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7th Street? Aqua Gang leader not helping



I just learned that I'm gonna need a data chip to unlock a beldum which, unfortunately, has been used to get myself a porygon. Searching the forums led me to my knowledge that I can acquire another data chip from 7th street.

After reading more, I've learned that talking to my gang leader would unlock it but he just says "... If I ever need anything just say the word". Well I need to know where 7th street is and he's not telling me lol.


Lol it's sunny even if it's nighttime

P.S. I'm doing this since I'm stuck at Tanzan Mountain Lab and can't proceed further to the story.

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I just learned that I'm gonna need a data chip to unlock a beldum which, unfortunately, has been used to get myself a porygon. Searching the forums led me to my knowledge that I can acquire another data chip from 7th street.

After reading more, I've learned that talking to my gang leader would unlock it but he just says "... If I ever need anything just say the word". Well I need to know where 7th street is and he's not telling me lol.


Lol it's sunny even if it's nighttime

P.S. I'm doing this since I'm stuck at Tanzan Mountain Lab and can't proceed further to the story.

ive just been through tanzan mountain lab and i didn't need any chips.

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The earliest time you can reach 7th street is after you receive your eighth gym badge. The story will progress with you going to 7th street later it's not a side thing, and you have to make it through tanzan cave and route 1 before you fight the eighth gym leader. Also You can't obtain beldum until you have at least 10 gym badges, so either way you're going to have to wait.

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Oh btw, Magma Gang rules!

Nope, Aqua is better since you can soft reset on Houndour after taking out the Magma Gang but you have to fish for Carvanha. Also you can only get Carvanha with the Good Rod, which requires that you be up to Spinel Town at the very least, whereas Houndour can be obtained right after the second mission with the Aqua Gang. This Houndour will also have Egg moves such as Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, and Thunder Fang, where as fished Carvanha will not have any egg moves because they're just fished up rather than event Pokemon. The irrc, the event Carvanha can also have egg moves. Thus, Aqua is better because it allows for two superior Pokemon than you would obtain with the Magma Gang.

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Nope, Aqua is better since you can soft reset on Houndour after taking out the Magma Gang but you have to fish for Carvanha. Also you can only get Carvanha with the Good Rod, which requires that you be up to Spinel Town at the very least, whereas Houndour can be obtained right after the second mission with the Aqua Gang. This Houndour will also have Egg moves such as Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, and Thunder Fang, where as fished Carvanha will not have any egg moves because they're just fished up rather than event Pokemon. Thus, Aqua is better because it allows for two superior Pokemon than you would obtain with the Magma Gang.

I wish I saw this before singing up with Magma, whatever like fire/ground pokes more den water and the aqua leader is easier to beat for me ;p

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Nope, Aqua is better since you can soft reset on Houndour after taking out the Magma Gang but you have to fish for Carvanha. Also you can only get Carvanha with the Good Rod, which requires that you be up to Spinel Town at the very least, whereas Houndour can be obtained right after the second mission with the Aqua Gang. This Houndour will also have Egg moves such as Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, and Thunder Fang, where as fished Carvanha will not have any egg moves because they're just fished up rather than event Pokemon. The irrc, the event Carvanha can also have egg moves. Thus, Aqua is better because it allows for two superior Pokemon than you would obtain with the Magma Gang.

The event Carvanha has no egg moves.

But yes, there's not really a good reason to join Magma, simply because of the Houndour behind Maxwell.

Though you can also catch a ponyta in Route 1. Never seen a buzel before except as magma reward.

There are wild buizels somewhere... In Citrine Mountain? I don't remember.

To be perfectly honest, Buizel's best use early game is if you have a Marill, so you can breed Aqua Jet on it~

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