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Next Tour: The Terrible Trifecta!


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(( Quick disclaimer. As mentioned in this post, I have indeed left the community due to health issues. However, since these tours have been a joy to make and take a minimum amount of effort in my part, I'd like to keep them going, and mayhaps do more in the future. ))

First and foremost, congratulations to the winner of the previous tourney, DestructoSkitty! (Destructo sounds cooler than Destructive, so that's your new name)

Skitty's team of californian girls bested the competition, securing their victory and making their opponents fall to their knees against the sheer gloriousness that they are.

That said, we must move onto the next challenge, and this time, the tour is The Terrible Trifecta! To it's winner, goes the prize of the Tantalizing, Terrifying, Tyran- Hydreigon!

What, you thought I was going to say Tyranitar? That's not a dragon, silly!

But since you insist...

The triple trifecta, like the Double Dragon tourney, will have two prizes! And one twist, coming right up!

This tour will not be fought by one person, but by pairs! Each trainer will have their own trifecta, and at the start of the tourney, they will each be randomly assigned a partner! The trainers must then put their triple teams together to tackle the tourney and take home their prize!

There's one small detail, though: Each triple team has to be in a type-weakness triangle! In other words, each pokémon has to be weak to one of it's teammates, and strong against the other!

"But what about double types, Kuro?" You ask, realizing soon afterwards you should've learned not to ask those things by now.

Well, my dearest, if you want to use double-types, then //all// your pokémon must be double types, with inversed weaknesses! In other words, while you could have one Flying, one Fighting and one Rock type team, if you want to use dual types they'd have to be Fire/Flying, Water/Fighting, Grass/Rock!

Also, keep in mind "solo" types won't be allowed - No dragon/dragon/dragon or ghost/ghost/ghost. Come on, people! Be creative!

Rules regarding how the prizes will be distributed and how the matches will be executed will be clarified during the actual tourney.

If you want a handy chart in type triangles, you can use the following:


However, keep in mind this chart is outdated. Triangles like Fairy/Steel/Fighting aren't listed there, so if anyone has or is willing to make an updated version, please let me know. Also remember the solo triangles are not allowed!

(Also, Psychic/Bug/Poison one is defunct so it doesn't count either)

This tour will take place on November 1st, at 4pm EST as always! The same rules to prior dragon tourneaments apply.

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I don't remember who made the comment to me on Showdown about Megas, but Kurotsune's response was this.

[10/10/15, 4:19:52 PM] Kurotsune: Well, pairs are randomly assigned
[10/10/15, 4:20:14 PM] Kurotsune: So feel free to use a mega-evolution knowing full well that if your pair also has one, that's one pokémon that runs the risk of becoming useless
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Are we passing over exactly the same sets (EVs, moves, items, abilities) or just the Pokemon in name or a combination?

EDIT: What about those double typings that would nullify a weakness and make it become neutral? Are those still usable if that specific would-be weakness is in a typing triangle?

Edited by Fezzdog
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I think I'll clarify somewhat. One of the pokemon's STAB types must be super effective against the other pokemon....

So in the case listed above:

Diancie -> Ferrothorn (Steel and Grass both work against Diancie) -> Charizard (Fire works against Fero) -> Diancie (Rock works against Charizard)

Unless I'm missing something, I see no issues here. This utilizes the Fire Steel Rock combo.

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Kuro mentions that if pokemon have secondary typings, they too should follow a triangular rule, just with inversed weaknesses like the one I mentioned above.

Not the most logical rule, since you could

a) just use any secondary typing you wish

B) be forced to have triangular weaknesses with the same direction as the primary

c) -//- inversed

Xe chose the c case, so pure types among doubles are not allowed

In our case with Diancie Fairy is SE against no other type, thus not allowed.

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The thought process coming up with that rule was the following:

a) just use any secondary typing you wish -> kills the entire purpose of the tour

b­) be forced to have triangular weaknesses with the same direction as the primary -> Is less interesting as a rule and there's a lot of really powerful combinations there (diancie, salamence and megasaur, for example) that are fairly no-brainers and easy to think of.

c) -//- inversed -> Thus the most logical choice

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In case B, shouldn't both types from Salamence be SE against Venusaur? Dragon isn't, so it's not viable as a choice.

When I said that it was not the most logical choice (to which I see you were offended) I meant that if both directions work, the players have more choices and thus the chance to come with more creative sets, which more often than not are the winning ones as everyone will expect the usual trios. I also believe that if a pure type is weak to both types of the previous and SE against the following it could be included. An example is a trio of: a pure Fighting, a Psychic/Flying, and a Dark/Ice pokemon, which as a trio fits the criteria.

In my opinion that could also be a possible choice, but I am not the one making the rules.

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When I said that it was not the most logical choice (to which I see you were offended) I meant that if both directions work, the players have more choices and thus the chance to come with more creative sets, which more often than not are the winning ones as everyone will expect the usual trios. I also believe that if a pure type is weak to both types of the previous and SE against the following it could be included. An example is a trio of: a pure Fighting, a Psychic/Flying, and a Dark/Ice pokemon, which as a trio fits the criteria.

In my opinion that could also be a possible choice, but I am not the one making the rules.

I'm not offended. You presented a reasonable point and I elaborated on it.

That said, pure types don't fit the trio criteria. A fighting type isn't fighting/fighting, they're just fighting, so they can't be used in that fashion.

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Just a couple clarifications on the rules here, as I'm actually quite a bit interested in this!

First off, in regards to the inverse weakness triangle. Say I want to run a team of Landorus-Therian/Rotom-Frost/Keldeo. Ground > Electric > Water one way, and Flying < Ice < Fighting the other. The question is, is this team legal due to Rotom-F's ability of Levitate, essentially giving it no Ground weakness? Do abilities play a factor in team construction, or are we just supposed to look at typing, purely? Secondly, what kind of format for battles is it? Triples? Singles? Rotation? Multis(I don't even know if Showdown can support this)? Knowing that would help in team construction greatly.

Thanks in advance!

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