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The Spark of Life (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Electric-type Monotype Run) (COMPLETED THROUGH EPISODE 15)

Lord Chespin

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Well, in case you hadn't heard, my hard drive crashed yesterday, and I lost my poison-type monotype run that I put so much effort into. However, I've decided not to mourn the death but to celebrate the life, and so I've whipped up a new Monotype run, this time an electric-type monotype run! In it, we'll follow the adventures of Tesla, a young scientist from the Aevium region who came to Reborn to try and find a way to revive his dead sister Hemlock, who was killed during the attack on the S.S. Oceana.

Anyway, here's the team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 72

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 73

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 73

479-f.pngHiroki II (Non-Binary) - Lv. 76

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 73

462.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 74

Here's the Pokemon in my PC:

311.pngWattson (Male) - Lv. 20

025.pngHikori (Male) - Lv. 25

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 26

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 32

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 35

405.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 49

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 45

618.pngAnimeFg (Male) - Lv. 54

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 65

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 67

466.pngSolarance (Male) - Lv. 70

Here's the mascot of this run, made by KazeBlack as part of the Pokemon Insurgence Holon Dex:


Here's the major bosses we have to fight so far:

101.pngJulia (Defeated!)

346.pngFlorina (Defeated!)

169.pngCorey (Defeated!)

313.pngShelly (Defeated!)

609.pngShade (Defeated!)

308-m.pngKiki (Defeated!)

445.pngSolaris (Defeated... WITH ONE POKEMON!)

691.pngAya (Defeated!)

478.pngSerra (Defeated!)

036.pngNoel (Defeated!)

493-fairy.pngEl (Defeated!)

282-m.pngRandomus (Defeated!)

384-m.pngTechie Johnathan (Defeated!)

197.pngLuna (Defeated!)

534.pngSampson (Defeated!)

038.pngCharlotte (Defeated!!)

445-m.pngTerra (Defeated!)

334-m.pngCiel (Defeated!)


And finally, here's this run's theme song!
Wish me luck! '_'7
EDIT: Welp, this is my 500th post. I'd like to thank... (Mass-Effect-style dialogue choice menu pops up) ...In all seriousness, though, I'd like to thank Ame for making this game and bringing this community together, and Commander and Solarance for making Pokemon Reborn Hardcore!
Edited by supermario79411
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Good luck! Also grats on 500 posts ^_^

Thank you kindly!

Make sure you back this one up frequently. I don't want to lose Tesla too!

Also - yay! I got a starter named after me =D

May it treat you well.

Thanks! Dragon116 wasn't actually a starter, though; he was just the first Pokemon I caught after starting. Glad you're happy, though!

you got this dude, sorry to hear about your hard drive.

Thanks for the support!


Update #1: Commander Takes the Helm

Well, the rival battle was... honestly, I couldn't tell you. When I gave Commander my save file to edit so that I could have Chinchou as my starter, he battled Cain and Victoria for me. I think the battles went pretty well, though, as when I started Commander the Chinchou was level 6 and had experience. So... yeah. Anyway, on to Fern!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 6

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 15

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Summary of Cain battle:

Cain spammed scratch and missed once while Chinchou spammed water gun to win (I think it was knocked down to like 11 HP and would've won regardless)

Summary of Victoria battle:

Spammed water gun twice and laughed at Julia(soon) Victoria's pathetic attempt of damage. I think it did like 3 HP damage wise.

Also, I do recommend getting the World Champ as I was kind of making sure Pachirisu was the variable picked for the electric type. You can probably guess the other one I was checking. No seriously, get Pachirusu. That's what I'm using against Julia.

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Sorry about the death of the previous monorun, so i presume the Rejuv one is dead as well? GLHF with the new one and looking forward to see more of this LP and yay, happy 500th post!

Thanks! Actually, my Rejuvenation Ground-type run survived, as I uploaded it to the forums to find a trade partner. I'll get back to it once I get comfortably settled in with this run.

GL with the run

I dont think Tynamo would be cool, he's too frail even as an electross and his movepool is void....

Thank you! Tynamo would actually be decent at first (it gets spark and charge beam, at least), but I don't think I'll be using it much until I get the move relearner and a thunderstone.

Anyway, thanks to everybody who wished me luck, and I promise I'll get back to you guys with the Fern battle soon!

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Update #2: Breaking Insulators

Well, Fern was actually tougher than I expected, although that might be because he had a team that took at least neutral damage from my team. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Hemlock the Tynamo, and he led with Lombre. Hemlock paralyzed it with a thunder wave and started wailing on it with sparks, but ultimately she fainted from an astonish, an absorb, and a bubble before she could finish the job. Luckily, SHIA the World Champion Pachirisu came out and ended the Lombre's racist arse with a two sparks, making Fern use up his two potions in the process. Fern's Servine came out next, and SHIA managed to tank a tackle and a vine whip while biding her energy, then unleashed her rage onto Servive, knocking it down to the red. Unfortunately, she fainted from another tackle and vine whip before she could finish the job, but Dragon116, pulling his weight on the team for the first time since I caught him, took down the seriously-weakened Servine with a shock wave! He then paralyzed Fern's ace, Roselia, with a thunder wave and began unleashing charge-boosted shock waves while the Roselia set up a growth and began using poison sting. Luckily, Roselia fainted before Dragon116 did, ending the fight! Time to investigate the Mosswater Factory!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 13

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 16

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 14

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 13

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #3: Blowing Bubbles

Well, Aster and Eclipse were... actually kind of easy! I led with Commander, Fern led with Roselia, and Aster and Eclipse led with Electabuzz and Magmar. Commander absorbed a thundershock from Electabuzz and paralyzed Magmar with a thunder wave while Magmar did some damage to Roselia with a feint attack and Roselia chipped away at Electabuzz with a mega drain. Commander then fired off an electro ball, but it didn't do much damage, and Roselia fainted from a low kick and a ember (although it did get off another mega drain before fainting. Fern's Lombre came out next, and surprise, surprise, it didn't last long either, going down to a low kick and a feint attack. It wasn't even able to do any damage, opting to use growl over, I don't know, ANY ATTACKING MOVE! Fortunately, Commander was able to pick up the slack and did serious damage with a bubble, lowering both Magmar and Electabuzz to yellow. Fern sent out his Servine, and Commander fired off another bubble while Servine used leer, Magmar got healed by a potion, and Electabuzz tried using low kick on Commander (it didn't do much). The next two turns, Commander and Servine were able to take down both the Magmar and the Electabuzz with a bubble-tackle combo, ending the fight and leading to the destruction of the Mosswater Factory! Time to take on Julia!

...I am so not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 17

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 16

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 17

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 16

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #4: Lightning Battle Somebody get Phosphora...

Well, Julia was pretty darn challenging, not gonna lie. It took me quite a few tries (I'd say about 10), and I got frustratingly close several times, only to lose at the last minute. On TEH URN, I led with Dragon116, and she led with Magnemite. It got off two sonicbooms, chiseling away Dragon116's health to only six hit points, but he held on and did serious damage with two flame charges, then fired off two more when Julia used a super potion on Magnemite. He fainted from a sonicboom almost immediately afterwards, though; fortunately, Commander came out and was able to take down the Magnemite with an electro ball! Up next came Julia's Emolga, so I sent out Hemlock. Hemlock, being the tough little larval eel that she is, managed to tank two quick attacks and took the Emolga down with two sparks! Voltorb came out next, and after setting up a charge it exploded, taking Hemlock with it. Up next came Julia's Chinchou, so I sent out SHIA. SHIA took two water guns in stride and finished off the Chinchou with three sparks, so Julia sent out her second-toughest Pokemon: Heliolisk. SHIA bid two parabolic charges, then unleashed her rage onto the Heliolisk, leaving it with a sliver of health! She then went for the kill with a quick attack... and Julia used her super potion.

...Excuse me for a second.

(Cue muffled screaming)

...Anyway, I healed SHIA with the first of my super potions, and she (after accidentally getting off a charm... stupid clumsy fingers) unleashed another bide, but did less damage because the Heliolisk got smart and used an electrify while she used bide. I healed her again, and she managed to muscle past Heliolisk's defenses with a few sparks, taking it down! All that remained was Julia's ace: Electrode. I switched out to Commander, and he managed to dodge a sonicboom to do some damage with a rain-boosted bubble (Heliolisk set up a rain dance the turn before it died). He eventually managed to whittle down Electrode's health to the yellow (triggering its sitrus berry, of course) and confused it with a confuse ray, then spent the rest of his time alive healing SHIA with two potions before fainting to a sonicboom. SHIA came back out, and bid her energy, tanking a charge beam and ending the Electrode with her unleashed energy! She then survived the aftermath damage, earning Tesla the Volt Badge! On to the Obsidia Ward!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 18

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 18

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 19

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 18

Edited by supermario79411
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Dragon116 will prove his worth upon evolution. It saved me in Corey's gym (that damn quilfish).

Florina will be like Fern, only way stronger, tankier, and obnoxious. Better bring some set-ups if you can.

Trust me, I am freaking out about the Florina battle. It's pretty much priority #1 to me right now. I just hope I can slightly cheese my way past the level caps by evolving most of my team, then de-leveling them...

Is acrobatics really that OP though? Most of hardcore runs are saying that's unfair at this point of the game x)

Honestly, Emolga was probably the easiest Pokemon to deal with on that team so far for me, as all of my Pokemon resisted its STAB attacks. Magnemite was a pain to take down, Voltorb was problematic if it didn't blow up, Chinchou was a bit of a tug-of-war, and Heliolisk and Electrode... well, they're pretty much self-explanatory.


Update #5: You're Not My Mom, You Can't Tell Me What To Do!

Well, Victoria was pretty close, but I think it went pretty well. I led with Hemlock, and she led with Scraggy. Hemlock paralyzed the Scraggy with a thunder wave, then fired off a charge beam, but fainted from two feint attacks. I sent out Commander next, and he did serious damage with two electro balls, ending the Scraggy before it could attack thanks to paralysis! Up next came Victoria's Kirlia, so I sent out SHIA. SHIA got off a spark, but missed a second spark since Kirlia set up a double team. She then got smacked with a confusion, but I got smart and had her bide through two more confusions, allowing her to take down the Kirlia with her unleashed energy! Up next came Victoria's Makuhita, and I kept SHIA on the field. SHIA got off a spark and a nuzzle while the Makuhita set up a focus energy, but she fainted from a knock off. Luckily, Dragon116 was able to come out, tank a force palm with seven hit points remaining, and do massive damage with two shock waves (one of which was boosted by a charge), taking down the Makuhita and making Victoria waste one of her potions! Up next came Victoria's Poliwag, so I kept Dragon116 on the field and had him use shock wave while Poliwag failed to set up a rain dance (it failed because the weather was currently heavy winds). Victoria tried healing Poliwag with a potion, but Dragon116 just chiseled away its health again with another shock wave. Unfortunately, Dragon116 fainted the next turn before he could finish the job, prompting me to send out Commander again. Commander was able to tank a bubblebeam and do some damage with an electro ball, ending the Poliwag! All that remained was Victoria's ace- Pignite. After failing to set up a sunny day (I guess Victoria can now be considered insane by Einstein's standards), Pignite got paralyzed by a thunder wave from Commander, then confused by a confuse ray, injuring himself from confusion. Commander then unleashed a mighty electro ball, but Pignite was able to get off a flame charge, so I had him use bubble the next turn just to be safe. It didn't KO Pignite, but Pignite managed to KO itself from confusion damage, ending the fight! On to the Slums!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 20

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 19

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 20

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 18

Edited by supermario79411
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The brand new TM you got seems very useful for your whole team hehehe :P Also, i think the mainstream guy here is clearly Dragon, since it can deal damages to almost all threats with both fire and electrik moves, that seems cool.

Thanks to commander you tanked the Poliwrath AND Pignite , Mainstream commander too x)

GL with Obsidia :D

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Update #6: I Didn't Choose The Thug Life, The Thug Life Said "I Choose You"

Well, the Pokemon Gang battle wasn't that bad, actually. I led with Commander and SHIA, and the gang led with two Scraggy. Both SHIA and Commander paralyzed both Scraggy, causing the stronger of the two to fail to attack and the weaker of the two to waste its turn setting up a quick guard. SHIA tried setting up a bide, but nobody hit her; meanwhile, Commander tanked a feint attack and took the stronger Scraggy down with two electro balls, and the weaker Scraggy set up an iron defense and failed a counter. The next turn, the strongest Scraggy came out and not only instantly got paralyzed, but actually healed Commander with a thunder punch! The weaker Scraggy failed a counter again, and SHIA futilely used an uncharged bide. The next turn, the stronger Scraggy got slammed with an electro ball and SHIA paralyzed the weaker Scraggy (it had shed skin), and both Scraggy actually got immobilized by paralysis! The strongest Scraggy went down to an electro-ball-quick-attack combo, and the weaker Scraggy got immobilized again, so out came the gang's leader: Scrafty. It confused Commander with a swagger, but he was still able to paralyze it with a thunder wave while SHIA got off a swift and Scraggy failed a counter. Commander then snapped out of confusion and confused Scrafty with a confuse ray, causing Scrafty to injure itself from confusion. SHIA got off another swift, and Scraggy failed another counter both this turn and the next (and pretty much the rest of the battle... let's just assume that's what they did each turn unless I say otherwise). Commander then got off a bubblebeam while Scrafty was immobilized, but Scrafty snapped out of confusion, so Commander confused it again. Scrafty actually managed to land a brick break, doing serious damage to Commander; however, Commander and SHIA managed to do serious damage in return with an electro ball/spark combo! Unfortunately, Scrafty then managed to heal itself of its status conditions thanks to shed skin, but he got paralyzed again by a nuzzle from SHIA, and then fainted from a bubblebeam, an electro ball, and a spark! All that remained was the weaker Scraggy, and it went down to a spark, a swift, and a bubblebeam! Time to head to the Coral Ward!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 21

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 21

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 21

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 21

Edited by supermario79411
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Wow, you passed the gang pretty easily. I wonder when you'll meet the very difficulties? Hardcore Electric doesn't seem that bad at all by reading this ^^

Do you think Cain will be hard?

Oh, believe me, Cain is hard. Seriously, If that Grimer sets up a minimize, it's all over.

That Scraggy Gang seems really tanky. Scrafty took 10 attacks and still kept swinging.

Well, half of my team's not very strong. It's a bit like Palutena's army from Kid Icarus Uprising; we got one or two wrecking balls, and the rest is cannon fodder.

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