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Your first shiny


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My first shiny was a sandshrew in Ruby, eventually traded it all the way to B/W, in which I used it and eventually evolved it.This is also what caused me to think of sandshrew/sandslash as gen 3 mons.

I believe my first reborn shiny was a poochyena, didn't bother catching it though.

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Mine was surprisingly a shiny Feebas in Emerald. I honestly thought my eyes were playing mind-games with me because it took ages for me to find that spot that hosts Feebas, and when I finally got it, it was a different color O_O

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My first shiny ever was a Swablu. I didn't even know shiny pokemon were a thing back then. I was playing Pokemon Ruby and it randomly appeared, I was drinking some coke too and spewed it all over my friend. He later got a shiny Rayquaza the next day, talk about luck.

My first shiny on Reborn? I think it was Woobat.

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I first encountered shinies in my Pokemon Zeta run but every single one was already owned by a trainer, grunt, or gym leader. That game got so troll-ish at times. My first ever one I caught, which was in reborn, was a Swadloon.

In official games it was a Kecleon in Alpha Sapphire. I got really lucky in AS but mainly since I somehow caught two shiny Petilil almost back to back in a Mirage Island. Though the funny thing I was so excited about the first that I somehow didn't notice I had gotten a second until much later. Love those two to bits.

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My first shiny was a zubat in saphire,then a fearow while ev training in diamond,a deerling in white on my first playthrough, when it came out,got a shiny modest charmander from gts on soulsilver xd those are the ones i remember right now,don't play the main pokemon games for years now.

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In the main games (which I played extensively since Gen 3, due to not having a life at the time) I caught my first shiny in Black. It was a Pidove, which had 0IV in half of its stats. Made up for it with the only Vulpix seen in X being shiny, but... going through any game with 0IV is painful, especially once you find out. It has since been traded away. First ever was a Bagon by trade in Pearl. First actually used one was Excadrill in Black.

In Reborn/Rejuv/Desolation/etc/etc/etc/etc it was, what do you know, at least 4 Woobat and 4 Noibat. Speed EV training breaktime notice, I call them. First used one was... none. I do wish that trading a shiny Stunfisk in Agate gave a shiny Vulpix, but... ;-;

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My first shiny was back in R/S/E when I found a red-dotted Shroomish. It looked to beautiful I just caught it. At the time I thought my game glitched or something like that. My shroomish was different, I had no idea about shinies, so I believed I exploited some error in the game, and that was enough to brighten my day, at the time.

Every 10-year-old would be ecstatic to be able to see this:


When playing the game for the first time and everyone else's shroomish was plain green. Fun fact: it was just the second shroomish I found, and thought it was just cooler than the simply green one, so I chose to use it and grind it. As I moved on, I found no other, so it became special. I even kept it as a Breloom in my team all the way to the league. This and Swampert were the ones I kept all the way, while the other positions changed often.

In Reborn it must have been a Woobat or a Spinarak. I can't remember. All I know is that when I caught Gastly, it was a blue one ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first shiny was a Skitty I got through Masuda breeding. However, it only took me 48 eggs and while this first successful shiny hunt led me to become a full on shiny hunter it drove me away from breeding because I felt impatient when i began to hit around 300 eggs. Now, I use my shiny Delcatty for horde and fish hunting.

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My first ever shiny was a Ratatta on route 22 in Gold version, except I didn't know what shiny pokemon were, so I didn't catch it. I thought the red gyrados was just a special thing that they put in the game, and something like that wouldn't happen again, so when I saw a yellow Ratatta I freaked out and thought my game was broken, and immediately turned it off fearing my save data was in trouble. It wasn't until gen 3 that I learned better.

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My first shiny was golden bacon, a shiny Spoink, sadly it died not three weeks later from data corruption

some time later I got a golden pidgey and I still have it on my bank.

Edited by mwijsman
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