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Can I get a recommendation for a sixth pokemon for the team?


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So, I completed up to the current episode and I only just realised that I have a team of 5 pokemon + 1 HM Slave

Can I get recommendations for a final teammate? The current team as it stands is Emolga/Leavanny/Greninja/Mamoswine/Pangoro

I'm not picky, but I want the mon to at least have access to a fire move without HP Fire so I can deal with the goddamn Bug/Steel mons that cockblock 99% of my team

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Darmanitan is also quite good, fast and hit hard, the movepools are quite wide(hammer arm, flareblitz etc), at the expense of poor defenses(judging from your team line up, i dont think thats a problem for you), someone trades darumaka for luvdisc in apophyll~

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hmm well there are 3 physical atk mons (assuming leavanny is running physical with swarm/chlorophyll) in the op's team so i wont put in another physical atker. would make the team be very afraid of a strong physical wall. well i would still go for delphox or maybe ninetales since if there is sun, leavanny might benefit since it might have chlorophyll? hard to suggest stuff when we do not know the moveset of your team.

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Leavanny has overcoat, but it's more or less accurate

I really don't mind another physical attacker, tbh. They're immune to burns, so it works out.

Delphox's typing is really tempting, but her movepool leaves a whole lot to be desired.

Darmanitan sounds great, but it doesn't really help much with additional coverage

I wish we could get perma zen mode darm

I think I might go for Delphox. I already have Fennekin from God knows where, so it's much more convenient

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I'll go out and suggest Typhlosion. In E15, it gets Extrasensory as an egg move from the event, so you don't have to breed for its pisspoor coverage, it gets one of the strongest fire stabs in Eruption, the nice 30% burn chance of Lava Plume, and what I like, Nature Power. With all the different fields, it's quite the neat move to abuse.

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personally i like zebstrika and his flame charge

it is an electric mon so it can zap away all those moths and flying bug pokemon

flame strike increases the speed of this already pretty speedy mon then through sap zapper ability to counter those sometimes pesky hp draining moves it can be a good overall scout/ sp atk combo

not to mention shiny zebstrika looks absolutly tits

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