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Cheat consequences


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Have you ever cheated on a game? whether it was a glitch in the system you took advantage of, or getting yourself a good action replay to just screw everything up? It's a nice feeling, isn't it? Just messing around with god like abilities. But afterward, were there any unforeseen side effects?

For example, the first game I cheated on (After completing it fully) was pokemon Diamond. Got an action replay, and hacked myself a bunch of shiny level 100 of whatever pokemon I wanted. I ran on water, walked through mountains, walked out of the map entirely into the glitchy blackness. it was great. But then something happened.

In that game, there is a part where you have to escort cynthia through the mountain. While on escort missions, like other pokemon games, you cannot fly, surf, ride your bike, but your pokemon are automatically healed after battle. Well, after glitching my game a good amount, suddenly, when trying to fly or surf, I'd get the message "You can't do that while with someone!"

So now the game think I have an invisible imaginary friend, that I'm pulling around with me. i've tried going through the mountain to see if that would work and it didn't. So I just had to live with the consequences of my glitching.

Has anything like that ever happened to you? let me know!

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I'll talk about a pretty remarkable time I cheated.

I can't remember the actual game I was playing, just that it was a Yu-Gi-Oh! game on the original DS. There was a part where I had to battle four people in a row, and keep the Life Points from the previous battle. My reaction was to cheat by automatically letting me win, because that just seems impossible to me.

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I once had an Action Reply, and accidentally corrupted my Soul Silver file. Since then, I haven't used any real cheats, not out of fear, but out of respect to the game designer.

Unless you can enable cheats through the console. Their just begging for me to cheat then.

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I was so bummed. 13 year old me definitely learned my lesson. And that lesson was hey. Don't do that thing you want to do. Easier doesn't mean better. Because you might screw up your entire game. And even when you try to go through the long process of getting said shinies from diamond to alpha sapphire, only a small amount will go through because your game won't recognize them as real pokemon. So your husband, who has black, will be stuck with all these magnificent glitched pokemon and you will have only a few.

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My favorite glitches come all from Pokémon Red/Blue and Yellow.

I love the glitch pokémons and I wish I could bring all of them to Gen 6 and see how they'd look (Though they would probably just turn into other pokémons in Gen 2)

No bad consequences about them, unless you save during Super Glitch or similar. Then you're f****d.

don't care about people cheating (offline), unless it affects other players. (online)

preach it.

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Man, I forgot the time I let my friend borrow my Pokemon Red. I gave it to her for a year, and when I got it back, I had Eight Mewtwos, and about seven Missingnos...

And a level One Hundred Golbat for some reason. Oddly enough, my game still worked fairly well.

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I'll talk about a pretty remarkable time I cheated.

I can't remember the actual game I was playing, just that it was a Yu-Gi-Oh! game on the original DS. There was a part where I had to battle four people in a row, and keep the Life Points from the previous battle. My reaction was to cheat by automatically letting me win, because that just seems impossible to me.

You can regain health you know. Both the card art and the card effect make this one of my favorite cards of all time.


used missingno glitch to max out rare candies (I was lucky that there was literally one rare candy I hadn't found and used back then- the invisible one in a Cerulean backyard). boy, lvl 100's suck without ev's built up.

Also, used a gameshark to get another togepi egg and it messed with my game so it was like I never did the egg quest to take it to mr pokemon and he wouldn't take it and unbreak the game, so I couldn't do anything.

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It wasn't really cheating per se.... But when I was younger I spilled ketchup on the end of my link cable, so it glitched out all the time, and one time I traded my friend something normal, and it glitched out and came through on his side as a Mew.

...Yay ketchup?

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She broke up with me.

The Persona 3 romance system sucks

This is the response I was hoping for.

It wasn't really cheating per se.... But when I was younger I spilled ketchup on the end of my link cable, so it glitched out all the time, and one time I traded my friend something normal, and it glitched out and came through on his side as a Mew.

...Yay ketchup?

I'll need to know the brand of ketchup and how much. Y'know, for umm... Research purposes

As for me, I used to be that one kid that would acion replay everything. When I grew up I started to use it to make challenge runs and eventually just stopped using it. The only time it ever really badly effected a game is I got bad egg'd pretty hard way back in Ruby.

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Ah I remember back in the day with pokemon emerald, the first time i started messing with glitches cloning my pokemans. I went at my bro with an army of rayquazas he got so mad. The main game breaking glitch I remember was something happened with 1 of my pc boxes, I do not know if it was a clone bug or something else but every time I would access a certain box number it would corrupt my game file. Even after I made a new game file. I still have that cartage maybe if I could find it I could mess with it again.

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I'll talk about a pretty remarkable time I cheated.

I can't remember the actual game I was playing, just that it was a Yu-Gi-Oh! game on the original DS. There was a part where I had to battle four people in a row, and keep the Life Points from the previous battle. My reaction was to cheat by automatically letting me win, because that just seems impossible to me.

Against the Yliaster Emperors in WC 2011 right? Never found that battle to be impossible for a simple reason: in YGO games I cheat to begin with. As soon as the game starts I use the AR code to unlock all the cards, and make myself an actual deck. Not a particularly powerful or broken deck, mind you, and I never disable the banlist in use: I merely make a legitimate deck as opposed to, you know, a bunch of random cards like the starter deck usually is. Normally, doing so is enough to breeze through any game, in WC 2011 alone I have made a Gladiator Beast run, a Frognarch run and a Fabled run...

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