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I'm trying to make this rock mono happen and I've got a 1/18 chance of getting Ryhorn (good odds) and I want to know is Rhyperior possible as of E15? I'm bad when it comes to finding items and things so I'm curious if anyone has made this happen.

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Iolia Valley, check my Item Guide in my sig for where exactly (upper right corner after taking all the plugs, on the way to the Sableye cave). You will get Rhyhorn a little bit later anyway, though, in Route 2.

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Lmao. That's pretty useless. I did a fire run but someone gifted me Larvesta before Corey. I was still curious about the egg and got vullaby. Yeah the RNG don't care about us.

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I got screwed on my run with the egg, was hoping for vullaby/togepi but I got tentacool :( Like why is Tenacool even an event pokemon anyway? He's not THAT good.

Fite me it's pretty good actually. Rather fast, very specially bulky, great movepool (especially if you do E12 breeding, so you can have Scald, Sludge Bomb and Hex). Also, the Swords Dance set is fun as hell and...surprisingly good.

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