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Need help for my team (v2)


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Hi everyone, i'm re-building my final team in these days and i've came up with some ideas, the one i'm more sure about is this:

Demony (Gourgeist) - 252 HP 252 Def - Relaxed/Insomnia - Phantom Force, Leech seed, Trick-or-Treat, Will-o-wisp
Natsu (Charizard) - 252 Sp. Atk 252 Sp. De - Rash/Blaze - Flamethrower, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Wing Attack
D-Struct (Donphan) - 252 Atk 252 Def - Brave/Sturdy - Thunder Fang, Earthquake, Rock Smash, Rock Slide
Nuclear (Reuniclus) - 252 Sp. Atk 252 HP - Impish/Regenerator - Psychic, Trick Room, Grass Knot, Focus Blast
Kill Em All (Drapion) - 252 Atk 252 Sp. Def - Lonely/Battle Armor - Hone Claws, Night Slash, Cross Poison, Ice Fang
Saphira (Lapras) - 252 Sp. Atk 252 HP - Sing, Surf, Ice Beam (or Ice Shard), Thunderbolt (or something else)
What do you think about it? Also about Evs, i've been paying attention on them just by a few days and i need to have more knowledge :/
Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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I assume these are all ideas, because Focus Blast is something we can only dream about getting (and hitting...)

Anyways: Run Protect over...whatever the hell Halloween is. That way, the combo of Protect and PF makes you invincible every 2 out of 3 turns, while LS and Will-o do all the damage in the meantime. That's the set that let my Gourgeist 1v1 Garchomp.

Make it Adamant max Attack and max HP/Speed. Currently, the only Charizard somewhat worth running is fully-physical DD. So swap Flamethrower with Flare Blitz (or...Fire Fang if you don't want recoil, since it'll be almost dead no matter what it sets up on. it's a Charizard, for crying out loud). Also, ditch Wing Attack. It IS a STAB, Fire hits the same important things and Ground/Fire/Ghost is better coverage. Get it Dig from breeding in E12 (check the pinned guide in this section for details).

The way you're running it, there's no point in running Donphan over Hippowdon. There's other Ground types you could use too. Want any suggestions?

The higher a stat, the more points a +Nature gets you. So, since Reuni has higher special defense than physical, run a +Sp.Def nature. Speaking of, Impish?? I think you got something wrong. Also, no need for Focus Blast at all. You're not running Calm Mind, so you have no reason to stay in on a Dark type. Plus, we may not ever get Focus Blast's TM, so, as they say, "Cross a bridge once you get to it". Get it Shadow Ball (via E12 breeding or when we get the TM (no hypocrisy here lol, it's confirmed we'll get that)). And while Grass Knot is a neat move, a lor of Water-types, the most common type in the game, are really light, so you maaaaay want to consider E12 breeding Energy Ball. Also, if you run Hippo, make this Magic Guard.

E12 it up and get yourself Swords Dance over Hone Claws. Also, ditch Ice Fang. As bulky as Drapion is, it's speed COULD be better, so it'll be worn down eventually. Run Agility instead of Ice Fang. In that case, you can also run Max HP over Speed EVs (and an Adamant nature, why use lonely and lower Drapion's highest stat).

Sing Sing a funeral song, because it's gotta go, it's a terrible move. Instead, since it has even offenses and some nice moves, there's 4 ways to run Lapras! 4 Physical attacks, 4 Special attacks, a Curse set or a DD set.

-For a physical set, you've got Waterfall, Ice Shard, Avalanche/Bulldoze/Drill Run/Body Slam. 3 STABs, Ice Shard is for frail speedy things or to kill an already weakened foe, Avalanche is a mighty 120 BP move for things you can tank a hit from. And then you've got Drill Run for some coverage, or BS/Bulldoze for support.

-For a Special set, you've got, Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry, Psychic/Hidden Power/Ancient Power/Icy Wind. Simple stuff, 2 STABs and then Frost Breath instead of T-Bolt because FB hits the same things TB would but also hits things like Swampert or Ludicolo for waaaaaay more. The last move is just filler coverage or Icy Wind for support.

-Curse, Waterfall, Avalanche, Ice Shard. Curse is perhaps the most viable set, just because Lapras is so bulky already, and it's Sp.Def is high even without any boosts. Curse+Avalanche is a great combo and, in case something that could outspeed and kill you comes out, have enough Curses up and you can likely OHKO with Ice Shard, taking no damage.

-And the DD set is just the 4 Physical Attacks set with DD instead of Ice Shard since the speed boosts make priority unnecessary.

And since you didn't list a nature, run Adamant for the first set, Modest for the second, Careful for the Curse set or Jolly for the DD set. Also, for the DD set, run Speed instead of HP EVs (and obviously Attack EVs instead of Sp.Atk for the all but the 2nd set).

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