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Hey everyone,

as a huge pokemon fan who used to play some romhacks & pokemmo, I cant believe i only found out about Reborn now.

I started playing a few days ago and got instantly hooked, its very challenging compared to the others i played, and the story is pretty impressive. Some of the puzzles are a bit much but eventually i found my way through!

Maybe the biggest challenge for me is deciding what pokes to train with such a huge offer!!

I used to play competitively, mainly UU & Doubles, but I rarely do so nowadays.

do people here breed for IV's &/or EV-train or do you guys not care much since its a single player?

so far i have only tried to get a good nature but didn't care too much about the iv's.

I'm also a big shiny fan and I am very excited about these custom sprites, iI already got lucky and caught 5 shinies !! sadly i killed one, feels bad man.

anyways I'm very excited to be here and get to know you guys & girls.

i'm a 23y old guy from Belgium who enjoys gaming, the outdoors, playing the drums & guitar, watching movies, partying, chilling, eating pizza, etc etc.

I'm always down to chat so feel free to hit me up whenever!


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Some people IV breed and EV train, but it isn't necessary for the most part.

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Ahem...welcome to REBORN!

glad that you enjoy the game and good luck on your playthrough and don't worry Reborn has higher chance to get shiny than in regular game

and about IV/EV mons well I don't care that much for now but maybe in the future.I heard the rumor that in the future Episode there will be online trade too.

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thanks for the welcomes!

Ahem...welcome to REBORN!

glad that you enjoy the game and good luck on your playthrough and don't worry Reborn has higher chance to get shiny than in regular game

and about IV/EV mons well I don't care that much for now but maybe in the future.I heard the rumor that in the future Episode there will be online trade too.

online trade would be truly amazing, and yea i figured it had higher shinyrates, i've played ALOT of pokemon games and only caught 1 shiny ever, compared to 5 in a few days here :P

extra question, is there a pokemon reborn shiny sprite list? these custom shinies are amazing so i'm curious about how the others look, mainly Ninetales & Espeon!

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extra question, is there a pokemon reborn shiny sprite list? these custom shinies are amazing so i'm curious about how the others look, mainly Ninetales & Espeon!

you can look in the graphics=>battlers in your game file

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extra question, is there a pokemon reborn shiny sprite list? these custom shinies are amazing so i'm curious about how the others look, mainly Ninetales & Espeon!

You can find them under Graphics/Battlers. Shiny sprites are indicated by 's'.

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