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Introducing Miltank's first fan !!! And i'm not that horny Tauros from route 1 !

Hiroki Tatsumi

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Yoh Guys !

Introducing myself as Jeremy, male, 20 Years old.

I'm a guy that loves pokemon of course, and love seeing other's work in action. So i started to like playing Pokemon Fangames, most of them were French, and this one is my first in english. To be honest, i stated an huge difference, well i'm litteraly IN LOVE with the story, the musics and all. I'm glad i found this and i spent the last three days playing it x)

If i would compare myself to a character ingame, that would be Cain. Cain is always joyful , enjoying every situation by turning them into songs and whatever. He may seems....Strange, gross, but i actually enjoy him aswell. Well, his sexual matters only concerns him, who cares.

Well, so I love normal type, i'm a mono normal user, and most of all i love MILTANK. That thing is so cool and funny to use, i wish there would be a mega one too :P You can find me on Showdown with Overgiga Miltank as Username ^^

Too much things to say for not enough time. So i'll let you discover me by spending time , seems a good deal no? :)

Enjoy ♥

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Thanks everybody, that's rare to be welcomed like this, i'll fall in love with the community too haha :P

Welcome to Reborn!

I hope you enjoy your stay~

Kings Rock Cincinno is the best Normal-Type


Dont underestimate Porygon Brothers :P

Welcome to Reborn. Please leave your sanity on the left, and your freedom on the right. You're here forever.

I enjoy being trapped in such places like Reborn, you can trap me forever <3

Welcome! Give the rules on the left a quick read and please no using Rollout Whitney have mercy Enjoy your time here!

I wont roll , i promise :3



You know, I actually really like Miltank too. Solid normal type with good stats, a diversity of nice moves, and some really fun and versatile abilities.

Good luck in your reborn adventure, and welcome to the forums.

We'll open a miltank fanclub :3

One generation has been traumatized :3

Hey, watch this, and dont mind about my voice e.e


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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅHello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise.ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

A lot of people love cain including myself!
I've never really tried using a miltank before in fact I haven't tried using many normal types at all. Maybe I should make a mono-normal team just to test them out a bit.
Well I hope to see you 'round the forums and I'm sure you'll be converted to blue soon enough
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Hey, I'm not that late.

Well met Jeremy.

Welcome to Reborn!

You know what, you have 3 names. I'm unsure what to call you. So, you'll be Person #10

Hey, Miltank is pretty OP ngl. Though I was expecting you to say you were a fan of Whitney too. Oh well... I <3 u whitney

...Discover you by spending time? Here we go again...

Anyway, get this conversion pass that says WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue and be on your way.

I hope you'll enjoy your permanent forever stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

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Welcome to Reborn! So, I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine. Don't touch okay?

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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