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I never thought I would see myself posting here but--

I'm a decently prideful person, I can admit when someone's better than I am but I'll never act on it or actually admit it, and I never want to feel like someone else is better than I am at something I like. I.E Pokemon. I've been trying to get skilled at competitive Pokemon for a while now but I always hit a wall, so I blew it off. But, I've always meant to try again.

However, I really have an incentive this time. Now there's a girl involved. She is an absolute boss at competitive Pokemon and it would be awesome if I could be as good as her and be a challenge to her. Sadly, she's expressed that she really hates teaching people. So. I didn't ask.

I want to learn as much as I can. The tiers, team building, battling, everything.

If anyone who is really confident in their ability is willing to take a completely dedicated, eager, overly passionate and determined pupil, please.

Help a brother out.

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Didn't know this was a thing. Anyways, I'd love some help here. I'd say I'm at least average at battling, but I don't know a thing about competitive team building. I'd be very grateful to anyone willing to help me out with that. (I'm almost never on PO, so a PM here would be the best way to contact me).

Just to mention this, I especially like hyper-offensive teams, though I can roll with anything not full-on-stally.

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However, I really have an incentive this time. Now there's a girl involved. She is an absolute boss at competitive Pokemon and it would be awesome if I could be as good as her and be a challenge to her. Sadly, she's expressed that she really hates teaching people. So. I didn't ask.

yea skitty can be really mean sometimes :(

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(22:13:18) Void: look kamina
(22:13:28) Void: all jokes aside
(22:13:34) Void: i think i have something
(22:13:40) Void: you'd really be interested in
(22:13:47) Void: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1798&page=1
(22:13:51) Void: take a look at that
(22:13:55) Void: i think you could use it
(22:14:05) Kamina: wow
(22:14:07) Kamina: im back
(22:14:27) Kamina: who wants tutoring
(22:14:40) Void: you do..
(22:14:45) Void: sign up friend
(22:14:49) Void: i'll take you on
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Aight' I've been into this for a while, and oras is out. Competitive has begun for real now that it's been out for a bit. And I have dark type megas galore to show off. But sharpedo has stumped me...

Rough skin vs speed boost. Too easy, speed boost.

Evs: max spd and atk, easy. Considering hp or def for last 4.

Now here's where it gets rough...

The moves...

Set 1: sharpedo (mega)

Ability: speed boost -> strong jaw

Ev: 252 atk 252 spd 4 hp or def

protect/Ice fang/crunch/waterfall.

Easy sweeper with fine coverage, now here's the hard part.

Destiny bond and poison fang come into play...

Now, I need a few things. 4 last evs in def or hp? Should I put in destiny bond and poison fang? What do I switch with? Any other suggestions? Appreciate the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone still reads this thread, I would be interesting in finding a tutor. I'm not decidedly terrible at the game, but my teams never seem to synergize well and I've gotten to the point where I understand what plays are good to make and which predictions I should make to comprensate for switching and the like, but my teams don't work terribly well together so I end up with a team which can't get high enough for me to stop fighting the sorts of teams that has stuff like a Morning Sun Arcanine on a Rain team. I want ot get better though, and I am willing to be hunbled and learn if there are any who will teach.

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If anyone still reads this thread, I would be interesting in finding a tutor. I'm not decidedly terrible at the game, but my teams never seem to synergize well and I've gotten to the point where I understand what plays are good to make and which predictions I should make to comprensate for switching and the like, but my teams don't work terribly well together so I end up with a team which can't get high enough for me to stop fighting the sorts of teams that has stuff like a Morning Sun Arcanine on a Rain team. I want ot get better though, and I am willing to be hunbled and learn if there are any who will teach.

I'm not the best by a long shot, but I might be decent for an..... early level class... so to speak. Just give me a holler on the server if and when you get on.

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  • 3 weeks later...


So, I've been playing Pokémon Competetively for 1 year now (Ever since X/Y came out)

I could say that I "kinda" know how most of the mechanics work, but I've been having a problem troughout my whole experience, which is "Team Building".

I simply cannot get the idea of how to build teams, I try building around a poké but then again I keep getting walled and whatsoever. @@"

Help would be appreaciated, ty.

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So, I've been playing Pokémon Competetively for 1 year now (Ever since X/Y came out)

I could say that I "kinda" know how most of the mechanics work, but I've been having a problem troughout my whole experience, which is "Team Building".

I simply cannot get the idea of how to build teams, I try building around a poké but then again I keep getting walled and whatsoever. @@"

Help would be appreaciated, ty.

I have been watching battles since X/Y came out, but I started battling when Nations started. To start teambuilding, you'll need to find a single pokemon or pair of pokemon to build around. They can be any of the roles listed below. Its quite easy to teambuild when you pick a pokemon capable of mega evolving. This is not mandatory to have a viable team keep in mind.

Then from there, you'll do well with support/utility. Such as pokemon that can set up entry hazards, heal others, etc. This role can be played by two pokemon if you like.

To keep from being walled, make a wall of your own. I typically run two of them for physical and special defense. Walls can also be supportive and set up hazards.

If walling a wall doesn't work, you'll need a wallbreaker. Wallbreakers do what they suggest. A great form of wallbreaking is using priority. For example, a choice banded Scizor can rip apart almost every fairy type wall, such as Sylveon and Clefable. Some great wallbreakers are Magnezone, Crawdaunt and Porygon Z.

Staller: If not taken care of quick, stallers will destroy your team. Some of the greatest stallers of the metagame are Chansey, Gliscor, and Shuckle. If you have problem dealing with some of these, grab a wallbreaker. Taunt is also a good way of shutting them down.

You knew I was getting to this, huh?

And there is the Broom. They also do what they suggest. Sweep. Bulky or not, they mean business. In order to do so, you'll need to take care of any walls that might get in their way.

A team can consist of any amount of pokemon that play any number of these roles. They just need to work well together, and if they do, you got yourself a nice team.

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But you see, to me, that's where the problem starts, I try to get a physical sweeper, but then again if the enemy has a physically defensive I'd be needing a special one. I do use a staller myself, but my problem seems to be "I simply can't figure out what goes good with what" ><

I just don't understand how to make a team that goes together with the party. @@

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Sparky, what are you specifically looking for?

I've reached the point where I've experienced opponents who play pretty standard teams and watched a few strategies take place. My specialty however, is trying to fit any pokemon you like into an OU team.

I'm not saying I'm someone who is remotely good at meta execution, but if you're just in it to win with your favorites. I'm your girl.

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Sparky, what are you specifically looking for?

I've reached the point where I've experienced opponents who play pretty standard teams and watched a few strategies take place. My specialty however, is trying to fit any pokemon you like into an OU team.

I'm not saying I'm someone who is remotely good at meta execution, but if you're just in it to win with your favorites. I'm your girl.

Mostly involving the meta, since the prediction aspect is where I'm lacking the most.

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