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Going through rough patch with Fighting/Fairy duotype


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So, i have been having difficulties with this team unfortunately, the roster is following:

Pancham level 15 Adamant nature Mold Breaker

Mankey level 14 Sassy nature Anger Point

Swirlix level 20 Relaxed nature Unburden

Monferno level 22 Quirky nature Iron Fist

Jigglypuff level 16 Quirky nature Friend Guard

(Not the best nature and abilities ever, will do something about those later)

About to face Cain(after mission of saving Oshawott), the movepools aren't too great, and TMs are scanty, any suggestion on how to shape up this team?Any input will be greatly appreciated~

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well would use makuhita rather than mankey. cause yeah mankey is just too meh. and makuhita can at least take a few hits and if it has the guts ability it be awesome as cain will most likely change the mist at coral ward to corrosive mist. i would grind a little so that most of your mons are at least lvl 20. anyways good luck with corey. he will 100% be a bigger hurdle than cain. well unless you insert/trade a ralts/meditite before the the battle. Also good luck with the whole run.

Edited by Luna
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The makuhitas(plural, as in attempt to catch better ones, either rash nature with 1 IV in special defense or bold nature, and they stopped showing up) i caught werent up to expectation, tho the rash one has guts, i will try to squeeze her in on sixth spot i guess~Oh Corey, i will put off thinking about his gym for the moment~

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meh i usually find a bunch of makuhitas when ev training for atk kinda annoying when you just want to kill pidoves. usually find them near the end of the slums, the room with the stairs going up. umm will put the screen shot if you do not know where.

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LOL i didnt know there were different encounter rates in different areas of Slums~I think i know where you are referring to, i need to grind anyway, so i probably will run into a few Makuhitas later~

Update: never mind, found a careful nature thick fat good IVs Makuhita, not too shabby, i can work with that~

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seems like you'd want to get Ralts ASAP. It's literally the perfect mon for Fight/Fairy - Gardevoir/Gallade. Heck, why not breed and use both? Leaf Blade Gallade is a monster.

Unfortunately, i had used Gallade in regular run(bred a shiny Ralts, just had to use him), so for a change, this time i am gonna go with Gardevoir, specifically male Gardevoir just to piss someone off XD

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If you can get Azurill then do that. Its my favorite fairy in reborn and it learns superpower so it can perform both roles in your duotype very well. I think Mime jr is avilable early on. Technician probably wont hel much given its movepool but Filter is a pretty awesome ability weakening super effective moves. But his weaknesses are physically based (minus ghost) so keep ability capsules ready for certain bosses. Makuhita is better than mankey in every way but speed. All of its abilities are useful. Toxicroak is pretty awesome and I think you should be able to get it soon but for right now, I don't think any other fighters are available. Next is post Shelly.

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I will definitely get a Mime Jr, one of my favourite baby mon(not a fan of Mr Mime however, but i can overlook its hideousness for psychic type being my favourite), to replace Jigglypuff(slow as heck and normal typing doesnt help it either)~Azurill was the sole Mystery Egg content in previous episodes from i've heard~Croagunk is going to be on the team for sure~

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Yeah, Azu just laughs at Solaris (and levels up really fast). Breed it Aqua Jet and souls will be crushed, if you're lucky enough to get it.

I think you kinda ave all the eligible mons up to the point you are, so yeah...good luck :P

Thanks, i will do just that ;)

Update:New line-up pre-Shade, gonna grind a little

Slurpuff lvl 34 Relaxed nature Unburden moveset:Draining kiss, Fake Tears, Cotton Spore, Play Nice

Pangoro lvl 35 Adamant nature Mold Breaker moveset:Body Slam, Vital Throw, Karate Chop, Work Up(clearly isnt working cause she got taken out before setting up)

Infernape lvl 35 Quirky?(those neutral nature) Iron Fist(not much use at all) moveset:Flame Wheel, Close Combat, Mach Punch

Hariyama lvl 35 Careful nature Guts(change by a.cap) moveset:Knock Off, Fake Out, Vital Throw

Mr Mime lvl 35 Bashful nature(or also one of those neutral nature) Technician(aim for Filter but then good IVs dont come easy so settle with it) moveset:Double Screen, Psybeam(get this out of here soon), Confusion

Granbull lvl 35 Careful nature Quick Feet(after Corey, not much help) moveset:Headbutt, Lick(Rock Smash replaced), Bite

I came into possession of Corey's Croagunk(neutral nature, poison touch, other ivs are double digits, speed iv 0 worries me, but Sucker Punch can somehow remedy that?), someone in current team has got to go, any advice?

Edited by TimTim
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