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Rockin' and a rollin' (Rock-Mono)


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Hello All, this is my rock mono-run. If you're interested tune in and enjoy. If not, well all three of you can figure out why that is. Without further adieu. Spelled it right without auto-correct. Ballin.

Howdy folks, names Johnny Stone and here is a story all about how I ended up in Reborn now... My rents sent me off (I call my mom and dad my rents if you didn't know) so my rents sent me off to a wonderful little small village called Reborn. This lady meets me at the train station to escort me around the city and give me my first pokeman. Dad says I should stop calling them that. Everything is going great when BAM! This Ame (that's ahhhh mehhh) bumps me on the shoulder because I fell asleep while she was teaching me how to walk in a different city. Then a cool explosion happened, never been in one before so that was fun. As I'm wiping the fire off of my melting skin the police are casually talking about how shizz just went down without seeing if I'm okay. (Reborn isn't known for taking care of people).

Ame says (that's ahhh mehhh in case you forgot) that this lady who just happens to love explosions is going to escort me. S'cool I love terrorist suspects. She leaves me with a dangerous lunatic and I begin walking down the street. The water's actually darker than I am which is a little concerning but I like my drinks that put hair on your chest. I talk to the town folks, meet some trainers I'm gonna be better than five seconds after getting my first pokeman and walk into the only building that isn't crumbling. I see this karate chick (that's bad since I like rock types) and she introduces herself as Victoria. I'm like whaddup girl, she like stop frontin' and she takes me to Ame. (don't make me remind you of how its said) Ame is like you can pick a pokemon and I say "Hey so... my dad would actually kill the both of us if I walked around with anything besides a rock type" She says I know someone who can help. Wow. She walks away calls some dude and says what would you like? "Do me a solid, defy god and science and bring back to life a fossil" She looks at me for a few moments... weird, and walks away. Comes back, throws a pokeball at me and says Here's an Archen, don't kill it. Thanks, says Johnny Stone. But... "But" says the disgruntled lady, But I need more than one since ya know... This is a poisoned horrid wasteland, not a mountain or desert. She walks away and says this guy named Hardy wants to know who I am. I tell her Fern, because I hate plants and ferns most of all. Dumb name I know but she smiles (creepily) and comes back with Tirgouga.

I got my mons and start to walk away after saying thanks. She says Good luck and throws me a dex.(that's street talk for pokedex) Vicky wants to battle, smack her around then I meet the funniest person ever. Purple haired goon named Cain. I'm like you a citizen? He says that isn't funny anymore and we battle. We shoot the shizz and he says "be seeing ya bruh" (he didn't say that) He called me cute, I'm not into men but that doesn't make him wrong about what he said. I walk outside and I see a new horizon and new world to explore. I must be in Motown because a rolling stone has arrived.

Team Rolling Stones

Alright ya hooligans want the team, well you got the team.

Archen.... Avalanche-Jolly as shizz (Defeatist cause he loves toes)-Wing attack, rock throw, quick attack and leer... Quick note. This is my bro, my partner, the 4th quarter team. For all intents and purposes Archen is the only one who will understand Johnny Stone and vice versa. Terrible IVs and fragile as hell but. Aren't we all...

Tirtouga... Softy- Relaxed and mellow.(Swift swim because rocks swim fast duh)- Bide, withdraw, bite, Rollout. She's tough as nails hence the name. She aint fast, makes grass types feel special (no pun intnded for once) and isn't all that tough but fossils are my thing.

Future goons.... Tyraniturd and the t-rex guy.

If you enjoyed this let me know and I'll keep it up. Truth be told I actually had adventures around town and for some reason though F12 took pictures.... Please refrain from dumb as a rock comments as I am quite fragile. Till next time y'all!

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Good work, glad you can pull this off, about Tirtouga's abilities, are you building a Rain Dance Rock Team, looking forward to see more of this, sure got interesting with Swift Swim Carracosta~

Edited by TimTim
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Lileep will be a true hero but I can't get all the fossils off the bat. It'd be too easy. I will add it to the roster later. Considered the uses to a rain rock team but quickly dismissed since added power to my worst offender (imo) seemed bad in the long run. I'm thinking of making Tirtouga rock solid rock since electric and fighting will be easier to handle. And I need all the assistance against fighting as I can get. As you can expect Archen will probably be carrying this team as its just a monster. What doesn't super fang it makes it stronger.

Post edit

I like to give credits to my jokes. For reasons why I use fragile... and I will say it alot here is the picture.aKPGM0j_700b.jpg

Edited by Damage
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Reborn's newest Rock trainer Johnny Stone is back with the latest and greatest update on how rocks rock the Reborn league. Hold onto your butts as this story is filled with excitement

So my story continues after leaving the pokemon center which doubles as some center hub like thing for the city. The trainers that were talking smack have nothing to say in the rain to Softy who has swift swim. (My journey is looking to have a lot of luck shine in) I take everyone around the grand hall down and make my way into the slummy section of the city. Avalanche looks uncomfortable so I see if he's down to battle. We go through houses which in case you didn't know, walking into people's houses and stealing things is fine as long as the item is inside a pokeball. Weird law but I follow the rules. I accidentally walk into this abandoned-ish building and find some guys in black spandex who are so clearly evil its actually kind of hilarious. They threaten me and fiendishly run away so I chase em down and find myself in a double battle with two poison types. I love free wins so Avalanche and Softy take them down and the lady being attacked gives me her igglypuff. I'm not allowed to train anything not a rock type or my dad would kill me but this lady is beyond terrified ditto for the pokemon. I take it with me and decide when its nerves are settled I'll give it to someone who wants. (sand falls in the area) As a rock trainer I should be happy about seeing sand but that's never a good sign.

Some running around later I find this guy who thought robbing me wasn't tantamount to suicide and his salesman buddy. Another double battle ensues after some bad smack talk. (Lucky I got two rocks or I'd be in a bad spot) This may be my favorite part of the story as I fell in love with Avalanche right here. After the fight and the thieves recall their mons Avalanche tackles the salesman into the wall and I shizz you not throws a rock from god knows where at the bum. I watched him beat them down for about five minutes before getting my money back and walking out of the shack. Halfway through praising my bird buddy I realize I never got the pokemon but by the time I got back in the house the chumps were gone. What was the pokemon? Who were the chumps? Why so many pushovers? Questions for later.

I'm... I... this part just sucks. It just sucks so hard. Remember how I hate plants. Remember how ferns are the worst plants of all. I run into this individual named... no you know what. His name is Leeroy Jenkins now. I see he's trying to get into a building and I offer to help him with the door since breaking into places can be fun and for forty five fucking minutes he tells me everything there is to know about his god damn name. I didn't even battle him, me and Avalanche just threw rocks at him until he ran away. I don't know if I'll see that kid ever again but for christ's sake I hope not. (sand falls in the area)

The townsfolk in this reigon are pretty bad off. Everyone's hungry all the time and there's not much food or money to go around but there is one light in all this. A cheery child who even after losing says the greatest thing ever. "My patrat is best patrat" I will never know why that puts a smile on my face but it does. I fight some more people and even escape a rapist... (I should be more concerned about that) and As I'm walking to a pokemon center The explosion chick bumps into me and tells me she's going to fight the guys who blew up the train. She invites me to fight terrorists (She's covering her tracks... smart) and I turned 18 last week so hell yeah I can fight the mob, I'm not 10. I think its just going to be me and her when her best friend shows up. Cute green haired chick. Cute in like a nerdy way. Not office hot, a little more than that... Like imagine that coworker that you dig i wearing nice glasses and you're like "she puts work into her outfit, she wants to look good" She's that kind of cute. and then she loses five points by having a brother named Leeroy. I slip in my ipod headphones this time and as he's yelling Avalanche tackles me before flying debris take my head off, curtousy of Julia. I like Avalanche. Everyone else not so much. We walk in and the smell I swear to god almost knocks me out. Florinia (cute nerd) says listen up y'all we got a real smell problem with the water and we gon' fix it. Ballin. The two girls take to the right and me and Leeroy go left just like a highschool dance. An electric charged area spells disaster for my two babies but luckily I have plantman to soak up hits. Literally (I'm being 100% serious) every attack goes for him and I take no damage in this place. We meet up with the arseholes snortin' d1ck and sucking coke who call themselves team meteor. The leaders fight the eyepatch guy while me and green fight two more chumps. We have them cornered and a hand full of explosives and they just fucking vanish. There are no windows in this room, no smoke pellets, I swear to god they vanish... Julia lights the place up, I fight the urge to trip Fern on the way out and out of the explosion some capsule flies at me. They tell me its an ability capsule, can change the latent abilities of any pokemon. Sounds neat. Everyone walks out minus Julia who demands a battle. Since she's clearly probably maybe not a terrorist I figure why the hell not. (sand falls in the area). This is getting pretty ominous.

I rest up the team and the igglypuff I picked up still seems jittery. Against my better judgement I bring it with me into this battle. The field is hypercharged An announcer says. I see to the side my favorite spokesman. The gym help guy. Julia says he adds boom time to battles and I kind of agree. This will be a 6 on 3 singles battle. Each challenger is allowed to make subsitutions. The battle ends when one trainer's pokemon can no longer battle. "OTS we represent , we pack a punch and don't relent. All right all right all right. I'm wired so let's fight!" Julia screams with full energy. "Avalanche I believe in you bud" He taps me with his wing then takes to the air. This one's for the record books folks! Avalanche and Softy take to the field. Softy is able to down the voltorbs and Helioptile. Avalanche breaks blitzen and emolga with no problem. Finally I see the real problem. HERE COMES AN ACE FOLKS. Electrode rolls into battle and the sparks intensify. Softy is taken out with one hit and Avalanche isn't looking so hot after a rollout. Igglypuff tugs at my pants leg. It wants to fight. I look around nervously and nod for it to go in. It sings the creepiest song I've ever heard and two minutes later Electrode is down. Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner by knockout. Caught between a rock and a hard battle Julia falls to the mighty Johnny Stone! He raises my hand and after some pouting Julia throws me the coveted whatchamacalit badge. (Distinguished at last) I pick up Avalanche and leave my first gym battle feeling proud but uneasy. A sandstorm gusts as soon as I leave the building and a small clearing in it shows my father and his prized monster Abomination the tyranitar. Both of them are furious and I know why. He points at me without saying a word and Abomination attacks, I get out of the way as the monster rips through the fence and Avalanche jumps away from me and starts attacking it to no avail. "I thought I taught you better boy, that thing isn't allowed on your team. But why waste time speaking. Lessons are best learned... the hard way" His Abomination uses superpower and cracks Avalanche's beak, I don't know what came over me but I find myself punching one of the 7 psuedos in the face. It readies another attack but my father stops it. "If you showed spine like this more often, we wouldn't have to have these... chats". He takes the igglypuff away. "HEY GIVE HER BACK" "You don't need this boy. I will not kill it but you will not see it again. Next time I see you using a non-rock type I will not be as kind" The sandstorm picks up and disperses. (He's gone and so is Igglypuff) Avalanche is bleeding from the hit. Victoria runs up to me and I explain what happened. We walk to the pokemon center and as Avalanche and Softy are getting treated she tells me massive problems are going down in Obsidia. Forest related problems. I'm going to need some serious luck for this one.

Team Rolling Stones update

Avalanche- Still defeatist(hopefully that changes after evolving) Jolly as ever and level 18. Same moves as before.

Softy- Solid rock after eating that capsule. Aqua jet since she defies the speed rule. Rollout, bite and protect.

Igglypuff-M.I.A (sorry girl)

This one was wordy huh guys... I don't have a joke for that. It was really wordy. Like so many words it must've taken a while to read. This ending note obviously isn't helping. I mean you're probably thinking. Holy shizz, Johnny can talk and you know what? You're right. This post is proof of that. If it goes on any longer it'll just strengthen your arguement and weaken mine. I'm sorry it goes on so long but you just have to explain some things. Like a lot of things happen to a guy and what better outlet than posting about it. Thank god for them internets huh? Yeah... technology is a blessing. Speaking of-

*Avalanche turned off the computer*

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Hello y'all Johnny Stone with the third part of his thrilling tale of adventure, love, danger and rocks. Lots of F^*ing rocks.

Soooo after my dad kidnaps and possibly murders a small pokemon, Victoria helped me to the pokemon center explaining that the meteors that magically escaped are doing more horrific things. She says she'll meet me in Obsidia ward. After Avalanche and Softy are rested up, me and Avalanche agree the team is looking a little to empty so we go underground to look for rocks.... (is that a joke without a punchline) When we get to the subway we see debris everywhere. Luckily I went rock climbing as a kid so this is nothing to me and my flying rock bird buddy. While looking around we see an Aron in the corner of it all eating the tracks. I LOVE THIS POKEMON (in a platonic way, I wouldn't date a pokemon..) Me and Avalanche try talking to the little girl but she doesn't seem interested. Why talk? I don't like beating creatures into submission then forcing them to fight (its a black guy thing) So me and Lan (thats Avalanche's nickname I didn't tell y'all about.) So me and Lan look around for more tracks to bring aron and get on its good side. After that fun search and giving it the metal, its seems fond of us but isn't quite ready to follow so me and Lan (as the kids say) get the steppin'

I finally make it to Obsidia but the cops say "You may not enter, we are dilligently doing jack shit as chaos surrounds us. Please return later" Standard police fare. Florinia (nerdy hot chick) says something in binary code or whatever and I say "I'm witchu shorty". Police move and we make our way in. She tells me how to avoid vines should they bust out and goes on ahead. The city is in bad shape but nothing Ame (ahhh-mehhh, for kids that forgot) can't handle at some point. The problem the girls were talking about looks like its coming from the park and guess what? You guessed it a giant hole is in the middle of town. Lan wants to fly across but can't quite carry me yet :( so we have to go through the horrible rapist infested undergrounds of Obsidia slums. Luckily we run into Victoria who says she's going to test me before we go in. We battle and thanks to Lan we win the fight and she leaves. She left me alone to fight my way through a criminal hellscape. Ummm


So after that, we go through the slums. And even the pokemon are in gangs. As a black man in a new city I should say more about the hood rocking, baggy pants wearing, hoodlum classified, fight loving, dark type pokemon being in gangs but I'm literally speechless. This is a fragile topic for someone funnier to handle and I'm a no nonsense guy. While fighting the pokemon gang.... (what am I doing with my life) Softy gets knocked out. Its 1 on 2 with Lan fighting Scrafty and Scraggy. then BAM HEAD SMASH and one of the Scraggy's is slammed into garbage by the little Aron we fed earlier. I suddenly like odds being 1 on 2. Scrafty looks at his gang and puts his hand up. I'm not a pokemon but I think that means surrender. Scrafty moves to his homies and I to mine and we finally get out of this place and get some... I wouldn't call it fresh... probably not even really air anymore. We're gonna call it lung lubricant. We get some of that and go down to the pier which even though its overflowing with poisonous water, the lung lubricant smells pretty nice. We see a lady with not brown or black hair so... important and definitely looking good and single. I introduce myself and Avalanche. she's looking at a poor little Oshawatt. If only someone had a pokemon that could fly over, that would solve so many problems like "who am I going on an expensive dinner with?" or "am I as strong as these clothes make me look" Just as I'm about to tell Avalanche to save the day Cain comes in with his grimer and Oshawatt jumps on it and swims to safety....http://9gag.com/gag/aAp3V52

Me and Cain have to fight right now. absolutely no mercy. We have out battle and Amaria is impressed (things are looking good) she says she's a water trainer... (from a 10 to a 4) Cain splits, says he's going to the wasteland. I'll forgive him next time I see him. Me and Amaria walk together back to Obsidia. We meet Florinia who... (is she glaring... she's definitely glaring... refer to video one) She cuts open a way into the park and goes ahead, Amaria runs after her and screams. They're both not doing it for the vine after being captured. (See kids this is why pokemon don't belong in pokeballs for scenarios exactly like this) I meet an absolute whacko who calls themself ZEL, who explains something but I can't get past the fact that everyone knows the last pokemon turned into an expirement and still a rampant killing machine and there are people out there that think doing the same thing could yield good results. So obviously I'm going to break this machine and any others I find. Lan takes the charge bringing its defenses down and I let Misty (thats the aron I found) finish off the tangrowth monster or PULSE. Instantly the plants recede and the tangrowth looks like its on the verge of dying. Eager to escape ZEL has some ice pokemon use flash. Couldn't get a good enough look but I know Ice when I see it. ZEL and tangrowth are gone. That's twice I let meteors get away. The third time, I swear a meteor will die. My team actually looks alright after a fight for once so I decide to lay down and let them play in the hopefully now safe park. Amaria leaves after thanking me and Florinia says she'll be in her gym. Lan, Softy and Misty are playing with a bonsly and I'm enoying the sun with a petlil bringing me fruit. To the side I see a guy sit down and let out a relieved sigh. "This right here is peace... inner city peace". Yeah. I guess it is.

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Quick update from Johnny and Team Rolling Stones. Beat Florinia since Avalanche wins everywhere he goes. Misty was pretty good against cradily with Iron head. Surprisingly tough against sand tomb. Bonsly joined the team after playtime. Flo sent me to help in the Jasper and Beryl wards so here I am.

Avalanche(Archen)-Lvl25: Jolly ol defeatist Pluck, rock throw, quick attack and leer

Misty(Aron)-Lvl 23-Lvl 23 Jolly and sturdy Tackle, Mud-slap, head smash and iron head

Trolo(Sudowoodo) Lvl 20 lonely as woah but sturdy rock throw copycat, mimic and low kick

Softy(tirtouga) Relaxed as a solid rock: Aqua jet, protect, crunch and rollout

That's the team, on with the show? Cool.

Right after I make it into Jasper which looks like a rock trainer's worst nightmare. Think If the Jolly green giant had Elsa's powers. The cops tell me to rescue all the police. Excellent policework is a staple of reborn. I usually send young men through forests to find armed public safety officers. Past that I run into Taka, a strange guy I can't get a read on. I mean he's clearly evil but... well after our fight he told me in a strange way he wanted to fight again. Doesn't matter as long as I can bust up these insane machines. After the fight I run into a little girl who claims to be a fighter after she tells me to backoff she gets ready to leave, probably with a goldeen right... No. One of the seven Psuedos as well as the Dragons of nine. Both are terrible. They are not pokemon. They should not be captured for they are purely monsters. Her's being the fastest psuedo Salamance. How a kid gets that monster to listen, I'll never know. Anyway onto Beryl.

First thing you'll see in Beryl is a pokemon center blocked by plants... Of course. Second you'll see a long ass bridge that should definitely have guard rails and lastly you'll see is a dark foreboading landscape. Guess which one I get? Johnny asked pretty sarcastically. Lan seemed pretty excited so I let him lead the charge. First we crossed the bridge to see a drifloon carrying a small child. A well aimed rock throw from Lan almost drops the small child off the br... I mean Avalanche was geniusly told by his trainer to pull the child from the pokemon's grasp which he did... HEROICLY! What would this place do without me. We turn back after dropping the kid off in Jasper and walk into the forest when... HOLY SHIT A RARE CANDY! *RUNS TO CANDY*.... I umm. Well I got the candy but it was stolen. Lan was laughing as I was thrown into the cage. And laughed harder when Fern came by to mock me. This is what rock bottom feels like(no pun intended). After a while a chatot comes to my aid since Lan was preoccupied laughing himself into a coma.

I save the police along my way and they guard my back from hiding meteors. Fighting in the forest isn't too bad since there are mainly bugs. I made it to a library where I had class for my team. They were taught by a gothitelle which was nice. She taught us about field effects which seem pretty important. And I'm able to rescue a growlithe but the cop did not make the fall. I tell the police to go back to base and regroup. Meteor is looking dangerous but they aren't the only team coming down hard.

Here comes a rematch folks. Watch. Me. Rock. I face Taka and ZEL in a doubles match while Heather fights off against captain depressant (seriously he is one dark dude). Softy and Trolo start it up Icy wind isn't fun but Glaceon is about to learn today. Glaceon lives due to bad confusion in the team but Lileep is gone. Tangrowth takes the field and thank god we aren't in the forest. It takes out Softy with ease. Time for Avalanche who leers down the defenses of the team and a switch allows Misty to knock everyone down to size including a very troublesome espeon. Umbreon goes doqwn after a mildly tough fight and our remaining baddies are just Lan and Misty versus little old chatot who now that I think about looks familiar. I don't know what Taka's deal is but he saved me, sorry brother but now's not the time to return the favor. Also my plan should be kicking in since its meteor running time.

The cops are back and they unmask one of the meteors to find out he's... the gym leader I was sent to help and Heather's father. Heather takes off which isn't surprising. Then Corey offers a challenge to the police and disappears. The cops go ahead to fight him and I get to a pokemon center. I have a feeling this next fight may not be as easy as the last. Once I'm in the gym I keep hearing hissing sounds. Lan is starting to look a little worried, probably because I've been so damn tense. Why is a gym leader a bad guy. That's against the pokerules. I get attacked by the police force I just saved. Looks like the right thing isn't always a good thing. Jeez I'm starting to sound like Corey. They all are taken out but this isn't over yet. *cough* I'm getting sick just being in here. Lan is actually looking a little pale too. Should probably move this along. Corey is hiding in a room, writing a note. He throws it in a closet and locks the door and gives the key to one of his pokemon. Hope he doesn't think I'll let anyone get to it but me. He doesn't look at me but he knows I'm here. He says for stopping the pulse machines and outing him in front of his daughter he's going to make me pay. Not on his god damn life. Johnny Stone isn't a loser. *cough cough* jesus christ what's wrong with me. Just as he leaves his gym the door to the outside locks. He thinks I'm trapped. Scared. Good try. I walk into his gym and behind me the door locks. I feel a breeze. *cough cough* and now there's blood. This is bad.

Take your place....(the breeze is picking up) I will bar nothing... (I feel like I'm losing strength)... You've forced my hand...(Am I dying before the fight even starts)... There's nothing left fo me to lose... (I need to stop the pulse project) The only reason I've kept going through the years was for Heather. She was my singular denial... (Have to stay strong for Avalanche) My one hope and memory of her. and she may never speak to me again... (Don't fall) So when I ask myself why... why did this happen... *cough* There's only one answer I reach. You... YOU DID THIS TO ME! You ruined the small splinter... the fraction of a life I had rebuilt. (breeze is picking up again) So allow me to bring you down with me.. (Noxious gas fills the room. Me and my pokemon are being poisoned)....


Johnny Stone vs Agent Corey.

Softy starts the fight against his Skrelp and I can barely think straight. Poisoned off the bat, Softy goes down fast. Misty checks in and is eager to fight. Looks like we have one teammate immune to the situation. Corey stands strong, not wearing a mask. The poison doesn't bother him and his team of course is fine. Avalanche versus Croagunk and Avalanche takes it home with power and speed after a sucker punch. Next is Nidorina against Trolo. *cough* legs feel like lead weights. Avalanche tries to keep me upright. Corey's smiling. I tell Avalanche to stand back. I'm made of tougher stuff than anyone. Trolo dodges a double kick and rock tombs her to death. Grimer makes its way to the scene and M... Mis... Misty returns to the spotlight. One mud bomb later misty is hurting but she's faster than grimer and iron hear spells check. Skuntank comes out and Trolo is ready to play again. A good speed breaker is able to take it down to size. Finally as I expected his ace comes out. Crobat. Faster than anyone I have but definitely not tougher. "All things must end. Even you. Even I." I smile and say "You got that right, Avalanche center stage" Not enough room in here for two fliers. Avalanche looks beaten so I tell him fall back and let misty finish this. He's upset but knows this isn't his time. The poison gym infects all of Crobats moves. It has nothing against Misty's steel typing and Crobat goes down. Corey talks more but I'm past my limit. I'm fading and he doesn't even know it. His disappears and I pass out. I wake up a few minutes later to the doors open and Avalanche pressing on my chest with his god damn talons. Hurts like hell but with clean air finally flowing through he's able to the the poison out of my system. He starts jumping all over me then points outside. Looks like I have a chase.

I walk out the gym and the disaster pokemon Absol stares at me and shrieks a little then runs off. As if things didn't already look bad. I finally reach Corey who was fleeing at the bridge. Probably a rematch with some meteors but... he's releasing his pokemon. Even Crobat which only evolves from Golbat if you spend years treating it perfectly. It cries before flying into the desert. Corey doesn't want to fight. Instead he tells me about how he joined team meteor and their lust for some lousy rocks. He lost his wife, he traded his soul, he distanced his daughter all because of some stupid rocks. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't. And I'm sorry I didn't. He tells me Heather has the ring and to watch over heather as he... COREY!... I no longer have the right to call myself her father. My love, I'll be with you soon... He jumped. and without missing a beat Fern shows up. Everything he says right now makes me want to smash his teeth in but Avalanche stops me this time. That and an explosion which means Julia is near. Looks like I'm heading down to North Obsidia. I said that the next meteor I fought was going to die... I wasn't expecting this. I better start preparing for the unexpected.

Team rolling stones is the same just a litte stronger.

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