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Mono - Down To Earth


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Fern Says "Hello".

As does Camerupt.

Squadron looking pretty fine so far

Grotle (F): Twiggy - Impish w/ Tackle, Curse, Absorb (useless), Razor Leaf

IVs: 17 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Def, 14 SpAtk, 21 SpDef, 24 Spd and Shell Armor (take that, Serra)

Onix (M): Uni - Impish w/ Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Stealth Rocks

IVs: 20, 22, 30, 28, 14, 14 and Weak Armor (Sheer Force when evolved)

Numel (M): Fergie - Calm (meh, will change later, not the worst) w/ Focus Energy, Magnitude, Flame Burst, Growth

IVs: 16, 28, 14, 26, 25, 11 and Own Tempo (will change to Simple - Solid Rock when evolved)

Just moved on to Obsidia. will fight Victoria right now.

UPDATE: Maybe using Flame Burst in the rain wasn't such a good idea. Makuhita took out Fergie (after ralts was killed) then he went on the paralyze the damn Onix. Then I remembered that rock was weak against fighting. Oops. Anyways, It ended up as a 1v1 Pignite V Twiggy and thank god for the rain, as Twiggy(bae) lives with 1 HP. You go, girl.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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