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Warning, hype in-bound. The Redemption League!


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Before. Since you'll be using the same team for all the battles - it's better to be prepared beforehand.

Well, yes and no. Sure, the mons and the moves stay the same, but you will need to adapt items, abilities, and EV spreads to match your particular need for the leader. Granted, you do have a considerable amount of time while you are queued (even if you're the first person, you've sitll got a half-an hour to prepare) so you should have these modifications done by the time it's your turn anyway.

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Are these battles open to public viewing? If so, live viewing, replay viewing, or both?

Live is definitely available if you are there at the time. Replays or logs are saved and might be available to everyone. We haven't completely decided yet but the best thing to do is be there at the time.

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Listen up kids, and listen well.

The above post has mentioned quite a bit on what I was supposed to be saying myself, but I'm going to clarify it all in simple lingo so it's easy for everyone to understand to (hopefully) prevent misunderstandings in the future.

Let's take this on step-by-step here. Those familiar with the old Reborn League that ran on PO, probably remember a command they could use when League times started. We sadly don't have such a command yet, so we have to do this manually, meaning things can get a bit spammy and/or messy in the chat.

For that reason, we've decided to take on a different approach to at least try and not have a mass of people spam the chat at the same time just to get that battle with a certain leader.

Here's how your challenge registration works:

Step 1:

Make it known that you want to battle by approaching a Driver or Moderator, specifically approach these people if they're online: Haven Pyrrhon, Apophyll Sparky, Mde2001 or RBRN Nova. To approach them, simply say their name in the chat, followed by "I would like to battle [insert Leader name here]" or something close to that. If these people are not online for whatever reason, you can also approach me by pinging me.

Step 2:

Once you've made known you want to battle a specific leader that day (remember, you can only battle one leader per day), you will be put in the queue list. Remember that registrations for battles initially start at 4 PM EST, the first queue lists will be broadcasted at 4:30 PM EST for each leader.

Step 3:

When the queue list is made known, be patient. The leaders will call out your name to notify you that you're up for battle. You basically have 30 minutes to prepare from when registration opens, up until the actual battling times (4:30 PM EST), plus you'll be given an additional 5 minutes to prepare your team, items and strategies. Leaders will notify you of the 5 minutes you have to prepare. If you do not respond back to them (either through PM or in the chat itself), they may opt to go for the next challenger. There's a maximum 5-minute window between when your name is called out for battle as to when they may opt for the next challenger.

Additional note: If you register past 4:30 PM EST, you will automatically be put in the back of the current queue list. It's still a first-come, first-go service we're talking about here folks. So you can register past 4:30 PM, absolutely no problem. Do remember League only runs for several hours, though.

That's all you need to know when it comes to queueing, actually.

It's a very simple procedure that we expect everyone to be able to understand, so hopefully this sheds a bit of extra light onto the situation.

This is very helpful, I just finished registering a few minutes ago and was just about to post a question about how exactly we challenge the leaders. So just to make sure I fully understand this, ( I apologize if I go into way to much detail with this, but I just don't want to mess up ) I go onto the Reborn Showdown room at what would be 2:00 P.M. MST ( my time ), type in the chat ( for example ) "Hey RBRN Nova I would like to battle Nick." , make any last minute preps to my team, then just wait for the leader to send me a challenge, to which I will readily accept.

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Yep, that about right. Dashie will announce the opening of registrations then people will challenge leaders. We will be writing all of this down into queues. You don't have the specify one of us but if you do mention Sparky, Dashie or me as we are the three people who deal with making the queues in reality. Looking forward to seeing you there :D

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You also don't have to accept right away: let's say your team was prepared for Singles but the Leader decides to switch to Triples against you. You'll have some time to make anymore changes you'd like and then accept.

Also, it may help to bold your challenge~ On Showdown, to do that, just put **text**

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Hey, um, this might be a stupid question, but I just beat Olivia and my badge isn't showing up on my trainer card. Where can I get it?

Badges are updated at the end of the week, and will be posted in the Standings Thread as soon as the staff have updated them.

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Alright so, while working on the standings thread and stuff, something was brought to my attention and I really feel the need to address this.

The move swap thing is going to have to get limited, because if people get stuck somewhere, they can simply be "oh I need this on that mon, I'll just pay 100 rupees and breeze through that leader". Not everyone has Rupees laying around to do that on the whim, and it's unfair to those who do.

For that reason, I'm implementing a rule that will only allow you to swap moves while you're in Bracket 1. The limit of this will be set to two moves only, so pick carefully. After you have obtained enough badges to get access to Bracket 2 (being two badges), or have completely cleared Bracket 1 (meaning you have 3 badges), you will not be allowed to make move swaps anymore.

Apologies once again, but we wouldn't want anyone to be able to breeze through the League, now would we?

PS: Any and all changes issued by the time this is posted will be made. Anything else being posted among changes will be bound by these rules.

Thank you for your time.

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Are we allowed to reset entire teams? I mean different mons and everything.

You can give up all your badges and restart the league once for free in your challenge. To do this post in the sign up thread what you want your new team to be.

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