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Care for a battle~?


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Harrow everyone~

I'm not sure how many others there are, but I found out about this game through browsing 9gag. And I noticed that we might have crashed your servers because of that? So sorry! >_<

But yeah, neways... this game has been so much fun! I have been playing for about three days and am about to get my badge from Serra and this game has blown me away so far. There are so many side quests everywhere, the characters are interesting and everything has been really engaging me.

Thank you so much to Ame and Kuro and everyone who has had a hand in developing this game. I understand how tiring it can be to make a game and all the effort that you have to put in to make an idea reality. Please do your best and I am looking forward to seeing what this game can become! :)

The last Pokemon game I played was Sapphire so it is really refreshing and interesting to see all these new Pokemon here. The frustration I feel when playing this game keeps me playing lol. The first Pokemon anyone ever gave me was a Clefairy so I have a soft spot for this little angel.

I drabble on a lot so I look forward to be able to become an active part of this community!

Bye bye for now :)

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Harrow everyone~

I'm not sure how many others there are, but I found out about this game through browsing 9gag. And I noticed that we might have crashed your servers because of that? So sorry! >_<

That explains a lot lol. Damn it 9gag.

That's nice to hear from you about the game.

Anyway welcome to the forum.

The rules are on the left, with the staff and mods if you need any help.

Useful tips here about using this forum and the server.

Enjoy yourself while you can :D



We can go beyond that ;)


Like over 200(close 300 guests lol)

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@SkyRunner & Oblivion~

Ty, rules are always useful to know.


Aw, so no guessing?

You're welcome :)

Alright. Outside, laying around. Seeing up the skies and are like the best buddies :)

What? You thought something dirty huh. Nope hehe.

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Not really, but then again I keep seeing Cain in this game XD

Rofl that made me laugh.

Anyway, i'll stop talking kind of. Don't want me and you flooding posting here.

If you want to talk to me, you can PM me or i can do with you.

So we can get know more each other :)

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Wellllllllllllllllllllcome to the forums,

I got stuck on Serra for a few months because I ragequit x.x

Silly me..

I also do not like cleffairy because it's evil and will steal your soul :D :D :D :D

But, in spite of that,

Welcome to the forums

(I already said that..)

Hope you enjoy it here,

Rather- You had better enjoy yourself!




See you around :D

(I guess........... the Bermuda Triangle!)

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I know I'm being weird but let's hold hands :)

I don't have many female friends so I'm glad girls here are talking to me lol


I'm sure you are cool!


Juuzou huh...

Bermuda triangle? Or maybe like Spinel town?

But nice to see someone into Tokyo Ghoul too ^w^


Can't I just use an escape rope? :<

Everyone is so friendly here :)

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I know I'm being weird but let's hold hands :)

I don't have many female friends so I'm glad girls here are talking to me lol


I'm sure you are cool!


Juuzou huh...

Bermuda triangle? Or maybe like Spinel town?

But nice to see someone into Tokyo Ghoul too ^w^


Can't I just use an escape rope? :<

Everyone is so friendly here :)

hell yeah. girl power. :DDD

quite alot of people here are into shows like Tokyo Ghoul, it seems! including me.

and yep! this place is really welcoming uwu

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Not really, but Juuzou is so adorable.

I did the Myers Briggs personality some time ago and I got Kaneki as one of my results...

Although I did the test again a few mins ago and maybe I have someone different?

iunno :/

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