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No in Ellenath Hilar nan had gin!


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Hey there! I guess this is how we introduce ourselves? I hope my title was eye catching enough. If you don't speak tolkien elvish, which most don't, hence why I used it as my title, it says "may all stars light your path". It's a greeting as well as a farewell saying. I don't speak fluent elvish but I do know many words and phrases. Still learning though!

Anyways, I'm Hawky. It's the name I go by in almost all online games. I'm 20 years old and living in Idaho with my husband, although we're both originally from a small town in Washington State. No pets, sadly. But we hope to one day have a teacup Shihtzu and a Grey Sphinx cat.

I've been playing reborn for a little while now (I work weird hours usually so I'm not super far, but still enjoy it!) But I didn't know that the website for it had all these forums and what not and a sign in. I just thought it was an info website that had the downloads for the game.

Rather than write anymore, feel free to talk to me and get to know me! I'm always up for making pokemon loving friends!

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Welcome to Reborn! So, I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine. Don't touch okay?

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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Thanks, everyone! :D <3

The words gin and hilar in the sentance actually use the accented I, that has the little ^ over them instead of a dot. But I don't know how to make my laptop keyboard do those kinds of letters so i can see why everyone thought this was going to be about gin the alcohol :D

If you want the pronounciation, it's (No Een El-en-ath Hee-lar nahn haud geen)

If anyone wants to know an insult in elvish, Lebo Vi oreo druin (Leh-bo Vee Or-ay-o Droo-in) means go jump in mount doom.

This has been Elvish lessons with Hawky <3

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Did you say oreo? X.x yummy... To get an accent over your letters, it's alt gr then the vowel, I think (on some keyboards it might be shift, alt gr then the vowel.) but I think you're refering to circumflexes, in which case, I don't know either :3 I would say copy-paste it from somewhere like wikipedia but that's hugely inconvenient so I'll stop spouting garbage c:

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