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Seeking for Help - Defeating Noel


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I've been stuck with this brat for ages, and the only thing that stops me is Porygon-Z with a wooping 1-hit Tri Attack and Swellow's Facade and Brave Bird.

Any tips on defeating him?
Simisear - Blaze: LVL 56 (I know its overleveled) : Movesets : Bite + Shadow Claw + Flame Burst (Best Attack he's gotten) + Cut (REASONS)
Torkoal - Shell Armor: LVL 54 : Movesets : Eruption (Beat the sh*t out of Wigglytuff for that) + Flamethrower + Body Slam + Heat Wave
Pachirisu - Pickup: LVL 50 : Movesets : Discharge + Nuzzle (Nuzzle is Love) + Super Fang (Helpful, especially since Steelix came) + Electro Ball
Donphan - Sturdy : LVL 55 : Movesets : Rock Smash + Strength + Earthquake + Giga Impact
Heatmor - Flash Fire : LVL 49 (IDK WHY :/) : Movesets : Flamethrower + Flame Burst + Sucker Punch + Slash
Samurott - Torrent : LVL 55 : Movesets : Aqua Jet (Lame, never used it) + Razor Shell + Revenge + Slash

I know I need some leveling up with Heatmor (Mor) and Pachirisu (Pach), but anyone has tips?

Additional Pokes
Grumpig: LVL 47 : Movesets : Psyshock + Psybeam + Power Gem + Confuse Ray
Meowstic: LVL 49 : Movesets : Psyshock + Psychic + Disarming Voice + Fake Out
Beartic: LVL 46 (Caught in the Icy Cavern near Shade's Gym) : Movesets : Blizzard + Ice Shard + Rest + Slash(?)

Any tips????

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Idk but I just recently defeated him today . I 1 shot his porygon-z using my gallade close combat. Try finding a strong fighting move against it. Rock smash not that reliable against him though.

For swellow, he have very low special defense so try using any strong special move that is not ground ghost bug grass. It is 1 shotted by my delphox flame thrower.

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Use Torkoal as lead, Eruption to turn the field into burning field, thats when Simisear and Heatmor start to shine(btw you evolve the sear monkey too early, it should get acrobatics and crunch too in higher level as pansear, stone evolutions dont get their pre-evo moves back after evolving), flame burst is montrous in burning field, part of Reborn's appeal is that field effect benefits gym leaders as well as the players, use that to your advantage~Field manual is your bible for Reborn~

Noel didnt leave much of an impression for me as I spammed my Klinklang's shift gear-gear grind combo, he couldnt do much to me, beaten him in first trial~

Edited by TimTim
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Use Torkoal as lead, Eruption to turn the field into burning field, thats when Simisear and Heatmor start to shine(btw you evolve the sear monkey too early, it should get acrobatics and crunch too in higher level as pansear, stone evolutions dont get their pre-evo moves back after evolving), flame burst is montrous in burning field, part of Reborn's appeal is that field effect benefits gym leaders as well as the players, use that to your advantage~Field manual is your bible for Reborn~

Noel didnt leave much of an impression for me as I spammed my Klinklang's shift gear-gear grind combo, he couldnt do much to me, beaten him in first trial~

Torkoal was always the lead in my battles of Noel, also used Eruption to make the grass under Wigglytuff (or just made the whole field caught on fire) then, another Eruption since Wigglytuff won't die because it has a tiny bit more of health, which is not much of a threat. Additionally, Torkoal has a high Defense and Special Defense stat, so I could trust him.

Simisear had Acrobatics, it didn't had any use for me before, rarely used it and changed it to Shadow Claw because none of my pokemons had Ghost-type attacks,

Thanks for the advice though :)

For now, grinding would be my first tactic for Mor and Pach.

Edited by SethKM
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Torkoal was always the lead in my battles of Noel, also used Eruption to make the grass under Wigglytuff (or just made the whole field caught on fire) then, another Eruption since Wigglytuff won't die because it has a tiny bit more of health, which is not much of a threat. Additionally, Torkoal has a high Defense and Special Defense stat, so I could trust him.

Simisear had Acrobatics, it didn't had any use for me before, rarely used it and changed it to Shadow Claw because none of my pokemons had Ghost-type attacks,

Thanks for the advice though :)

For now, grinding would be my first tactic for Mor and Pach.

Good luck with your LP, trust me, Noel wasnt the hardest, there will be even upcoming harder battles~A tip that sometimes boosting move(dragon dance etc) and screens(reflect/light screen) can save you in a clutch~Heatmor should probably be replaced with other type for coverage, half of the teams being pure fire types is kinda risky~

Edited by TimTim
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honestly i flew through noel using only camerupt venosaur and the fairy eevee (sorry not good with newer gen pokemon names still

and as for difficulty as a previous replyer has stated good luck cause noel was easy (in my opinion) just wait till u encounter the "mad hatter" as i call it

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Maybe relearn Torkoal Shell Smash and try to set up 2 or 3 times on his Wigglytuff. Then burn the field with either Erruption or Heat Wave (I prefer Heat Wave cause it doesn't depends on your hp) and keep spamming it for the rest of the team since the new burning field will boost it even further!
Also make it hold a white herb for the 1st stat drop

Edited by pyrromanis
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get rid of simisear he is gonna be useless late game you can add in a darmanitan in by this point because u can catch a luvdisc and trade for darumaka. darmanitan would certainly be better than a simisear because darmanitan has access to strong fire type moves and fighting type move(superpower). set the feild on fire and just try to take out ans many mons as possible with torkoal. that swap in to darmanitan and sweep the rest of his team.

As for grinding.you can grind at grand hall. you can battle them trainers in grand hall again and again in episode 15. also ev train darmanintan in atk and speed. just train at slums if you want atk ev.

Edited by Luna
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honestly i flew through noel using only camerupt venosaur and the fairy eevee (sorry not good with newer gen pokemon names still

and as for difficulty as a previous replyer has stated good luck cause noel was easy (in my opinion) just wait till u encounter the "mad hatter" as i call it

I find the Mad Hatter waaaay easier than Noel, amazing how different players struggle with different leaders.

Noel becomes much easier if you can set his field aflame, also note that if Porygon Z gets a download off a pokemon that increases his special attack, it will turn him into a demon so you want download to boost his attack instead. I think it works off whatever pokemon your using's defense/special defense so against him initially choose something with lower defense than special defense so he gets an attk boost instead of a special attack boost, which works against his special-focused moveset.

As for cincinno...ugh that guy. A fast fighting type that can outspeed hit and hit it hard works wonders against it, otherwise you want something that can hit it hard while tanking its attacks praying you don't flinch which usually happens as it's holding a king's rock. I think this and Porygon Z are his two most troublesome pokemon.

Swellow isn't bad, you want to be able to take it out ASAP because it's very fast and deals a ton of damage once it's burned. Embargo is a neat way to prevent that guts boost while paralysis still gives him the boost but nerfs his speed. Or you can just one shot it with a rock type STAB, probably the best option.

Clefable again should be taken out ASAP. The more it sticks around the harder it becomes to KO, and due to its ability the burning field doesn't hurt it, neither does poison or leech seed. You just kind of have to out muscle it which a good steel STAB can do, but I think its hidden power is SE against steel so be careful.

Wiggs and Girafarig are easy, but Wiggs can set up stealth rocks.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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Give Pachi Charge Beam, maybe over Electro Ball

Nuzzle Wigglytuff immediately, then alternate between X-SpD and healing to the point where Wigglytuff can't hurt Pachi

Then start building up Charge Beam boosts, while at the same time burning off Noel's healing items

Add some X-Spe for good measure if you have issues with mons outspeeding Pachi, two should suffice

And hope for no crits

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