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The Abhorrently Late Introduction Thread


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I probably should have made this a lot earlier, but eh, I'm sure I can now.

Hello people of Reborn, my name is Combat Medic! You probably have seen me around before, because, I’ve been here for a few weeks now, and I kind of realized how awkward it is that I never got around to making an introduction thread. So, I guess I should probably tell you nice captors people about myself. I like reading, video games, being outside, Pokémon, and long walks on the beach, just not overly long because I don’t like getting tired. I have the tendency to obsess over a certain fandom from time to time, which is why I’m in my Undertale phase, am looking to become a writer of some sort, and have a bad habit of talking like Gollum when in the dark. I used to be part of a small Role Playing community that died a few months back, and am looking to join this communities, community. I could have rephrased that to sound better, but since your reading this, I’m sure you can tell that I kept it like that to amuse you. I consider myself to be a PC gamer, love both Fiction and Non Fiction, and have played Super Paper Mario to completion over ten times for some reason.

So yeah, nice to meet all of you, though I probably already have. So, go team!

“I don’t know how many years on this Earth I got left, I’m going to get real weird with it” –Frank Reynolds

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Hey there Medic. Medic? MEDIC! I'M DYING HERE!

Late-welcome to Reborn!

Hey, it's never too late to make intros, that's true. You're late by a month. I was a year late for mine~

Anyway, there's nothing you need other than this WOLOLO \o/ you're blue conversion.

Keep enjoying your stay here in Reborn.

Be seeing you o/

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Welcome to Reborn! So, I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine. Don't touch okay?

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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