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[OU] Regenerator


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Mienshao and Amoonguss, the two main pokemon in this team.


Next I needed a pokemon capable of inflicting statuses and walling, I picked Jellicent.


Now my first special sweeper a spec'd one, Manectric, picked it because of the decent movepool and great speed and special attack.


Honchkrow next, inspired by Hark. Picked because of Moxie/Sucker Punch, late/early game sweeper, easy to use.


Last but not least, Alakazam the special sweeper bad ass that will be my main killer second to Mienshao.



Mienshao (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Hi Jump Kick

- Fake Out

- Stone Edge

The physical scout, Mienshao. What I do with Mienshao here is a Fake Out, U-turn combo. Now because of Regenerator the damage I take from Life Orb will not effect me because once I U-turn out into another pokemon I'm gonna regain all of that life back. Note that Life Orb takes priority over switching, so if you will die from the LO and you try U-turning, don't. Better to just switch out to keep alive. Hi Jump Kick for main stab and for the killing everything purpose. Stone Edge for stab and when you need to hit something neutrally.


Amoonguss (M) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 148 HP / 180 Def / 180 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Sludge Bomb

- Giga Drain

- Spore

- Clear Smog

Dis crazy froob here will do all my dirty work... I mean dirty work as in doing the hit and run stuff like Mienshao. If I can't kill something I take out Amoonguss, Amoonguss can take a lot of hits. The main purpose for Amoonguss on this team is to Spore, and Smog if the opponent set up, and leave as soon as possible to stay alive and regen. Then bring out something to kill the little sleeping biatch.


Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Cursed Body

EVs: 88 HP / 180 Def / 60 SAtk / 180 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Recover

- Will-O-Wisp

- Scald

- Substitute

Mr. Jelly here is my physical wall, he can take a couple of hits and Wisp back and while the foe thinks he can finish Jellicent off with an attack lowered by Wisp, it's wrong. After the status inflict, Recover so that you can take more hits. Sub is for PP stalling some other wall such as Blissey, but it can also be used to troll, once a physical attacker is burnt it can't really do it's job. So it might take 2 or 3 hits to knock down that sub. So try it. Scald for the main stab and finishing off jobs.


Manectric (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Lightningrod

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Signal Beam

- Volt Switch

- Overheat

- Hidden Power [ice]

Manectric yay! You might think I only have Manectric on my team to be a just a simple sweeper, but no here is what goes down. While Jellicent is bulky, it can be 1HKO'd by a few electric sweepers, so bring out Manectric here and absorb that taking in a plus 1 in special attack and plus specs, it hurts. After that it's your turn to figure which attack to use, an Overheat can kill the common non-resistor, a Volt Switch can kill about anything or barely kill it, Signal Beam and HP Ice for coverage. Manectric = Great Revenge Killer


Honchkrow (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def or 252 SDef if you want

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Sucker Punch

- Drill Peck

- Roost

With it's immense power and priority +3, Honchkrow brings rage everywhere. Thunder Wave to cripple sweepers and set ups, and roost to heal, derp. Drill Peck if your opponent plans on predicting you by setting up, but can easily be drilled which still does a lot of damage. Not much of a mega sweeper, but can do good damage once Moxie activates.


Alakazam (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Magic Guard

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Shadow Ball

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Psychic

Mega sweeper right here. Has a variety of attacks that can obliterate a team into dust. Phychic for main stab and Focus Blast for mega power against neutral takers. Shadow Ball and Hidden Power Ice for coverage. Focus Sash paired with Magic Guard means that Kazy will always have to be 2HKO'd. Timid Nature and 252 EVs in Spd makes Alakazam very fast, Magic Guard also negates hazards so another plus.


Mienshao (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- Hi Jump Kick

- Fake Out

- Stone Edge

Alakazam (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Magic Guard

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Shadow Ball

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Psychic

Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Cursed Body

EVs: 88 HP / 180 Def / 60 SAtk / 180 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Recover

- Will-O-Wisp

- Scald

- Substitute

Honchkrow (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Moxie

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Sucker Punch

- Drill Peck

- Roost

Amoonguss (M) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 148 HP / 180 Def / 180 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Sludge Bomb

- Giga Drain

- Spore

- Clear Smog

Manectric (M) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Lightningrod

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Signal Beam

- Volt Switch

- Overheat

- Hidden Power [ice]

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I really like the core concept of the team, but I think that it can be taken to greater heights.

why not switch out Jellicent for Slowbro or Slowking? Each of them has the same weaknesses, the same bulk/recovery, and can status with Scald. Then you have a tri-regenerative core backing you. Even just Amoongus and Jellicent form a brilliant core alone, but when you throw in Mienshao's utility, it becomes even better.

If you really wanted to beat a dead horse, swap Alakazam for Reuniclus. Granted, you can't have both Regenerator and Magic Guard, but it might be fun nonetheless. Though yeah, there is that double ghost/dark weakness, but it's not as if those are prominent attacking types outside of Gengar and Chandelure.

....Curse you, wynaut... Trolled by own troll.

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Hmm, the Regenerator usage here is indeed nice, and I do agree that the slowpoke evolutions could possibly be more useful.

IIRC, slowking's natural stats favor SDef, but I'm not sure on that. And if you really fear bugs, swap out for jellicent - barring yanmega, heracross, and scizor, few bugs can take on a jellicent due to its bulk and type. Plus, swapping out grants the Regenerator bonus! Maybe include more status moves and switch out frequently, to maximize your Regenerator as a stalling ability.

Hmm, on alakazam... speed's always good, but priority absolutely WRECKS alakazam.

As for Water Absorb versus Cursed Body, I prefer to use Water Absorb, myself - bait the enemy into using a water move, then suck it up. Cursed Body's never been useful for me in the past, since it never kicked in when it would have been helpful XD

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