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Breeding advice


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Hey guys

I did the ralts event in rejuvenation and i got a male ralts , thats fine and all cus i want a gallade so il do that when dawn stone is avaliable but thats not my problem.

Im trying to breed the now male kirlia with ditto to get a female ralts . So far however both offspring have been male. I read somewhere that ditto and x pokemon only make pokemon of the same gender as x pokemon is that true or a myth?

for now im going to breed the kirlia with a different female pokemon and see what happens but i just wanted to get advice on whether Ditto can make both genders or only the same gender as dittos partner, thanks for any help/advice in advance

OH geez i double posted !! i already got warned about this shit too

Edited by Gardevoir4president
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Yes i know it can be male but i want a female one. so when the first one was male i was just like oh well gallade is cool too. okay so i misunderstood what doubleposting is I should be okay. anyway thanks for confirming the ditto both genders thing . i decided to pare litwick and kirlia while i waited for replies hopefully this one is female

Edited by Gardevoir4president
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