but practice shows us repeatedly that it gets to a point where it does more harm than good and not only allows vile behavior without consequence, but actively encourages it providing a catalyst for it to spread. I know not everybody is going to be nice on the internet, but that shouldn't make it okay to be a degenerate socially inept asshole either.

Supposedly the mass shooting today in oregon was a 4Chansman, stereotypical 20 year old toxic psuedo-masculine male POS that infests social media scum pits like this. How unsurprising that these types of guys keep end up being the usual suspects in these shootings when their horrible beliefs and behavior are routinely supported and encouraged on sites like these. Thing is they and many youth like them are growing up in their teens being accustomed to the idea that sort of thinking, while even if not "normal" is in its own way acceptable and something not actively worth improving upon since there's so many others like you who feel the same way with them even giving you a thumbs up or whatnot for it. It's like an alcoholics anonymous who admit they have a problem, but instead of trying to help one another through they just drink even more becoming even worse. While ultimately the blame falls to the guy being a absolute scumbag and awful human being(no guys, mental illness isn't a reason for you killing people although I do agree mental illness care in this country needs improvement) I still feel like Reddit/4Chan and even Twitter/Facebook even don't do enough to fight this kind of behavior. They need to realize that they're providing a toxic environment for it to be reinforced and as we keep seeing on a more regular basis with dire effects..

Of course it's foolish to say 4CHAN MADE HIM DO IT because no that's not what I'm saying and frankly there's so many more factors that go into this way of thinking and action . I'm just saying that these sites are becoming increasingly detrimental to society as they continually create environments for and empower vile behavior/beliefs which none of these sites seem interested in taking responsibility for. Sure you can't decide what people can or cannot say, but you definitely can do something in how it's responded to.

Also, i know there's more to Reddit and 4Chan than redpill and crap like that, but the fact those parts of Reddit are allowed to fester so freely just sort of tarnishes the entire site for me, and really many others. It'd be like going to a school that has its own neo nazi club on campus which they fund. Like would you really be okay with that? I wouldn't.

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I agree with you on what you said about fourchan. They pride themselves on hate and stuff so I don't have much time for them.

I do agree that there are bad parts of Reddit but I don't mind most of it. While it makes the site overall a bit worse it isn't too big a problem for me as I can go and look at the nice parts.

Still neither of them are places as great as a place like Reborn.

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TLDR: just read it.

allow me to present my argument, if you will~ sit back, and enjoy!

well, if you ignore the bad and toxic parts of those domains, you see a well developed, well organized, and popular website that thousands of people use everyday!

see the problem is not the website/domain itself, its the people using it.

generally, well in the eyes of someone who doesn't not know these places, this site is amazing, fun, inspiring, and generally goes along with the terms i said above, but noo, there has to be that one idiot, that one asshole who just ruins it for everyone.

see the problem?

well, you may ask: "aren't there rules on not to do these things?" well, yes there is! But the thing is, rules are not enforced sadly.

maybe, one day, there will be a world without assholes... one day...

and as my history teacher once said,

"the problem with x organization isn't the organization its the 0.00000001 percent of it, that ruins the organization as a whole"

just my two cents in on the matter~

Edited by Sinikuro013
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TLDR: just read it.

allow me to present my argument, if you will~ sit back, and enjoy!

well, if you ignore the bad and toxic parts of those domains, you see a well developed, well organized, and popular website that thousands of people use everyday!

see the problem is not the website/domain itself, its the people using it.

generally, well in the eyes of someone who doesn't not know these places, this site is amazing, fun, inspiring, and generally goes along with the terms i said above, but noo, there has to be that one idiot, that one asshole who just ruins it for everyone.

see the problem?

well, you may ask: "aren't there rules on not to do these things?" well, yes there is! But the thing is, rules are not enforced sadly.

maybe, one day, there will be a world without assholes... one day...

and as my history teacher once said,

"the problem with x organization isn't the organization its the 0.00000001 percent of it, that ruins the organization as a whole"

just my two cents in on the matter~

You made that point very eloquently and I agree to a large extent.

I'm not sure if in a place like 4Chan it is the 0.000000001 percent (I think the number would be higher) but as a general rule that is true.

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On the subject of the shooter dude today,there's sources coming out just now saying he didn't post on 4Chan or whatever, it was some other guy who posted an announcement of wanting to do a killing or something with others actually egging him on. Like that's the thing I'm talking about, just people doing nonsense like that. Although my point about the toxic hate these sites enforce still stands.

It's not just that well ONLY some parts of these sites are bad while the rest are fun(I do find some of 4Chan's humor amusing actually and I know not every subreddit is crap) but that there is not enough being done about the bad parts like you mentioned which is having some pretty nasty effects on social media and by extension society in general overall. I just feel like these sites are not taking enough responsibility for the content and environment that gets created on there and that it's just not a good thing that should be ignored. Ignoring doesn't make it go away, if anything it has only made the problem more prevalent and worse.

Social media is such a double edged sword, on one hand it connects so many like never before but also enforces the worst kind of behavior and left unchecked can divide us in ways we've yet to experienced. I believe great responsibility and care needs to go into social media avenues and that frankly not enough is being done at this point.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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From what I can tell you might just be thinking of the Random and Political threads, although News gets racist too. Some of the other threads like Art and Technology are usually filled with very helpful and nice people. Although with it being anonymous and all, sometimes boards do leak into each other. And on the subject of the man getting egged on to commit a shooting, out of the hundreds of "I'm going to x at y" posts I've seen only one has been true. Although this is all just my opinion so I may be wrong.

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"Hate" is a strong word

IDK much about 4chan because I mostly ignore it, but I do know that part of Reddit is that it's supposed to be an open forum where people can do whatever and more or less moderate themselves. So it's to be expected that there's going to be plenty of people saying stuff that you or I consider stupid since it's a place made to let them be stupid if they want

So yeah, Reddit is full of BS, but it's kind of made to allow the BS

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Frankly, I just don't like Reddits set up, I can never tell whose talking where and why. I think of 4Chan as the Mos Eisley of the internet.

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." -That Old Guy

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I've never really had any bad experiences in reddit or 4chan to be honest. Then again, I stick to certain places only so that could be why.

Honestly, as long as you keep away from /b/ and /pol/ on 4chan, there's nothing wrong with the site.

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Every webside have their positive and negative.

Haven't been so much on both forums.


It's fine, not so much crap given, Found some nice smash gifs from it.

The comments can be hard, but their are waaay smarter than the idiotic youtube comments with grammar and critisim.


Have heard about it alot. Stories of death people and such.

4chan hate everyone of course.

But 4chan did some funny pranks i admit(not to extreme ones), and iirc they did track two teenage girls that abused, killed the tortoise with footage.

That's pretty impressivie.

But yeah, don't pay too much attention of both webside.

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I don't really hate these websites myself. If horrible or ignorant people wanted to find a place on the internet to flock to, and 4Chan and Reddit were actually moderated, these people would just find somewhere else. Regardless, I generally tend to avoid both 4Chan and Reddit because of their negative reputations and my own experiences with them.

From what I've seen and experienced of 4Chan, it just seems to be the internet's cesspool. That's why I tend to stay away from there until something notable happens, like that supposed leaker a while back, who claimed that the next main series pokemon game would have an announcement trailer posted the next day(it turned out to be fake, in case you're wondering).

As for Reddit, I don't go on the site much, and when I do, I tend to stick to the subreddits that I know are moderated, like r/games. But whenever I hear something about specific subreddits without actively searching for them, I find its usually some notorious one dedicated to posting disturbing, explicit material.

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You must have missed the whole Ellen Pao fiasco, because a large number of communities pushed for reddit to be as it is now.

Also, /b/ and /r9k/ don't define 4chan. They're seperate communities under the same website. You won't see the people on /fit/ or /vp/ shouting for a beta uprising

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see the problem is not the website/domain itself, its the people using it.

This 100%. Websites like reddit and 4chan allow us to speak to a large number of people while giving us the illusion of anonymity or a dulled sense of consequence. The internet in general lets us broadcast whatever we want on a global scale. In that kind of environment, people lose their filter/restraint and say whatever they want. So when you say you "hate reddit/4chan" what you really mean is you hate humanity at its worst.

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I made a reddit profile a long time ago, but along with the thousands of other pointless social media sites at the depths of my inbox, I forget. I also have a tumblr account (I think?) and a 9gag account, but I never use them. I have never used 4chan before, but I have heard horrible things about them, and the fact they have a entire board dedicated to pornigraphic material doesn't improve their reputation a bit.

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I made a reddit profile a long time ago, but along with the thousands of other pointless social media sites at the depths of my inbox, I forget. I also have a tumblr account (I think?) and a 9gag account, but I never use them. I have never used 4chan before, but I have heard horrible things about them, and the fact they have a entire board dedicated to pornigraphic material doesn't improve their reputation a bit.

Reddit has several subreddits dedicated to porn. If that's what turns you off a website, Reddit's way worse.

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I frequent 4chan and have done so for years. Board that I used in the past or still use include, but aren't limited to /v/, /vp/, /vg, /mlp/ and /lit/.

And from my experiences, people who either don't browse the site, or only ever took a quick look, tend to have a limited understanding of how the site works.

As a note: when I use the word "community" in context of 4chan, I'm using it in a loose sense. 4chan doesn't have the same sense of community as, say, Reborn does. Yet the fact that the site has many, many regulars and a distinct "culture" of its own (even varying by board) means that, yes, it can be called a community.

4chan has a reputation on the internet. Namely, a reputation for being a horrible, vile, terrifying place. So often, when people tell me about "checking the site out", they tend to be almost disappointed by how underwhelming it is. And it probably is, because reputations tend to be exaggerated over times, and in the light of all the terrible stories people have heard over 4chan, and the site's total record of... well, yeah, pretty awful things that happened, just spending a day there will leave you thinking "really? That's it?"

The "Internet Hate Machine" recently turned 12 years old. 12 years is a lot of time to accumulate a history of assholery and horrifying acts. 12 years is also a lot of completely ordinary days where nothing overly exciting happens.

Now... the site is well-known for it's rude userbase. And again, if you just take a quick look, of course you're just gonna see a bunch of people anonymously spouting insults and being generally really mean to each other. But see, if you frequent this site for a long time, all those insults are just gonna bounce off you. People are rude by default, everyone can be categorized into a different variation of the f-word, and... that's just how people there communicate on a basic level.

4chan has a default tone, catchphrases and buzzwords, just like most communities do.

For those here who frequent tumblr - let's be honest, do you still take terms such as "gross", "trash" and "important" serious? I for sure don't. Why? Because they're everywhere. It's what people throw around a lot, and the more you hear of it, the less it impresses you.

4chan is the same there. It uses different terms, and overall, the language is much more crude, but fact remains that to regular visitors, it isn't actually offensive any more, nor is it shocking. And you generally develop a pretty good sense of when someone is actually trying to insult you, or when they're just flinging around insults because that's how people talk to each other on there.

Once you get past that point, and can accept the rude tone as the basic attitude people have towards each other, 4chan can actually be very interesting. Anonymity brings out honesty in people. When your words and actions aren't being tied to a name, a set profile of you, people tend to be more open about their experiences, their opinions. They're willing to discuss things that they might not talk about the same way on, say, Facebook.

It brings out the best and the worst, but personally, I find it very fascinating to read. Because sometimes, people are more real when they're anonymous.

As for 4chan's actions (raids, activism etc), it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about a website that is visited by an enormous number of people. And they don't all share the same ideas, they're not a hivemind. If "4chan" raids a website, that's not the whole website or even one whole board collectively deciding to do it. That's a fraction of people doing it. And the next time something happens under the name of 4chan, it'll probably be a different group.

The site is merely the platform for those people to gather like-minded individuals and call them to action.

Imagine it like people rallying on a town square. One day it'll be a religious group, the next you'll have the farmers, and maybe on Tuesday it's teachers. They just all use the same place to gather.

And 4chan's overall climate -anonymity, loose rules, high tolerance for different inds of content- makes it easy for people to do that.

People don't feel obliged to be polite to each other, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to have valuable discussions on there. On the contrary, I've enjoyed plenty of interesting conversations, and with people from so many different walks of life coming together, there's actually a lot of diversity, exactly because there's no consens on what is the "right" or "wrong" opinion to hold.

This kind of environment sure isn't for everyone, and that's understandable. Personally, I like it.

Also, concerning people using 4chan as a means to announce/plan/confess to crimes such as shootings - this stuff IS reported to law enforcement. Both users and staff do take action in cases like these. It's not a safe space for shooters to share their plans without repercussions.

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  • 1 month later...

I like Reddit. Although, I have stayed towards only very lovely subreddits. Although, with 4Chan... never been there, but it is occasionally interesting hearing of the antics that goes on in that place. It's kind of like watching a caged animal from afar, dangerous and erratic, but fascinating in the same way.

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This picture mostly sums up how I feel about 4chan. Yes there are dicks, but 4Chan has done a lot of good too. Of course, this doesn't mean they aren't shit holes a lot of the time. Here are some links tho:




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  • 2 weeks later...

It's kind of like watching a caged animal from afar, dangerous and erratic, but fascinating in the same way.

Yep, that sums up most of the bad sites of the internet for me, I know they are there and some like to take a closer look of the teeth of this animal but I don't have to look at it if I don't want it.

(and on the internet, meaning thread-titles, one even gets an etiquette of what kind of animal to expect^^)

I read your comments (dear community posting on this thread) and mostly I agree with them.

Yes, there are bad people, there are those who only do that anonymously and honestly,

I'm less "scared" about those who post their weirdness online, 'cause that mostly means to me that they found a ventile for them.

Let's take a look at the other side, to those who just dwell on their f*cked up lives and who they could blame or what they could do to get "revenge" at somebody random just for being better.

I'd rather watch something rot, than it rots and I don't know of it until it knocks me down by surprise.

Same with democracy.

I know that system isn't perfect, but I think it is the most suited for people.

And democratic people should be able to handle those who disagree with them.

For those who are going to actually do something criminal, there is the law.

(and no, I don't want to discuss now of what the border should be between a police state and a constitutional state are).

& For those who don't do anything but stirr up moods of easy-to-influence people...

Well, just watch out your friends / classmates / whoever close to you don't become those ill-minded people or get influenced by those.

And for 4chan and reddit, I never really visited those sites, just got rumors.

But like I said, I'd rather watch out for something rotten, than smell it when it is too late.

For tumblr, hm, I hear even less about it than the other two sites...

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Each has a few really toxic/fucked up boards (/b/, r/atheism, /v/, r/watchingpeopledie) but for the most part they're communities like any other. Did you know that 4chan has a /lgbt/ board?

Nope. And I got no idea what those /b/ or r/atheism or stuff like that mean^^'

(I know atheism but I can't understand what those URL-parts should mean, or are those even part of an URL?)

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4chan isn't nearly as bad as you would think. Reddit is similar. Each has a few really toxic/fucked up boards (/b/, r/atheism, /v/, r/watchingpeopledie) but for the most part they're communities like any other. Did you know that 4chan has a /lgbt/ board?

Reddit is a very very shitty place. Literally closet racist central, fam.

That being said, there are a few subreddits that I hang around. (Notably /r/hiphopheads and /r/leagueoflegends)

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