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The Spark of Life (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Electric-type Monotype Run) (COMPLETED THROUGH EPISODE 15)

Lord Chespin

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Hey! Sorry for the delay in updates; like I said, I've been busy exploring Route 1. Also, don't worry; I promise I'll back up my hard drive soon. Anyway...

Update #39: Caught in the Web

Well, Cain was actually pretty tough, but once I got creative he wasn't that bad. On TEH URN, I led with our newest team member, Dragon116 II the Galvantula, and Cain sent out Muk. Although he fainted fast to two poison jabs, he managed to survive long enough to set up a sticky web and get off one discharge. I then sent out TimTim, who tanked an ice punch and set up two metal sounds, then dodged a dig with a magnet rise. Xe then did massive damage with a discharge, and tanked another ice punch... before getting frozen. (flips table) Um, sorry. Anyway, this gave Cain a free turn to heal Muk with a moomoo milk and get off a minimize, but eventually TimTim thawed out and KO'd the Muk with a discharge! One down, six to go. Cain sent out his Samurott next, and I kept TimTim on the field. TimTim levitated over a dig thanks to a magnet rise, and then tanked an aqua jet and a night slash to KO the Samurott with two discharges! Up next came what was normally the bane of my existence: Cain's ace, Nidoking. I kept TimTim on the field, and xe managed to seriously dent it with a mirror shot before fainting to a superpower. Fortunately, the defense drop caused by superpower allowed The Mighty Kamina to swoop in and KO Nidoking with a single acrobatics! Up next came Cain's own Galvatula, and I kept Kamina on the field. Kamina managed to tank an electric-gem boosted discharge, and took it down with two acrobatics, leading to Cain sending out his Absol. I sent out Hemlock, and she managed to tank a superpower and a play rough to set up two coils, then dodge a sucker punch by healing herself with a moomoo milk. She then took the Absol down with two mighty crunches while Absol just used swords dance, lading to Cain sending out his final Pokemon: Mega Gengar (which, sadly, was no longer chibi. :c )! I kept Hemlock on the field, and she just barely survived a field-boosted psychic to do massive damage with a crunch. Luckily, Cain decided to use his moomoo milk, giving Hemlock enough time to take it down with a crunch! With Cain down and Gardevoir stolen, it's time to go rescue her (although I secretly beat the Ditto Arceus last night because I had free time but shhhhhhhhh)!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 56

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 57

082.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 57

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 57

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 57

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 55

Edited by supermario79411
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...Double-posting's bad, m'kay?

Update #40: Defy the Legends, Part 2: Puny God

Well, compared to Solaris, the Ditto-Arceus wasn't all that bad; I actually beat it on my first try! I led with Kamina ((who had a focus sash) and he managed to survive a judgement and paralyze the false Arceus with a nuzzle. When El tried using his full heals on it, I just had Kamina nuzzle it again. After two full heals, El decided "Screw it" and took Kamina down with a judgement. Luckily, the speed decrease from paralysis allowed TimTim (who came out next) to lower the Arceus' defenses to abysmal levels with three metal sounds before xe fainted from a focus blast. This paved the way for Amethyst to swoop in and KO it with a mighty field-boosted power gem, ending the fight! Time to take on Randomus!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 56

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 57

082.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 57

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 57

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 57

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 57

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Thanks for the feedback! Also, Farceus? You guys are pretty clever! c: Anyway...

Update #41: The World's Longest Chess Match

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. Randomus was AGONY. It took me ALMOST TWO HOURS to defeat him. ALMOST TWO HOURS! Anyway, on TEH URN I led with Kamina and Elsie, and he led with Gallade and Reuniclus. Kamina instantly took the Gallade down with an acrobatics while Elise managed to set up an electric terrain, but Reuniclus managed to take down Elise with a single focus blast. So far, not off to a good start. I sent out Hemlock, and she and Kamina did massive damage to the Reuniclus with an acrobatics and a thunderbolt, but it lived and dented Hemlock with a focus blast while Radomus' newly sent-out Metagross took Kamina down with a single zen headbutt. I sent out Dragon116 II out next... and this is when the battle started to turn in my favor. Randomus healed up the Reuniclus with a hyper potion, but it went down anyway from a bug buzz and a thunderbolt while Metagross completely missed a zen headbut! Up next came Randomus' Malamar, but it was a complete joke: it went down from a single bug buzz. Meanwhile, I healed Hemlock up, giving her enough time to survive a zen headbutt. I then had Dragon116 II set up a sticky web to help deal with that Gardevoir, but Hemlock fainted from a meteor mash and Dragon116 was critically wounded from a psychic. To make matters worse, the electric terrain wore off! Undeterred, I sent out Commander, and both of my Pokemon used discharge and prayed for the best. In the aftermath, Dragon116 II was KO'd and Commander was burned by a scald, but both Metagross and Slowking were paralyzed! I then sent out TimTim, and had him spam discharge while I used a full heal on Commander, a moomoo milk on TimTim (he got dinged up by a scald), and a revive on Kamina (y'know, just in case). Eventually, Randomus swapped out his Slowking for his Gardevoir (I wasn't able to damage it, though, since it traced Commander's volt absorb), and Metagross went down to a discharge while TimTim got healed with a blue moon ice cream. Even though Gardevoir mega evolved, I stayed strong and had TimTim lower its defenses with a metal sound while Commander paralyzed it with a thunder wave. TimTim barely held on from a focus blast thanks to strudy while Commander tanked a scald, and then the two worked together to KO the Gardevoir with a mighty flash cannon/hydro pump combo! All that remained was the Slowking, and although it managed to KO TimTim, Kamina came out and managed to KO Slowking with two acrobatics after Commander confused it, ending the fight! Jesus, that was hard. Seriously, that was the hardest battle so far; maybe even Solaris-level difficulty, and you were supposed to lose that fight! Anyway, with that over with, it's time to rescue Luna!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 58

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 57

082.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 58

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 58

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 58

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 58

Edited by supermario79411
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Yeah, old Radomus wasn't that bad tbh, though new Radomus now uses trick room (or will in the 2.0 release). What's scary about him is that he hit so hard with Psychic. I designed new Radomus on his old team except he can usually set up trick room. I gotta admit the AI is smarter than it looks. Anyways, good job on the battle and truthfully it does give me a lot of trouble even in the original fight.

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Update #42: Defy the Legends Part 3: Ascended Glitch

Well, Techie Johnathan was far, far easier than Randomus, although that might have been because of my team's levels. I led with Hemlock, and he led with Patrat. Patrat was kind of annoying, because it would constantly lower Hemlock's defenses with leers while she set up coils, but after about 11 coils I gave up and took it down with a thunderbolt. Up came the main event: Mega Rayquaza. It got off two extremespeeds, but Hemlock lived and finished it off with two mighty crunches! Time to head back to seventh street!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 60

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 60

082.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 59

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 59

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 60

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 60

Edited by supermario79411
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Damn, Radomus really gave you a run for your money. Hopefully you can use Luna's field against her. Also, I'm glad my second appearance helped during that fight =D

Also, Farceus - The F doesn't stand for Fake, although it is also 4 letters long.

...Oh. Oh dear.

I though you just meant "Farce + Arceus = Farceus"...

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Wow, Radomus is a pain in the ass for you x)

That's a bit contradictory since even with mono fight that wasn't that hard for me, full of surprises haha xD

Well, you took G.Gardevoir quick enough to not take any hyper voice that would destroy you *-*

Good game Mario <3

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Wow, Radomus is a pain in the ass for you x)

That's a bit contradictory since even with mono fight that wasn't that hard for me, full of surprises haha xD

Well, you took G.Gardevoir quick enough to not take any hyper voice that would destroy you *-*

Good game Mario <3

Thanks! I'm not surprised that you had an easier time, though. You've got a lot more secondary STABS to work with. I've got... um... ground, flying, maybe normal... anyway...

Update #43: Aqua's Revenge

Well, Archer was rather easy. I led with Dragon116 II, and he led with Politoed. Politoed took out Dragon116 II with a single scald, but he was able to set up a sticky web first. Elise came out next, and she did massive damage with a thunderbolt while Politoed used a perish song, then pivoted out with a volt switch, taking the Politoed down! Amethyst came out next, and out came Archer's ace: Mega Sharpedo. It did some serious damage to Amethyst with an earthquake, but Amethyst lived with just five HP and KO'd it with a mighty discharge! Up next came Archer's Octillery, so I sent out Elise. Octillery only let off a halfhearted psybeam while Elise set up an electric terrain and KO'd it with a thunderbolt. Up next came Archer's Seaking. It took me by surprise with its lightningrod ability, absorbing a thunderbolt and damaging Elise with a poison jab; Elise lived, however, and Archer made the mistake of swapping his Seaking out for his Relicanth, which was annihilated by a volt switch, allowing Elise to pivot out to TimTim, now a mighty Magnezone! Archer sent out his Blastoise, which would have taken TimTim out with a hydro cannon if it weren't for sturdy; thanks to sturdy, though, he lived long enough to KO it with two discharges! All that remained was the pesky Seaking. I sent out Hemlock to deal with it, but she could only unleash two crunches before fainting to a critical-hit megahorn and a waterfall. Luckily, she did enough damage to it so that Amethyst could end it with a power gem, earning Tesla the TM for Rain Dance! Time to really get this adventure back on track!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 61

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 61

462.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 61

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 60

604.pngHemlock (Female) - Lv. 61

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 60

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Radomus wasn't too incredibly difficult for me, since it was in doubles, I set my sand up with my smooth rock hippowdon, and my claydol, to set rocks up. I then switched to my Excadrill once claydol died from a night slash from Gallade, then I killed the Gallade with an earthquake, and he sent in malamar, and it hit the hippowdon with a super power while I set up one swords dance, and from that point on the fight was over. I must also admit that I needed more than these 3 pokemon because excadrill kept KO'ing my pokemon. lol

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Update #44: The Bugman Lives

Well, Bennett was a pushover, plain and simple. I led with Amethyst, and he led with Volcarona. Volcarona dented Amethyst pretty severely with a heat wave, but Amethyst lived and KO'd it with a single power gem! Up next came Bennett's Mega Heracross, but it went down pretty fast to an acrobatics from Kamina. I swapped out for Solarance, and he sent out his Yanmega. Yanmega took off about a third of Solarance's health with an ancientpower and managed to raise all of its stats with the same ancientpower, but Solarance not only survived, but did massive damage in return with a thunderbolt! Bennett then spent two turns healing it with moomoo milks, giving Solarance enough time to take it down with two more thunderbolts! Up next came Bennett's Scizor, so I sent out TimTim. TimTim tanked a bullet punch twice, then set up a metal sound and KO'd it with a discharge! Next was Bennett's Butterfree. Predictably, it went down fast to a discharge from TimTim, only getting off a bug buzz. All that remained was his Venomoth, which fainted almost instantaneously from an acrobatics, ending the fight! And with that, Bennett storms out, going all Yandere and claiming that everyone will see...

​I think I just created a supervillain. Joy.

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 61

125.pngSolarance (Male) - Lv. 60

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 61

462.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 62

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 61

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 60

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Update #45: Turning Off the Lights, Turning On The Dark

Well, unlike Bennett, Luna put up a massive fight. On TEH URN, I led with Commander, and she led with Carpenter the Bisharp. It set up stealth rocks almost instantly, and for a moment I considered resetting the game and restarting the battle, but I kept going and had Commander confuse it with a confuse ray. He then paralyzed it with a thunder wave (after tanking two iron heads, one of which flinched him), and did massive damage with a hydro pump while Carpenter injured itself. Luna healed it with a hyper potion, but Commander just injured it again with a hydro pump. Carpenter survived and snapped out of confusion, but it was immobilized by paralysis; it didn't really matter, though, since Commander just missed a hydro pump. Fortunately, Commander managed to confuse it again and it injured itself, then got off a discharge while Carpenter was immobilized. Luna healed it again, but Commander smacked it with a discharge. Unfortunately, Commander missed a hydro pump and Carpenter got off a swords dance, and although Commander was able to confuse it again, it took him down with a sucker punch. Undeterred, I sent out Dragon116 II, and he managed to take it down with two bug buzzes (and set up a sticky web while he was in the process) after confusion damage. Up next came Luna's Mega, Bandersnatch the Tyranitar, and I had Dragon116 II unleash a bug buzz and braced for the worst... and Bandersnatch missed a stone edge! Luna decided "screw it" and swapped Bandersnatch out for March Hare, her Sableye. It got smacked by a a bug buzz on the switch, and then got off one more bug buzz before March Hare took her down with a dark pulse. I sent out Kamina next, and although she took some serious damage from stealth rock, she took it down with two acrobatics, making Luna use up her final hyper potion! Bandersnatch came back out, and I sent out TimTim to counter it. He barely survived a crunch with 6 hit points and took it down with two mighty flash cannons! Up next came HumptyDumpty, her Spiritomb. Since TimTim was only down to a sliver of health, I kept him out and had him use a flash cannon, which took off about half of its health before he fainted to a dark pulse. I sent out Amethyst next, and she tanked a dazzling gleam with 93 HP remaining, then took it down with two power gems! Jubjub Bird the Mandibuzz came out next, and it did serious damage to Amethyst with a dark pulse. She lived, though, and set up an electric terrain, but since I knew she wouldn't make it, I spent her last turn healing Kamina with a super potion (which was enough to heal her to full health). Amethyst fainted from a foul play, Solarance was able to swoop in and take it down with a single critical-hit thunderbolt! All that remained was Cheshire, her Umbreon and ace. Solarance did serious damage with two thunderbolts (one of which was a critical hit) and tanked two dark pulses; unfortunately, then the electric terrain wore off, allowing Cheshire to take Solarance down with a dark pulse. All that I had left was Kamina, who managed to pull through, tanking a dark pulse and ending the Umbreon with two acrobatics, ending the fight! And so, Tesla earns the Whatever-It's-Called-'Cause-I-Forgot Badge, and moves on to Agate City... after he backtracks and gets some extra stuff first.

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 61

125.pngSolarance (Male) - Lv. 61

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 62

462.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 62

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 61

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 61

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It's the eclipse badge. Fun fact: Jubjub bird really was a Mandibuzz on Luna's league team and Humpty Dumbty was a Spiritomb. I used Wash's videos to pick up the names of other Pokemon so if I do replace a Pokemon, it will have the proper name. Good job on that fight because Tyranitar can just absorb special attacks in a Sandstorm.

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Commander the Lanturn still pulling off incredible feats with parafusion hax. I'm impressed you took Spiritomb down so quick. It gave me headaches on my run.

Thanks! To be honest, I had trouble with Spiritomb too on my first couple of attempts, but I eventually managed to take it down. Anyway...

Update #46: Haircut

Well, Sampson was... interesting. The first couple of runs, he wiped the floor with me, but then on TEH URN I managed to sweep 2/3 of his party! Anyway, on TEH URN I led with Solarance, and Sampson led with Hariyama. Now, don't be fooled by its low Smogon ranking; this thing swept my entire team the first three attempts I made on Sampson. I digress, however; Solarance got off a strength, and although it only got an OK on the high striker and Hariyama one-shot him the next turn with a brick break, this weakened Hariyama enough so that Kamina was able to sweep in and KO it with a single gem-boosted acrobatics! Up next came Sampson's obligatory mega: Lucario. After some uncertainty, I sent out Amethyst, and she managed to tank two rock slides to set up two cotton guards. I quickly healed her with a moomoo milk while she tanked a third rock slide, then had her use discharge while Lucario used a (surprisingly enough, field-weakened) brick break. Lucario managed to land a lucky shot with a critical-hit rock slide, but Amethyst held on and replaced the field with an electric terrain. I quickly healed her again with an ultra potion, and the Lucario just feebly used a brick break and a bullet punch before Amethyst took it down with a mighty discharge! Sampson's Meinshao came out to replace his fallen mega, but it went down fast to a discharge after only getting off a pretty weak poison jab. Sampson's Blaziken came out afterwards, but it didn't even get off a single hit; it missed a high jump kick, and Amethyst was able to discharge it to death after it crashed. After the Blaziken came Sampson's Hawlucha. I had a bit of a panic attack because the field happened to wear off, and before Amethyst could set it back up Hawlucha managed to raise its attack to sky-high levels with a swords dance. Amazingly, though, Amethyst managed to survive a high jump kick with just two HP, giving her the time to KO Hawlucha with a mighty discharge! All that remained was Sampson's ace: Conkeldurr. I healed Amethyst with an ultra potion while Conkeldurr unleashed an earthquake, and she then managed to paralyze it with a discharge, allowing her to get off one more discharge and electrify the field one last time before fainting. Commander the Badass Fish came out next, and while Sampson used up his hyper potion, Commander confused Caomkeldurr and began spamming discharge. After a harried standoff, the Conkeldurr KO'd itself from confusion, earning Tesla the Fury Badge (for real this time)! Time to get the HM for surf from Pseudo-Lesbian Steel... and make Actual-Lesbian Water attempt suicide... yay...

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 63

125.pngSolarance (Male) - Lv. 63

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 63

479.pngHiroki II (Non-Binary) - Lv. 63

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 63

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 63

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Update #47: Supernova

Well, despite being rather underleveled, I managed to beat the final Aster and Eclipse battle with just one try! I led with Dragon116 II, Aya led with Dragalge, and Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Dragon116 II did some serious damage to Solrock with a bug buzz, but fainted from a rock slide from Solrock; Luatone, meanwhile, set up a light screen, and Dragalge scratched Lunatone with a thunderbolt. I sent out one of our newer members, Hiroki II the Rotom, and xe managed to take down the (now fully-healed) Solrock with a shadow ball and a hydro pump from Dragalge! Lunatone did some damage to Dragalge with a moonblast, but it didn't really matter. Anyway, up next came their Golurk, and Hikori II managed to dent it pretty harshly with a shadow ball. Lunatone fired off a blizzard, but Hikori II dodged it and Dragalge survived it; unfortunately, it fainted from a bulldoze from Golurk (which, oddly, only hit it, since everyone else was levitating). Aya sent out her Drapion, and working together with Hikori II they almost managed to take out Golurk with a shadow ball/cross poison combo, but it lived and teamed up with Lunatone to seriously injure Drapion with a moonblast and a bulldoze. Fortunately, the next turn Hikori II was able to take Golurk down with a mighty shadow ball, Drapion was able to severely dent Lunatone with an aqua tail, and Lunatone completely whiffed a blizzard! Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Rhypherior, and it took Hikori II down with a rock wrecker; luckily, before xe fainted, Hikori II was able to work together with Drapion to take the Lunatone down with a shadow ball and a crunch! I sent out Commander, and Aster and Eclipse sent out their Magmortar. I wasn't fazed, though, and while Rypherior recharged, Drapion missed an aqua tail, and Magmortar got off a hidden power on Drapion, Commander paralyzed Magmortar with a thunder wave. The next turn, Commander managed to seriously injure Rhypherior with a hydro pump, and Drapion seriously injured Magmortar with an aqua tail... only to get burned by flame body and KO'd by a rock wrecker while Commander tanked a heat wave. Aya sent out her Tentacruel, and it took Rhypherior down with a muddy water while Commander finished off Magmortar with a hydro pump! Out next came Aster and Eclipse's Mismagmius and Electivire, and Commander confused Electivire with a confuse ray while Electivire and Mismagmius KO'd Tentacruel with a thunder punch and a thunderbolt. Aya sent out her Nidoqueen, and it tanked a shadow ball and KO'd Electivire with an earth power after confusion damage while Commander injured Mismagmius with a hydro pump! Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Slurpuff, and while it seriously dented Commander with a drain punch while Mismagmius further injured Nidoqueen with a shadow ball, Nidoqueen managed to dent it back with an earth power while Commander managed to seriously injure Slurpuff and KO Mismagmius with a discharge! Aster and Eclipse's Milotic came out next, and although it did KO Nidoqueen with a scald, Commander managed to not only tank a return from Slurpuff but also seriously injured Milotic and Slurpuff with a discharge, even paralyzing Milotic! Aya sent out her Gengar, and it took Slurpuff down with a focus blast while Commander dented Milotic with a hydro pump; sadly, he fainted from a scald immediately afterwards. I sent out Elise and Aster and Eclipse sent out Vespiquen, and while Gengar ended Milotic with a focus blast, Vespiquen took serious damage from a thunderbolt by Elise and retaliated with an attack order, knocking Elise to the red.Aster and Eclipse sent out their Aromatisse, and while the Vespiquen went down to a shadow ball from Gengar, Elise fainted from a thunder from Aromatisse after getting off a thunderbolt. I sent out Kamina, and he and Gengar ended the fight with a mighty acrobatics/shadow ball combo! All that remained was Eclipse's Vileplume, but Kamina ended it almost instantaneously with an acrobatics! And so, Eclipse pulls heel-face turn and deactivates the PULSE Clawitzer... only for Sirius to come in and Dementor's Kiss her soul out.

...Ame, please let us kill Sirius eventually. Please?

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 66

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 65

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 65

479.pngHiroki II (Non-Binary) - Lv. 65

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 65

596.pngDragon116 II - Lv. 65

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Wow, I think you're the first person of 1.8 to beat Aster and Eclipse without relying on Aya to do it for you. That Rotom will likely be a huge asset in the coming gyms, especially if you brought a data chip to swap your Rotom form around.

Hey, thanks! Oh, and don't worry; I got the data chip all the way back from Sigmund's Orphanage. Anyway...

Update #48: Ya Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?

Well, I'm going to be honest. Charlotte was BRUTAL. Even when everything went my way, I was still down to the last Pokemon! I digress, however; on TEH URN, I led with Amethyst and Commander, and Charlotte led with Darmanitan and Typhlosion. Amethyst tanked a hammer arm while Commander barely survived a solarbeam, and then unleashed a mighty hydro pump onto Darmanitan (which KO'd it) while Amethyst set the terrain to an electric field. The next turn, I healed Commander with a hyper potion while Charlotte withdrew Typhlosion for her Rotom-Heat. Charlotte's Volcarona (which replaced her fallen Darmanitan) took off a huge chunk of Commander's health with a giga drain, but he lived, and Amethyst was able to both heal him and paralyze Volcarona with a discharge! Rotom-Heat then missed an overheat and fell to a hydro pump and a discharge, forcing her to send her Typhlosion back out. Typhlosion went down to a hydro pump while Amethyst continued to dent Volcarona with a discharge, and Volcarona was just immobilized by paralysis. Charlotte's obligatory mega- Houndoom- came out next, and it actually managed to end Amethyst with a heat wave; Commander the Badass Fish held on, though, and took it down with a single hydro pump (Volcarona was, once again, paralyzed)! I sent out Elise in an attempt to negate the sunniness caused by Charlotte's ace, Ninetails, entering the field; sadly, it took Elise down with a heat wave before she could do anything, and Commander's hydro pump only took off about a third of its health; in addition, Volcarona managed to take Commander out with a heat wave. I sent out Solarance- now a mighty Electivire!- and Hikori II the Rotom, and Hikori tanked a solarbeam (a critical-hit one, no less) and zapped everybody with a discharge, raising Solarance's speed in the process. He then took Ninetails down with a thunderbolt, but afterwards both he and Hikori fainted from a heat wave by Volcarona. I sent out my last Pokemon, Kamina, and although Charlotte healed Volcarona back to full health with a hyper potion he was able to one-shot it with an acrobatics! With Charlotte defeated, it's time to save Amertine city!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 67

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 65

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 66

479.pngHiroki II (Non-Binary) - Lv. 66

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 66

466.pngSolarance (Male) - Lv. 65

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Update #49: Mighty Glacier

Well, the Pokemon Redoubt was pretty tricky, to be honest. I led with TimTim, and he set up a metal sound and tanked a bulldoze thanks to sturdy, then levitated over another bulldoze thanks to magnet rise. He unleashed a flash cannon, but to my surprise it barely did any damage, allowing the Avalugg to KO him with a bulldoze. I sent out Hikori II next, and xe managed to take off a huge chunk of the Avalugg's health off with a pain split, but then fainted from a rock slide. I then sent out Amethyst, but all she did was set up an electric terrain before fainting to a freeze-dry and a bulldoze. Up next came Elise, and she managed to set up a rain dance and do some serious damage with a surf; sadly, she fainted from a bulldoze and a freeze-dry. I sent out Commander, and MY GOD IT HAS A FULL RESTORE. Why does it have a full restore?! It's a Pokemon strapped to a tin can! Anyway, Commander just wailed on it with hydro pumps, but eventually he fainted from two bulldozes. Luckily, by this point the Avalugg was so weak that it fainted from a single electro ball from Kamina! With the roadblock cleared, let's go save Amertine!

The team so far:

171.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 67

695.pngElise (Female) - Lv. 65

587.pngKamina (Male) - Lv. 67

479.pngHiroki II (Non-Binary) - Lv. 66

181.pngAmethyst (Female) - Lv. 66

462.pngTimTim (Non-Binary) - Lv. 63

Edited by supermario79411
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I sent out Commander, and MY GOD IT HAS A FULL RESTORE. Why does it have a full restore?! It's a Pokemon strapped to a tin can!

You see, unlike some people, hardcore meteors are smart enough to install healing mechanics onto their Pulse Machines just in case by some miracles some person was able to, I don't know, face off with a pulse. Anyways good job on that Charlotte fight because I had a lot of trouble with her too first go around.

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You see, unlike some people, hardcore meteors are smart enough to install healing mechanics onto their Pulse Machines just in case by some miracles some person was able to, I don't know, face off with a pulse. Anyways good job on that Charlotte fight because I had a lot of trouble with her too first go around.

Hardcore meteors to be defeated by the logic of a 12 year old, timid, psychologically distraught girl too.

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