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The Spark of Life (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Electric-type Monotype Run) (COMPLETED THROUGH EPISODE 15)

Lord Chespin

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Good luck on the new mono

Thank you kindly! Anyway...

Update #7: The Curious Case of the Magically-Evolving Oshawott

Well, Cain was (I'm going to be blunt) brutal. Seriously, there were so many instant-win conditions for him; if his Grimer set up minimize, if his Nidorino landed too many hits on SHIA, etc. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Hemlock, and Cain led with Grimer the evasive. Hemlock tanked two shadow sneaks and an acid spray, then fired off four sparks, almost taking the Grimer down; alas, it survived, and it took Hemlock down with an acid spray.Out came Commander, and he finished the job with three electro balls, making Cain use up all of his potions in the process! Up next came Cain's ace, Nidorino. I sent out SHIA, and she set up a bide while Nidorino set up a focus energy and got off a critical-hit-boosted horn attack. Luckily, not only did SHIA survive, but she did insane damage in retaliation with a mighty counterattack, ending the Nidorino! Up next came Cain's... Dewott? But he just got it as an Oshawott! Did he force-feed it some rare candies before the battle started? Anyway,Dewott came out, and SHIA managed to tank a razor shell with just one it point and take it down with two sparks! Next up was Cain's Venonat, so I sent out Dragon116. Venonat unleashed two confusions and a bug bite, but Dragon116 survived with two hit points and got off two charge-boosted shock waves, ending the furry bug! All that remained was Cain's Gastly. It set up a curse... and promptly got KO'd by a bubblebeam, ending the fight! Time to get to the root (get it because plants) of this plague of plants!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 22

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 21

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 22

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 21

Edited by supermario79411
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Hahaha xD I also was like "Wtf Dewott? Are you Kidding?" XD

Anyway, my Cain was softer than yours though. Didnt face any minimize for example, that's a good point, Nidorino wasn't that hard to deal with.

Well, you're doing it kinda well, since there is no real tank in your team, dragon is my fav for the moment <3

Will you try to provocate wind to get an Emolga when you will be at Jasper?

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I'm more surprised you went with Charge boosted Shock Waves for my namesake. Flame Charge would seem more effective.

Also, that plant will eat your soul. If you beat it, Florina will devour you. If you beat her...i think you win?

Edited by Dragon116
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Hahaha xD I also was like "Wtf Dewott? Are you Kidding?" XD

Anyway, my Cain was softer than yours though. Didnt face any minimize for example, that's a good point, Nidorino wasn't that hard to deal with.

Well, you're doing it kinda well, since there is no real tank in your team, dragon is my fav for the moment <3

Will you try to provocate wind to get an Emolga when you will be at Jasper?

Well, I already summoned a thunderstorm to get one of our newest team members, Red_Chaos the Electrike, so I guess I'll summon winds.

I'm more surprised you went with Charge boosted Shock Waves for my namesake. Flame Charge would seem more effective.

Also, that plant will eat your soul. If you beat it, Florina will devour you. If you beat her...i think you win?

Well, Dragon116 has abyssal attack IVs, so his physical attacks don't do much damage. Also, funny you should mention the plant, because...

Update #8: Arboreal Wrecking Ball

Well, the Tangrowth was easily the hardest fight this game. My Pokemon could barely scratch it, barring SHIA's bide. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Hemlock. She paralyzed it with a thunder wave, and did a tiny bit of damage with a tackle, but fainted from a knock off and a mega drain, undoing any damage she might have done. SHIA came out next, and tanked two mega drains while charging a bide, then took a huge chunk out of Tangrowth's health. Amazingly, ZEL didn't heal the Tangrowth; instead, they had it use acid spray. Luckily, SHIA had set up a bide, and was saved from getting KO'd by a luckily paralysis immobilization. She then unleashed her bid energy, ending the Tangrowth's vine-covered face! With Tangrowth down, it's time to finally take on Florina!

The team so far:

170.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 24

522.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 23

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 24

602.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 23

309.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 21

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 21

Edited by supermario79411
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I think he's trying to show support for the hardcore runners. In which case we should be seeing a Hiroki and Solarance soonish. If not, then Idk.

You pretty much hit the nail right on the head! I'm naming all my Pokemon after Hardcore runners and people on the forums that I'm friends/acquaintances with. Anyway...

Update #9: Arboreal WREKT-ing Ball

Well, Fern was easier than Cain, if I'm being honest. I led with Dragon116- now a mighty Zebstrika!- and he led with a racist caricature Ludicolo. Dragon set up two charges and unleashed two shock waves, while Fern used up his two super potions like the scrub he is. Dragon116 then paralyzed Ludicolo with a thunder wave (stupid clumsy fingers...) and did serious damage with a charge-boosted shock wave, tanking water pulses all the while. However, when the Ludicolo was only one shock wave away from death, it managed to confuse Dragon116, who only had three hit points left! Just when I had given up all hope, the Ludicolo used fake out (Fern, you're an idiot), giving Dragon116 enough time to work through the confusion and KO Ludicolo with a shock wave! Up next came Fern's Grovyle. I sent out Julia the Minun- one of our newer team members- and she tanked a pursuit and two fury cutters to do steal the Grovyle's normal gem, set up a fake tears, and do some damage with an electro ball before Grovyle took her down with a leaf blade. I sent out Red_Chaos (now a mighty Manectric) and she tanked a pursuit to take down the Grovyle with a flame burst! Up next came Fern's Servine, so I sent out our final new team member, Zumi the Luxio! Amazingly, all the Servine did was spam growth, which actually lowered its attacking stats thanks to contrary. This allowed Zumi to just bite it to death, prompting Fern to send out his Ferroseed. It went down fast to a flame burst from Red_Chaos, and so Fern sent out his last Pokemon: Roselia. I sent out SHIA, and she set up a bide while Roselia set up a growth. SHIA tanked a poison jab and retaliated for massive damage, one-shotting the Roselia and ending the fight! Now it's time to take on Florina for real!

...I'm so not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 25

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 25

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 25

404.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 25

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 25

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 25

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #10: Just Deserts

Well, Florina was... actually easier than I anticipated! It really helped that Red_Chaos knew flame burst; I foresee her being very, very helpful in the future. Anyway, on TEH URN I led with Dragon116, and Florina led with Cacnea. Cacnea did serious damage with a sand tomb, but Dragon116 survived and did serious damage in return with a flame charge. Sadly, he fainted the next turn to a sucker punch, but Red_Chaos was able to avenge him with a mighty flame burst! I had her stay on the field when Grotle came out, and she managed to tank a facade to do massive damage with two flame bursts. Up next came her most problematic Pokemon: Breloom. Seriously, that thing is evil. I quickly sent out Commander, and he paralyzed it with a thunder wave before its toxic orb could activate. Unfortunately, he got seeded in the process, so I swapped him out for Zumi. Zumi put up a good fight with several bites and a charge, but ultimately fainted to Breloom's mach punches and giga drains before she could do any lasting damage. I sent Red_Chaos back out, and (despite being overleveled) she obeyed me, doing massive damage with a flame burst... only to get put to sleep with a spore. Florina healed Breloom, and did serious damage with a giga drain, but then Red_Chaos woke up and did massive damage with a flame burst, prompting Florina to switch her weakened Breloom out for her Tropius of doom. I knew it would regenerate its sitrus berry given half the chance, so I swapped Red_Chaos out for Julia, who stole Tropius' sitrus berry with a switcheroo after getting badly poisoned with a toxic. She then set up a wish while Tropius used fly, and tanked the fly to set up a fake tears before fainting to a leaf blade. Red_Chaos came back out and did massive damage with a flame burst, taking the Tropius out; Breloom came back out, and although Florina was able to get a free turn to heal it thanks to Red_Chaos disobeying orders, she managed to rebound, tank a mach punch, and end the Breloom with a mach punch! Up next came Florina's Ferroseed, but it went down fast to a flame burst. All that remained was that freaking Cradily. I sen out SHIA, and after paralyzing the Cradily with two nuzzles (the first nuzzle failed to paralyze it due to Cradily's Lum Berry) SHIA managed to bide through a smack down, then did serious damage from retaliation. Sadly, she then fainted after getting off two cuts, as did Red_Chaos (luckily, she still managed to land two flame bursts). Luckily, Commander was able to come out and confuse the Cradily, then take it down with two electro balls and confusion damage, ending the fight and earning Tesla the Canopy Badge! Now it's time to investigate the Beryl Ward!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 26

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 25

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 25

404.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 25

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 27

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 25

Edited by supermario79411
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Damn Sucker Punch. Never see those coming.

On another note, I think you beat the game. I'm not sure if anything will stop you now. I know you'll struggle against some gyms, but all your main enemies have been removed. Your weakness, T3RR4, isn't until way late and by then you ought to have an OP Commander.

BTW! Don't forget PIchu on the Onyx Ward rooftop garden hiding behind a tree on the west side. It needs to be a clear day for it to be there.

Edited by Dragon116
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Update #10: Just Deserts

Well, Florina was... actually easier than I anticipated! It really helped that Red_Chaos knew flame burst; I foresee her being very, very helpful in the future. Anyway, on TEH URN I led with Dragon116, and Florina led with Cacnea. Cacnea did serious damage with a sand tomb, but Dragon116 survived and did serious damage in return with a flame charge. Sadly, he fainted the next turn to a sucker punch, but Red_Chaos was able to avenge him with a mighty flame burst! I had her stay on the field when Grotle came out, and she managed to tank a facade to do massive damage with two flame bursts. Up next came her most problematic Pokemon: Breloom. Seriously, that thing is evil. I quickly sent out Commander, and he paralyzed it with a thunder wave before its toxic orb could activate. Unfortunately, he got seeded in the process, so I swapped him out for Zumi. Zumi put up a good fight with several bites and a charge, but ultimately fainted to Breloom's mach punches and giga drains before she could do any lasting damage. I sent Red_Chaos back out, and (despite being overleveled) she obeyed me, doing massive damage with a flame burst... only to get put to sleep with a spore. Florina healed Breloom, and did serious damage with a giga drain, but then Red_Chaos woke up and did massive damage with a flame burst, prompting Florina to switch her weakened Breloom out for her Tropius of doom. I knew it would regenerate its sitrus berry given half the chance, so I swapped Red_Chaos out for Julia, who stole Tropius' sitrus berry with a switcheroo after getting badly poisoned with a toxic. She then set up a wish while Tropius used fly, and tanked the fly to set up a fake tears before fainting to a leaf blade. Red_Chaos came back out and did massive damage with a flame burst, taking the Tropius out; Breloom came back out, and although Florina was able to get a free turn to heal it thanks to Red_Chaos disobeying orders, she managed to rebound, tank a mach punch, and end the Breloom with a mach punch! Up next came Florina's Ferroseed, but it went down fast to a flame burst. All that remained was that freaking Cradily. I sen out SHIA, and after paralyzing the Cradily with two nuzzles (the first nuzzle failed to paralyze it due to Cradily's Lum Berry)SHIA managed to bide through a smack down, then did serious damage from retaliation. Sadly, she then fainted after getting off two cuts, as did Red_Chaos (luckily, she still managed to land two flame bursts). Luckily, Commander was able to come out and confuse the Cradily, then take it down with two electro balls and confusion damage, ending the fight and earning Tesla the Canopy Badge! Now it's time to investigate the Beryl Ward!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 26

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 25

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 25

404.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 25

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 27

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 25

Job well done, everyone on the team contribute one way or another, even Commander the Lanturn with such huge disadvantage~Getting an Emolga next(windy weather which happens a lot, NP getting it)?

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Hey! Sorry I took so long to update; between school and work, I had a pretty full day. Also, thanks to everyone who gave me support; I guess the hardest part is over, although I fear Terra (but I think Rotom-Frost should take care of her pretty well). Anyway...

Update #11: Purple Scarf is Dead, Long Live Red Scarf

Well, Taka took one mulligan to get past that Cradily, but ultimately, he wasn't too bad. I led with Julia, and she stole Lileep's leftovers with a switcheroo, and set up a two fake tears while Lileep got off two ancientpowers and a confuse ray. Unfortunately, Julia hurt herself in confusion, and Lileep managed to take a huge chunk out of her health with a mega drain. She was able to get off one electro ball before she fell to an ancientpower, but she fainted nonetheless. I sent out Commander next, and he did serious damage with an electro ball, then chiseled away at Lileep's health while Taka healed it with his two super potions. He then got confused by a confuse ray, but pulled through to take the Lileep down with one last electro ball! Up next came the Tangrowth, so I sent out SHIA the boss-slayer. She tanked a thundershock and a critical-hit boosted giga drain, then unleashed her bid energy, instantly KO'ing the Tangrowth! So, um, shouldn't the battle be over? I mean, I defeated the keystone, so even if Taka won wouldn't it be a Pyrrhic victory? Oh well... Anyway, up next came Taka's Gligar, so Commander came back out to dish out some hurt. He tanked a knock off and a quick attack from Gligar, then fired off two bubblebeams, ending the Gligar! Taka's ace, Chatot (fun fact: Taka was named after his Chatot) came out next, so I sent out Dragon116. He managed to paralyze the bird with a thunder wave, then set up a charge, tanked a boomburst, and did insane damage with a shock wave, frying the parrot! All that remained was Taka's Klefki, so I kept Dragon116 on the field. Dragon managed to tank a foul play, set up a thunder wave, and do some damage with a flame charge, but fainted from a second foul play. Our newest member, Hiroki the Pikachu came out next (this is why it took me so long to update; I had to run around the Peridot Ward like an idiot to get his friendship level up high enough so he could evolve), and while Klefki set up a light screen he set up a nasty plot, then set up parafusion with a sweet kiss. He got slammed by a foul play, but managed to at least set up one last nasty plot and get off a thundershock before fainting. I sent out Zumi the Luxio next, and she managed to tank a foul play with 29 hit points left to end the fight! With the Jasper Ward (or what's left of it) saved, it's time to liberate the Beryl Ward!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 26

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 26

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 26

404.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 26

025.pngHikori (Male) - Lv. 25

312.pngJulia (Female) - Lv. 26

Edited by supermario79411
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Curious, what is Zumi the Luxio's ability(Guts?Rivalry?Intimidate?), if it is intimidate, that makes sense as she was able to survive that Foulplay~

It's Intimidate, although since I saved up enough coins to get the TM for facade, I might shuffle it to Guts.

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Taka is onomatopoeia for talking, similar to "blah". Since Chatot makes a lot of noise.... well, yeah.

Well I suppose this is true especially later down the line where he really is all talk and no walk (easiest fight in E15 imo both in and out of Hardcore...and arguebly the easiest fight as well).

I'm surprised you managed to take Gligar down so easily! Although I don't remember it having any ground moves, so maybe that was your saving grace.

Eh, I would've given him Bulldoze if anything, but I think Taka is good as he is. I know I removed one of his 5 Pokemon from the second fight because 6 v 9 really isn't that fair. 4 for each is a bit more fair imo considering you knock out one and it's a 2 on 1. That's a first seeing Taka knocked out before ZEL though.

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Well I suppose this is true especially later down the line where he really is all talk and no walk (easiest fight in E15 imo both in and out of Hardcore...and arguebly the easiest fight as well).

Eh, I would've given him Bulldoze if anything, but I think Taka is good as he is. I know I removed one of his 5 Pokemon from the second fight because 6 v 9 really isn't that fair. 4 for each is a bit more fair imo considering you knock out one and it's a 2 on 1. That's a first seeing Taka knocked out before ZEL though.

Um, I was talking about the solo fight agaist Taka. Also, yeah, Taka does have a dropping-off point in difficulty, thanks to Chatot's frailty eclipsing his power. Poor thing needs a mega evolution.

I'm surprised you managed to take Gligar down so easily! Although I don't remember it having any ground moves, so maybe that was your saving grace.

BTW, you know you could get haircuts and shove pokesnax into any friendly evolution to get it done in about 3-5 minutes?

Yeah, I knew, but I was pretty much broke at the time because I spent all my money on rare candies so I could level up Commander and Dragon116 past the level cap in order to evolve them.

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...Double-posting is bad, m'kay? Sorry for the delay; I was busy hatching the mystery egg. Anyway, strap yourself in, because this is gonna be one doozy of an update.

Update #12: The Battle of Beryl Ward

Well, Taka and ZEL put up one hell of a fight. On TEH URN, I led with Dragon116 and one of our newest team members, Amethyst the Flaffy, while ZEL led with Glaceon and Taka led with Lileep. Seriously, that Lileep is almost as evil a plant as Flowey is. Anyway, I had Dragon 116 paralyze Glaceon with a thunder wave and Amethyst do massive damaege with a power gem while Glaceon used icy wind (which landed a critical hit on both of my Pokemon -_-) and Lileep confused Amethyst with a confuse ray. Amethyst injured herself the next turn and was further worn away by a mega drain, but Dragon116 managed to paralyze Lileep while Glaceon was healed by ZEL. Dragon116 sacrificed his turn to heal Amethyst, who managed to tank an ancienntpower and injure the immobilized Glaceon with a power gem. Dragon116 then did chip damage to Lileep with a flame charge while Amethyst tanked a quick attack and ended the Glaceon with a power gem! Up next came ZEL's Espeon, and it almost took out Dragon116 while Amethyst set up an electric terrain (she came with that move; was that lucky or what?), Dragon116 set up a charge, and Lileep set up an ingrain. Dragon116 the did massive damage tp Espeon with a shock wave before fainting to a psybeam; Amethyst, meanwhile, finished the job with a power gem, and Lileep was immobilized. I sent out Red_Chaos next, and ZEL sent out his most problematic Pokemon: Umbreon. Red_Chaos got off a thunder fang, but got confused by a confuse ray from Umbreon, and while Amethyst was able to get off a thunder wave, she failed to paralyze Umbreon thanks to its Lum berry; Lileep, meanwhile, was immobilized again. Red_Chaos then hurt herself from confusion, and Amethyst got smacked with a yawn and a confuse ray after successfully paralyzing Umbreon. Luckily, Red_Chaos and Amethyst were able to get off a thunder fang on Umbreon, which didn't take it out but seriously weakened it; Umbreon got off a quick attack on Amethyst, and Lileep got off a mega drain on Red_Chaos. Unfortunately, the electric terrain wore off, and Red_Chaos fainted from confusion damage and a feint attack from Umbreon (Lileep and Amethyst both failed to move due to paralysis and sleep, respectively). I sent out Zumi next, and she got off a facade while Amethyst slept, Umbreon yawned at Zumi, and Lileep got off an ancientpower on Zumi... which promptly raised all of its stats. Crud. Zumi got off another facade, but failed to get the KO, and while Umbreon was paralyzed Lileep did serious damage with a mega drain. The next turn, Zumi fell asleep, and Amethyst woke up... only to punch herself in the face. Things got even worse when Zumi got confused and KO'd by another ancientpower. I decided to take advantage of the rain currently going on in the overworld and sent out Commander, who ended the dreaded Umbreon with a mighty electro ball... and promptly got confused by Lileep while Amethyst punched herself in the face again. Out came ZEL's last Pokemon, Jolteon, which was confused by a confuse ray from Commander while Amethyst slammed it with a power gem and Lileep confused Commander. Both Commander and the Jolteon then both injured themselves in confusion, and Lileep was immobilized by confusion, so the only real thing that happened that turn was Amethyst whacking Jolteon with a power gem. Commander and the Jolteon both injured themselves from confusion again, but Amethyst was able to end the Jolteon with a power gem, leaving only Taka (the Lileep got off an ancientpower on Commander, by the way)! After a brief turn spent healing both Commander and Amethyst, Lileep went down... but only after getting confused on top of being paralyzed, as well as many turns of spamming electro ball on an electric terrain field and praying that it hit instead of my team hurting themselves out of confusion. With Lileep finally down, out came the mission's keystone: the PULSE Tangrowth! Commander paralyzed and confused it, and Amethyst set up an electric terrain and got off one last electro ball before fainting to two sludge bombs. SHIA came out next, and she survived a sludge bomb while Commander got off two more electro balls. Taka quickly healed the Tangrowth, but SHIA unleashed her pent-up rage and put a big dent in the Tangrowt's health while Commaner confused it again. SHIA and Commander then teamed up with an electro ball/spark hybrid that ended the Tangrowth! Taka's Gligar was sent out next, but it fell quickly to a rain-boosted bubbllebeam while SHIA bid her time. All that remained was Taka's Chatot, which got off a boomburst on everybody... but Commander lived to get off a thunder wave, and SHIA lived to unleash a mighty bide, dramatically weakening the Chatot and allowing Commander to end it with an electro ball! And so, with the last PULSE Tangrowth down, it's time to see who the main villain behind this plague of shadows plants is... and shock-horror, it's Corey, the guy I came here to fight! Let's chase him down!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 28

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 27

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 27

404.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 27

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 27

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 30

Edited by supermario79411
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It's official, I'm awesome. Even as a Lanturn I kick butt. And don't remind me of that demon Cradily. Yeah, you've got levels on Taka and Zel, but they have more Pokemon than you. I tested Klefki and it doesn't seem too much of a problem (Boomburst was a problem...but not by much). In the 6 vs 9 fight, Chatot used Nasty Plot and I was like "oh thank god!" It's kind of like an inverse Sirius situation which is kind of cool and unique to hardcore (never again will you face something like this).

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Update #13: The Battle of Beryl Ward Part 2 (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Toxin)

Well, Corey was actually easier than the preceding battle with Taka and ZEL; it only took me two tries to defeat him! Anyway, I led with Commander the Badass Fish, and Corey led with a fish of his own: Quilfish. Commander paralyzed it with a thunder wave after tanking a bubble beam, then took it down with two electro balls. Up next came what was probably the toughest Pokemon on Corey's team to deal with: Scolipede. Scolipede did massive damage to the weakened, poisoned Commander with a rock tomb, but he held on and crippled it with a paralysis. Commander then confused it, but it still managed to focus and took Commander down with a poison tail. Dragon116 came out next, and after tanking a poison tail he did serious damage with three field-boosted flame charges (the Scolipede was immobilized one turn), taking the overgrown bug down! Up next came Corey's Swalot, and it managed to tank a shock wave with tons of health to spare, then took Dragon116 down with a venoshock. Not discouraged, I sent out my first trump card: Zumi, who had facade as an attack. She managed to paralyze Swalot with a spark, immobilizing it; then, once she got poisoned, she took the Swalot down with a facade! Up next came Corey's Nidoqueen, and I kept Zumi on the field. Zumi tanked an icy wind and a body slam to do serious damage with two facades, knocking the Nidoqueen down to the red before fainting to poison damage. Up next came Red_Chaos, and she got off a bite... while Corey used his super potion on Nidoqueen. Since I had no other real way of taking down Nidoqueen at this point, I said "Screw it" and played trump card #2: using flame burst to blow the whole field up. With Nidoqueen and Red_Chaos down, I sent out Amethyst, and Corey sent out Skuntank. Amethyst tanked two night slashes, set up an electric terrain (trump card #3, if you're still counting), and took the Skuntank down with a mighty electro ball! All that remained was Corey's ace, Crobat. Amethyst got healed quickly, tanked two venoshocks, then set up another electric terrain while tanking an air slash. She then did massive damage with an electro ball, bringing the Crobat to its knees before it KO'd her with a venoshock. Luckily, at this point it was so weak that SHIA was able to swoop in and end the fight with a mighty spark, ending the fight! And so, Tesla earns... a front-row seat to Corey's suicide. Because the poor kid wasn't traumatized enough after Hemlock's death, apparently.

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 29

523.pngDragon116 (Male) - Lv. 28

417.pngSHIA (Female) - Lv. 29

405.pngZumi (Female) - Lv. 30

310.pngRed_Chaos (Female) - Lv. 28

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 31

Edited by supermario79411
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