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people say gyms are op (there not tho)


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i seen alot of people posting how some gyms are "OP" but in my opinion this is false. i have used the same team of zebstrika, onix/steelix, granbull,archanine,charizard (shiny luckily) and musharna (untill i got mawile) and i havn't had much trouble at all. at most i have only had to rebattle gym leaders 2 or 3 times (not counting the number of times i battled them for the sole purpose of suicide grinding mawile and archanine). any thoughts or tips on this subject or my team setup please reply. Thanks

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Well, I don't think you can say that someone's opinion on the difficulty if false. People have different levels of skill and use different teams which vastly change the challenge of the game. Some of the gym leaders have been nerfed from their original difficulty so while it isn't as difficult you can't say it shouldn't be difficult to anyone.

Have you finished episode 15 (or if not which gym are you up to) as we can't really make team suggestions without a fair bit more detail.

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Well, I started in E12 and finished all the gyms until Samson with the underated team I have in my signature with almost no problems! I deafeted most gym leaders with one try, or needed 2-3 resets at most just to scout the leading poke or because I got bad luck with RNG from the begining.
But after 3 episodes and 2 more runs I have to say that I found some dificulties although I knew how to hande field effects and the rosters of most leaders!

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I don't mean to sound dickish, but...your point? The game won't be made harder since most people do have trouble. It won't be made easier (which you don't want anyways), because the difficulty is one of Reborn's main selling points. As has been stated, how difficult the game is depends on your team and your skill. So if you made a topic just to say you had an easy time...yay? Good for you.

If you made a topic because you want something harder, there's this, I guess. Or get into competitive.

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i wasnt meaning to say they were wrong in their opinion of the difficulty or that it no matter what they arent difficult just that if done correctly none of them are "OP".

and not yet i havnt i am currently on 7th street.

in my opinion some of the puzzles in this game are actually alot more difficult than the gym leaders.

and not really complaining about difficulty just wanted to gather more opinions about it before i recommended it or not to some of my friends who have trouble in oras and constantly complain about how difficult oras is. (although i will probably recommend no matter what if my aforementioned friends dont give up on pokemon becouse of oras)

Edited by Texasblazed
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If I remember correctly Charlotte was OP. Mons that had illegal moves and what not. Also its 99% of the time a team reason for gym leaders being op. Don't have a wind inducing move and Corey has the advantage. No fire against Shelly's team and the forest will hurt. Slower than Kiki's team and you'll just straight up lose. Without a solid counter or one GOOD mon a lot of leaders can check you since the fields were made to bring them to intelligent levels. I totally understand not being able to figure out how to beat a lot of the leaders since playthoughs 1-3 for me were borderline impossible since I wasn't good at pokemon and field effects were entirely new to me. If you compare yourself to people who have never touched a fangame then yeah you might seem like an unstoppable genius. But the people who have problems are probably the ones who played X and Y and thought it was a mildly challenging RPG.

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actually i am on my first play through on this game and have never played a fan game until this one.

as stated before tho i wasnt trying to critisize the game at all in fact so far i love just about all aspects of it

i was just trying to get more opinions before i recommended to some of my friends who do have trouble with omega ruby and alpha saphire

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actually i am on my first play through on this game and have never played a fan game until this one.

as stated before tho i wasnt trying to critisize the game at all in fact so far i love just about all aspects of it

i was just trying to get more opinions before i recommended to some of my friends who do have trouble with omega ruby and alpha saphire

I'd still recommend the game but if they struggle with ORAS they are really going to have trouble with Reborn.

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actually i am on my first play through on this game and have never played a fan game until this one.

as stated before tho i wasnt trying to critisize the game at all in fact so far i love just about all aspects of it

i was just trying to get more opinions before i recommended to some of my friends who do have trouble with omega ruby and alpha saphire

Well, if it's a great game. Yeah, it's difficulty is...not really comparable with ORAS :P But we have the entire Team Showcase section and a Gym Leader Help Thread if they need help, so they could give it a shot. Though maybe have them look into some more casual fan-game first, cause I could see newcomers thinking that the difficulty and especially the level-cap are a hassle. Look around, see what you can find, give 'em Zeta/Omicron (even though it takes 5 days to beat) or something like that first.

Edited by Etesian
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zeta/omicron hmmm like i said reborn is my first i didnt even know fan games existed till a few weeks ago.

and i will more than likely show them reborn ( after they finish ORAS) they are new to pokemon after being introduced to x and y by me

P.S they dont have internet so no showcase or thread surfing (which is why i was asking the original question)

i didnt want them to get to frustrated with reborn and give up on pokemon alltogether especially since they liked x and y and are enjoying ORAS

thanks for the advise people

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ROFL! That mod was created for a reason. The term OP is really ambiguous and very hard to define as the term is very different for everyone. Me personally, I only ever found Hax Queen Serra to be OP as evasion is very difficult to counter and she had some quite strong attacks to boot. Even in Hardcore, I had to test for nerfs like Reborn under these circumstances:

-How powerful is this Pokemon? If it's very powerful, can it be stopped by a large handful of Pokemon?

-Does the Pokemon fit the theme?

-How well does the Pokemon perform? Do the faults harm it too much to add to the team?

-Can the fight be won with a well rounded team? If not, can it be won mostly with just one Pokemon?

Obviously, I'm more about using teams and strategies when creating that mod then making them as tough as possible. Reborn has a very steep learning curve for new players given it's difficulty, but many of the nerfs were made so that newer players can slowly work their way into getting better and better. Half the reason Hardcore could even be made is that vets have gotten so good, they can take down any leader quite easily.

But when you compare Wattson to Julia, it's pretty fair to call Julia OP. Heck, I thought Julia was insane the first time I ever fought her which is exactly why I made the Hardcore one quite a challenge. They felt pretty OP to the main games which is what most people have only gotten taste of before picking up Reborn. Finding the balance between the noobs and the people who think it's a joke is quite difficult and I also had to think about that when amping up the game difficulty. Because of this, it could be argued Hardcore is too easy while some people say it's way too OP compared to Reborn.

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Charlotte in 14/13 was Op'd, as explained she had illegal moves and would deal ludicrous amount of damage, like 400 BP moves per turn, it was absurd.

Ep 15 made the gym leaders easier overall, although Charlotte is still pretty tough especially blind(the only way you should be playing the game first time).

Damage explained it really well, and I think if you aren't knowing exactly what you're up against the game is pretty tough. Granted on following playthroughs it becomes a lot easier but it's by no means an easy game.

Ah 7th street? Well next gym leader is the easiest mid-game leader for a lot of people but after her I feel the game spikes in difficulty. Like even indra is a bit tough initially lol.

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I've been saying this before, so I'll just say it again. The gyms as a whole feel easier now than they did back in the days of the absence of nerf hammer. Needless to say, Reborn's gyms are still on a way higher scale of difficulty than any mainstream game's.

For Reborn, it's mostly a matter of what kind of team you take with you. Personally, I never felt like I need to train more than 6 to go through the game but I suppose depending on your team, the game will be either even easier or harder

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i agree with the dark gym being on of the easier gyms mid game so far as soon as i scouted her Pokemon it was over although malamar did ko half my party.

i continue my above statement that the puzzles are harder than most gyms

first route one then the lair of the "church of arceus" (cant remember what the area was called) then a pretty easy puzzle before dark gym them BAM route 2

lol loving these puzzles tho there really well designed and pretty tricky to figure out

as such i am currently in a loop of sleep powder move to wrong spot reload pre-puzzle portion save saving after every successful portion i complete of it only to rinse and repeat

oh ya favorite quote so far in this

"OVER 9000"

also i wish i had heard about this lang ago before when the gyms were tougher (do i hear grindathon)

same here i usually keep my main 6 unless ame tells me over intercom thing that the gym leader uses a team that i have little to no streangth against then i just find 1 maybe 2 pokemon grind em up and whipe out leader

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You can find old reborn versions all the way to ep 9. So, you could start your new save file in one of those versions,

And yep, the game is different for everyone. Charlotte and Serra? Ridiculously easy for my team. The leader I had most problems with? Noel. That fairy type of his and cinccino were destroying my team. Other hard gyms were Shade and Kiki.

And agree about puzzles in general. They are hard. Don't have anything against those, but some like route 1, are just irritating.

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well in my own opinion you only have three weapons against the gym leaders:

1. your Pokemon (hopefully grinded up too a nice level cap hitting level)

2. The Items you can spam

3. Your skill

while the gym leaders get their:

1. Field Boost

2. A team that covers their weaknesses somewhat

3. probably megas during the later gym's

4. also pokemon you can't get at that point

no to mention amethyst's habit of pushing back or outright removing any and all Pokemon who pose a high potential threat.

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My first playthrough I didn't find any of the gyms very difficult. but on my 2nd run I was coming across more bumps than I had suspected

If you see my trainer card youll understand why...but for some reason it dosent show

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Reborn's difficulty will change to find a middle ground. They are not easy, nor have they ever been. If you're a skilled battler like myself though, they might be easy and you may then put restraints on yourself. Also back then, we didn't have a flood of people ready to help so most of the time you had to do things yourself.

There is one thing that you people can do to rebel against this nerfing though. I'm not really advertising Hardcore right now, but more of giving it popularity. I'm definitely completely open about giving Ame and her team the Trainer.txt file I have for a challenge mode to be implemented in the official game. People can also give feedback to improve the mod. Heck, I thought Nidoqueen would be too hard for Corey so I gave it weaker moves, but apparently it might be too easy.

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well in my own opinion you only have three weapons against the gym leaders:

1. your Pokemon (hopefully grinded up too a nice level cap hitting level)

2. The Items you can spam

3. Your skill

while the gym leaders get their:

1. Field Boost

2. A team that covers their weaknesses somewhat

3. probably megas during the later gym's

4. also pokemon you can't get at that point

no to mention amethyst's habit of pushing back or outright removing any and all Pokemon who pose a high potential threat.

But don't forget 3 things:

-you're human, they are not and thus are limited in what they can adapt to.

-the fields work both ways and controlling them is part of the game

-on switch you're even moreso at an advantage to where their coverage and illegally obtained pokemon are somewhat balanced out. On set admittedly it's a bit less stacked to your favor but you have an endless amount of ipotions/Z items/full heals to use.

Revives are like taking more than 6 pokemon with you, and way too much of an advantage.There's a reason the CPU doesn't use them and that's because it'd make them pretty unfair and just flat out frustrating

Personally I don't use any items during battle except held ones on pokemon but potions/fullheals/battle items I think are fine, it's just revives I feel are pretty cheap..

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Also you aren't using revives during battle are you? Those are pretty cheap man <_<

You asking me? In that case, no I don't use items during battle.. It's not that I find them cheap, I just don't see any point in using them. IMO, sending a pokemon with just half of it's health during gym battle usually means it's gonna get knocked out fast, and completely fixing the moon (unless you have max revive) gives the gym leader two free turns.

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I really wouldn't be surprised if Ame removes Full restores later on and gives gym leaders 1-2 revives and/or max revives. That's the easiest was to up the challenge level.

She would probably need to do some special coding for that, since I don't think any Pokémon game has had that as a mechanic. Plus, Max Revives are so rare, it would be a little cheap to give a gym leader a supply when we can't really get them easily.

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