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Things that you DONT like on Pokemon Reborn.


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I feel like Victoria could be featured more. She has so much potential to be involved in the fight against Team Meteor like Cain, the player, and the Orphans are. I'm kinda intrigued by her character and want to see if she'd willingly kill someone, especially after Cal betrayed her.

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  On 2/18/2016 at 2:19 AM, whodat09 said:

I feel like Victoria could be featured more. She has so much potential to be involved in the fight against Team Meteor like Cain, the player, and the Orphans are. I'm kinda intrigued by her character and want to see if she'd willingly kill someone, especially after Cal betrayed her.

I can agree that it would be nice to see Victoria some more (she would've been my favorite rival if it weren't for that she'd had to leave so soon), but I have my doubts that she would kill anyone.

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I feel that we're probably going to see Victoria again in E16.

Not only because we saw her briefly at the waterfall when we were on our way to the sewer adventure, but also because it just seems so typically Victoria to be around for the city renovation.

She's always so eager to help, it just seems logical to me that she would be involved in the clean-up.

It'll be nice to see her again, that's for sure.

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I have read most things here, and came to the conclusion that im a very easy going guy, since i dont have such complaints.
For people complaining about grind, it will always exist, because even if enemy trainer level growth gets lowered, grinders will always be grinders. At least now they can't abuse their grindo-mania so much. To be honest i don't remember myself grinding much, EXCEPT at the early levels in the alleys of peridot ward so i can have at least 5 pokemon level 15 before team meteor event + gym. I remember the low encounter rate testing my patience.

Apart from that, this is not a complain, rather a suggestion/thought. In a game that is so innovative, i would really like to see an alternative thing to weak HM moves like cut, rock smash, flash, etc that does not rely on us having 5 main pokes and an HM slave most of the time. Like, Florinia handing you a machette key item instead of having to have a pokemon with cut, have a lantern instead of flash, etc.

Oh and i guess i was a bit disappointed after learning of the fact that certain gym leaders used to be harder in previous episodes. Was thinking of downgrading to previous versions before facing them for a bigger challenge!

Edited by DemICE
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  On 2/18/2016 at 2:28 PM, Ama said:

I feel that we're probably going to see Victoria again in E16.

Not only because we saw her briefly at the waterfall when we were on our way to the sewer adventure, but also because it just seems so typically Victoria to be around for the city renovation.

She's always so eager to help, it just seems logical to me that she would be involved in the clean-up.

It'll be nice to see her again, that's for sure.

I'm sure we'll find her quickly once we return to the city, maybe at apophyl academy? I wonder if it got redone during the building process too?

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Trade hm slaves for members of your team is kinda annoying (specially in eventes like the crustle one).

It would be cool if hm´s had by default the option of not been used in battle. It would be better if any pokemon could learn 4 hms max, but not like moves (skills maybe?), of course, you can swtich on the option if the move is usefull (like surf) and so this fill a move slot.

I do not know if the idea is understood, my English is not good. u,u

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/7/2015 at 11:34 PM, wytch_doctr said:

The event pokemon are kind of ways to get pokemon in the beginning. Due to the pollution in the city there aren't much wild ones, so there has to be a way to get them otherwise, right?

What I find kind of annoying (and kind of strange) is how every single character you meet is a Gym Leader, Reserve Gym Leader, E4 or is going to be/was a gym leader/reserve gym leader. As far as you know, everyone with any relevance to the plot is a gym leader. Anyways, i dunno if its just me .

To be fair, there are something like 30 gyms so that's a good part of the Reborn population

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adding to bobold's point, the main characters (anybody with a mono-type team) of Reborn are based off of the real-life Reborn League, which used to function like the Redemption League currently does. So, all the characters are gym leaders because they all started as gym leaders.

I have only 2 gripes: one is a pretty unoriginal complaint about the grind , especially right before a gym leader when you're 5 levels below the leader and 10 above the local wildlife. but oh well, such is the life of a pokemon trainer.

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  On 3/11/2016 at 2:06 AM, doombotmecha said:

I have only 2 gripes: one is a pretty unoriginal complaint about the grind , especially right before a gym leader when you're 5 levels below the leader and 10 above the local wildlife. but oh well, such is the life of a pokemon trainer.

After Corey you always have the option to battle trainers in the grand hall/circus indefiantly.

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Wow, I'm really surprised how you guys have so many complaints about this game. Here's my answer to some of the common complaints in this topic:

Hated routes
-Route 1/Aventurine Forest: Was a bit annoying to navigate, but the music was awesome so I didn't care
-Route 2: ^
-Chrysolia Forest: ^^

-About the characters, I never had any problems with the majority of them. Even Fern is a guy I love to hate. Terra was a bit stupid yes, but I thought the megaman.exe reference was kinda funny, and it was also nostalgic to navigate through Glitch City, especially considering that I myself haven't played RBY for over a decade.

The only complaint I have about the characters is the fact that there's too many of them, and not all of them are equally memorable. It would be been a good idea to include a glossary (like the one you can find in Kingdom Hearts for example) to look up info, or to reintroduce characters who haven't made an appearance for some time.

I actually like how the gym leaders are involved in the story, instead of solely being strong monotype trainers. In fact, I cannot even remember the gym leaders in XY anymore.

The diary
Hunh, really?! Maybe it is my curious nature, but I actually like to dig up on new info if it goes unpunished/unnoticed. I'm guessing it would have been nice to at least have the option, but still I don't see how people dislike it so much.

That one I agree with, as it really wears down my eyes and makes me tired.

I don't want to sound like a smitten fangirl, but to be honest I only have one major complaint which is this:


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  On 2/18/2016 at 7:22 PM, DemICE said:

Oh and i guess i was a bit disappointed after learning of the fact that certain gym leaders used to be harder in previous episodes. Was thinking of downgrading to previous versions before facing them for a bigger challenge!

I feel like even though it's been a month I can actually jump in and answer this. The difficulty thing was based on quite a few different things and while it's true some leaders were harder than others, they weren't that marginally difficult compared to now. I know for Hardcore I did try to restore a few leaders back to their original difficulty such as Aya who actually isn't that much different than her pre-field version.

I believe the no field effect teams had overall stronger pokemon which is why some people say their better or harder along with a better AI system since Episode 14 made everything go back to square one. The field effects did make other Pokemon, who normally are pathetic, much stronger allowing for them to do more damage and be more threatening such as Shelly's bug types. Though I will admit that I myself am a bit bias and prefer many of the axed leader Pokemon such as Julia's Chinchou, Kiki's Scrafty, Aya's Muk, and especially Serra's Mamoswine as they were things that forced me to think outside the box.

Anyways, I feel that this argument would be made again if Reborn's leaders were made tougher in the official release in which the weaker players would call them being too tough causing them to stop playing. Reborn is much more polished now than it was back then and I actually would encourage people to stick more to the newer episodes as the older episodes are mostly veteran nostalgia than anything.

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All the good characters are former / present / reserve Gym Leaders or E4. Even some of the bad characters. I understand Ame wanted the Gym Leaders to have a backstory instead of being just a trainer in a gym though. It is a pleasant change from the normal games although it seems a bit forceful.

What seriously raised my eyebrows though was how the kids from orphanage let themselves to be captured again so easily. I mean they are all Gym Leaders (some far above the player's level at the time) or E4 or a mysterious crazy-strong trainer (Anna). I just can't see them defeated by that doctor, Sirius and some grunts.

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I started playing Pokemon Insurgence yesterday, and its very good fun! I noticed a few features in that game, that would go really well in this game as well:

1) I am actually not a fan of going into the game folder to switch my game.rxdata file every so often. I know now there is way to program this feature in.

2) Full screen

3) Multiple keys for registering key items

Things like that are just comfort things while playing, which I think are very important.

Not having those, is something I don't like about Reborn

Edited by Busti
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The only complaint I have with Reborn, at least as of ep 15, is that it is now so much more difficult to obtain a Magnezone. I understand that it was thought too much power at the point (after all, Magnezone is clearly superior)... But God, getting that Yureyu Key was torturous.

The fact that we can have only one Ditto, and that therefore breeding for the right Hidden Power and perfect IVs on genderless Pokemon is a veritable nightmare, is also of note.

*looks at 200+ magnemites hatched before obtaining one with the requisite 30/12/31/30/31/30 IVs*

Eh, I'll take that back. It's just my obsession with perfection.

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My main complaint is that there are a few plot-important fights that you get into after going through an area without access to a PC (Dittorceus, though that's optional, Luna). I had to go through Iolia valley twice because I assumed I'd be able to swap out my team when I got to Luna, not to mention if I lose and decide to change my team, I have to go a long distance and have to use a bunch of repels to avoid mishaps with wild wynaut on the way back to re-challenge her since the only source of recovery at Luna's "gym" is a one-off.

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kk, so, uh, this is a sensitive topic and I have all the tact of Charlie Sheen so I'm not sure how to adress this exactly, but i live by the rule that if i get a chance to put my foot in my mouth like a melting icecream i will take it.

I got really exited for all the potential diversity in this game, first the black protags, then the non-binary protags, then my homeboy Cain in all his fabulousness came in and there was a bunch of black trainers in the beginning of the game, and then the amount of poc just kinda... Died down? aside from the real poor areas. I'm not saying that the makers should add more tokens just for the sake of diversity, and i get that everyone important was based on someone real, im just addressing my own feelings on the issue as a casual player that didn't know the story before i started reading this thread. welp.

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The only complaint i have with almost every pokemon game it's the lack of choices of action. it makes you feel useless when you know something is gonna happen but you can't do anything to stop it, and if you are given said choice, later you learn the outcome was gonna be exactly the same, maybe a bit different dialogue, but the same thing anyways.

non-english speaker, im sorry if your eyes start bleeding

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  On 3/22/2016 at 11:27 AM, MikeZero182 said:

The only complaint i have with almost every pokemon game it's the lack of choices of action. it makes you feel useless when you know something is gonna happen but you can't do anything to stop it, and if you are given said choice, later you learn the outcome was gonna be exactly the same, maybe a bit different dialogue, but the same thing anyways.

non-english speaker, im sorry if your eyes start bleeding

I hate that in every game you just stand there as stuff happen, you see a guy saying "Now that i stole your stuff i'm gonna run past you, open the door and leave! See ya!" like no you friggin walnut, you're a criminal and i just beat every pokemon you had, you have no means of harming me so you are at my mercy, i see you doing that i'm beating you up and calling the cops

So far my biggest problem with this game overused field effects, i had a hard time with the fedora ghost dude who gets two damage increasing field effects and i couldn't protect myself against them, of course he also had the best TMs to go with them while i was doing my best with my crappy attacks, i'm all up for a challenge but handicaping the player that much seems unfair

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to bring a dead thread back to life but I kinda accidentally found this and thought it would be a nice place to express my grievances.

My one big issue with Reborn is the villains. Some are really strong and interesting. Most... are not. I'll forgive Fern since he's intentionally just your basic Pokemon asshole-ish rival, but some of the other villain characters just aren't good.

I mean, when you get down to it, a lot of them just boil down to "jee aren't they so arrogant? Aren't they just so annoying and brash and prideful? Don't you wish they'd react more when you beat them?? Too bad lol they're bad, they're just annoying!!!"

Special mention goes to Terra because if I have to sit and listen to that character talk again, it'll be too soon. At least she has the decency to be an easy gym, Garchomp and all.

Sure not every villain has to be super complex but some more variety would be great. I'm getting a bit aggravated with these villainous characters essentially boiling down to "ANNOYINGGGG!!!"

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  • Global Mods

I kind of don't really understand why Meteor Aces have the same battle theme as the admins do. I think they should have the same theme as the other grunt ranks.

  On 5/17/2016 at 1:04 AM, Caraboo said:

Sorry to bring a dead thread back to life but I kinda accidentally found this and thought it would be a nice place to express my grievances.

My one big issue with Reborn is the villains. Some are really strong and interesting. Most... are not. I'll forgive Fern since he's intentionally just your basic Pokemon asshole-ish rival, but some of the other villain characters just aren't good.

I mean, when you get down to it, a lot of them just boil down to "jee aren't they so arrogant? Aren't they just so annoying and brash and prideful? Don't you wish they'd react more when you beat them?? Too bad lol they're bad, they're just annoying!!!"

Special mention goes to Terra because if I have to sit and listen to that character talk again, it'll be too soon. At least she has the decency to be an easy gym, Garchomp and all.

Sure not every villain has to be super complex but some more variety would be great. I'm getting a bit aggravated with these villainous characters essentially boiling down to "ANNOYINGGGG!!!"

Well Terra, Fern, and Blake (including him in this since he fits the arrogant/annoying part) like all other characters aside from Team Meteor are based on their personalities from the online league. Terra was memes, Blake was arrogant, and Fern was petty and annoying.

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I just remembered this gripe I had from long ago that may or may not be very relevant to this thread, now that it's back.

One of the biggest things this game suffers from is a lack of strong male characters. Given how much I know the developer personally this isn't a surprising thing about Reborn, but it's one of the things that stand out in a game that otherwise picks your approach apart fairly and has a surprisingly strong cast and storyline elsewhere.

For example, if you were to ask me who the strongest male character in the game is, it's Cal.

Cal is a character that up to this point in the game has made a substantial journey from everyone's first impressions. He is a character that makes a very dear mistake to many players and characters - and resultingly has to tell his side of the story as an outcast individual who was previously in cahoots with the wrong crowd. However...

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The next best characters - Dr. Connal, Zero, and Radomus, are characters that thrive on the theme of the unknown in various degrees - while other males such as Hardy, Fern, Samson, Cain, etc are shoehorned into tropes, seemingly for the sake of filling the League roster. Male representation in the story is something Reborn does no better than the original Pokemon series on, which is harsh criticism from a game that is much more rewarding and above average in most other areas.

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I suppose I have to agree and disagree with you Chase about the female characters being stronger than the male characters. What I really like about Reborn is that the characters, bar Terra (though her craziness and WTF is part of her character), are quite realistic or down to earth compared to Pokemon and a number of fan games. When you look at Rejuvenations, you've got Venom's Hulk moment along with whatever powers agnie had. The main games at points have characters with zero personality...I can only think of a handful of good character Gym leaders with Platinum's Crasher Wake being one.

My gripe is that when you remove the Reborn leaders as characters, everyone else is just really weak or forgettable. Taka is alright, but just way too cowardly to the point it's all he does. ZEL really only shines when the trio are interacting as Zero likely wouldn't be as interesting without the other two. Sirius I'd say is the best character out of them if and only if he's on his own side (if he's just the henchmen type, I feel that'd be a wasted effort building him up). Now take team meteor out as well. Anyone else come to mind. Maybe the Magma/Aqua sides, but Darm was the only interesting one imo. You know there name too right? There's like 400 NPCs or something left (I'm probably off by a few hundred but you get the idea). That's one thing I feel the main games did better than Reborn: memorable generic/unimportant NPCs.

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