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Shiny Club - Calling All Shiny-hunters!


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Hi, everyone,

So, I'd like to tell you all about the recent shiny Pokémon I have: a ) caught and B) b ) been given in Pokémon Reborn, Episode 15. Today, I have caught (via many Soft Resets, a shiny Tepig, and also, a wild, shiny Magcargo.

Today I have been given, also with the assistance of many, many Soft Resets, a shiny Corsola and a shiny Meditite (Male/Spectral version). I am hesitant as to whether or not I should evolve Spectral Meditite and include it in my current Team. I am afraid that my Spectral Medicham will revert to non-shiny form (is this even possible, by the way, does anyone know?.)

Other notable shiny Pokémon that I have caught are:

shiny Joltik (via Soft Reset)

shiny Heracross (Pinsir/Heracross event, via Soft Reset)

shiny Spoink (hide and seek event)

shiny Gothita (library event)

shiny Drapion (I found this shiny in the wild) and more.

In closing: What shiny Pokémon has anyone else caught so far?

Are any shiny Pokémon that you have in your current/rotation Team?

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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My shinies include Donphan, Girafarig, Noivern, Skiddo, Dunsparce~Shinies in Reborn will not revert to non shinies, that i can assure you~There is a shiny dex somewhere in Reborn forum that they collect images from shiny hunters~My shiny Noivern is in my main team~Spectral is the nickname right?I thought it was some new species of meditite that i dont know of?Found it, here is the thread http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17202

Edited by TimTim
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Hey, that's radical! :) I have a shiny Phanpy that I am in the middle of raising toward its next evolutionary stage, Donphan, and I also have a shiny Girafarig. xD I am relieved to hear that shiniy Pokémon do not revert to non-shiny form, because my shiny male Meditite and my shiny Joltik took forever and a day, via Soft Reset, to get. Thankyou for sharing with me this information about Shiny Dex Pokémon. I would like to see what shiny Skiddo looks like, but I can never seem to find one, no matter how much I attempt to find one. I believe that Spectral is

the form that Misdreavus assumes to trick you into believing that it is Kiki's Medicham

. I would like to find, and capture, a shiny Noibat.

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Three shinies so far: a Sandshrew (Blushru), a Foongus (Great!), and a Pidove (3.1415926535)

The shiny rate in this game is absurdity in the best way possible, I love it. Except for when it decides to interfere with what I'm doing. Such as get my Gardevoir up to a certain level.

I was training my Gardevoir to 62 to get Moonblast, and then I saw this while training


So because it wasn't an evolved Pokemon, I just said "Eh I'll catch it no big deal". But then this happened after I caught it in the next fight


I just kinda... sat there. For 10 minutes, completely dumbstruck.

I tried to catch it but the stars didn't align right for it. Alas!

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I have have hand full of shinies, including a Lumineon, a Swadloon, a Donphan, a Mankey, two Unknowns, and my prize possession, a shiny Absol.

Seriously, whoever sprite the Absol shiny sprite did a fantastic job.

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