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Fixing it up (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Playthrough)


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I had to vote Julia because I didn't get a chance to fight the revamped other versions.

Blissey should not be here. El is sure to have Blissey as it is the most incredible tank known to walk the pokearth.

I like that you beat Serra while her field was still up. Abusing Mirror Coat to boost your own evasiveness was also genius.

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I had to vote Julia because I didn't get a chance to fight the revamped other versions.

Blissey should not be here. El is sure to have Blissey as it is the most incredible tank known to walk the pokearth.

I like that you beat Serra while her field was still up. Abusing Mirror Coat to boost your own evasiveness was also genius.

Honestly, El is going to be a complete mystery until we fight him. Smeargle and Ditto were his aces (Ditto will likely be his true Ace) and Snorlax has appeared in one of the Betas. It's more likely he'll have Eviolite Chansey since it tanks way more hits...but again, El is very mysterious since he only appeared very early in the League days. Noel I can at least reference old Pokemon of his and I'll probably only pick Blissey IF Clefable is dropped. That's a big IF.

Now here's how the Poll works: I take a look at what people voted for and test Pokemon to see how well they function. Let's look at Florinia for example. The polls had a tremendous turnout for Axing Ferroseed and Gourgeist won the poll for the addition. If it weren't for the Poll, I probably would've tried Whimy out and axed Grotle thinking Ferroseed had to be required.

The other thing to note is that vote numbers aren't so important. If a Pokemon wins only by one vote, the other Pokemon is/are still in the running. Generally, my final decision is to usually go for the less popular, more ignored Pokemon to give it some attention. I can't really say anything about this poll since many votes are so close. Like there's 6 candidates in the running right for two spots.

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The poll is up but tomorrow expect Noel to be up and ready (also, I despise Cinccinos...why you gotta make testing hard?) Let's get this update on the road:

Episode 9-1: Why So Sirius?

I'm going to give an honorable mention to the orderly battle right before Sirius. That fight is quite difficult and in the olden days, I believe you didn't get healed beforehand (regardless thank god they heal you because that Sirius fight is HARD! It's really good grinding if you need it though. Also, I did an original test of Sirius that I barely one and was quite satisfied with his team...except I realized Manectric's attack stat sucks. I mean really sucks so I changed his moveset into all special based meaning...I had to go through that all again. I also gave Seviper a bit of a buff as well so hopefully that'll feel a bit more menacing.

Vs Sirius

So that battle started out with Chandelure against Jack the Grumpig. I then switched out to Stoutland to avoid a Shadow Ball. Given the thing is Scarfed (you didn't hear this from me) He tried Shadow balling for a turn before switching out to Hitmontop...arguably the most painful member on his team. I switched backed to Jack who confused it with Confuse Ray to avoid a Sucker Punch then he switched back into Chandelure after it got into the red from healing. I think I had Creepy Bird take it out with Hydro Pump (or was it Jack...it's hard to keep track of the minor stuff).

Next came out Sirius's Mega, Manectric. Thank the lord he played dumb and used HP on Venomoth, but Venomoth just had to miss sleep powder then and there before dying to a flame burst. I then tried setting up a Quiver Dance with Shing (Lilligant), but that thing outspeed the next turn and killed her with Flame Burst. Hooray for stupidity. I don't know how but Pumba (Emboar) decided to come in and KO'd the demon with Head Smash or something. I just know he tanked to T-bolt or two strong attacks before KOing it.

Next came out Hitmontop...again, but then he switched out to Porbopass which Psybeam chipped. That Probopass is no laughing matter as it was able to finish Jack off (it always puts a big ding in my team). Pumba came out and finished it off with a Super Power. Creepy Bird does what he does and finished Hitmontop off with Air Cutter before Honchkrow came out. I let Creepy Bird die so that Stoutland could come in and hit it hard with Retaliate. It just barely lives the attack (Stoutland outspeeding something? IKR?) and both die to its brave bird attack ending the battle.


(For once I agree with you, Sirius. I couldn't handle another battle after that).

Picture of the team:


The Mega Steelix battle really isn't worth mentioning honestly. It can tank attacks, but that's about it. Creepy Bird knocked it down to half rather easily with Hydro Pump. As for Pulse Abra, I'm like the only person who thinks that fight is actually not that hard. I beat it with Countdown's Explosion and two Sucker Punches from Curse (Spiritomb). Heck, I still had 3 other Pokemon who could take it down. Though I did nerf it afterwards to 65 so that special tanks could survive it more or less. Also, I thought the Meteor Grunts were way harder than the Abra (seriously, I wiped twice trying to get to the Pulse).

But yeah, the I completely underestimated Sirius's competency. He's actually kind of tough, not Sigmund levels though and Sigmund is lower leveled than he is.

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First congratz in your run, and Abra is not that hard mostly because of those lost turns with Hyper Beam, if you sack a pokémon then you can easily destroy it.

So what do you say is the harder path? Sirius w/ Cain and then Sigmund or Sigmund w/ Cain and then vs Sirius alone?

Also, about Noel, what is your idea? In my opinion Mega Audino is probably the worst normal mega, MKangaskhan is awesome but I'll probably go w/ MLopunny for type variety.

Also, don't touch Clefable, it's Noel most famous pokémon because of Nomos and it wouldn't feel right without it, for the other pokémon Scarf/Specs Exploud, Band/Scarf Diggersbytho (Or SD w/ Quick Attack?) and troll Blissey (Toxic, Seismic Toss, Wish, Protect) could be good ideas.

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First congratz in your run, and Abra is not that hard mostly because of those lost turns with Hyper Beam, if you sack a pokémon then you can easily destroy it.

(maniacal laugh)

As for the Sigmund Sirius fights. In Yuriev, Sigmund hands down is the better battle. He uses that field effect to his advantage, but due to the 12v6, he's not that difficult. If you fought him alone, he'd be one of the hardest fights in the game because he's that good. Sirius...is kind of weak in doubles especially with those numbers. What made him hard in earlier releases was Gen III type doubles instead of Gen IV (meaning you send out a Pokemon after one faints pronto instead of end of turn).

The cove battles are quite more difficult to say which one is harder. I'd probably have to say Sigmund out of personal bias since he's one of my favorite characters and his levels are lower than Sirius to help balance it. Both are good and tense fights if you wish to choose it. Trust me, Sirius would be way harder if you weren't healed inbetween the orderly fights because those Orderlies are kind of good.

As for the Megas and new Pokemon, in-game and competetive are two different things. Meaning what's good competetively may not be here. Choicing a Loudred would more or less make it a suicidal Pokemon just to dish out chip damage (Like Fern's Scizor or Sirius's Chandelure) as AI switching is not at competitive level...meaning many choices would not be so good. I do have two different set changes for Noel one for two different Mega options. Mega Kanga isn't as OP as people think, but he's on the wait until El's Mega appears list before including. If Noel is seen as too strong, I'll use the other Mega instead since it wasn't as insanely strong (I picked this one since it screws with your field effect strategies).

And about Noel's Clefable, I did that to see how much people are against this rule breaker Pokemon. I though it'd get a zero vote so the results actually surprised me a bit. I might actually make a post about it in Reborn City since it really is strange. The only reason I would ever consider dropping a Leader's Ace is if there's a big upset or a huge vote (like 10-12 votes big).

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The Mega Steelix battle really isn't worth mentioning honestly. It can tank attacks, but that's about it. Creepy Bird knocked it down to half rather easily with Hydro Pump. As for Pulse Abra, I'm like the only person who thinks that fight is actually not that hard. I beat it with Countdown's Explosion and two Sucker Punches from Curse (Spiritomb). Heck, I still had 3 other Pokemon who could take it down. Though I did nerf it afterwards to 65 so that special tanks could survive it more or less. Also, I thought the Meteor Grunts were way harder than the Abra (seriously, I wiped twice trying to get to the Pulse).

But yeah, the I completely underestimated Sirius's competency. He's actually kind of tough, not Sigmund levels though and Sigmund is lower leveled than he is.

Speak for yourself, that pulse abra refused to use hyper beam on my team, and it one shot all of my pokemon. I couldn't even outspeed it with a sand rush excadrill, surprisingly.

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Speak for yourself, that pulse abra refused to use hyper beam on my team, and it one shot all of my pokemon. I couldn't even outspeed it with a sand rush excadrill, surprisingly.

That's 'cause it doesn't have hyper beam. I'm aware it can one shot most things unless under a light screen so seeing as it's giving people way too much trouble (even though there's like two focus sashes available) I lowered it to 65...now 60. That should let a lot of things barely survive if they have bulk though Psychic can kill still. If that still is too troublesome, I'll nerf it's attacks or Level 100 max defenses HYPER BEAMS.

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Okay so here's kind of a strange little situation with Noel. The poll votes for the Mega were really close (technically Lopunny was the winner by one single vote), but after testing a different one won me over because it was strong, but shouldn't be OP after an insane nerf. I do have two completely different teams designed to make use of the field effect. If this one isn't really enjoyed or not up to par, I will use the other one instead, but it's based on a split physical and special attackers type deal.

As for the poll results, I'll tell you what: Since El is a future fight (we will face him) I will come back to this when he is released and then reconsider poll results especially due to an unknown Mega and Pokemon. I like to promote variety which is why I try to avoid dupes to make some Pokemon stand out (I've actually nearly used all Poison types for example). So yeah, don't fret about this as it's not final. I just wanted to amp up the difficulty a bit. The other issue is that I don't have a lot of excess EVs to help with difficulty adjustments here as I try to not take away from evs other than from the non attacking stat (removing Physical for special attackers). With that out of the way let's get onto the Noel episode and as a bonus Fern too!


Episode 8/9: Field Effects Galore

Vs Noel:

The battle starts off with my least favorite Pokemon in the world...Cincinno. Since I couldn't afford to take hits, I had Grim Will-O-Wisp it in what had to be the longest most annoying stall battle of my life. Like the ultra potions were about to kill me long but at least all the dangerous stuff is out of the way. Porygon Z came out next and stupid me sent out Foxy the Leafeon (I didn't know what it was going to evolve into, okay?) It was stupid because I just let that thing raise its attack. Anyways Pory nailed Foxy hard with a Tri Attack and Foxy hit rather hard back with leaf blade. I don't remember if this was the run where she got burned or not, but the salt was real in that one. Foxy then did chip damage from quick attack before dying. Thankfully Manectric came in and finished it off with Discharge. He then was going to send in Staraptor which confused me, but then I realized when the darn thing outspeed me with a Double-Edge (So Edgy). Manectric barely held on and hit the bird hard with Discharge to one shot it. Next came out the Majestic Bird Jesus so I sent in Sunshine. Sunshine actually put in work this fight by tanking two Hurricanes and finishing it off with a Stone Edge and a Rock Slide Combo. Even got through the confusion which I'm thankful for.

The next Pokemon out was Sawsbuck which Pumba barely lived a return and one-shotted it with a Flamethrower. Pumba's Flamethrowers are strong so even as a neutral type attack it probably wouldn't have lived...especially with blaze activated. I'm not super happy with Sawsbuck's performance, but it's the best I can do with what I have and he does the job decently. Probably the weakest member on the team. Next, we have Noel's Ace, Clefable. Truthfully, this was a bit anticlimatic as Grim confused it before dying and Hudson kind of destroyed that Clefable with two Sludge Waves. Hooray for confusion hax! Hopefully you guys like Noel's team, but if it doesn't deliver...Mega Bunny will be coming to town in the final release. Unlike Bird Jesus, the bunny didn't need a nerf. Here's a pic of that Mega in action:


(This is the pre-nerf which almost could sweep my whole team outside of Solrock...though Solrock didn't like those hits. It was also a Windy Day. DON'T FIGHT NOEL ON A WINDY DAY!)

Pic of team:



Vs Fern

I'm going to put this one is a spoiler too as a couple minor things happened. I realized one of the most hilarious things during a test run. I have no idea how nobody found this out, but Mega Sceptile is actually not part dragon. I managed to fix that for the next release though. I gotta start writing these things down in the bug reporting thread. Still can't believe nobody tried using a fire attack on it until I did.

So Fern now has his Ludicolo back and that thing is as painful as ever. Seriously, if you don't one shot or outspeed it, you're in for a bad day. I had leafeon severely weaken it with leaf blade before being nailed hard by Giga Drain. Seriously, that did like half of Leafeon's health before she KO'd it. Next came out the big bad Krookodile who hit Hudson hard with EQ, but Hudson striked back with Earth Power before dying. Leafeon came out and finished the croc off with Leaf Blade. Next came out Scizor, but Flamethrower from Nala made it a dead Scizor...honestly, I have nothing better to put on Fern's team otherwise I would.

Now is the triple threat. Nala was able to take down Mega Sceptile thanks to Focus Miss letting her KO it. Next came out Serperior who did quite the damage with Dragon Pulse, but Nala took it down. I decided change Pokemon and had Creppy bird come in and wreck havoc with Roserade by almost one shotting it with Hurricane. Unfortunately, Creepy Bird wasn't able to get away with this one so I healed Nala while the bird went down. Nala then finished the Roserade off with flamethrower.

Pic of team after the battle:


(Hmm...I don't actually remember what Pumba did...and I struggled more with that battle then I thought I did. Oh well! Lord Ludilolo is back and better than ever before!)

I'm going to have one last poll up for the final adjustments before 1.9 is released.

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That mega on Noel is awkward, but it fits well with his team. Sawbuck is dangerous if you can't check it. I would suggest dropping it for Pyroar so Noel can take advantage of a fire field. Another option is Stoutland, which should be able to survive better than Sawsbuck. For sure the keepers of the team are Flincchino, Pory Z, Clefable, and a mega, leaving Sawsbuck and Staraptor replacable.

As for the non-dragon typing, I didn't even know it was part dragon. I figured it was just a supped up Sceptile. Had I known, I would have thought twice when Woe fought it on route 1.

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That mega on Noel is awkward, but it fits well with his team. Sawbuck is dangerous if you can't check it. I would suggest dropping it for Pyroar so Noel can take advantage of a fire field. Another option is Stoutland, which should be able to survive better than Sawsbuck. For sure the keepers of the team are Flincchino, Pory Z, Clefable, and a mega, leaving Sawsbuck and Staraptor replacable.

As for the non-dragon typing, I didn't even know it was part dragon. I figured it was just a supped up Sceptile. Had I known, I would have thought twice when Woe fought it on route 1.

I did a test and Noel will rarely ever send out Mega Pidgeot (he originally had two birds which is probably why it doesn't feel awkward to me) until right before Clefairy which is exactly what I want. The thing about Pidgeot though is that it can clear the field back with Hurricane which it probably will do. In a perfect world, I would give Noel Mega Kangaskhan because that's what fits him perfectly, but it's very possible El is going to get one. As for Pyroar, that's my option in case I go with Lopunny because it helps balance his team out. Lopunny is just a little bit stronger than Sawsbuck due to typing.

As for Stoutland...I actually kind of forgot about that WHEN I HAVE ONE ON MY TEAM! I suppose it could work if I need something to be adjusted. As for Staraptor, that thing is staying due to it being a hard hitter (you faced it when it had intimidate instead of reckless). Likely this team is going to get changed in a future episode, but I kind of would like people to test this team out before scrapping it since it's kind of fun to face.

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Oh God... the more I read this the more I'm scared when I face problems in early battles.

Like, yes, the good catches for me will come... but most of them are in Agate and beyond so probably all this part will be a pain.

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Noel's fight is pretty hell for me right now. I'm not sure what I need to do because I would need rain for his HP fires and flamethrowers(I hate that damn lickylicky) to not kill all of my important pokes like excadrill, torterra, and mamoswine, but then I need sand in order for excadrill to sweep, so at the moment, I'm just thinking. The weird thing is I can't really set rocks up on the first turn because bullet seeds says no to my sturdy golem, and also kills my claydol. It's gonna be a tough fight.

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Noel's fight is pretty hell for me right now. I'm not sure what I need to do because I would need rain for his HP fires and flamethrowers(I hate that damn lickylicky) to not kill all of my important pokes like excadrill, torterra, and mamoswine, but then I need sand in order for excadrill to sweep, so at the moment, I'm just thinking. The weird thing is I can't really set rocks up on the first turn because bullet seeds says no to my sturdy golem, and also kills my claydol. It's gonna be a tough fight.

This confuzzled me for a moment because he's not that much stronger than pre-nerf noel who was kind of hard. My best advice is to get a Nidoking/Nidoqueen as Sludge wave will set the field into a corrosive one...which is important. Yeah rocks are good and all, but now you stopped his attack boosts and healing turns (as well as dent him a little with hazards). The other option is a burning field with Camerupts Lava Plume, but given you don't like fire...that'll be tricky. His lickilicky is quite slow but for a normal run he doesn't punish enough to make up for the lack of speed which is why Sawsbuck too its place. The field is more dangerous than helpful so getting rid of it should be top priority. If that's not enough, you could try a quick claw/miss RNG to dodge that Cincinno's attacks (and I didn't even touch that thing honestly).

Oh God... the more I read this the more I'm scared when I face problems in early battles.

Like, yes, the good catches for me will come... but most of them are in Agate and beyond so probably all this part will be a pain.

Good luck with Shelly because she is a wall on her field. Like, I tried making sure someone would have a hard time setting the field on fire type deal since I couldn't get Illumise to use rain dance (I think I might have a temp solution to fix it though as I think I knew enough on doubles AI).

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Wow, those progress are awesome, GGs man in one week you completely took over the run. You've done the hardest , the rest should be easier than the beginning since you can always catch new mons :)

Glad you still use Mickey the Pelipper though :3

Well, due too the long wall of text, i didnt fully read all details so, was Aya harder than Corey? I did REALLY have an hard time in doubles with her x)

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Alright, thanks commander, I'm currently in the process of breeding a few moves onto my hippowdown, and I didn't know that sludge wave did that, well, now it's time to go ahead and try that out after.

I've used both Nidos and I can honestly say they are both good. Dugtrio is another one I can recommend as almost nothing outspeeds it. Sure it doesn't have the world's greatest attack, but bulldoze can help you out. It saved my life on Charlotte. There's also Flygon who is probably going to be your best bet for a couple gyms down the line. Don't give up now because you've gotten very far.

I just wanna say I really like most of the changes that you've made with 1.8, aside from Shade feeling a bit too weak. Florinia can put up a good fight now, so you especially did a good job with her. Looking forward to 1.9.

Huh, that's a first. There's a lot that goes on with Shade. Some teams will think he's tough, others might be easy but I do appreciate mentioning something. I still have room to buff him, but I'd like a bit of feedback from people before polishing him again (I'd also fix that Gengar sprite while I'm at it because ugh it looks ugly). That'll probably be a E16 thing or something depending on if another popularity kick goes on.

Wow, those progress are awesome, GGs man in one week you completely took over the run. You've done the hardest , the rest should be easier than the beginning since you can always catch new mons :)

Glad you still use Mickey the Pelipper though :3

Well, due too the long wall of text, i didnt fully read all details so, was Aya harder than Corey? I did REALLY have an hard time in doubles with her x)

<----------- Is creator of this mod. If he doesn't know what he's doing, we're all screwed. If a certain tm was available like it was (cough Shadow Ball cough) I would've thought Aya was kind of easy, but no matter what, I usually lose about 2-3 pokemon a boss fight or pretty much everything but a single hit point for Solaris.

As for Mickey...I don't know how much longer he'll last as he's finally starting to fall. I'll try to keep him, but I think after Charlotte he's going to have to retire. Still 10 episodes is a good run for any Pokemon. And now we continue our adventure:


Episode 9-5: The Gambler vs the Chess Master

Okay so highlight of pre Cain would be that some idiot forgot to save their game and had to fight Fern all over again IN THE RAIN! Just imagine tears of fraustration as the Duck tree swept my team. The only thing that could survive is Hudson with 4 HP after an Ice Beam (scald killed). Not really going to do a log of that since the highlight was Ludicolo destroying me.

Vs Cain

Just a note: This might change but I did a bit to try and buff Cain up a little bit. Anyways, I'll make this a spoiler even though it's not a big one:

The battle started off Emboar vs Galvantula. Galvantula almost one shotted Emboar with Thunder before going down to a flamethrower. I like Galvantula, but that attack is weak...which is making me consider going the other route I had planned. Emboar is not that bulky either. Anyways Nido came out next and Mickey got one shotted by Sludge wave. Sir Robin (Gallade) had to come in and tanked a Sludge Wave eventually killing Nido off after two moomoo milks. Next came out Gengar, but I had Sir Robin stay in. I decided to have a bit of fun by then switching out to Nala who is immune to Shadow Ball. Seeing as it couldn't do anything. I had Nala use a Flamethrower on it to damage. He then switched into Muk who more or less killed Nala after tanking a couple Flamethrowers...(looks at pic) huh, I guess Nala oh right I remember now. I switched over to Hudson who KO'd Muk with two earth Powers.

Next came out Absol so I sent out Sir Robin. Sir Robin barely survived a Sucker Punch...activating Justice...combined with Close Combat made it for a bad day. I probably got the order of the Pokemon being switched mixed up a bit, but then came out Gengar so I sent out Manectric. One of the most Hilarious things happened. I decided to use Discharge, but the Gengar outsped and used Trick? which Discharge one shotted it. Next came out Samurott. You could probably imagine what a Specs boosted Discharge did to that thing.

Sorry if I don't remember it too well as it happened two days ago. As for this team, I might actually drop Galvantula in exchange for something else because it is not really hitting hard enough. That'll likely be for the finishing touches. The rest of his team is good though including Samurott despite how weak I made it look.

Pic of Team:



Skipping the El fight since I lost that. The only way I could win is if Judgement was NVE on Blastoise for Mirror Coat and Acreus used Shadow Ball on Gallade letting it KO with Close Combat. I kind of needed to lose since that'd allow me to explore both options on my test on non test run for what I think will be two different battles next episode.

Vs Radomus

Just imagine this the first two attempts. "Oh Radomus is easy!" (Gets swept twice)

So the battle started with Curse (Spiritomb) and Sir Robin using Nasty Plot and Swords Dance and Robin barely survived a Psychic and Strength combo. The next turn Robin outspeed his Gallade (it took me a minute to realize what was up). And A psycho cut and Dark Pulse left both his Pokemon in the red, but Gallade was taken down (they can't do nothing to spiritomb). Nidoking came out next and then this kind of went by fast as my Pokemon were kind of slaughtering his, but he managed to KO Nidoking while trying to hold his ground. Spiritomb was eventually taken down and by then he was down to Gardevoir and Slowing. Thankfully I had an amazing strategy of luck where I had Leonardo (Blastoise) use protect while he mega evolved Gardevoir and the gods were on my side as Discharge managed to paralyze that Gardevoir before Sparky was taken down by Psychic I believe. I sent out my Leafeon who was my last remaining pokemon excluding Leonardo and together they knocked the Gardevoir into the red zone and the Gardevoir hit itself to KO it. If that thing used Hyper Voice I would've been screwed because I don't think Blastoise could've lived it.

Radomus also didn't change that much other than fixing Gardevoir and Gallade's natures (they had a hindering speed nature originally). 1.9 will come out soon, but I have to do a couple more quick fixes before I do that. I decided to put Shadow Ball in a certain spot (I'm not telling you where) so that people who missed it can get it. Shade will have Shadow Ball only in the final release in 2.0.

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I agree Radomous is a solid team. However, I think a Discharge/EQ combo will still annihilate his team, but there's not much you could do about that other than putting an Exeggutor on the team (which would be great in a trick room environment) in place of Malamar or Slowking.

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I agree Radomous is a solid team. However, I think a Discharge/EQ combo will still annihilate his team, but there's not much you could do about that other than putting an Exeggutor on the team (which would be great in a trick room environment) in place of Malamar or Slowking.

Radomus's team is not bad. If I turned him back into the Calm Mind team from E10, he'd be a nightmare on the field, but this is a fight that will be a lot better when field effect AI is implemented. Still, I think it's the Psychic/Rock that hurts him. It's great for handling bug types, but now fighting types remain unchecked. If I didn't have Curse handling most of the mons, I would've had a hell of a time (that Gardevoir is scary). I like his team and it's definitely fun to fight after the level boost he needed.

I beat El with sand rush excadrill, 1 revive, and a sturdy golem and used EQ three times

I may give El the Solaris treatment down the line depending on how important the choices you make are. IIRC I actually beat him on my test run rather easily it was kind of pitiful. It actually is probably going to help more than hurt down the road losing this battle to work on future episode fights.


I also wanted to make an annoucement that 1.9 is out. I'm just going to list all the changes that have occured since 1.8 here.

-Aster and Eclipse received a small nerf for episode 1

-Kiki received a small buff

-Taka on Azurine Island got a bit of a team change

-Cain in the Wasteland recieved a small nerf

-Sirius received a buff in the orphanage fight

-Pulse Abra received a large level nerf

-Noel got a team change for a buff

-Fern regained his Ludicolo on Route 1

-Mega Sceptile's typing and sprite have been fixed

-The TM in the wasteland is now Secret Power

-Cain received a slight team change (different from the fight show above)

-Radomus received a slight buff

-The TM Shadow Ball has temporarily been placed somewhere in the game

-Evolved and level adjusted some trainers' Pokemon

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Oh yeah, if you make exceptions on Shadow Ball I call the same treatment for Calm Mind. Before EP15 the last episode I played was EP10 and Radomus gave that gem. But in the RNG run I got the not so good Trick Room, Calm Mind is way better and give so much options for a lot of Special Sweepers.

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Oh yeah, if you make exceptions on Shadow Ball I call the same treatment for Calm Mind. Before EP15 the last episode I played was EP10 and Radomus gave that gem. But in the RNG run I got the not so good Trick Room, Calm Mind is way better and give so much options for a lot of Special Sweepers.

Make it hidden somewhere post Luna like the Beldum or Yuyeru key events.

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Radomus was actually really easy for me. But, to be completely fair, I have an excadrill that completely swept his team. Then it got KO'd because I couldn't kill slowbro/king(I can't remember) in one hit. Anyway, you should probably think about adding something like a Sigilyph to his team with flame orb, magic guard, cosmic power, stored power, psycho shift, and roost sort of set. I think that would do pretty well instead of his Slowbro/king.

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Oh yeah, if you make exceptions on Shadow Ball I call the same treatment for Calm Mind. Before EP15 the last episode I played was EP10 and Radomus gave that gem. But in the RNG run I got the not so good Trick Room, Calm Mind is way better and give so much options for a lot of Special Sweepers.

Make it hidden somewhere post Luna like the Beldum or Yuyeru key events.

I'm going to say a big no to that one. If add a TM, another must be gotten rid of. It makes sense for Shade to have Shadow Ball considering most of his Pokemon use it, but only a couple of Radomus's use Calm Mind (I think one) and only one pokemon learns Trick Room via level up. I don't think it's fair for trick room lovers. (is trick room lover himself...and thinks trick room is the second best TM available right now). Quite a few psychic types learn Calm Mind level up anyways so I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Radomus was actually really easy for me. But, to be completely fair, I have an excadrill that completely swept his team. Then it got KO'd because I couldn't kill slowbro/king(I can't remember) in one hit. Anyway, you should probably think about adding something like a Sigilyph to his team with flame orb, magic guard, cosmic power, stored power, psycho shift, and roost sort of set. I think that would do pretty well instead of his Slowbro/king.

If I wanted to make Radomus a super hard fight, I would've given him his singles Calm Mind team, but you can't really call him Radomus then. Most people at that point of the game don't have an excadrill which is like saying all the leaders are super easy in reborn after picking Blaziken. I agree he's on the weaker side of leaders due to being screwed of Trick Room, but somehow it works.

As for Sigilyph, it'd be more likely to spam Stored Power then try to use any of those moves so...that's a no. AI does not like stall or setting up if you couldn't tell.

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As for Sigilyph, it'd be more likely to spam Stored Power then try to use any of those moves so...that's a no. AI does not like stall or setting up if you couldn't tell.

Yeah, I forgot about how the AI really doesn't like stall, even though I think that if he used Trick Room correctly(or at all), he would definitely be a better fight.

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