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Out Of the light and into the shadows (a Dark type monotype of pokemon reborn)

Yours Truly

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Introduction : a letter to mother

A van pulls up in front of your house, and a man steps out carrying a Package and a clipboard. you pick up your pokeball wary of what might happen next, he knocks on your door and you step towards the door.

as you open the door you notice something quite interesting, He is a young man wearing a black hat that looks vaguely like actual hair from a distance, besides that he is wearing a mostly blue outfit with a prominent blue armband.

The man says: Excuse me are you the mother of Cronos? , You answer that yes you are in fact his mother but you haven't seen him since he last left 7 months ago.

The man proceeds to apologize saying that the package should have been given to you months ago but recent troubles in the Reborn region and the Immense difficulty of smuggling anything here.

He gives you said package and asks for your signature, he leaves shortly afterwards.

you look down to the adress.

It says :

---------------------------- William M. Cronos

---------------------------- 6128 Grand Hall

---------------------------- Reborn City, Reborn Region 4269

---------------------------- Reborn Region

You are surprised and you close the door and open the package as soon as possible. it contains a letter and a pile of pictures, on the top of the pile is a picture of a young man wearing a dull black trenchcoat there is a fedora on his head,

there is an Ear to ear grin on his face and a pair of glasses with a black frame.

You put the picture down and you open the letter.

------------------------------6128 Grand Hall

------------------------------Reborn City, Reborn Region 4269

------------------------------October 3 2015 (it is dated for Six months ago)

Dear Mother

Well it seems that the law has finally caught up to me, but don't worry I am currently heading towards Mysidia to catch a train to The Reborn Region.

They say that the Reborn Region is a good place to "disappear" I think I will stay there for a while until the situation cools down.

So please don't worry about me I am perfectly safe and I'm as healthy as I can be.

So please be careful and I will send you more letters as soon as possible.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Son.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ William M. Cronos

(Attached to this letter are the following notes)

The Rules

1. I may only use dark type Pokemon (or Pokemon that will be) in battle

2. I may catch HM slaves but you cannot use them in battle until you finish the run

3. The Run ends when I finish Episode 15

4. Grinding is mandatory

5. Item abuse is a go

6. I may catch non dark type Pokemon for breeding purposes (for example Ditto)

6b. I may catch one time event Pokemon but I may not use it unless it is (or will be) a dark type

7. Don't Screw this up : )

1# Out of the light and into the shadows

So the train from Mysidia to reborn exploded with me on it, Amateur job though I ended up completely and utterly unscathed.

So it seems I lost all of my Pokemon in the explosion :(, thankfully a friendly passenger told me to come to the "grand hall" to get some new Pokemon, well I guess it's just fair.

Met the local gym leader her name is Julia, she seems to really love explosions and she admired the work that was put into the train explosion.

Met A woman named Victoria, I think she knows something about my past. she seems like she could get in the way later.

Chose A froakie named it Unpei because I forgot the J in front, but I can rename it later.

Met A man(?) named Cain, He(?) seems friendly enough.

He challenged me to a battle, I beat him but it was a little close this low defense/special defense could spell trouble in the future.

On second thought the "friendly person" I met seems a bit cruel.

Victoria Challenged me to a battle I beat her for now, but it seems she favors Fighting types.

Turns out that the "friendly woman" (who is called Amethyst by the way) knew everything, but she said that she would "let it slide" if I completed a certain task.

She told me that if I completed the reborn league she would allow me to live in this city, but it comes with a catch

The Reborn league is known mostly for its difficulty, but now it seems that they are trying to make it even harder.

They're Introducing new Field Effects inside the gym's, some of them unique to said gyms.

If I beat them with their "new" teams (who are said to "fully utilize" the new Field Effects) and challenge (and beat) the Elite Four this would all just go away and they won't extradite me.

she also noted my penchant (my words not neccesarily her's) for dark type pokemon and gave me a uhhh monotype availability guide ( later on I would realize that this was just another way to give me false hope).

I accepted the task knowing full well the enormity of it(not that I had a choice mind you).

She also told me that I'd have to complete certain ..... "Sidequests" in and around the city, for my own benefit of course.

She gave me a standard issue Pokedex a Pokegear and a pair of running shoes.

She wished me "good luck" I don't think that it was sincere.

Victoria gave me some pokeballs, I thanked her for her kindness

Checked the weather report it said that this is would be a clear week, no mention of my name in the news report, I guess that's good it means Ame hadn't lied to me.

I checked my bank account's it turns out most of them were frozen(as expected) but I managed to withdraw 3000 grand from my emergency emergency X10 accounts.

Almost bought a pokemon but it was stolen although the salesman told me where I could potentially re-obtain it, that man is going to regret the day he wronged me for the seconds he has to live.

A woman explained the "hard level caps" that is placed on every single pokemon owned by a trainer.

Beat up an old man in order to gain entrance into his garden.

Spent 35 minutes looking for a stunky and it took me One turn to catch it, I named it Gregory

It has good IV's and it has stench as it's ability I don't know if that's good

Caught a Poochyena and named it Gramecy

It has Run Away and a decent enough defense Ivs and almost perfect Sp. Defense Ivs.

Renamed unpei to Junpei.

. A man gave me an old rod not sure what use it is besides fishing up goldeens.

Saw a zangoose shame I can't use it though.

Saw a wingull flying around inside a house and I refused to waste a pokesnack on it.

Saw a tediursa and again it's a shame I can't catch it.

Saw two suspicious people plotting a heist, I incapacitated them but not before they made a stupid sounding speech.

Turns out that the goon and the salesman were playing a con on me, I roughed them up a bit and they told me that the Pokemon was actually stolen on the way here.

Met a man named Fern he challenged me to a battle.

Went to challenge the Local Gym leader, but she told me that she has something she has to do first involving the train station bombing.

That the perpetrator turned out to be part of a larger group and they were planning to destroy the power plant/her gym next.

She also told me that she (and a bunch of her friends) are going to go over there to teach them a lesson and that I should come with them to help out. (The Mosswater Factory) Important!.

I met her in front of the factory and she proceeded to blow up the front door, I like her style.

Met up with her "Friends" one of them is Fern and the other is the grass type gym leader Florina, she seems extraordinarily emotionless.

Julia proceeded to give us a Sitrep: Team Meteor is planning to blow up her gym/power plant thus potentially cripling the city's power supply and killing many people in the process, Our mission is to blow THEM up before they do so.

It seems the Mosswater factory exists solely to pollute the lake with it's waste, we should probably shut it down.

Well it seems we must split up and it turns out i'm partnered with fern.

Junpei evolved into a Frogadier : ).

Well it turns out our way is blocked by a steel gate, Florina is trying to hack into the gate's security but Julia tells us to just go and find the rest of the explosives. Fern "Volunteered" to carry the potentially highly unstable and easily set off explosives. ( He is either brave, stupid or both). We gave the Explosives to Julia but Florina opened the gate before she could use them. Julia seemed really disappointed. We met the leader of the enemy's team he battled the gym leaders and he ordered some of his underlings to battle us. ( but not before insulting our battling skills) The enemy had surprisingly good Pokemon, but me and fern took care of it regardless.

As it turns out Julia's decided to plant the remaining explosives in the room we were in, we proceeded to run away as quickly as possible.

We Regrouped Outside of the factory and we decided to split up. ( Fern and Julia mentioned an Incident occurring between Florina and a person named Titania, it seems something happened between those two that caused Florina to become emotionless.)

A terminal inside the gym sent a message straight to Amethyst she proceeded to give several tips that might just help me beat the gym.

I Caught a purrloin and named it Alex.

Gramercy evolved into a Mightyena : ) .

Barely got through the gym battle :( , aftermath is a really annoying if there's one Pokemon with it but it's deadly if there's three.

Victoria told me that something weird is happening in the Obsidia ward and that I should have to go there to help.

Current Team:


Junpei Lv 19 Gramecy Lv 19 Gregory Lv 17 Alex Lv 14

Edited by Cronos5010
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Oocs: Other than expanding and editing the first post I am currently making the descriptions for the pictures they will be updated as the story progresses


Pictures: Chapter 1

1. one of the pictures shows a young woman with white hair, her face is seems to be showing a neutral expression, she is wearing a black scarf but the rest of her body is obscured by what seems to be a desk, she seem is to talking to a young woman with black hair wearing a black and white dress with a Tao symbol embroidered on it; the back of her head is shown but rest is invisible from this angle.

2. this picture shows a young woman with yellow hair she is wearing a yellow jacket and a skirt, the background shows a factory with a broken door and rubble strewn around it.

Pictures: Chapter 2

1. This Picture shows a young ....... man with purple hair, he is wearing a purple jacket over a fishnet shirt; he is carrying an excited looking Oshawott; the man is smiling; in the background there is a young woman with light blue hair and a Lighthouse; but the water is colored brown; there are some words written on the back of the picture, it says : Cain with his new Oshawott.

2. This Picture shows a Machine, There are several brownish spheres in the bottom of the machine; a Tangrowth is strapped to the machine, but it looks different somehow, it all seems a bit wrong, there are several yellow "roots" that extend from the pokemon to the ground, A person is standing next to it and there seems to be two young women including the woman with light blue hair it seems the Tangrowth has incapicated them, but the picture is too blurry to make out anything else; There are words hastily scribbled on the back of the picture; It just say: P.U.L.S.E.

Edited by Cronos5010
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2# The P.U.L.S.E.


A van pulls up in front of your house it is the same van as yesterday, and a man comes out carrying an envelope he proceeds to walk towards your door, he apoligizes for the lateness.... again you take the envelope and close the door.

--------------------- William M. Cronos

--------------------- 6128 Grand Hall

--------------------- 6128 Grand Hall, Reborn City

--------------------- Reborn Region

--------------------- 4 October 2015

You open the envelope, it contains several pictures and a letter.

6128 Grand Hall

--------------- Grand Hall, Reborn City

Dear Mother

Well you know what I said earlier about Reborn city being a good place to hide? , I was wrong.

As it turns out this place isn't just a dreary smog covered cesspit, it's a dreary smog covered cesspit

With an incredibly high crime rate. although of course I'm doing just fine

So please don't worry about me and stay safe okay.

Wishing you weren't here, your son

William M. Cronos

There are some pages inside the envelope.

Met with Florinia, she gave me the authorization to enter the Obsidia Ward

She also gave me a sit rep : (it seems that something or someone is currently manipulating the local plant life, making them grow at unprecedented rates and damaging the environment. she also notes that similar incidents have occured in two other wards and that they cause "large - scale destruction".)

Well the job it seem's is quite straight forward: find out what is causing the growth to happen and destroy it.

She tell's me to meet up with the rest of the group at obsidia park.

it seems that a certain corporation (Yureyu) has gone under thus causing much pain and suffering for the inhabitant's. I must find out more.

from what little information I managed to gather it seem's that an earthquake caused the destruction of the Yureyu company thus leading to an increase in unemployment which led to an increased crime rate.

I tried to go to obsidia park but the road has been destroyed by the earthquakes and the plants, so I decided to take a detour through the slums.

A lilipup ran away from his owner, he is chasing after it futily.

I met up with Victoria she mentions the ruined main road and how she tried to go through the slums, and how she failed; she has decided to battle me as a test to gauge my strength.

I beat her; she also told to be careful as everyone there want's to attack you and that some of the debris were moving on their own; she left afterwards.

I caught a pangoro and named it Yang.

A friendly Hobo told me about "Light Shards" which can heal you if you touch it, but it dissapears after you touch it and it won't appear again.

So a box has just ran away from me.......

And another box has just decided to run.

I "obtained" a pokemon egg, it was just laying there on the side of the street.

A scientist told me about "Pokemon Gangs" Which are apparently groups of pokemon that stick together in an urban environment, it seems quite interesting.

So I met the kid who stole my pokemon, he said that he sold it to a North Obsidian Gang Who Is based near the Lapis ward; although I had to "convince" him quite a bit.

A box growled at me.....

And the box ran away from me again.

It appears that these "Light Shards" only appear before or after a major event, or if it seems you cannot possibly get past the next hurdle without some healing.

For some reason The Police are blocking me from entering the park so I decided to go to the coral ward to heal.

After entering the coral ward I immediately notice a fine mist pervading the air, and on my way to the Pokemon center I notice an abandoned building.

An Old woman I met in front of the building tells me that it was the gym for the coral ward, but the gym leader and it's trainers dissapeared when team meteor first appeared; I also noted the fact that she said that they were "masters of a mysterious type".

I met a woman named Amaria Near the lighthouse; she is worried about an Oshawott stuck accros the now poisonous lake, but she can't help the poor pokemon because it would hurt her water pokemon.

Oh look there's cain, for some reason he says that I am "making friends in high places" It seems he is talking about Amaria.

As it turns out Amaria is one of the Highest ranking gym leaders in the entire region, And then Cain starts singing, but then he sends out his grimer in order to rescue the oshawott so I guess that make's up for the singing.

It seems the oshawott likes Cain, so Cain decides to take it with him; you know it's always nice when character's you find Interesting have actual development in their lives.

Cain tries to leave the Oshawott, but he decides to take it with him later on.

Cain decided to challenge me to a rematch; I proceeded to give him a lesson in class, as in I beat up his pokemon.

Turns out that Amaria knows Florinia, while I guess I probably should have figured that out myself since they're both gym leaders, Yet I still think it's a bit funny.

She tells me to come and meet them both at obsidia park.

It seems there is an addictive drug called "Rare Candies" it is presumably named after the medicine people give to pokemon to level them up;,it sounds quite dangerous.

A woman inside the "Glamzonia's Finest" salon asked me to Figure out why people are flocking to the "Central" salon instead, It seems to be worth my time

I have met up with both Florinia and Amaria In front of the obsidia park, Amaria gave me the Cut TM in order to remove a tree blocking the way inside.

Alex Evolved into a Liepard; He has Received a major increase in attack, special attack, and Speed

For some reason the daycare couple are acting suspiciously; I must investigate further, It turns out they were both members of team meteor that were pretending to be the daycare couple; They hve hidden the real Daycare couple in a location that is separated from the location of the key.

Something Has happened to both amaria and florinia while I was away; I must investigate further.

I met a.some.... people who are collectively named ZEL; They appear to be the one causing the destruction of the Obsidia ward;They have accomplished this by using something called a P.U.L.S.E. machine.

The P.U.L.S.E. Machine appear to function similarly to mega evolution but with the key difference of causing the Pokemon much pain in the process; The machine is linked to a Tangrowth which explains the sudden increase in plant growth and the vines who are randomly poking out of the ground.

Both Amaria and Florinia have been incapicated by this....... P.U.L.S.E. Tangrowth; I dread the prospect of having to face it in combat.

After some setting up and with chip damage from Yang; Alex managed to take down the P.U.L.S.E. Tangrowth by herself.

ZEL Managed to escape with the P.U.L.S.E. machine; I don't think that this will be the last I'll see of them.

Next time in O.O.T.L.A.I.T.S. .

Will Cronos be able to break out the daycare couple?

WIll Fern Continue to be.......Fern?

Will He be able to get that Cacnea he wanted?

Will He be able to beat Florina ?

Or will he fall before the dreaded might of the RNG?

Well Find out in the next edition titled: #3 Breaking out and Breaking in, and the song of the next chapter will be: I Want to break free; By Queen, Charmingly appropriate don't you think?

Current Team:

Junpei Lv 23 Gramercy Lv 21 Gregory Lv 20 Alex Lv 21 Yang Lv 21


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  • 2 weeks later...
#3 Breaking out and Breaking in


It's that time of the week again and you look out of your window, and just like clockwork a van pulls up in front of your house.

you pick up the package and tell the man to stop apologizing for it being late,

you close the door and sit down to open the package, and just as expected there is another letter inside.

----------------------------------------William M. Cronos

----------------------------------------Jasper Ward 6708

----------------------------------------Reborn City, Reborn Region

---------------------------------------- 5 October 2015

Jasper Ward 6708

-----------------------------Jasper Ward, Reborn City

Dear Mother.

Well I guess it was about time for another letter; so how are you these days? , not that you can respond of course.

It's pretty hard to get a letter out these days; Especially with everything that's been happening recently.

I just want you to know that I'm in a relatively safe place right now, and that I miss you.

Still wishing you weren't here your son

William M. Cronos

you rifle through the envelope's contents until you find the pages you were looking for.

I found a key in an abandoned house in Obsidia Park; I think it's for something Important, and then I recall the team meteor grunt's words.

I immediately rush toward the coral ward with the key in my hand "We hid the key and the daycare couple in different places; you will never be able to find them both".

I arrived at one of the warehouses; I can hear something moving inside it; Turns out the daycare couple were inside the warehouse; they said something about how the stolen pokemon were stored somewhere else.

I arrived at another one of the warehouses; I can hear banging sounds inside, It seems the banging noise was being made by a Happyni; it was trying to get out of the warehouse, but it seems a team meteor grunt escaped with the other pokemon.

the department store has a "Membership system" where the amount of "Stickers" you have is the same as the highest floor you can get to; it sounds like another sidequest.

Silph Co. is developing something called a "Link Stone" which would allow you to evolve pokemon you would normally need to trade away, it seems interesting.

I entered the Onix ward; There is the Regional game corner and a woman that lost the keys to her house; Inside a building there is a woman who is worried about how the "Daycare couple" is acting, I told her what happened and she gave me an egg.

It turns out the gym is in the same building as the Onyx trainer school, But when I tried to enter through the gym entrance fern announced that he was going to prevent me from entering; he then proceeded to tell the other students to close the metal gate and to prevent me from entering.

On my way to the student's entrance a woman told me that Four Onyx Trainer's school graduates went on to become gym leaders, The list seems to be : Julia,Florinia,Amaria,Titania (they were also roommates).

The Egg Hatched into a Cacnea; I named it Jane.

I beat fern and he decided to do the League challenge for some reason.

I challenged Florinia, And I managed to out stall her with a dark type team B).

She asked me to help end the "Malignant Plant Growth" that has taken over the Jasper and Beryl Wards.

The chief of police asked me to help find 5 missing policemen who were last spotted in the Jasper and Beryl Wards.

I met a nice enough member of team meteor called Taka; He then challenged me to a battle although the decision seemed to have been made halfheartedly.

He also told me what P.U.L.S.E. stands for; it stands for Pokemon Ultimation Link System Exagerrata; although it seems that there is another difference to mega evolutions so here goes; Mega evolutions are limited to certain pokemon species while the P.U.L.S.E. system can potentially be "linked" up to any pokemon although it causes a lot of pain to the pokemon in the process.

Alex Proved her awesomeness once more by defeating Taka's chatot and his tangrowth (although she did require some help).

Taka told me about the existance of another P.U.L.S.E. tangrowth in the Beryl Ward, he then left, I did not try to stop him.

I saw a small girl with purple hair she is wearing some white clothing but I don't really know what kind, and she seems to be wearing a ring with a peculiar looking gemstone on it, she seems to be angry that I fought taka before she could ( although she hadn't mentioned him by name), and she flown away on her salamence; I presume she is heading towards the beryl ward to stop the third P.U.L.S.E. Tangrowth.

I entered the beryl ward it seems quite fine other than the holes in the road and the forest growing right next to it.

So it seems I have fallen into a pit trap; which has been set by wild nuzleaf, so fern came over just to insult me, He tried to get me to beg so that he would let me out of the cage, but I decided not to because seriously screw fern.

So after waiting a couple of minutes a familiar looking chatot came and freed me, but I just can't quite remember where it came from or who owns it; I think it's owner's name ended with an A but that could be anybody, hmmm I must investigate further.

I met a young man hiding in the library; he is apparently helping any survivors that pass through, and in one of the rooms there is a policeman's growlithe, but the policeman is dead; the growlithe decided to run back to the station, on the way to the police station I rescued a woman from a derelict building.

Found another one of the missing policemen he was trapped in a nuzleaf made trap, and so I freed him; another one of the missing policemen was pinned down by one of the meteor grunts and I freed him; well that's all five (minus the one that died) and I decide to go back to the police station.

I went back to the police station he congratulated me for finding the five missing policemen and he expressed his condolences for the dead policeman; he also told me that giving the policeman's growlithe to a rookie would be disgraceful and decided to give it to me instead; he also made me a honorary police officer.

A police officer inside the station is lamenting the loss of his partner growlithe, and another one of the police officers promises me a reward if I give him a growlithe egg.

I met up with the woman that was stuck in the building; her friend decided to give me a department store sticker out of gratitude.

So I gave one of the police officers a growlithe egg I bred from the growlithe I got, and he gave me another egg in return; I don't know why but I think its a sneasel's egg.

I met Taka and ZEL who along with a man the Identity of which I do not know are guarding the P.U.L.S.E.

The egg hatched into a Sneasel; I named it Artful.

it seems that the "Small girl" from earlier has arrived to help even the odds; it seems she has a use after all, zEl reveals that her name is Heather and that she is the daughter of the beryl gym leader.

I beaten both Taka and ZEL, but afterwards something happened; the mysterious masked man was stopped by the police, and they unmasked him; He turned out to be heather's father, he is a man named corey and he is the beryl ward gym leader.

Heather ran away from corey on her salamance, He ran away using ninja powers; before he left he told us to meet him at the gym, the police officers proceeded to run there(even though they thought it was a trap).

As it turns out Corey has dissapeared, and a poisonous gas has driven the police officers mad.

I found Corey inside a hidden room and he promises a difficult fight If I enter his arena; I decided to grind first.

It took a lot of hard work and perseverance but I managed to beat Corey's gym, much gladness would have happened that day.

Corey seems to have a lot of mental anguish; he tells me to meet him on Beryl bridge; I don't think this will end well.

I saw an Absol on my way to the bridge; that is not a good sign.

I met up with Corey on the Beryl bridge he is releasing all of his pokemon; he told me why he joined team Meteor, it seems that he obtained a certain Ruby Ring which he used to propose to his wife.

not long after their marriage his wife was pregnant; He told me that his wife died out of "Complications" during birth; I don't think he bought that for even a second, my suspicions was confirmed when he told me that the doctor would not relinquish the ring.

it seems the "Doctor" was actually an agent sent by team Meteor to retrieve the Ruby ring, and He also told me that he served Team Meteor because it allowed him to retain ownership of the ring thus allowing him to cling to the memory of his wife.

He tells me to watch over Heather since she has the ring now, and that she will be "Hunted for it"; he then jumps off the bridge; falling down to the unsuspecting Lapis ward.

then for some reason Fern showed up to insult the man as he falls; I was almost overcome by a desire to push him off of the bridge.

It seems I have an Important task to complete a bomb has exploded in North Obsidia; I rush over there to help.

Current Team:

Junpei Lv 32 Gregory Lv 32 Gramecy Lv 32 Yang Lv 32 Lucy Lv 30 Artful Lv 30



Will Cronos be able to reach the Lapis ward?

Will Cronos Join one of two gangs fighting for control over Lapis ward?

Will Cronos find out what that explosion that happened earlier was about?

Will Cronos be able to do other stuff; stuff that probably would have been better in this installment?

Find out next time in the next installment titled: #4 Journey to the center of Obsidia* and beyond*

*1. the next installment may not actually reach the center of obsidia

*2. the next insallment may contain peanuts.

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Timtim: well some people are probably pretty disappointed that I didn't do a ground mono, but It's not like I care what they think; oh and yes I am pretty lucky aren't I?,

#3: Journey to the center of Obsidia and beyond!

Something that ends with an an

The van is running a bit late today and you check your watch in order to confirm if it's time.

The watch says 4:29 PM which is about an hour later than what you're used to.

The van pulls up in front of your house around 20 minutes later, and you stand up to answer the door.

The man hands you the package and he tells you that there were some complications, but they are here now and you won't have to worry about any further complications.

he hands you the package.

You close the door and head towards the nearby table.

the contents of the envelope are similar to the other packages.

---------------------William M. Cronos

---------------------Grand Hall 6128

---------------------Reborn City 4269

---------------------Reborn Region

------------------Grand Hall 6128

------------------Reborn city, Reborn Region 4269

------------------ October 6 2015

Dear Mother

I hope you are well, the gym leader I challenged killed himself before he could give me his badge, but that's not the worst bit.

The worst bit is that Fern decided to show up and insult the man right afterwards, I would have killed him right then and there, but that's not the answer.

Although it seems there is never a dull moment here, an explosion has rocked North Obsidia, and being quite skilled in such matters myself I decided to investigate.

So don't worry about me it seems I have survived another day in this desolate place.

Your Son.

William M. Cronos.

you rummage around in the bag until you find the pages you were looking for.

it's Noonish and I rush over to north obsidia, perhaps this time the guards will let me pass.

As I rush towards the bridge I spot a man handing out flyers; he hands me one, it seems the flyers are about a new service that is opening in the grand hall,

the service seems to be a kind of "Training ground" where trainers can battle each other to train their pokemon, it seems interesting and I enter the Hall.

during my training Lucy and Gregory evolved into a Cacturne, and a Skuntank respectively; for some reason Gregory can learn Flamethrower.

I arrived at North Obsidia, it seems the bomb was placed on the "Grand Stairway" the explosion was relatively small,

it seems the bomb was specifically made and placed in a strategic position, it was meant to damage the structure of the stairs and to blow open a hole.

The police seems to be surprised at this since to their own knowledge the grand stairway was built on solid rock.

It seems north obsidia has a nightclub, but it's restricted to "Ace Members" and apparently the best way to do so would be to beat the reborn league.

Inside a house in the Lapis Ward there is a man who has fallen into a deep sleep, his wife mentions something that could wake him up, but she stops herself from saying what it is

; only mumbling something along the line's of "No.... it's unthinkable".

A woman in the lapis ward mentions a "Murder" taking place in the ward, at first I thought it had something to do with the gang war but then I remembered what happened to Corey.

I met a woman outside the orphanage, she was mumbling something about it being someone's birthday and that "she" can finally escape, and that someday they will have their revenge.

I arrived at the Aqua gang's headquarters and I decided to join; I completed their trial with ease, and on my way to report to the leader I caught a Murkrow, and I named it Rachael.

The leader Archer told me that they had a "Gig" coming up and that I should go to an old shack near Fourth and Hydraenga.

The resident's of Lapis seems to be comprised almost entirely out of Rich snobs, although their pokemon's level's are quite meh.

I met up with the rest of the gang in the "Shack", it turns out the "Gig" involves disrupting an operation carried out by team magma

, it seems they are going to steal a pokemon in team aqua territory, and we can't let that happen, so we attacked them inside the house and made off with their target.

After the gig was completed Archer congratulated me and He told me to check in later, and maybe he'll have another "Gig" for me.

I. Corey's body fell behind the lapis ward gym to the complete and utter horror of the gym leader, a preteen girl who is a friend of heather.

Victoria is here for some reason; she is trying to calm Shelly down, not particularly sucessfuly though.

Two members of team meteor appeared and they said "Agent Beryl confirmed dead" which makes me think there's more than one "agent".

A.... "Entity" named Shade, appeared to collect Corey's body, Shade is also a gym leader for the abandoned powerplant.

I met up with Victoria inside the gym, as it turns out she was here to challenge the gym leader (which seems obvious) but after everything happened; I don't think she feels like challenging anymore.

She tells me to meet her at the Grand Stairway to investigate further; I sigh it's going to be a long night.

I have entered what looks to be a cave system that has been cleverly hidden underneath the Grand Stairway.

Victoria has just let herself get captured by two team meteor grunts; I sigh and I think to myself; you'd think she'd know better but she doesn't.

I have arrived in what seems to be the deepest part of the cave system, this place seems strange; the air seems to be lighter somehow.

The walls seem to be shimmering with a soft light, and I spot a man standing in front of an ancient looking gate.

There is a man here; He lectures me about the history of this place and how most do not know it exists; He mentions that there is "A power like no other" behind the gate, and that this is a sacred place.

The "power keys" are the Ruby ,"The seal of pain", Sapphire, "the seal of love", Emerald, "the seal of faith", And Amethyst, "the seal of the beyond"; they all sound cheesy, not the Giant Tyranitar series cheesy but still quite cheezy.

He also tells me that there are four "Power keys" that can be seen in the city's simbols, and that the gate can be opened with them.

he reveals that he is a member of team meteor, and he tells me to go save victoria; Leaving without anything but a few parting words.

A threat something along the lines of "If you continue to distrupt out operations I will have to Eliminate you".

I met with the team meteor grunts from earlier, they seemed quite surprised that the "Boss let you go"; I beat them with the help of Victoria who has suddenly regained her pokemon's fighting capabilities.

I met up with shelly and victoria inside the gym; Victoria told me to go and find a Dr. Connal a psychiatrist working for the local orphanage, for some reason this whole thing sounds very ominous.

I met a young woman in front of the "orphanage" she seems to be glad that she is finally leaving.

I met a small girl inside the "orphanage"; she is looking for "Laura" who appears to be the woman who I met outside of the "Orphanage".

Her name is Anna, and well she doesn't seem to be quite all there so to speak, but it's okay I don't think she's dangerous; she carries around her Jirachi doll around everywhere; she has named it "Nostra".

Her brother Noel is sitting in a couch nearby, the both of them look's to be around 12-13 years of age.

Anna introduces me to a Young woman named "Charlotte", Anna mentions something about burn scars, which I presume to be related to her being here, but I decided not to press the subject any further.

Nevermind it seems to simply be part of Anna's active Imagination.

Charlotte tells me that Laura is in fact her sister, and that Laura is a member of the Elite four; Anna tells me that Charlotte and Noel are both Gym leaders, which was confirmed to be true by the both of them.

Right so this place has very suddenly turned from that cartoon about a foster house for Imaginary something or other, and has suddenly and very expectedly took a right turn straight down to the Orphanage of horror's thing you keep seeing on the tv,

And it seems the "Good Doctor" has a penchant for Electric shock "Therapy", and there are rumors about the death of former patients who were under his care.

I finally met with the "Good Doctor", he looks like an Evil professor Oak, when the doctor asks for my reason for being here Anna quickly interjects and says that I am here because of the gym leaders.

The Doctor sent an orderly to test my battling ability, and after I beat the orderly he compliments my abilities, yet he still won't let me battle them, which is alright considering I hadn't came here for that reason.

Before I leave Anna gives me a message for my friend, but I can't really remember what it was.

I met with Victoria and Shelly at the gym, and I told them about what happened in the orphanage.

Shelly recovers somewhat and she tells me that If I want to battle her I should meet her downstairs.

But before I could enter the gym's arena Victoria stops me, and she goes on some sphiel about how I can't do this since shelly has just seen her friend's father dies, but I ignore her

, and yet she still tries to stop me by challenging me to a battle in a last desperate attempt to stop my advance.

I beat her with ease, and she finally backs off allowing me to challenge the gym.

After spending what felt like hours trying to beat the gym's puzzle I managed to arrive in the arena; the fight was a bit dissapointing; I expected more, but at least it was quite refreshing.

Shelly told me to do something or other; I can't quite remember what she said, but anyway I crawl back to the Aqua gang's hideout; Archer tells me that they're planning something big this time.

He tells me that we are going to invade the Magma gang's headquarters and he tells me to meet up with the rest of the gang there.

I enter the cave system underneath the Grand stairway to train, and then I came upon a friendly miner who gave me his spare Explorer's kit.

I mined a Leaf stone a Blue shard and a Helix Fossil in my first try.

I have finally remembered what Shelly told me, She told me to go the grand hall and tell ame that corey is dead, and to promote the backup gym leader to a full fledged one.

Oh great Fern beat me to it;( damn gym puzzles) Ame seems sad for obvious reasons; Fern continues to be a douchebag but at the very least he has done my work for me.

It seems that the only way to get to "Aya" the backup poison type gym leader is to get through the wastelands in the south; Fern has "obtained" a key somehow and he "Promised" to tell me if I beat him.

He tells me that he got the key from Aya's brother, who he describes as a fruity looking guy wearing purple clothes and fishnets ,keeps making inuendo's and He wouldn't stop singing....... CAIN.

His current location (if Fern's information is trustworthy) seems to be the beryl cemetery.

I met with Cain in the beryl cemetery; He came her to pay his respects to the now deceased beryl ward gym leader.

He is worried about Heather who I just remembered about; I think I promised her father that I will protect her or something; yeah I think that's right.

He makes another Innuendo and I sigh; I tell him that I came here to obtain the key for the wasteland gate, but it seems there's some "Bad blood" between them,

but in the end he agrees to give me the key, but only If I manage to beat him in a battle.

He leads with his dewott and I proceed to send out my cacturne "Lucy" who just happened to be in the first party slot, blind luck I swear.

A Needle arm takes care of his Dewott and he sends out his Venomoth my Murkrow "Rachael" A wing attack takes care of his venomoth quickly enough.

Then comes his "Signature pokemon" his Nidoking; I welcome him by sending out mine Junpei the Greninja, It took a long time but I managed to take him out with enough Water Pulse's.

His last pokemon was his grimer, I send out my sneasel "Artful" and she spams beat up until his grimer goes down.... so to speak.

It seems there's heather on the cliff; Cain tries albeit badly to introduce himself without using any Innuendo's, but heather's not buying it for even a second.

Heather flies on her salamence towards the lapis ward to visit shelly, and Cain chases after her; he apologizes for not giving me the key, but he tells me to meet with him in the lapis ward to get it.

I rescued a kid from a pokemon gang, and he runs back to his house in the lapis ward .

The kid's mother gave me a department store sticker out of gratitude.

I met with Cain, Heather, and Shelly inside the gym; they are having a conversation, and Cain is trying to appeal to Heather, but Heather is not having any of it, she's basically saying that she doesn't need any other friends other than shelly.

Heather storms off after Shelly asks her quite politely I might add to be nicer to her after Heather orders her to kick us out; Cain looks distraught, and he goes down to chase after her, but not before telling Shelly to follow suit.

Sigh it seems Heather took the shortest path; through the orphanage, and of course it's the middle of the night and the "Good Doctor" sees an underage girl running around without a parent or legal guardian; sometimes I just want to pull out a bazooka and start shooting at people,

And of course the doctor has the legal right to make her live in the orphanage because she has no primary caregiver and he runs not A orphanage but The orphanage, as in the only one in the region.

Yeah I kind of failed in the whole looking after her and making sure she doesn't get into any trouble thing, and of course I have to break her out because "THOU MUST" even though it's entirely her fault, but then again she IS just a child.

We regroup back in the gym; Shelly blames herself for some reason; I just think she's just being self-deprecating, but Cain manages to calm her down

, and we work out a basic plan on how to get her out of there:

Step 1: Get inside the orphanage

Step 2: Find Heather

Step 3: ????

Step 4: Profit!!!

And yes I know that this is an old joke.

Current Team:

Junpei Lv 36 Gregory Lv 36 Rachael Lv 36 Yang Lv 35 Lucy Lv 35 Artful Lv 35


Next time on too long to write down properly.

Will Cronos be able to break out Heather?

Will Cain continue to make inapropriate innuendo's in front of man, woman, and children? spoiler alert yes.

And Will Cronos be able to beat that weird/creepy trenchcoat wearing "Entity" named shade?

Or in other words git out of here go on git there's nothing else to watch, oh and before you leave the song for the next installment will be

"Afternoon Delight" because I heard it on a movie and it's stuck in my head.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to my lack of an internet connection; today's featurette will be a double billing of

#4 The "Good Doctor" and #5 Merde; The current team sections will be for the #5 update

Also there won't be any Current team sprites since Imgur is being blocked in my country :(

15:00 Pm Van, Guy apologizing, package, close the door, sit down, tear into package, and find the mail.

The letter says

----------------William M. Cronos

--------------- Lapis Ward 6252

--------------- Reborn City 4269

--------------- Reborn Region

---------------Lapis Ward 6252

--------------- Reborn city 4269, Reborn Region

--------------- October 7 2015

Dear Mother

If you have obtained this letter I am assuming that you are okay.

A lot of things have been happening lately; First I get my fourth gym badge,

and then I led a sucessful escape from the orphanage, thus keeping my

promise to Heather's dad; she's been quite silent lately, but I hope that

she gets better soon, so don't worry about me I'm completely fine.

From your son with love

William M. Cronos.

Page's page's where are they? ; you rummage around the package until you find them.

Well were all geared up and ready to go, and I think it's raining outside :D, But then we hear a scream; all of us assume that it came from heather, and we rush towards the orphanage.

I meet up with Cain and Shelly in front of the orphanage, but it seems the door is locked and we can't get in..... we are the worst rescuers in the world aren't we?

Anna opened the door for us; she said that she saw my "Glowiness" through the door; Cain and Shelly both introduces themselves, and we recruit them for our mission.

Charlotte rather helpfully created a diversion thus allowing us to bypass some of the orderlies, but they still notice our presence, but then again I'm pretty sure were all bad enough dudes (and girl) to get past them.

We cut through the first wave of orderlies, and Anna befriends Shelly, but in the process she says something that is quite shocking to shelly; that she has a lot of friends.

Although she says it in her own way, which confuses most of the people involved; Noel tells us that the orderlies will be back with a vengeance, and Cain volunteers to hold them off for as long as he can, but they enter through the other doorway and grab noel.

Shelly decides to follow me to get him back, and we head upstairs, but not before taking a sitrep from Cain, and of course he just HAD to make an Inuendo in front of shelly.

While battling my way upstairs one of the brighter orderlies decided to block our advance with a solid metal gate, and we decide to try and find another way upstairs, and so we headed downstairs in the hopes of finding another stairway or a switch for the gate.

We talked to Cain; he seems to be handling the situation quite well and of course he made an inuendo about how "guys are usually pretty hard for me", and of course Shelly thinks that it means that he does better when he's fighting against girls; to Cain's exasperation.

We asked Anna if there's another way to get past the gate, and she tells me that there's an override program in the lab.

As it turns out underneath the orphanage there's an Arena, but rather unfortunately I don't think the "Good Doctor" probably won't let me fight any of the gym leaders.

I pushed the button for the gate, and I found a data chip next to the console; I think this might be useful to me one day and so I decided to pocket it.

We found Noel upstairs; He is imprisoned behind another steel gate and funnily enough there's another console to open this gate

, But Noel tells us not to worry about him and to get upstairs since that's where the doctor performs his "Treatments".

Damnit more metal gates; I mean did the person who designed this building had a fetish for them or something? and to get past it there's probably another button I have to push somewhere.

Turns out the nearby console opened the patient cells as opposed to the metal gate, so on one side we freed Noel.

Noel tells us that there may be a spare key in the Doctors library, and that Anna might know how to get inside.

So as it turns out Cain has managed to not only push back the orderlies, but he also managed to find Charlotte.

Charlotte tells me that we need to break into the storage room, and I'
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  • 1 month later...
Did somebody order another double feature?

#6 The Wasteland watches: Cain's past finally revealed????(probably won't)and the "Good Doctor" returns if that means anything to you.

At this time of the year i'm pretty much better off waiting for the next package than watching TV everything there is basically just Haloween shows.

-------------William M. Cronos

------------- The Chrysolia region 6371

------------- House in Tanzan Cove 4310

------------- The Chysolia region 6371

------------- House In Tanzan Cove 4310

------------- October 26 2015

Dear Mother

If you can respond please do sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the walls here except I'm writing.

I'm actually getting quite sick of this job; it's quite thankless I mean fending off a criminal organization

because a slightly sadistic woman tells you to is hard enough without all of the whole doom and gloom,

but at least it rains a lot here; the people here aren't half bad though most of them are quite nice.... poor

Victoria though, but the point is I'm quite fine if a bit stressed and I am sending you my best wishes!!.

Your son William M. Cronos

You sit down in your living room and flick over the pages; it seems he's sent you an entire books worth.

That's my boy.....

I walk around the academy's hall's for a bit; this place seems so silent now, it used to be so filled with life, but now everyone's a bit depressed; let's just hope that they can get over Kiki's death one day.

Some of the students are having it better than most though; in fact a minority has taken her death as an inspiration to protect others and to advance in their studies; it seems she has taught them well....

The boat has somehow survived everything that the rough (and toxic) seas have thrown at it, and I take it back to it's harbor and I walk towards the Byxbyxsion gate.

I met up with Cain in front of the gate; He tells me that part of the reason why he's been holding off for so long was because he didn't really care for his family after they threw him out.

He challenges me to one more battle before he opens the key; I guess he can't get enough? (Mental note: try to hang out with Cain less).

I beat him soundly, and he tells me that he will be waiting back in the railnet (so that's the name of the railway).

I entered the wastelands; this place is undescribable well actually it is describable; Imagine someone putting random buildings trees and other items haphazardly throughout the area,

and then Imagine that person coating most of it with purple paint, and that's a pretty accurate description if I do say so myself.

There are Tombstones here for Corey and his wife (may they rest in peace) and Kiki, which is a bit jarring since I don't remember there being one in the first place; especially since the funeral hasn't started yet.

I met an old man in a building in the wastelands; he tells me that this place wasn't always like this, but one day the trash started piling up faster than they could remove it; until they finally decided to start

an active effort to clear out the waste, and they did, and they decided to start building again which explains the presence of what seems to have been a small town, but one day the trash came back twice fold

and it never receded, and finally they decided to abandon this place and build a large wall hoping that it will contain the spread of the wastes.

I arrived at the gym only to be greeted by a not very polite woman; she tells me to wait for a bit since her daughter Aya is currently being challenged.

I decided to train a bit; can anyone explain to me why there are Inkays on trees? , well I caught one and I named it Soren.

I also caught a skorupi and I named it Freya; I walked back to the Grand hall to battle the trainers there again, and on the way there Cal appeared in front of me.

He apoligized for everything that happened and he told me that he sabotaged the P.U.L.S.E. before it was installed; he left immediately afterwards.

Soren evolved into a Malamar, Freya evolved into a Drapion, and so I entered the arena and of course the arena itself was had bits of the wasteland; is that her gimmick?

only to find that Fern has beaten Aya, but he had to stop the whole grass mono thing he has going on.

Although he keeps telling me that she was quite "easy to beat".

Oh and while we were talking Another gym leader arrived; His name is Hardy and he came here to welcome Aya's election as the new Poison type gym leader; Aya leaves after Fern insults her again.

Fern and Hardy was in the same class, and it seems there's no love lost between them, and Hardy mentions something about how their "sisters used to drag them along everywhere".

Fern challenges me to a battle telling me that at the very least I would have "One good battle"; He was a complete and utter pushover.

Hardy is of course happy; Aya comes back and Hardy decides to refeere, but Aya has several moments of self deprecation no thanks to Fern; Hardy tried to cheer her up a bit, but it's not really working.

After beating her Fern left which is of course a good thing, and then Aya asks me if Cain hates them; She tells me that Cain ran away one day without taking his Pokemon with him.

Hardy volunteers to stay and help Aya out; She gives me the badge and I leave as quickly as I can.

I went back to railnet and Cain (as promised) is waiting for me, and he tells me that he left because he had to get away from his mom who had some problems with the people who he had "Fun" with.

But all of that doesn't really matter to me; we have to rescue the orphans anyway, but in the usual fashion I instead go and get myself a new pokemon which in this case is a female Scraggy that I named Kapo.

We enter the previously locked gate to find two easily identifiable things beyond it, A stairway and a locked gate we head for the staircase to find that it leads to the old Yureyu building.

The lights flicker on and off in the building, and several cracks can be found on the walls, the floor, and the walls are painted white and green; I team up with Cain to explore the building.

We find team meteor grunts inside the building, and one of them tells me that team meteor was the one that destroyed Yureyu, and we climb higher into the building to find that Shelly is being held hostage by team meteor grunts.

They threathen to slit Shelly's throat if we try to get any closer which in my opinion is a bit extreme; we find another group of grunts further up the tower who tries to pull the trick again but this time with Charlotte,

but this time Charlotte manages to break herself free, because apparently while we were heading here she was talking to them and she managed to convince them not to do it; although we still had to fight them since they couldn't just let us go

(they were called Simon and Tara and I beat them before apparently). Charlotte ask us why we haven't rescued Shelly yet and Cain tells her that we couldn't even get close to her; Charlotte Immediately heads downstairs.

Charlotte saved the day in the sense that she rescued Shelly by pretending to not care if they stab her; well at least I think she was pretending; we mop up the rest of the grunts as we head towards the top floor.

It turns out that they are keeping the others in cages, and some team meteor grunts tells us that not only did they cause the destruction of the Yureyu company, but they also caused the destruction of the first Reborn City which I presume is a feat they are trying to replicate.

Noel tells us that team meteor took something from Anna, an Amethyst pendant; I think it's related to the "Power Keys"; Charlotte tells us that she will stay here and try to get Noel out of the cage.

We meet Sigmund on the higher floor and he is with Heather; He tells us that he expected us to come here, and how it was quite fortunate that Sirius appeared with his proposal.

Cain argues with Sigmund about the state of Heather, and of course it culminates into a battle, and after a hard fought battle we managed to beat Sigmund and we forced him towards the top of the Yureyu Building, and we chase after him.

We meet Sigmund, Sirius, and Anna; Sigmund is explaining the current situation to Sirius, and Sirius is expressing his surprise at finding two of the four power keys, but they left before soon after which is just as well since it's not like we could fight and win against the both of them;

I search the room looking for anything useful, and I find a key next to the table I think it might be important so I pocket it.

Anna seems really shaken by the loss of her pendant which belonged to her father; I meet up with everyone else inside the Railnet, and they are stuck trying to open the locked gate; its a good thing I snagged that Key earlier.

We head to the exit only to find that its locked, but Shelly tells us that the only way to open it is for us to rearrange the train tracks so that it leads to the gate.

After opening the gate all of us head towards "Tanzan Mountain" where Laura's house is located; except for Heather who flyes off on her Salamence to the surprise of everyone else in the group,and Cain who leaves to find her; I'm just hoping that Sigmund doesn't know we are here.

Anna seems worse off than before somehow, there are metal girders and pipes inside the mountain and every once in a while the ground shakes; everyone of us agrees that this is not a good sign.

I obtained an odd keystone while mining in the mountain, and I suddenly feel like walking back to the wasteland; I enter an old building I feel like there is something important in there for me,

Inside the building there is a hidden grotto that leads to another and then another until I reach a chamber with a talking Garbodor named Mr. Bigglesworth; after beating "Him" senseless I look around the room and find a familiar looking device marked "Pulse-00"; I knew Team meteor was in on it.

Inside another room I find an odd looking tower, and for some reason I feel like the "Odd keystone" I found earlier would fit in perfectly, but after I slot it in the keystone dissapears and a Spiritomb comes out! , but of course I managed to subdue and it and I named "Her" Glados.

I walked back to the mountain, and I meet up with a very angry Charlotte, (Insert angry curse filled dialogue here), and after that very awkward conversation she tells me to pass through this tunnel to reach her sisters house.

After exiting the tunnel I immediately notice a huge lake and a very verdant (that's a word right?) landscape, I'm pretty sure that the lake will be good for us defensively, and I meet with Charlotte again; she's counting the flower rings something to do with eights maybe?.

Charlotte said that it was a "House" but I think it should be called a mansion; it must have been really difficult to get the building materials in; although I don't really like brown buildings, but I think they were going for an ancient dojo kind of style.

We met up with a very surprised Laura, and Charlotte explained the situation to her and afterwards she introduces Laura to the rest of us; Anna seems really tired but she's insisting that her Jirachi doll "Nostra" is the one that's sick; she and Noel go upstairs to rest.

Well It seems that something particularly bad happened to Charlotte's parents, but none of us decides to press further. (Apperently when you turn 18 years of age you are officially and adult and are free to leave the orphanage; maybe that's why Sigmund didn't try to capture me and Cain?)

Laura tells me that Anna has a particularly bad fever, but unfortunately we don't have any Medicine in the house; Charlotte tells me to go to Spinel town which is apparently separate from the city, and It seems we can get some more medicine in the towns pokemart; I sigh I'm starting to get tired of this.

Yeah you think that for a belated Haloween episode we'd have some more "Spooky" stuff

But anyway the next update will have the tentative title of; #7 The Ice Queen; The Bigger boss, and the Annoying Abra(hey that has Alliterative Appeal)

Oh and the song will be hmm what would it be oh well just pick "After Hours" not because it fits with the next update or anything, but if I have picked that before why don't you try "Afterlife" I swear it's not religious.
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