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Good Grass type Starter


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I can tell you the worst chikorita,The popular ones are Treecko, Turtwig and Bulbasaur, Contrary Snivy is not too shabby either, shines in late game, other than those, Chespin can be a good fighting type if you want it to be but personally i prefer Breloom over Chesnaught if they ever vie for a spot on my team as same duotyping~

P.S. You can find an event Chikorita for trade in game anyway so no point in choosing Chikorita, Turtwig is also available as a reward in an event late game~

Edited by TimTim
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I'll go off the assumption you mean in Reborn. Let's look at the details.

Bulbasaur: Good typing, gains great support later on and can both take and dish out modest damage relatively well. Great if you don't plan on using Venusaur as your primary damage-dealer.

Chikorita: Use it if you like a challenge. It is very difficult to effectively use.

Obtainable later in-game.

Treecko: Best starter It's not too good early on, but if you give it attention and the right training, it can deal medium-high damage. Thing is, in Reborn, that's tough to pull off.

Turtwig: Excellent bulk and unique typing make it great for Ground-type offensive strategies. It can take hits quite well and functions as a good self-sustaining party member once it's fully evolved.

Obtainable later in-game.

Snivy: Tough to use at first, and relatively weak unless it has Leaf Storm and Contrary. If you can get both of those, then it's a wrecking ball limited only by its poor level up moveset. An excellent offensive choice if you can give it the right moves.

Quilladin: Tough to use at first, but once it evolves and gets a good movepool, it's an efficient enough wall, capable of dealing modest damage. Bulletproof is the ability you'll want to go with.

Obtainable later in-game.

Your best choice is either Bulbasaur or Turtwig, in my opinion. Bulbasaur for Special Attacks, Turtwig for Physical.

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Depends on what you want from it. If you want a wall, you've got Venusaur, Meganium (kinda) and Chesnaught, but Gourgeist is available before the third gym and is a better wall than all of them. If you want a speedy attacker, get Serperior and spam Contrary Leaf Storm, the only better really fast attacker in the game is Quiver Dance Lilligant, also obtainable before the third gym. If you want a bulky attacker, there's Turtwig, which is really good, but obtainable later. If you want a fast bad attacker, get Sceptile and hope and dream we get the Mega Ring and Mega Stone.

To conclude, get a different starter.

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Don't listen to these "Screw Grass Starter" folks for anything outside of the Pokemon being obtainable later on if you're one to want to try for some degree of 'Dex completion. It's this kinda stuff that makes Grass much maligned when we already know Grass is not a good defensive type.

However, because of said fact that Grass is not a good type defensively, you -should- want to lean on an offensive starter for Reborn in my opinion.

  • Chespin -CAN- be used offensively, and it's 4x weakness to flying types would be the major drawback when fully evolved. It works well against Noel once his birb(s) are out of the way.
  • If you don't care about getting a 'Mon you can't get anywhere else, Turtwig is another Pokemon that is a Jack of all trades, this time x4 weak to Ice!
  • Treecko needs some special attention. Unburden doesn't help it out - so go Overgrow or whatever the generic Grass ability is. Sceptile's speed is handy.
  • Serperior is the epitomy of offensive when it has Contrary and Leaf Storm in it's arsenal.
  • Never -ever- use Chikorita
  • Be prepared for a rougher time going offensive with Bulbasaur, but it is doable.
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Only thing I don't like about contrary snivy is that it can't use coil, which was one of serperior's best moves .But leftovers aren't in this game so I'm not sure you could use that fully anyway. Leaf blade /leech seed/coil Serperior wrecked late game in the Unova games.

like everybody's all LEAF STOROOOOOOOM but it comes super late in the game and leaf storm misses a lot. I'd have to use basic Serperior to see if it's as good.in Reborn.

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like everybody's all LEAF STOROOOOOOOM but it comes super late in the game and leaf storm misses a lot. I'd have to use basic Serperior to see if it's as good.in Reborn.

Yeah it's late, but it's definitely worth the wait. And for accuracy, of 90% doesn't cut ot for you, give it a wide lens and it'll have 99% accuracy...wait a minute, why am I defending Serperior, that thing's boring.

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Yeah it's late, but it's definitely worth the wait. And for accuracy, of 90% doesn't cut ot for you, give it a wide lens and it'll have 99% accuracy...wait a minute, why am I defending Serperior, that thing's boring.

LOL abomination, Jk, Snivy is cute and Serperior is royal looking with its slick beautiful form, indeed if you start out as Snivy, Coil-Leaf Blade might be a temporary measure until Ability Capsules come into your possession~

Edited by TimTim
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Yeah it's late, but it's definitely worth the wait. And for accuracy, of 90% doesn't cut ot for you, give it a wide lens and it'll have 99% accuracy...wait a minute, why am I defending Serperior, that thing's boring.

Well contrary ain't doing jack for me against Julia ATM and would've been better off with overgrow so I could actually set up against her team.

I'm not just looking at late game, but overall. And there's definitely instances where contrary is a hindrance more than a help.

So hmmm I don't know if it's better to have contrary from the get-go or switch it via ability capsule later on.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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the best grass starter is chikorita #chikorita will kill everything the best grass starter is either snivy with contrary or a turtwig( you dont need any special ability on him). turtwig is good because it has a good spread of moves that it learns by itself without needing any TM. well in reborn most of the oped TM are not in the game yet and the move tutors do not have the oped/over used moves. but yeah you can always go back to episode 12 to breed TM moves to a mon all that is in this guide here

Also i wont start with the starters which can be obtained in gave via in game events. Turtwig,chikorita and chespin. well i would still start with turtwig as he is just an awesome grass type starter to me and the way to get him is kinda hard that slide puzzle omg it kills brain cells.

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Turtwig is a god in Reborn. He can handle many of the leaders solo through Curse+EQ+Wood Hammer/Razor Leaf. The first two gyms can't even touch him and the Fighting specialists tend to only have one answer to it, which you can still beat through Cursing up on the other pokemon. For example, Samson has a Speed Boost Blaziken which Torterra can eat a hit from and then OHKO with an Earthquake. If you want power, just go Torterra.

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Ah.... Grass type starters. Looked down upon many, favoured by few. I'm quite fond of them reminding me never to try and train only one pokemon but a team. As many people have said before turtwig is a very good starter. Wood hammer, earthquake, crunch and curse, all learned by level up are all that you need. Its quite bulky and good offenses will lead you to rely on it a lot. You can't go wrong with turtwig. Bulbasaur is more of a team player. Good typing and modest offenses. It won't maul teams alone. No. Don't use him like that. Sleep powder with chlorophyll is good for utility. It lacks a bit of coverage so be wary. Just don't expect him to do everything. Use him correctly and you will be rewarded. Sceptile, while having great speed, has only modest offenses. Having a higher special attack sceptile suffers from a lack of reliable moves. Leaf storm is one time use only unlike serperior. It has a great physical movepool but without swords dance the damage is quite underwhelming. Don't be discouraged. That speed stat is quite valuable and access to leaf storm around the 5th badge is quite a selling point and that physical move pool is great.

Chikorita is.... Don't use it. Its horrible beyond redemption. Chespin starts of a bit shaky but chesnaught is quite good regarding offensive power along with spiky shield. Make sure bulletproof is its ability.

And now my favourite... Snivy. Snivy as u have heard is the epitome of grass offense with contrary leaf storm. It can maul through entire teams with ease. Now you may think "he's only good in late game". Take my advice. Level up snivy to lvl 42,and then evolve it. Now you may think its crazy but its possible. I did it. You can manage it before fighting kiki. Fact is service and serperior are quite sub par so having snivy for so long won't be a bother as long as you're other members are good. Believe me its worth it. I destroyed kiki, half of aya's team beat arceus and so many others that its ridiculous. Teach it wring out and nature power along with giga drain or a support move and you're good.

Eh... Sorry if it was too long and boring. That's all I got to say

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People saying the first two gyms can't touch grotle are wrong BTW, field boosted pin missile from Maractus and Cacnea still hurts somewhat and sonicboom spam in Julia's gym gets old REALLY quick. While he can in theory solo the first two gyms, it's not an easy task and relies on the AI not being a jerk.

I do think he's good, but beware that ice becomes increasingly common late game.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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