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Is my team okay?


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Read the title.


Bold Magician



Fire Spin

Flame Charge


Mild Guts

Vital Throw

Force Palm

Belly Drum

Fake Out


Quiet Intimidate





Linoone (HM Slave for now.)

Impish Quick Feet




Pin Missile


Quirky Simple

Focus Energy

Flame Burst


Growth (IDK WHY!)

Sewaddle(Soon to be Swadloon)

Brave Chlorophyll


String Shot

Bug Bite

Razor Leaf

Notes:I didn't put in the levels as they might change. The moves might change too.


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Braxien - A good pokemon. Bold isn't the best nature, but it's helpful. Magician is better than Blaze, so that's good. Drop Scratch for Light Screen ASAP. Psychic and Flamethrower when you get to that level will be your main attack moves,

Hariyama - A fantastic pokemon. Mild is a hinderance, as it lowers defense and doesn't help Hariyama's offense. Guts/Sheer Force/Thick Fat all good abilities, but Sheer Force has more potential in general. The other abilities are great against specific situations (Guts Corey, Thick Fat Blake/Charlotte). Drop Vital Throw for Knock Off ASAP. Rest of the moves are good. May eventually want to replace Fake Out.

Luxio - A great pokemon. Quiet and Intimidate are fine, although Quiet does lessen Luxray's impact as it's already borderline slow. Drop Bite for Crunch ASAP, rest are fine.

Linoone - Slave. Nuff said.

Numel - A finicky pokemon. Has ups, has downs. I still use one because its got good coverage...if it survives.Simple turns into Solid Rock, which is one of the main ways Camerupt survives. Quirky is vanilla. Lava Plume and Earth Power for Flame Burst and Magnitude when able. Do not replace with EQ as EQ will handle physical and Earth Power will handle special. Yawn is a good 4th move to help support your team.

Sewaddle - Never used it. So no commentary on this.

Overall I like the team. It just needs the levels and evolutions.

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Thanks! Do you know where a move relearner is?

EDIT: Okay, should I replace my slave with my Nidoking then? (I made a topic about this earlier.)

EDIT 2: Getting my Nidoking at Level 21 XD

Note: I'm coming up to the ZEL and Taka battle at the Beryl Ward so I've bet Florinia.

Edited by nugget_22
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I'd suggest evolving Nidoking at level 43, because that's where Nidorino learns Poison Jab, and evolves to learn Earth Power. Unless, of course, you put sludge wave on Nidoking and make him a special attacker...

  On 10/12/2015 at 9:34 PM, Combat Medic said:

You shouldn't need a HM Slave for Reborn. All HMs are now TMXs, which can be deleted like a normal move.

Exactly, you can just have a move slot free for an HM, and swap around as necessary.

Simple Numel can set up a couple Growths and sweep Florinia. when it evolves into camerupt it can sweep Shelly and Corey.

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Well I'm grinding my Nidorino in the Jasper Ward and it's anhiliating everything with Horn Attack.

2-3 Beedrills and he levels up. :)

EDIT: I have an Espurr from the event I've forgot why I ditched it lol so it's quite low leveled. I have a Kricketune but I don't really want to use it :(

I used a Trubbish to take out first gym but then I ditched it too. Also my Espurr is female. I heard they took out Shadow Ball :(

EDIT 2: Oh,my Espurr is level 20. Oops.

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Saw that you had a Sewaddle it's a fairly nice poke to have though you might want to replace it later on with a better grass-type (or) bug-type (up to you) since it can easily get destroyed by flying-types and against Victoria's Tepig.

My suggestion poke's to replace your Sewaddle.
- Meowstic (Espurr) event pokemon
- Trubbish would be good as well (since it learns Toxic Spike and Acid Spray)
- Grimer would be good as well (w/ Acid Armor combo)

P.S. As others have said you don't need an HM Slave since the HM's are easily replaceable.

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So from my conclusions I have two new members;


Jolly Rivalry

Horn Attack

Double Kick

Poison Sting

Fury Attack


Espurr (Meowstic(Male))

Adamant Infiltrator

Fake Out




That is all.Thanks for helping!

Edited by nugget_22
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