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Hiya! Another new person here, feel free to say hello!


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Hello! I'm new to the site and the game, I started playing 2 days ago, I think. The game, it's... awesome! I love it, I was sooo lucky to find it :) Stumbled upon it in 9chat actually.

I guess I should tell something about myself? Well, I'm 19 years old, a gamer girl. Pokémon fan since Gen 4. So far I played SoulSilver, Black, Black2, X, and Omega Ruby. Also, I'm hyping for Pokémon GO, although it won't be as good as we hope because the trailer promises too much, but we'll see.

My interests are gaming (Pokémon of course, and Legend of Zelda, some other rpgs for PC and maybe a few other games.) and anime mainly. I should watch some Pokémon anime too, haven't watched in years... But my anime watchlist has so much things I should watch, I can't find the time ^^"

I also started studying computer science this fall, and I like it, coding is fun :3 I hope to be a software developer in the future... well, game developer to be exact ^^

Well, I think that's enough about me, just wanted to say hello ^w^

And well sorry if this isn't a good forum post, I don't make these very often ^^"

Best regards from Senna

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*Wonders if people from Finland are actually fish, or humanoids with dorsal Fins*



Please, enjoy your stay or else I'll be forced to take further procedures to ensure your compliance with the strict code of enjoyment that is not officially enforced,

rather privately so, by none other than ME! (I'm nobody)

Anywho, Hope to see you around :D

Edited by Juuzou
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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

GEN 3 IS BETTER!!! We're pretty much in the same boat with the whole anime thing, and I also aspire do be a game developer but I still have a lot to learn.

I hope to see you 'round the forums!

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Well met Senna.

Welcome to Reborn!

YASSSSS GEN 4 \o/ Weavile > Gen 1

I have the same feeling about Pokémon GO. The only difference is that I'm not hyped. Just watching... and waiting...

Did you say coding? Oh shit run before Ame turns you into a slave. I'm just kidding. Maybe.

Well, have this blue thing because that's how I work WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

Do enjoy your stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/


Gen 4 fan? This is already a great intro thread!

Yass 4th Gen!

Y'all are even more awesome now~ \o/

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Thanks everyone :) Well, I probably won't be very active on the forums, but we'll see :)

And thanks for the tip @SkyRunner (does ping work here?)

@Vinny, I doubt she'll turn me itno a slave... at least not yet, as I'm a beginner haha ^^

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Welcome to Reborn! So, I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine. Don't touch okay?

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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