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Rock/Ground Monotype Run


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Hey guys! I'll be resetting my progress, and it would be fun to have a Rock/Ground Monotype run.

Any tips on how to get these pokes early? Golem(Geodude), Excalibur(Drilbur), Steelix(Onyx - which is at the Harbor), Drapion(Skorpi), Camerupt(Numel - also at the Harbor), Quagsire(Wooper)

In advance, thanks for helping :)

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But Drapion is none of those type, nor is its pre-evolution? You can send out request for someone with RPGXmaker to inject a starter into your game for you~Starters you are sticking with(that is if you are still going with regular starters) are Turtwig or Mudkip, since they evolve into secondary ground type

Edited by TimTim
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But... Drapion is Poison/Dark...

Let see, for Julia you will have only two pokémon, Marshtomp/Grotle and Wormadam-S, after that you will get a pletora of catches.

For the pokémon you asked.

  • Geodude is at the Under Grand Staircase, before Shelly.
  • Drilbur is only on the Mystery Egg if you get lucky, or you can go back to EP14 and get it in Tanzan Depths, before Noel.
  • Onix is on an event in the Peridot Ward, but only after Julia.
  • Same for Numel.
  • If you want Drapion even if it's not Rock or Ground, you can get one in Byxbision Wasteland, before Aya.
  • Wooper is in the Azurine Island, before Aya.
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Is this not technically a duotype run or do you mean rock OR ground not rock AND ground?

Here is the pokemon location guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407

Here are a few off the top of my head in case you want other pokemon to choose from:

I'm pretty sure you can get a nidoran in the onyx arcade

You could also get a trapinch from a trade in chrysolia forest Am I right? Is it chrysolia?

You can get a baltoy from the totem

You can get a sandile from tanzan mountain

You could also get a golett from the totem or route 3 I believe

Plenty of fossil pokemon to choose from

You can get aron from the underground railnet

The protector is in the game so you could catch a rhyhorn in route 3 as well or from the mystery egg

You could catch a roggenrola but I can't remember where...

Edited by micky33000000
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Drilbur is luck based. 1/18 chance to get it from the mystery egg.

If you're doing a Rock type too, then Slugma (macargo) is great early on. Shell Smash will improve him greatly offensively, and make him a sweeper. He's relatively cheap from Game Corner too.

If you don't want Slugma then i suggest Camerupt. It can almost sweep Florinia, Shelly, Corey and Shade.

Dugtrio is a good gound type as it is probably the fastest one you'll get early on. Trapinch (Flygon) is fast too, better moveset, typing etc But until then, dugtrio can be a suitable substitute. It's also got decent overage with Sucker Punch and Night Slash (how the hell does dugtrio slash?).

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