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Things that you DONT like on Pokemon Reborn.


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  On 11/22/2015 at 5:12 PM, TKGriffiths said:

I totally agree. It's such a frustrating battle because you can't even buy yourself time with potions due to them setting up with Charge Beam all the time. I mean, what exactly do the developers expect us to do. There's no good/suitable pokemon to catch to help with the gym. There's nowhere to grind. There's no TMs or move tutors to improve my team. I have moves like Pound while the gym leader has Sonicboom, Explosion, Charge Beam, Acrobatics. And don't give me the 'oooh this game's supposed to be difficult, git gud'. There's a difference between a challenging game and a badly structured game. I mean, the leap in difficulty from every battle so far to the gym, with no corresponding way to improve your own team in between, is totally ridiculous.

My starter is Piplup which is dead weight for this gym. I have no option except either spending hours grinding against the wild Goldeen or starting the game again and going for a different starter. I don't have that kind of time to waste. Shame, this game looked promising.

Goldeen, get a HA goldeen and krictune. Good combo for the gym.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 5:12 PM, TKGriffiths said:

I totally agree. It's such a frustrating battle because you can't even buy yourself time with potions due to them setting up with Charge Beam all the time. I mean, what exactly do the developers expect us to do. There's no good/suitable pokemon to catch to help with the gym. There's nowhere to grind. There's no TMs or move tutors to improve my team. I have moves like Pound while the gym leader has Sonicboom, Explosion, Charge Beam, Acrobatics. And don't give me the 'oooh this game's supposed to be difficult, git gud'. There's a difference between a challenging game and a badly structured game. I mean, the leap in difficulty from every battle so far to the gym, with no corresponding way to improve your own team in between, is totally ridiculous.

My starter is Piplup which is dead weight for this gym. I have no option except either spending hours grinding against the wild Goldeen or starting the game again and going for a different starter. I don't have that kind of time to waste. Shame, this game looked promising.

The point is for you to look at all the pokemon availble. You're used to using OP mons early on. Reborn tells you to put that idea away and take a look at typically ignored mons. For instance, there is an Espurr available in a house behind that hobo, and it rocks the early game. Kricketot is in an apartment somewhere in Peridot. Trubbish has Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray at a very low level, and has enough bulk early game to tank a lot of the BS Julia throws at you. As mentioned before me, Lightning Rod Goldeen will eliminate all her electric attacks. I will agree that early game grinding is poor, since you don't get repeatable trainer battles until post-Correy. That's really what makes Julia such a pain in the ass.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 6:29 PM, dondon151 said:

lol someone's salty

Supposedly Lightningrod Goldeen destroys Julia

Kricketune also wrecks Julia with Fury Cutter

If you read my post you'd understand that my issue isn't with the gym's difficulty, it's the lack of SOLUTIONS to that difficulty unless you've metagamed and planned everything out beforehand. Which isn't how a game like pokemon should be played.

Lightningrod doesn't make you immune to Sonicboom/Explosion. Maybe you can exploit the stupid A.I which maybe isn't intelligent enough to know not to spam electric moves once the first one get absorbed. But again, if you're abusing the A.I just to progress in the game you know something's wrong.

I doubt Kricketune can wreck anything unless it's overleveled, and it definitely can't survive Explosion.

  On 11/22/2015 at 6:33 PM, Dragon116 said:

The point is for you to look at all the pokemon availble. You're used to using OP mons early on. Reborn tells you to put that idea away and take a look at typically ignored mons. For instance, there is an Espurr available in a house behind that hobo, and it rocks the early game. Kricketot is in an apartment somewhere in Peridot. Trubbish has Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray at a very low level, and has enough bulk early game to tank a lot of the BS Julia throws at you. As mentioned before me, Lightning Rod Goldeen will eliminate all her electric attacks. I will agree that early game grinding is poor, since you don't get repeatable trainer battles until post-Correy. That's really what makes Julia such a pain in the ass.

Lol nothing has the bulk to take more than 3 Sonicbooms or an Explosion. And say I did pick up these pokemon, what will they be level 5? How am I supposed to level them up without hours of grinding against wild pokemon? It's just poor design that you're trying to justify by saying 'well you should have done x and y earlier'.

And please don't patronize me by pointing out obvious things like taking an electric-immune pokemon to the electric gym, the problem is much deeper than that.

I was going to base this playthrough around a core of Empoleon/Arbok which cover each other's weaknesses well except Ground, which I would cover with a suitable ground resist when/if I came across one. The rest of my team at the moment was Trubbish, Stunky, Igglybuff, Whismur. So it's not as if I didn't shop around. The game up until the gym was very easy so I just leveled up my team evenly because I was vaguely aware of a level cap. Which basically left me with a team of underleveled pokemon with bad moves, and no way to realistically improve either.

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Tsk, and I still think that Julia without her field effect was way harder than current Julia. At least before, there was no way to avoid the explosions. That was annoying.

To be completely honest, I can agree with one thing: Grinding for Julia is a pain in the ass. Yes, unless you already know what to do against her (Bring a Kricketune/Cheap it with Goldeen), you're kinda screwed. It is my complain for the starting area of the game: No reliable way to level your pokémons, in case you wanna try something else. You just deal with it.

Now, I'd love to go through some of your points, but last time I did something like that, there was really no point. So, all I'll say right now is that, apart from the grinding thing, it seems to me that you're giving up on the first wall you've met in Reborn.

But that's just me.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 7:26 PM, Vinny said:

Well I've started another playthrough, I really did want to carry on with that team but I wasn't prepared to spend the hours grinding. I'm still going for another Intimidate Arbok because it was very effective getting Glare/Bite early on. Tbh when I first saw those wild Goldeen (before even considering the gym) they really appealed to me because of the relatively high base power Horn Attack, the only reason I didn't pick one up was because my starter was also a water type. That won't be an issue this time.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 6:37 PM, TKGriffiths said:

If you read my post you'd understand that my issue isn't with the gym's difficulty, it's the lack of SOLUTIONS to that difficulty unless you've metagamed and planned everything out beforehand. Which isn't how a game like pokemon should be played.

I don't think that anyone has the authority to make a claim about how Pokemon "should be played." You may make arguments for or against restricting solutions to difficult scenarios (having too many solutions necessarily cheapens the difficulty), but please don't pretend to have any sort of authority on this.

  On 11/22/2015 at 6:37 PM, TKGriffiths said:

Lightningrod doesn't make you immune to Sonicboom/Explosion. Maybe you can exploit the stupid A.I which maybe isn't intelligent enough to know not to spam electric moves once the first one get absorbed. But again, if you're abusing the A.I just to progress in the game you know something's wrong.

Lightningrod does make Goldeen immune to Explosion, and exploitation of the AI is a fundamental aspect of single player video gaming.

  On 11/22/2015 at 6:37 PM, TKGriffiths said:

I doubt Kricketune can wreck anything unless it's overleveled, and it definitely can't survive Explosion.

This sounds like an odd exception to make. The level limit for obedience with 0 badges is L20. There's nothing wrong with walking into the Julia battle with a L19 Kricketune (which outspeeds both of her Voltorbs if it has at least 13 spd IV and neutral nature).

What I'm getting here is that you've complained that Julia is too cheap, I've given you 2 easy suggestions for how to win that battle, and then you've complained that my suggestions are too cheap.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 8:26 PM, dondon151 said:

I don't think that anyone has the authority to make a claim about how Pokemon "should be played." You may make arguments for or against restricting solutions to difficult scenarios (having too many solutions necessarily cheapens the difficulty), but please don't pretend to have any sort of authority on this.

Lightningrod does make Goldeen immune to Explosion, and exploitation of the AI is a fundamental aspect of single player video gaming.

This sounds like an odd exception to make. The level limit for obedience with 0 badges is L20. There's nothing wrong with walking into the Julia battle with a L19 Kricketune (which outspeeds both of her Voltorbs if it has at least 13 spd IV and neutral nature).

What I'm getting here is that you've complained that Julia is too cheap, I've given you 2 easy suggestions for how to win that battle, and then you've complained that my suggestions are too cheap.

Your suggestions aren't cheap they just aren't relevant, I don't think you understood what I'm complaining about. Julia being a difficult boss isn't cheap, the problem is that so far in the game you've fought nothing but cannon fodder like any other pokemon game. Until this ridiculous sudden spike in difficulty without any accompanying mechanisms to deal with said spike. Yes a level 20 kricketune/goldeen solves the problem. Any level 20 pokemon would solve the problem, since my current underlevelled, unsuitable, underpowered team can easily make it to her final pokemon every time. At which point the level 20 pokemon steps in and kills Electrode. The issue is there isn't any way to get a level 20 pokemon without hours of grinding against wild pokemon.

I didn't know the electric field changed the move's type completely, I thought it just 'added' some extra elemental damage on top (similar to the mechanics of flying press being multi-type). That isn't clear from reading the 'field effects' page so thanks for that.

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  On 11/22/2015 at 8:36 PM, TKGriffiths said:

I didn't know the electric field changed the move's type completely, I thought it just 'added' some extra elemental damage on top (similar to the mechanics of flying press being multi-type). That isn't clear from reading the 'field effects' page so thanks for that.

It actually does work very similar to flying press, explosion will change to being normal/electric type. The thing is that if you're immune to even one of the types then you're immune to the full thing.

Also don't underestimate Kricketune. Spamming technician STAB boosted fury cutter on that thing will singlehandedly take you past the first couple of gyms. Emolga can probably take it but nothing else can.

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  On 11/23/2015 at 2:10 PM, Sheep said:

It actually does work very similar to flying press, explosion will change to being normal/electric type. The thing is that if you're immune to even one of the types then you're immune to the full thing.

Also don't underestimate Kricketune. Spamming technician STAB boosted fury cutter on that thing will singlehandedly take you past the first couple of gyms. Emolga can probably take it but nothing else can.

I understood it would be damage of multiple types, I just didn't understand that it acts as a single chunk of damage rather than the base attack plus some extra damage from the field. I thought it would work kind of like weather or entry hazard damage but yeah it's exactly the same as Flying Press.

Ironically I breezed through the gym second time around by doing exactly what the game is trying to discourage you from doing - levelling up a few pokemon rather than the whole team evenly. I'm fairly sure I could have done it with just my starter, it tore through them with Rose Incense-boosted Razor Leaf. I only switched in Goldeen vs Emolga though I'm sure my Ekans/rest of my team could have dealt with that if needed.

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:D I ran across the whole byxbysionlontonhon wasteland and i searched for anythink that could help me or was interesting... i found a secret cave run through it find the entrance in there I see a golden pokeball/HM i run to it Pick it... It is Rock smash... second time...

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  On 11/23/2015 at 4:09 PM, TKGriffiths said:

I understood it would be damage of multiple types, I just didn't understand that it acts as a single chunk of damage rather than the base attack plus some extra damage from the field. I thought it would work kind of like weather or entry hazard damage but yeah it's exactly the same as Flying Press.

Ironically I breezed through the gym second time around by doing exactly what the game is trying to discourage you from doing - levelling up a few pokemon rather than the whole team evenly. I'm fairly sure I could have done it with just my starter, it tore through them with Rose Incense-boosted Razor Leaf. I only switched in Goldeen vs Emolga though I'm sure my Ekans/rest of my team could have dealt with that if needed.

If someone can solo Hardcore Julia with a Monferno, anything is possible. However, the difficulty keeps ramping up, so you will want to flesh out your team to be prepared for future fights. Also, I strongly recommend a gimmicky pokemon, since you'll come up to some impossible fights.

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I'll be honest, there are really two things I dislike about Reborn, and they are the nerfs and Titania. I'll be honest, I managed to beat pre-nerf Charlotte with a team where my only water type was a Seaking with Dive and Waterfall, none of my team was E.V. trained, and I had no entry hazards. Was it difficult? You bet it was, but the challenge is what made it fun and I still managed to beat her. Considering that she was the hardest gym leader and I still beat her with a Seaking and Arcanine, the game didn't need any nerfing.

As for Titania...I can't stand her. -_- Now, I don't care that she killed Team Meteor members, they deserved it. Hell, I fully support Saphira and would gladly help her kill Sigmund and the rest of team meteor. I can also forgive her for her mistakes with Amaria. She was trying to help a friend and was in over her head. No, what I dislike about her is that she seems to see everything in black and white, and her inability to think things through. Take her interactions with Taka. She was completely unwilling and unable to see his side of things. In her eyes, he has to be with her or against her, no middle ground.

Personally I fully agree with Taka, his actions, and if I were in his position I'd be doing the same thing as him. You don't openly betray someone as strong as Solaris and Lin, especially when you know they kill people. You undermine them in small ways and bide your time until you're in a position to strike. I'd be very surprised if Taka didn't play some role in taking down Team Meteor, provided you helped him out when he asked for it. People like Titania though are blind. =/

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  On 11/23/2015 at 4:28 PM, Login said:

:D I ran across the whole byxbysionlontonhon wasteland and i searched for anythink that could help me or was interesting... i found a secret cave run through it find the entrance in there I see a golden pokeball/HM i run to it Pick it... It is Rock smash... second time...

Yeah, that's a bug.

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  On 11/23/2015 at 5:15 PM, Dragon116 said:

If someone can solo Hardcore Julia with a Monferno, anything is possible. However, the difficulty keeps ramping up, so you will want to flesh out your team to be prepared for future fights. Also, I strongly recommend a gimmicky pokemon, since you'll come up to some impossible fights.


If you try to plow through the game offensively, you'll be punished for it down the line. Strategy will lead you to more success. Hardcore simply bumps up the difficulty so going in there without a plan usually ends up very badly (cough *Serra* cough).

  On 11/23/2015 at 7:47 PM, sithlordnergal said:

I'll be honest, there are really two things I dislike about Reborn, and they are the nerfs and Titania. I'll be honest, I managed to beat pre-nerf Charlotte with a team where my only water type was a Seaking with Dive and Waterfall, none of my team was E.V. trained, and I had no entry hazards. Was it difficult? You bet it was, but the challenge is what made it fun and I still managed to beat her. Considering that she was the hardest gym leader and I still beat her with a Seaking and Arcanine, the game didn't need any nerfing.

This is the Mega Charizard Y song and dance all over again (that's for Hardcore though and not regular Reborn). Charlotte did need a bit of nerfing because of the EV spike. IMO, people wouldn't be complaining so much if Charlotte lost the perfect EV spreads instead of a level/item drop. Her pre-nerf team just did a little bit too much damage and just needed to be soften a little bit. Typhlosion losing Energy Ball was also a bit dent and it really should get a Power Herb to kind of replicate that. I don't know what the problem is though as I've forgotten what Charlotte currently has.

You can't simply just say a leader is way too weak after a nerf unless you have concrete evidence. Are you able to pretty much sweep her easily with almost anything? Are her pokemon not hitting hard enough? If so, which one(s) is/are the problem? Is there an easy way to resolve the problem with a quick fix? Are the levels too low now and need to be raised? I've gone through many of these headaches on leaders/bosses and actually did listen to quite a few people when doing fixes for hardcore as I usually got pretty good feedback instead of complaints. Complaints are meaningless unless there is some actually useful info in them.


And don't even remind me of that whole Julia and episode 1 situation. There just is no good way to grind because the only thing you have is a level 12 trubbish who runs poison gas...making grinding very, very tedious at that point in the game. On the other hand though, you've got yourself a very nice trubbish to use against Julia if you catch it which will make your life easier. Most people actually don't know there is an alleyway with higher leveled Pokemon which in and of itself is the spot to grind (still very tedious though).

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I dislike the field effects in every single battle. Not every battle needs field effects and since it changes the dynamics of the game, they should be reserved for special battles. And field effects do way too much, they shouldn't be that complicated. You should be able to look at a field, like a lava field and know what it does.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 7:08 PM, fireflame said:

I dislike the field effects in every single battle. Not every battle needs field effects and since it changes the dynamics of the game, they should be reserved for special battles. And field effects do way too much, they shouldn't be that complicated. You should be able to look at a field, like a lava field and know what it does.

But they're not in every battle, just in places they make sense in and the special battles like you said.

And idk about them being so complicated, most of them kinda make sense.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 7:08 PM, fireflame said:

I dislike the field effects in every single battle. Not every battle needs field effects and since it changes the dynamics of the game, they should be reserved for special battles. And field effects do way too much, they shouldn't be that complicated. You should be able to look at a field, like a lava field and know what it does.

None of them are too complicated imo. Personally I like field effects as they make battles more realistic but you are entitled to your own opinion.

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  On 11/25/2015 at 7:08 PM, fireflame said:

I dislike the field effects in every single battle. Not every battle needs field effects and since it changes the dynamics of the game, they should be reserved for special battles. And field effects do way too much, they shouldn't be that complicated. You should be able to look at a field, like a lava field and know what it does.

I don't think they're in too many battles but I agree they're definitely not intuitive, I have to constantly look at the field effects page to see what's actually going on.

Like why does Electric Field boost Charge's stat gain, but not Charge Beam? Why does Grassy Field nerf Surf and Muddy Water but not other water moves? Why does Heat Wave/Searing Shot burn the Grassy field but not Flamethrower/Fire Blast?

I'd almost say there's too much going on and that the field mechanics need to be simpler to understand.

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I disagree about making field effects simpler although I understand where you're coming from. They take some getting used to but I think that they are understandable eventually. I will say this- you are one of the best people who doesn't like field effects I've seen. You don't want to get rid of them, nor accuse them of being stupid and make the game horrible. You have suggestions and even though I don't agree with them you are presenting them politely and constructively. So good work to you for being so reasonable!

In terms of how common they are, they aren't in every battle, but they are in any battle that is on a natural environment. This enhances whole purpose of them. Also, they are assigned to entire maps so one can't only be turned on for an individual battle. This is the reason why the first PULSE Tangrowth no longer is on the forest field as in order to do that the entire Obsidia ward would be on forest field which would be stupid. So some areas have fields because certain battles in that particular map require it so that is part of the reason they are so widespread.

So field effects aren't for everyone and take some getting used to but I feel they enhance the game a lot.

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Okay, but I can't be the only one who had the experience of playing a canon game and being confused for a moment when there's no field effects? I recently played AS and had a huge moment of "wait what" when I didn't get that Fire boost while on grass.

Apparently I got so used to the field effects that I'm instinctively trying to use them even when they're not even in the game, oops.I like them because they're really useful to me. Where would I have been during the Serra battle without Mirror Shot?

You may not always be able to predict every attack that can get a boost, but it always makes some sort of sense, so you can usually guess what kind of things will happen.

I rarely look up things on the field guide and so far it's always been easy to figure out how things work. Though to be fair, the Rainbow Field got the best of me. That one's just magical.

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  On 11/5/2015 at 10:06 AM, star-kin said:

nothing honestly. it's great as is for me.

but if i had to nitpick, it's the scarcity of money. sure, the game is 41940135924x more challenging with less money, it's preventing you to hoard hyper potions and the like in your bag. some people would decide to just NOT spend their money at ALL, like me.

If that's of any interest, I'm doing a challenge run in Ruby right now, where I forbid myself to buy any items, which means I can only work with what I find. Add to that the fact that the internal battery is exhausted and thus me being unable to farm berries, and it's harder than one might think.

Edited by Cloud Striker
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  On 11/26/2015 at 10:01 AM, Ama said:

Okay, but I can't be the only one who had the experience of playing a canon game and being confused for a moment when there's no field effects? I recently played AS and had a huge moment of "wait what" when I didn't get that Fire boost while on grass.

Apparently I got so used to the field effects that I'm instinctively trying to use them even when they're not even in the game, oops.I like them because they're really useful to me. Where would I have been during the Serra battle without Mirror Shot?

You may not always be able to predict every attack that can get a boost, but it always makes some sort of sense, so you can usually guess what kind of things will happen.

I rarely look up things on the field guide and so far it's always been easy to figure out how things work. Though to be fair, the Rainbow Field got the best of me. That one's just magical.

This happened to me too, more than once.

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  On 11/26/2015 at 10:01 AM, Ama said:

Okay, but I can't be the only one who had the experience of playing a canon game and being confused for a moment when there's no field effects? I recently played AS and had a huge moment of "wait what" when I didn't get that Fire boost while on grass.

Apparently I got so used to the field effects that I'm instinctively trying to use them even when they're not even in the game, oops.I like them because they're really useful to me. Where would I have been during the Serra battle without Mirror Shot?

You may not always be able to predict every attack that can get a boost, but it always makes some sort of sense, so you can usually guess what kind of things will happen.

I rarely look up things on the field guide and so far it's always been easy to figure out how things work. Though to be fair, the Rainbow Field got the best of me. That one's just magical.

Yes... as stupid as it sounds, I was playing ORAS the other day and I used 'Blizzard' while fighting a trainer on a water route.... and I was like '...why isn't the water freezing?'


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