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Problem with pokemon type


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I have recently started the game, but there is something that I have figured out that the type of certain pokemon are not the same than in the original series.

For exemple the PULSE Tangrowth is not weak to the poison type, even if he is a plante type. Same thing for the Wormadam at the Grass gym, it is immune to Poison type, and are well damaged by rock.

Do this have something to do with field effect? Because I find nothing on type changing weakness for the forest field effect....

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those tangrowth are not normal, they are a special boss tangrowth with changed stats and grass/poison typing.

wormadam was always able to have several different types, even in the main games. In the gym it is bug/steel, but they can also be bug/gound or bug/grass

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I'm sorry, I remembered that wormadam had different type just after creating the topic, but i didn't know that the tangrowth gain the poison type with pulse. Is there any other pokemon with different type in the rest of the game, so I won't be surprised?

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I'm sorry, I remembered that wormadam had different type just after creating the topic, but i didn't know that the tangrowth gain the poison type with pulse. Is there any other pokemon with different type in the rest of the game, so I won't be surprised?

There are a couple other PULSEs in game that will have changed type, but that's all. There is the matter of Fields changing moves, though.

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