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good looking team


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Hey guys, how are you doing! I just start the game and im looking for a great pkm team, just not the kind with the strongest pkm, but with the coolest, and that of course is just 1st gen.

I have decided to have a male arcanine, for obvious reasons, he is kind of legendary and you can pet him like a dog! so he's gotta be in my team. Then i thought on getting a female onyx so she can be jealous and squeeze me to death (thinking on her like a real onyx), i always thought brook was cool and onyx was his signature pokemon.

But my list ends there, i have thought on a primeape, magneton, pidgeot, aerodactyl, electabuzz, victreebell, blastoise, gyarados (but he hasn't come out yet), gengar (same), slowbro, executor, lapras, cloyster, snorlax and dragonite. Could you give me your opinion about which pkm are the best? (i don't care about combat, but i need a usefull team (with all the hm, even cut, flash and rock smash).

I will enjoy reading your answers, so give me your opinion (try to play a little role pls)

pd: i apologyze if this thread is in the wrong topic, im new :)

Edited by snipler
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Havent seen Monogen challenge in a while~Well, Lapras is a good pick, problem is it is pretty late(Dewgong on the other hand is acquirable earlier) and pidgeot is kind of lackluster in prowess without its mega~Aerodatyl can be obtained in the mid game, so i say go for Aero for your flying type, and regarding electabuzz you will not evolve it into electivire right(since it is a monogen challenge)?and Dragonite is not realistic due to current game only obtainable pseudo is metagross~and HMs in Reborn are replaceable by regular moves even without move eraser, so dont worry about permanent HM occupying your moveslots~

Edited by TimTim
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All of the mons you listed are pretty good. Problem is good mons are placed very far in the game. Primeape, Pidgeot and Onix you can get early. Same for Arcanine but after that you're looking badge 5+ to continue the team. There is the on the hunt section that would be helpful. Also team showcase is where you put questions and ideas concerning building teams in reborn. There are a lot of runs where people put certain restrictions on themselves so you can see what works and what not. I'm doing rock myself so I can tell you Aerodactyl is badge 6 and you have to find its fossil. (maybe seven, don't quote me) But yeah on the hunt is your friend when looking for pokes.

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Havent seen Monogen challenge in a while~

Thanks for the advices :D i didnt know abut the HMs thing! i know i will need other pkms to "fill" my team, since overleveling is a bad thing in this game (that i've heard). If you could play along and tell me why you think "X pkm" is cooler than "Y pkm" that'd be great :)

nice avatar btw

All of the mons you listed are pretty good.

ty for your guideance, and sorry to quote you lol! anyway.. what pkm would you recomend me? since i haven't decided anything but arcanine and onyx

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I could be biased on Ice types as they are my third favourite(along with dragons, love me some Goomy and Gibles), Dewgong or Lapras seem pretty cool to me in term of looks and inspiration(Dewgong inspiration derives from Dugong, which is an aquatic mammal in this corner, SouthEastAsia),besides their movepools arent too shabby either, signal beam(bug moves) to deal with dark types and psychic types etc, ice and water STAB etc~ Aerodatyl is fast and who wouldn't like fossils eh? Pidgeot is cool but i like other gen birds better, namely Braviary and Talonflame, but before those birds emerged, it was one of my favourites~Not a fan of Cloyster, but whatevs, i can turn the other way for its Ice typing~If Aero vs Pidgeot vying on your team for flying type spots, i'd be on team Aero, movepool wise it has an edge against pidgeot~

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For right now Primeape comes first in the slums, next would be Pidgeot in the forests after gym 2. Arcanine if you save all the police you can get before gym three. Victreebell I think is after gym two. Squirtle can be your starter but I wouldn't reccomend since it can be found in the wild later in the game. It seems like this is playthough number one and since you like gen1 I suggest walking with Charmander since its a pretty good starter and awesome in early game. Dragon rage will do a lot of work until the 4th gym-ish. I think you at least for your first playthrough should give other generations a chance since this game can be very unforgiving if you aren't flexible.

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Per what Damage says, some cool mons evolve from 1st generation or the other way around offshoot from 1st gen, say the Hitmon line from Tyrogue, Crobat(which i find pretty cool as early available powerful mons) and Electivire~Since i've never done a monogen challenge before, i dont know if the cross-overs will violate any clauses in monogen run

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I can't help but get genwunner vibes off OP's post.

BUT I shall show restraint to help a fellow board member. Rapidash looks pretty cool and comes with flash fire which is a nice ability.

Electabuzz and Magmar come waaaaay late into the game so I wouldn't bother too much with them.

Tauros is a solid normal physical attacker.

Primape is a poverty fighitng type really and there's many better later gen ones.

Golem is awesome.

Nidoking aka DA KING is a must have on this team. His female counterpart ain't half bad either. Can't ever go wrong with DA KING

Alakazam is BOSS. Dude WRECKED in my psychic/ice run despite coming late game.

Victreebel is okay, he's not bad but not the greatest either. I mean he's an interesting alternative hipster mon and is solid enough early game but I'd rather go with Vileplume.

Venomoth learns quiver dance but I never used it.

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I can't help but get genwunner vibes off OP's post.

BUT I shall show restraint to help a fellow board member. Rapidash looks pretty cool and comes with flash fire which is a nice ability.

Must admit I got the same vibes as you...

There are plenty of gen 1 pokemon though. I assume you aren't prepared to get a steelix (it is much better than onix but anyway...). It looks cool.

Sandslash isn't great but looks good. You can find one pretty early.

You can get a Persian very early and it looks cool.

Pinsir comes late on but is a nice looking pokemon.

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Mono gen one run is probably the hardest run in Reborn monogen challenge since most gen one mons are in NU tier(excluding the megas), outclassed by mons that come after them~

Edited by TimTim
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Yeah I think gen 4-5 had this power creep that made a number of gen 1 mons notably worse in comparison. Gen 6 tried hard to fix this as you can see by their nontransparent attempts to appeal to gen 1 fans, slightly buffing stats on gen 1 pokemon only(which is such bull) and megas.

I do feel certain gen 1 pokemon got better though even with the power creep, like Arcanine and Gengar is always good.

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hello guys, first id like to thank you for sharing your knowledge with me :) i have studied a little and i come out with this team:

Arcanine, Magneton, Poliwrath, Aerodactyl, Exeggutor and Rhydon (had to remove onix for his bad stats). What do you think? i had to close the spot for dragon and ice, but i managed to balance my team i think (since some friends told me this game is not as easy as a regular pkm).

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It's a nice time, buuut most of them aren't early game. I think you are gonna have to get by with other mons until you get your dream team (arcanine, magneton, exeggutor, poliwrath, rhydon, aerodactyl is the order you'll find them in)

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