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A brief farewell


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I probably should've written this sometime last week, but time was short.

After Amethyst's problems started showing up, I started heading both Animation and Development teams as she recovered. During that time, my own health issues came into play, and quickly began worsening to a point where it was no longer feasible for me to dedicate as large amounts of time to this project as I have in the past.

So I decided that rather than become a crutch to the development team, I'd leave as soon as Amethyst was well enough to make her return. That happened sometime last week.

This is also the reason for my recent absence, as well why all my future appearances be it on the forums or the showdown community will be sporadic at best. As I wait to see how this situation develops I have not much of an idea of when I will be able to return to my prior activities, if ever, and thus the amount of information I can share on the subject is limited.

While I cannot make promises, I've full trust in the current members of the development team to make sure they will be able to implement all systems I wanted to eventually, and making sure the game's code remains up to par.

Thank you all for your time.

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Man, it seems like Episode 16 is taking a toll on everyone. I wish you the best of luck for whatever may happen, but safety and health always come first. The things you've done for Reborn certainly won't be forgotten about no matter what happens.

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I can't even fathom how much goes on behind the scenes while making this game. It must be overwhelming if we lost 2 head figures to injuries and what not.

You've made the right decision. Your personal health is far more important than a game. I hope you get well. Rest easy Kuro.

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And I just got back, too...

Eh. Just ignore that first part. Your health is more important. Hell, everyone's health is more important. And, yes, that's also one of the reasons for my recent disappearance. Focus on your own safety and health and try to keep your worries to a minimum. Hell will probably freeze over before your own stress will actually give you any kind of benefit. So... yeah. Don't stress yourself out, get well soon... And now I'm just mimicking everyone else...


Obviously I can't say anything that's already been said, but I wish for your good health and everyone hopes you could make your way back here someday. And if this is meant to be the one true parting, then you should know that you've made your mark here all the same.


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Sorry to see you go Kuro but your health does need to take priority. As someone one one of the two teams you led I can't tell you how much we appreciated your leadership while Ame was away! You helped us transition and always gave great, supportive feedback.

Obviously we'll all welcome you back with open arms if your health situation improves but it is important to look after yourself.

Bye for now and hope your health improves!

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Wow, everyone is leaving or getting health issues, just how bad is ep16 to work on????

Either way, may your recovery be swift and may you return asap

Sirius is using his Chandelure trick to affect the game developers IRL so that Team meteor's plan isn't thwarted.

But yeah, talk about a stroke of bad luck. So many health issues with the team is really worrisome.

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Kuro, we may not have been super close by any meaning of the word, but I'd be lying to all of Reborn and myself if I said you hadn't impacted me for the better. I hope that your condition improves swiftly and that you can return to us with due haste. Godspeed to you and thank you for everything you have done.

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