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"[Primal Despair] Derxwna "The Badman" Kapsyla" approaching! Scramble All ARKS!


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And we're coming to you live from the Abyss! Derxwna Kapsyla, coming at you with the power of a thousand ZYoumus using Gen III Shadow Ball. The Badman's the name, Despair is my game, and I always play for suffering (Others, Myself; There's anguish waiting to be created at my hands). But enough with the theatrics!

As I said above, my name's Derxwna Kapsyla (DerxwnaKapsyla is usually the forum/website moniker because spaces in usernames never works). Possible shorthands are Derxwna (Pronounced like Dirks-winna), or just Derx, hell, even Andrew works (real name)! You can call me whatever you want though I ain't here to judge. 22 years old, living in scenic Hellscape Florida (Margate, such a small little area, it's interesting like that), graduated from technical school with a 'degree' in Game Design and Animation (nix the animation part though, we didn't get around to that). I'm the head honcho of my own group called Chaotic Infinity Development, which is to say I'm the only regular person part of it. It's interesting how that works - anyone else associated with it is part of situational projects.

One of those projects under CIDs wing is Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version, a game built off the Pokemon Essentials v14 Engine, incorporating the Touhou Puppet Play series of ROM Hacks to the RPG Maker XP engine. You can learn more about it by hitting the CID Blog, located at scenic ol' Tumblr Dot Com, or you can visit the Pokecommunity thread. Faith & Prayer is currently on Demo 6 with a public release, with Demo 7 in development. When it comes to RPG Maker XP, i do have somewhat of a good handle on how to make a (Pokemon) game within it, as well decent balancing skills. I'd like to believe I have a good eye for quality and what does and doesn't work. Faith & Prayer Version has been in active development for close to 3~4 years now (How has it been so long, oh my god), and I forsee at least another [invalid string number] years of development! I'm not sure if I should post it here, maintaining it on several websites already is a pain in the arms for me, but who knows! If there's an audience, I'll deliver!


Aside from that, I'm also working on several other projects with a few other people. Touhou x Command & Conquer: War of the Rice is one of them, but that's currently in a bit slow development for extraneous reasons. Unfortunately, some of those reasons involve me being rather... inept at making graphics. This issue happens in Faith & Prayer Version as well, but it's not as bad (since I usually don't need hardcore custom graphics left and right). Faith & Prayer also suffers from my severe inability to understand RGSS (I can grasp a little, but beyond that... my brain turns into Liquid Tiberium and explodes in a very impossible way).

When I'm not working on Faith & Prayer Version or my other projects, I'm usually shitposting memes all over my personal tumblog, located here. Take care though, it's a bit of a disjointed mess of ranting, reblogs, and emotional turbulence, mixed with some updates to stuff I'm working on.

Despite calling myself "The Badman", and claiming I live for Despair (Which I do, it's fun to cause [non-harmful] suffering to my friends!), I'm usually a really nice person with an upbeat attitude most of the time. I try my hardest to remain positive, and I generally enjoy being around people (Which is why I'm here! To try and meet more people - I like having large and diverse friend circles). If you ever want to interact with me, go ahead! I promise I don't bite, my teeth are in bad condition already! My bark is worse than my bite I assure you (Though the infamous Nightmare Noise I make is much worse than both, but that's neither here nor there!)

Before I go, I just wanna say that Pokemon Reborn is a really good game - if it wasn't I wouldn't be here! I really enjoyed it; the brutal challenging aspects of it, the much richer story than the official games, the maps (oh god the maps, they're so beautiful. i love them so much. whoever does the maps for reborn, you have my absolute envy and adoration). I'm looking forward to seeing what the future of Reborn has to offer, just like I look forward to seeing what the future of me being in this community will lead to!

And-- Oh, would you look at that. Looks like the ARKS are finally scrambling their forces. I think it's time for me to skedaddle!

This is Derxwna, signing off!

Edited by DerxwnaKapsyla
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And-- Oh, would you look at that. Looks like the ARKS are finally scrambling their forces.


Welcome! One particular member by the name of Shia may be interested in your project, and I'm sure interest exists elsewhere here. Enjoy your time here!

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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Welcome! One particular member by the name of Shia may be interested in your project,

I believe Shia's name was changed to Shi for some reason. Just in case you try searching.

Speaking of searching the bar above your username is the search bar and the one below it is the status bar people often get them confused at first. I made that mistake myself 3 times

I hope to see you 'round the forums!

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I believe Shia's name was changed to Shi for some reason. Just in case you try searching.

If he's curious, he will have to search Shia, since the minimum search limit is four characters. Three returns an error.

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Not to worry, just as the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, I already abandoned the little bit of sanity I had long before coming here. If that didn't make sense, then my job in that regard is complete!

I kinda got a bit carried away when writing the intro post honestly! I looked at my initial draft and said "No. This is boring. I always make these boring. Let's liven it up and give them the REAL Derxwna Experience." So I did! I dropped insight as to who I was, perhaps a bit into my overall personality with how I handled the post, I tried to make it interesting to read. Hopefully it worked!

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I was too tired to read all of this,

Please accept my apology, sorry D:

I did notice ARKS though,

Is that from phantasy star online 2?

(I played that game! I think I was like level 20 or so..)

Anyhow, welcome to the forums,

I hope to see you around!

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Well met Derx.

Welcome to Reborn.

You know what, that's a lot of names. So, congratulations. You're person #9

I don't know what happened to the other ones. I only know where Person #1 and Person #3 are. The rest scrambled.

Hmm, maybe I'll check the game thingy. We'll see /o/

Badman, but you're pretty nice? You remind me of someone...

Anyway, this is a pretty good intro. So, you get the good convesion. It's just like the normal one, but I say that's nice. WOLOLO \o/

"that's nice."

Enjoy your stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

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Welcome to Reborn! So, I'll show you around.
There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.
There's cake too, but those are mine. Don't touch okay?
I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!
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