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Fixing it up (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Playthrough)


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UPDATE 11/17: 2.0 is out and here are your links:



Hello all, I'm sure most of you don't know, but I had a little challenge mode on here before with a lot of rulesets to kind of make the game harder. I kind of stopped that because it got to be such a grindfest for something that wasn't so much a challenge because I've gotten a little too good at it. What we have here is kind of another test run so that I can alter the leaders a bit due to some AI problems that arose. I'm not going to fix everything, but I'm going to try and make things a little bit less painful or a bit more challenging/balanced.

Part 1: Boomies Galor

So skipping all the boring stuff aside, I decided to go with Treecko this time. I totally should've picked Chikorita, but both grass starters don't get the love they deserved so we'll just settle with this. Cain had his infamous unlucky Nidoran who kept missing letting me claim victory, but I had to waste a potion on Victoria.

Not much happened at the start. I slipped by Techie Johnathan to pick up the Exp Share and Lucky Egg items (seriously, I couldn't even play this mod without them) and caught a Bidoof to help me out. A little bit later, I picked up a Pachirusu nicknamed Chichi who pretty much is deadweight for the Exp Share. I did a lot of events, but my Julia team consisted of Grovyle, Whismur, Gulpin, Pansear, Pachirusu, and Espurr.

Fern was kind of pathetic in the face of Leon's fury cutter. Pretty much he couldn't even touch me once I had Fury Cutter set up on Lotad. I'm already loving Grovyle. I will say that the trainer levels aren't too bad until you hit the areas around Fern. I might up them a tiny bit to help with grinding that additional five levels.

Mosswater Factory is more or less an excuse to grind. I really need to raise the team Meteor levels a bit because Fern kind of just devours them with his evolved Pokemon. Aster and Eclipse are definitely getting some move enhancements because they are kind of easy, but they can take hits pretty well. (Curse you dumb AI). After that, I still had to grind a bit...on level 12 Pokemon. Unfortunately on my version, I didn't raise the levels of the wild Pokemon so...hopefully that'll be the most I ever have to grind (though 20 minutes isn't bad tbh). Now on to the main event, Julia:


Summary of the battle: I got to say, Julia is the perfect difficulty. If you know what you're doing, she's not hard, but if you charge in there like a fool, she'll devour you. I've seen it time and time again. Anyways, I lead with Flare (Pansear) who made Julia waste her potions on Magnemite (thank you Gluttony for once) until it died the next turn. With that down, she sent in her Emolga. The World Champ came in and tanked two Acrobatics and even with 110BP, it only took down half it's health before OHKOing Emolga with Bide.

In my first attempt, I thought Voltorb would use explosion which would heal Pachirusu, but it turns out Explosion causes not very effective damage killing Pachirusu otherwise I would've won that time. Anyways, I sent out Leon (Grovyle) and this Voltorb was having a very bad day and kept missing Sonicbooms and Charge beams while Leon KO'd it with Mega Drains. Next came Chinchou who pulled off a T-wave Electro ball combo, but Leon managed to pull through and shoot it down with two Mega Drains.

This is why I put some of my tricks to use. Helioptile come out next and I sent out my Gulpin. On my first turn, I used Poison Gas while it used Rain Dance. It started using Parabolic Charge, but due to Liquid Ooze, it actually took damage instead of healing it. While this was going on, Shaggy (Gulpin) spammed Amnesia to set up and then started to attack with Sludge. I did use a potion near the end to make sure Gulpin had over 20 HP. When electrode came out, I had Shaggy poison it with poison gas before being KO'd by Sonicboom.

Espurr came out next and I used Covet on it to steal its Sitrus Berry while the Electrode used Charge. Espurr died on the next turn. It was game set and match now. I sent out Flare as a trick to try and have electrode use Charge Beam. When I switched into Pachirusu, it unfortunately used Sonicboom. I switched Flare back in as fodder, then into Wubs (Whismur). Due to its ability, I switched back out into Pachirusu while the Electrode was forced to use Charge Beam to heal my Pokemon. I kept Pachirusu in while the Electrode died next turn not killing Pachirusu with Sonicboom.

Changes in Julia: Once again, her AI worked marvelous against me, but I saw some of those AI problems with Electrify. Her Heliolisk now has Eerie Impuse so that should fix that problem. (If anyone experiences major issues they can post it here, PM me, or post it in the Hardcore topic in the Fan-Game Expose).

Current team:


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I like it so far. A bit of a side note, while it is a little too late now, that Treeko should always stay a Treeko until level 21 when you are using ORAS movesets because then he gets Giga Drain via level up. Anyway, good luck with this and enjoy!

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I like it so far. A bit of a side note, while it is a little too late now, that Treeko should always stay a Treeko until level 21 when you are using ORAS movesets because then he gets Giga Drain via level up. Anyway, good luck with this and enjoy!

I want to strangle you so much seeing as I can't use Giga Drain until I breed Treeko. It's not too big of a loss considering Budew is in the box.

Yay 3 Hardcore runs at the same time. Should be sweet seeing different perspectives.

IKR? This is more to get feedback as I slowly work on fixing a bunch of other issues with leveling. Anyways, best of luck in your run as you've gotten pretty far.


Alright, I put the poll up a little early, but for every leader who's given me problems in the past, I'll post this thing up. Trust me when I say Florinia made me bang my head against the wall trying to fix her due to how much of a problem leader she is. I call her Derpbot for a reason.

I'll try to clarify a couple things in the questionaire. First off, Florinia has gone through a lot of team adjustments which is why I have a huge list. I want to keep her a dessert based design, but if it's going to be a joke, I'll push a bit away from that and her stalling style (since the AI hates stall with a passion).

First off is Tropius. Tropius is quite strong in that point in time with only evolved Pokemon being able to take it on. I feel the Sitrus Berry would make for a challenge, but it seems more annoying than a threat. I can make Tropius a lot stronger and see if that works better instead or I can keep the berry forcing players to think outside the box.

Next would be Breloom who I somehow messed up it's Spore tactic. I'm going to dig into it a little bit, but I'm not sure if people want Technician or Poison heal as both could work great for Clarice.

And the last is Cradily who just seems to be a bit under powered for a last Pokemon. Basically, I'm asking if I should use the old Curse, the new Stockpile, or try a brand new strategy to make Cradily stronger as fighting types just seem to devour it and it doesn't really pose a threat at all.

As for the AI bug, I did a lot of testing and Nature Power is broken on field effects. The AI isn't programmed to think of it as something other than Tri Attack (I think) which causes some seriously stupid plays on Florinia's side. I'm asking if it's okay to use Sand Tomb instead to get around that AI issue or should I stick to being official like the main games.

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I did take the link, i'll try my best to complete reborn hardcore in a mono run, but dont know which type yet ^^

Also voted for the poll, Ferroseed took my hate :3

Julia seems to be a very strong starting opponent for everyone because of that Emolga and those explosions, i'll think carefuly about her :P

Looking forward the next episode of your playthrough :D

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If you do go with Rock Polish Nightmare Cradily, get rid of any stalls or else she'll beat down teams before they even get to Cradily, which will beat down the rest of the team really quickly.

I think I'm going to stick with Curse but give it some better moves so that it can do a bit more. I mean 60 speed after one Rock Polish is not fast for Cradily as it's almost as slow as a Fortress. So yeah, probably not happening. As for Ferro, I might axe it due to Fern having one for a while.

I think I know what to do to help Flobot out a bit, but it'll need to be tested out. The poll will close when I face new Florinia for the first time (or the official new one).


Episode 2.1: Victoria's Secret

I think I finally understand why you guys were having so much trouble on Victoria. She's a bit too high leveled given there is no area to grind before her. I'm going to lower her levels down by two so that should help a little bit with the problem. She'll still be hard, but still a bit more managable.

Anyways, the battle started with Yum-yum (Swirlix) spamming Fairy Wind on Scraggy while it tanked a Low Kick and was hit pretty hard by Headbutt. After fainting, Victoria then decided to go full force and send out her Pignite. I sent out Espurr who nailed it with a Psybeam in exchange for a Smog with poisoned him (curse you hax). Victoria got smart and switched out to Kirlia, but my Psybeam decided to confuse it. I decided to switch out to Leon while the Kirlia hit itself. I decided to play a risk trick by spamming Fury Cutter and Kirlia only nailed me with a Confusion before dying to Leon's fury. My risk was for naught as Leon wouldn't be able to put a dent in Pignite. Next Pignite came back out in which a potion spam began (I don't remember what happened exactly, but I know I almost lost Espurr to the poison). I then kept Espurr in on Makuhita, but Fake out KO'd him. I decided to say what the heck and sent Freddy out to use Yawn on the Makuhita. It landed one Incenerate before fainting to force palm. I sent Yum-yum back out to slowly chip Makuhita with Fairy Wind until it died.

Next game Victoria's ultimate Pokemon...Poliwag. I had a Grovyle at the same level with Mega Drain and a Pachirusu with Spark. It missed a mud shot and died to two Mega Drains. I wouldn't say she's super hard, but she needs a little nerf because there's nowhere good to grind. IIRC, I think Jamak had her Pignite at level 25 or something before I nerfed it (or maybe this is the one I just left alone thinking it wasn't hard at all). So...I'll be fixing that. Also, it might be a little while before the next update as I'm going to grind up a couple of my 'mons (thank you base Lucky Egg).

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Okay then, DynamicPunch (Or Penis) instead. xD

I don't know where you were going with that, but I suggest to avoid offensive terms around here. And secondly, Dynamic Punch is a horrible move on anything without No Guard. It would make Breloom weaker than stronger and Cradily can't learn it legally either.

Anyways, I kind of have a general idea of what to do, but sometimes I like looking at suggestions to see what I should do. I'm surprised at how much people want to see Ferroseed scrapped, but I suppose I can see it as justified.

...I know I put Rock Polish as an option, but I'm leaning more on boosting its Bulk and removing the Lum Berry. It's a risky play, but I originally thought people would spam toxic spikes. Given the situation, I'll remove that trick in order to give Florinia the power to pretty much slowly kill anyone off if they're too careless. Too bad Roserade is the only Pokemon who learns Toxic Spikes as a Grass type. Cradily will also have Rock Slide instead of Smack Down because Smack Down is worthless without Sand Tomb. NOW BACK TO ADVENTURE!


Episode 2.2 Meet the Scraggisons

This is another short update as again, I want to kind of have a lot of feedback on Florinia since she is the weakest overall leader of hardcore. Anyways, I certain idiot forgot to take a pic of his team and then realized it after the said episode. Just picture a level 15 Swirlix fighting Victoria and you'll have my team. I actually did a lot of swapping and placed a few oldies in the box in exchange for Numel, Mankey, Wingull, and Yum-yum (Grovyle and Gulpin stayed with me). Did I mention Wingull (Mickey) was a shiny who looked like something from an old cartoon? So after a bit of grinding, I ventured down to fight some naughty little Scraggys. I'm sure all of you remember the fan favorite, now with his nickname:


Stallord is a bit new, but it's the same dealeo. He now has Drain Punch instead of counter and Toxic instead of Wide Guard. Evil, I know. So at the start of the fight I poisoned Dragonborn and Stallord with Poison Gas and hit Dragonborn with a Karate chop while they set up Iron Defense and Dragon Dance. After a second round of this (curse you Shed Skin), Dragonborn decided to go on the offensive and KO Monkeyman with Brick Break before dying to the Poison. Tyson came out while I sent out Mickey...and it used Fire Punch on the bird to burn it? I just went with it while having Wingull spam water pulse after the burn. Why it didn't use T-Punch...I won't understand. Stallord tried Drain Punching my Gulpin, but it just ended up hurting itself. A little bit later and Tyson died to poisoning.

Next came out big boss who decided he had enough of this. Shaggy was able to poison Big Boss while Numel got destroyed by the boss's Brick Break. Tyson finally kicked the bucket so now it was Yum-yum's time to shine. Fairy wind put a huge dent into Scrafty who decided to take out Leon with a Payback while I had Leon use quick attack. That was a big mistake. Thankfully, Big Boss died to poison letting Yum-yum net some nice experience. Geeze, I forgot how hard this fight could get. But thankfully, I'm free of trainers (I think).

Here's the current team (who pretty much got the living daylights beaten out of them):


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Wow those scraggys will be really hard xD Toxic one is kinda....Mean x)

Anyway, i hope your Mickey and shaggy will evolve quickly, because Florinia is still a pain for unevolved mons x_x

You have two more Pokemon than they do. Also...about Mickey...you'll see in a minute


Episode 2.5 Alice got class

I actually got a lot done in this episode, but the Cain fight wasn't anything too special. Just picture a Skitty (Rosie) pretty much kicking his butt outside of Nidorino and Dewott. I'm keeping it a Dewott in order to be consistent with the other two (what? You didn't realize they all used the Gen V starters?). Anyways, Nidorino took down Espurr pretty easily, but Sally (Numel) came in and KO'd it with a Magnitude. The only real threat was his Dewott which spammed Fury Cutter thankfully letting Leon slowly kill it with Mega Drain and by some miracle, it survived an air slash letting me win.

BTW, I'm doing this with level 18s so...that Pulse fight was a nightmare. I had to pull Chichi (Pachirusu) out of the box because I got beat pretty badly. Anyways, I started the fight off by having Chichi use nuzzle to paralyze it followed by a Bide. I managed to put a pretty big dent with Pachirusu, but it got ko'd before I could try anything else. Next I sent out Espurr who I managed to parafuse this thing to get two hits off before it died. Next came out my main attacker, Numel. While I did have simple so that I could max her defenses in two turns, I just went on the offensive. By some miracle, I barely got it into the red again after the super potion. Eventually, Numel got taken down as well. After a couple turns, I had it down to the red, but all I had was Skitty. I used a Zen Headbutt and thankfully it stayed paralyzed so I could KO it with a second one. That was a crazy fight.

I decided to do some sidequests. The elecktrike one pretty much wasn't anything special, but the Mechanightmare was hilarious. All you need to beat it is a Volt Absorb Pachirusu with Nuzzle. Literally, Chichi beat the demon by herself...and light shot isn't working for me...again...stupid windows 10. Let's see if...


Anyways, I'm just going to tell you up front. Never fight anything in Onyx Ward on a rainy day. I learned that one the hard way (still not as bad as Taka on a windy day good lord). I had a rough time in Onyx, but I pulled through and man there are a lot of places to get experience in the school. Still not as bad as when they were all in the 25-26 range. Yes, two levels do make a huge difference. Eventually, I made it to Fern, but I evolved Shaggy into a Swalot and Mickey...into this...


(Why do I have a feeling this run is going to slowly turn even more silly than it is)

Now onto Fern...who was kind of easy. I had Shaggy lead against that Ludicolo who is the master of fraustration. I had to fight confusion from those water pulses, but thankfully Sludge poisoned the Ludi letting Fern waste his super potions. After Ludi's defeat, I stayed in to fight Grovyle. After a leaf blade and a Normal Gen Quick Attack, Shaggy went down. I sent in Nala (Litleo) to finish the Grovyle off. Next came out Ferroseed who died instantly to a Fire Fang...yeah, Florinia is definitely losing hers after seeing that performance. Next came out Roselia who I forget how it died, but it didn't really do anything. Fern's last Pokemon was Servine, who I forgot had Contrary so I used fake tears on it...making for a long stall battle of endeavor before Mickey came in to KO it.

I'm going to give Florinia her own post on Friday or Saturday when I close the poll. I've got a pretty good idea how to fix this, but I want to give some last minute voters a chance to vote just in case. Trust me, this is going to take a while to fix and make decent.

The team so far:


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Pelipper is creepy xD

I like the PULSE strategy you did have, Well thanks to Nuzzle you unlocked the whole fight even with that reducing damages ability , nice one o:

Fern was a little bit thoughter for me , but wasnt too difficult. But you'll have an hard time on corey x_x

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Pelipper is creepy xD

I like the PULSE strategy you did have, Well thanks to Nuzzle you unlocked the whole fight even with that reducing damages ability , nice one o:

Fern was a little bit thoughter for me , but wasnt too difficult. But you'll have an hard time on corey x_x

I know. I've actually beaten everybody on the game except the Solaris fight on the Volcano. And Corey got a nerf too which is just showing how brutal he can be.


Anyways, I'm just going to throw a little teaser on the Florinia fight as it's yet to be finalized. Some of you might be surprised by the changes I did (I think she might be a little too tough now):





(And I did beat her in the test fight a bit earlier...I almost beat her in the run fight too even though I wasn't done grinding my Pokemon)


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So when I said Friday, I lied. This is one of those rare cases where Florinia worked out so well the first go around she didn't need any edits. There's only one move on Breloom I might consider removing but Breeloom is Florinia's secondary Ace...so maybe not. (I might also put Sandstorm on Cacturne). So anyways, here's the conclusion of Ep II.

Episode 2...6? Florinia the Troll

So basically I didn't grind that much because it turned out I had everything I needed. Poison types/Toxic Spikes will make her really easy, but pretty much Hariyama can more or less take care of her still, but you still might have a hard time winning. She's got a few new tricks up her sleeve so I'll put my battle in the spoilers in case somebody wants to wait and experience it for themselves.

Summary of the Battle:

So Shaggy is the main star in this one. Flobot sent out her Cacturne while I sent out Shaggy. I was going to poison it when it decided to go full troll and Teeter Dance me. Shaggy then decided to hit himself twice in a row while Cacturne used Feint Attack. The Cacturne then decided to use Feint Attack again this time causing Shaggy to flinch. ._. I hate this thing sometimes. Thankfully...actually unfortunately, the Cacturne decided to get Spike happy while I healed Shaggy up then put on a Toxic. After a Sludge, the Cacturne then got shot down.

Next came out Grotle and I had to take a gamble with Shaggy. I was able to pull of a toxic and survive a Seed Bomb before having to heal up. Unfortunately, Grotle trapped me there with its Sand Tomb forcing me to have to act quickly. A sludge did about 1/3rd of its health while it managed to pull off a Stealth Rock after being healed twice. I knew she was going to switch to Tropius, but I didn't take the risk and landed a Sludge on the Switch.

Tropius decided to use a Dragon Dance, while Shaggy nailed it with a Toxic. Trollpius decided it'd be fun to annoy me with its fly next which it did and almost killed Shaggy to boot (I knew I should've kept Stockpile). It decided to be Leaf Blade happy and thank the lord it didn't get any crits. The Sitrus Berries did heal off some of the Tropius's health, but eventually toxic killed it. Next came out Grotle who basically died to Sludge. 3 down, but the battle was still far from won.

Next came out Breloom who was ready to fight. I sent out Mickey the creepy Pelipper who really did not like that Stealth rock damage. It didn't matter too much what the Breloom did, but it decided to go for Drain Punch (which honestly wan't too bad of a move given Pelipper's Sky High special defense) before being one shotted by Air Cutter. Trust me when I say Breloom is a huge threat if you let that Toxic Orb activate.

Seeing as Shaggy would die being switched in, I opted to keep Mickey out against Gourgeist. I healed Shaggy up while Mickey just barely survived with 1 HP. Then the worst possible thing happened. Florinia decided that instead of killing Mickey, she would switch out into her Cradily. I didn't have any options really then to just let Mickey die. I really needed him for my plan to work in this situation, but I had no way of saving him due to Stealth Rock. Mickey died to a Rock Slide while Shaggy came out.

This is where the battle starts to heat up. Cradily used Rock Slide chipping about half of Shaggy's HP away while Shaggy nailed it with a Toxic. I needed to keep Shaggy alive since my other tank died so I started to potion spam (given I ran out of Super Potions) until that Cradily was in the Toxic kill zone. I knew she was going to switch so I ordered Shaggy to use Toxic and poison the Gourgeist. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to heal Shaggy enough the survive the onslaught of 5 Bullet Seeds headed his way. I sent out Nala who was able to finish the job for him.

Next Mr. Nightmare came back out and he was far from finish. He KO'd Nala with a Rock Slide so I sent out Leon hoping the Poison would finish it. I probably could've outsped, but I decided to use Quick Attack for that chip damage before he died to Rock Slide as well. This was not looking good for me considering both my remaining Pokemon were vulnerable to Giga Drain...meaning Florinia would win. There was only one thing left to do. I decided to send out Yum-yum and...chose Endeavor. I'm sure you can guess what happened by this picture:


Yum-yum was a true hero letting me claim victory in this very difficult battle knocking that Cradily back down to poison KO range. Seriously, those hazards do make a huge difference.

So yeah, Florinia got a huge boost in difficulty, but she's not really too hard if you use bulky/evolved Pokemon. I used poison here as a substitute because I wanted to make sure she was beatable without a Hariyama. You'll also be happy to know that Cradily and Breloom are her two biggest threats still keeping to the Reborn tradition. I may remove a couple moves, but this is more or less the final Florinia for hardcore (and she is harder than Julia imo).

The team so far:


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Well done. Now that's what I call a serious battle.

...I have a chunk cotton candy, a creepy bird, a poisonous stomach, and a gecko with crappy attacks. I wouldn't call that a serious battle at all. Now back to adventure:


Episode 3-1: The path splits

We got a couple fresh new members on the team after a little grinding session (Beedrills are such good things to grind on). Sparkplug the Manectric, Scotty the Herdier/Stoutland, Moonshine the Ursarang, and Jack the Spoink. Shaggy and Mickey decide it's all good in the hood and continue to stay in Alice's party. Shaggy will get box for Corey because he's kind of useless there with only Body Slam to work with. Now to face Taka:

Vs Taka:

This battle is really hard, like really, really hard. I started out with Shaggy who poisoned that annoying Lileep. He decided to keep hitting himself being confused (which is bad as I didn't have any healing items). He then switched to Klefki so I sent out Mickey. The rain gave me such a huge advantage as Mickey could heal off the Foul Play as well as dish off a ton with Water Pulse/Brine. That Klefki managed to put up a Reflect before going down (which is bad considering...Tangrowth is a tanklord). Tangrowth came out next so I sent Jack out to confuse it. It decided to go with Growth then Giga Drain, but Jack survived and used a Psych up. It managed to get two hits in which really, really hurt that Tangrowth like 2/3rds its HP hurt. Next, I decided to put Kawaii bear in and he survived a crit hit Sludge Bomb to KO that pulse with two Slashes. Next came out Chatot who Shaggy barely managed to survive a Boomburst from to poison it with a Toxic. Manectric came out an nailed it with a thunder fang, but the poison caused Chatot to faint after Oneshotting Sparkplug with Boomburst.

Kawaii bear is so awesome...I just wish it wasn't so slow. Anyways, Taka and Zel are up next and the fight...wasn't as hard (I also had Stoutland this go around):

Vs Taka and Zel:

So I decided to lead with Shaggy and Manectric this time. Glaceon's Icy Wind hits so hard (again, regretting not being able to buy Super Potions) but Manectric hits back with Thunder Fang to paralyze it. Shaggy poisons the Lileep with Toxic and that thing is so annoying. The next turn Manectric and Shaggy finish Glaceon off with T-Fang and Sludge, but Manectric falls victim to a Mega Drain. I decided to bring Stoutland in and switch Shaggy for Ursurang. That Espeon almost manages to go down with a Crunch, but manages to land a Psybeam on Ursurang. The next turn it dies to Crunch, and Ursurang nails Lileep hard with a Feint Attack.

Next came out Jolteon, but he wasn't going to last after being nailed by Slash and Take Down, but it did almost KO Stoutland with a Charge Beam before dying. The only problem now was that both my Pokemon were confused by Confuse Ray. Next, Umbreon came out, but both my Pokemon pulled through and nearly killed it. Lileep was then healed up. The next turn that Umbreon died (though I can't remember what happened exactly). Next game out Pulse Growth, but the duo just nailed on that thing so hard with Crunch in Slash it was down in almost an instant. Gligar was next so I sent Pelipper back out. Again, don't remember what happened (I think it used Harden), but it didn't last long. Finally, Taka's Ace decided to come back out. Boomburst hurt like heck, but both my Pokemon survived letting me defeat that demon parrot once and for all.


So you'll be happy/sad to know I find Boomburst a little bit too strong so instead he's getting hyper voice (90 BP is not something to scoff at though). I'm still wondering why I ok'd that originally, but no matter. I'm also going to have to face Taka and Zel again for a second time, but this time Taka might have 5 or 4 Pokemon depending on the poll. That also means 2 times the Corey in the house.

The Team so far:


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Taka was a pain for me too, Basically, Chatot was either KO him before or just take boomburst in the face xD

Grats you could passed both, but yeah, Taka Zel is surprisingly easier than Taka Alone, dont see why.

So i voted for Corey also, and to be honest, i didnt find anything Broken in the corrosive mist field.

Sure, Corey was the worst battle i had in the hardcore run, but each pokemon isn't broken itself, the whole team is a pain because you lose pokemons in the process ^^

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I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that I didn't really need to edit Corey's team that much. All I did was give some slight buffs to his weaker Pokemon like evolving Trubbish, bulking Swalot, etc. I tested Victreebel and Ariados, but those two didn't work out too well. As for Toxicroak, Kiki has one so I don't feel so bad leaving it out and I don't think it would really help Corey's pretty solid team. The bad news is a dun goofed so you only get to see Mist Corey. I'll do field Corey if I ever do a monotype run. Now to the battle:


Episode 3-E: The Wrath of Corey

One think I did right in the fight is capture the feelings of Corey in the battle. He's not holding back and he's watching to see you suffer. Anyways, the battle starts out with Manectric using Discharge nearly killing Qwilfish in exchange for a powerful Bubblebeam. Corey then heals his Pokemon to only be KO'd by Discharge, but Manectric dies to poisoning. I decided to send out Creepy Bird, but he sent out his Scolipede which was the greatest evil on his team for me. I switched into Numel while he missed Rock Tomb. The next turn it used Rock Tomb while Numel used Lavaplume for a double KO. Now I had to handle is normal field...which the chip damage is still dangerous.

I predicted Nidoqueen this time so I sent out Pelipper who took quite a few blows from that Nidoqueen's Ice Punches (yes, it has Ice Punch now). It was in the KO range when Skuntank came out. I had to switch into Scotty who dented that monster with a Take Down, but was ended by two Night Slashes. Kawaii bear came in and KO'd it. Next came out Swalot (I think...doesn't matter too much) and thankfully it was Ice Beam happy as Venoshock did about 1/3rd of my health. I had to chip its HP down with Slashes between heals, but Kawaii bear lived with 10HP after one last Slash. Thank the lord it didn't use Acid Armor.

Next came out Nidoqueen again so I had to heal Pelipper before finishing it off with a Brine. Next came out his Ace, Crobat...and all I had left was a Pelipper in red, an Ursurang who couldn't even be switched out, and a Grumpig named Jack...things weren't looking too good. Jack came back for another round against the Crobat (I lost here on my third attempt). It used Nasty Plot (which is scary) while Jack confused it with Confuse Ray. Thankfully, it hit itself twice so that Jack could nail it in red ready for Mickey to knock it out with a quick attack...suddenly sitrus berry. Crobat regained its senses and nailed Jack with a bloody Venoshock...but Jack survived and finished it off with a Psybeam (I was a bit surprised).


(Talk about sweet justice)

I guess Venoshock did activate because Air Slash did about 2/3rds of Grumpig's HP in a previous fight so Grumpig is really bulky. Giving Crobat Air Slash is also a Clever move seeing as his old field is more useful when it's just down to his ace for that chip damage. Field Corey is easier, but he's by no means a pushover and I really recommend fighting him in second runs (especially after the update).

As for the mascot, the votes are really close so but my vote doesn't count so Leon won...but Leon is going to be sitting out for a while (until Noel)...I guess this run will be mascotless then. I'll be bringing back a couple oldies and rotating a bunch of Pokemon to keep my levels low or within cap so you'll see some favorites in future episodes.

The (almost dead) team this Episode:


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Good job beating Corey ! I took the other field so i don't know much about that Corey you faced, but the poisoning field and Corey's team are scary x)

Jack performed a bulky performance, it surprised me aswell it could tank a nasty plot venoshock, but well, you should keep him for shelly's struggle bugs then :)

Looking forward the first double battle gym leader :)

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Good job beating Corey ! I took the other field so i don't know much about that Corey you faced, but the poisoning field and Corey's team are scary x)

Jack performed a bulky performance, it surprised me aswell it could tank a nasty plot venoshock, but well, you should keep him for shelly's struggle bugs then :)

Looking forward the first double battle gym leader :)

Actually, we faced the same team. What happened is that Lava Plume removes the field which is why it looked the way it does. It's probably confusing because the Corossive field (aka the non mist one) actually more nostalgic with his Haunter and "Trubbish" (Now a Garbodor) as a throwback to his old team.

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Well, so i wasn't mistaking when i didn't see any changes in the team, the final screen told me it was the other because the pig wasnt burned, so i assumed it ^^

But if you say there is haunted in the other, i'm glad i took the "hard one". Though you talked about the field change briefly, it didnt trigger my mind...

Well, i didnt see any change to apply to Corey's team, he was hard, but every single pokemon weent a pain, the whole team was. I liked Corey ^^

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